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In desperate need of help .... (Ravindran Kesavan ji or any other senior member)

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you seems to suffer by guilt even when you contemplate your action. That means you have full knowledge that you are doing something wrong. Your strategy, that "let me commit the sin first and then appeal to god for forgiveness" wont work. Isint it? think of it. Are you not trying to fool god by this strategy. God will wipe off your sin only if you commit it out of your innocence not if you plane your strategy like this. Right?



Dear Ravindran Sir,


Thank you for your comments and advice. It sure helps to gain insight. What I'm curious though is about another point you raised - am I committing a sin here? If I get what I desire through some person (let's not call him tantric anymore) who can do the job for me through some technique (it could be tantra or some other thing, since we don't know),

is that a sin?


The intention is never to fool god. I consider god as my mother. And, I never intend to fool my mother. For instance, when I pray to goddess Durga, I ask her to fulfill my desire the same way I would ask my biological mother. I address her as amma, just as I call my mother and use the same, simple language, word-for-word. And, my understanding is that a mother forgives her child, regardless of whether the child makes a mistake with full knowledge or ignorantly.


That said, now do you feel your statement that "let me commit the sin first and then appeal to god for forgiveness won't work" is still holds, given my explanation above.

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Dear Ravikishore,


I know you are desperare to fullfill your desire, and you will do anything to get it. There is guilt in you for certain and that is why you are seeking advise to resolve the gilt. My advise in this kind of situation is simple. Do not do anything which involve guilt. It will never let you live a peaceful life. Even when you seems to be peaceful mostly, it will come back at time of misery at time of your sickness and at your time of death. It will claim you badly. So dont do anything whith a guilt feeling. Your present struggle is this only. You are trying to ward of your guilt, so that you can go ahead with action But once entered your mind guilt will never leave, even if some one assures you there is no sin. Because that is someone's else assurance. Not your own conviction. (If you are convinced you will not seek advise).


My second advise to you is that people who claim power and advetise are not the really powerful ones. They cannot solve your problem. Truely powerful peoplre are extreemly rare, and they keep their knowledge to themselves - not advertise it, not sell it. There is no point in trying to solve your problem with a 'professional tantric'. True tantrics are supposed to keep their knowledge as well as their idendity a secret. It is a law in tantric discipline. A genune tantric is never known to the world.


Of course you can get the information, mantra and procedures from books. Many who claim that they are tantrics are of this veriety. They have picked up from books and are making a business out of that. It will not work. One needsa siddha guru for genune power. The knowledge should come from the original Sva who is the first guru in unbroken lineage. If this is not the case, there is no siddhi. And if this is the case, the receiver of this wisdom is supposed to keep it a secreat, only to be revealed to a worthy deciple at the time of initiation. No one else would know such a tantric guru. And such a siddha will not use knowledge commercially.


The only posibility of your gaining any advantage of such tantrac siddha, is by luck you happen to meet one of them, which is extreemly rare chance - lesser than the probability of your winning a huge sum by lottery- and that siddha by just mercy, decide to solve your problem. In that case the siddha will do it free not taking anything from you in turn.


What I am saying is not just an opinion. I have solid basis for what I say. Both tantric texts and my own personal experience support what I am saying.


Hence my sinsire advise is dont waste your time money in seeking tantric's healp. You only will be cheeted and frustrated. Turn to god and pray and leave it to god's decision.


But I know this advise will not be nice and sweet. You will try your best inspite of this and learn by your own experience. However, I thought it is fair enough to state what I wanted to state without any ambiguity at this point of time.


Take life easy. Success or failure both are good -failure is much better even. As the sufis put it: " Do love . If you succeed well and good you got your beloverd. If you fail well and good you become a saint. ( you get god as your beloverd).




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Dear Ravikishore,


I have the scaned document in PDF format of the Telepathic tric (How to exactly know what someone has written in a slip of paper). But I am unable to upload this material in to this forum. The upload action fails. In case you want to have a look at it, I can send youi by email . That is if you are particular to know about it. Otherwise you can forget it. It is just a clever trick.




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Dear Ravikishore,


I have send the Telepathic magic to your email address. The material only contains a few ways to perform the tric there are many different methods to do it. (I have a whole book on it). I dont know which method the person you talked about employs. But the material will give you the basics of such tricks. You can fundamentally understand what the person is doing.




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Dear Ravikishore,

Today, you will find more women than men, approaching black magicians to get (back) their love by any means (vashikaran). Needless to say, one should not indulge in black magic to harm others blindly without even knowing its consequences. It is duty of every human being to point out the mistake of others to help him stop from suffering.

What if a dark skinned ugly girl wish to marry you and resort to black magic, which you are trying right now. Will you be happy, if she is successful ? It seems you are a very selfish man who is not fit to achieve moksha, instead you may find yourself trapped in the vicious circles of your sins. God forbid, these tantriks are capable of taking undue advantage of the situation (all that you provided).

Flowing water with force without borders of limitation, can cause destruction. By using black magic etc., you cannot be able to live a happy married life. Instead, you need to adopt fair means of approaching her directly/indirectly and express your feelings. If you are already rejected, then it is not correct that you resort to evil tricks. "One should not adopt a foul means to achieve a desired end, however covetable that end may be". We cannot force others to believe adharma, they have to understand themselves. What is sin for others may not be sin for you today until you taste the consequence.

The house becomes a hell when there is no religious unity between husband and wife. If the husband is religious, the irreligious wife does not allow him to study religious books, to sit in meditation, to visit holy places of pilgrimage, to practise Brahmacharya and to have Satsanga with great souls. There can be always quarrels in the house between husband and wife. The husband can be no peace of mind even though he earns a decent sum and has got all the earthly comforts. It is better to dwell in the midst of Asuric women like Tataka in the forest than to remain in the company of such horrible women who disturb the peace of the house.


Some have taken Sannyasa on account of the bad behaviour of their wives and their hindrance to Yogic practices at home. If they allowed their husbands to continue their practices and helped them, they would have remained in the Grihastha Ashram.


It is important to regard married life in its correct perspective and recognize its sanctity, spirituality and divinity. This is the way to joy, peace and blessedness. This is the secret of spiritualising all your activities and living Yoga in daily life. Thus the home-life will become the gateway to immortality, spiritual perfection and divine realisation. Verily, Grihasthashrama, when it is rightly understood and nobly lived, becomes the great portal to eternal blessedness and liberation.

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  • 7 months later...

Dear Ravindran


Can you please guide me to learn tantric sidhis


1.Success in life,Wealth

2.Vashikarna,UCHCHATTAN, STAMBHAN, Asta digbandan

3.Baglamuki sidhi


please guide me to get success in life.









Dear Admananda,


If you specify what kind of powers you are seaking, I can accordingly perscribe the texts.

It is easy with a guru. If you dont have a guru you need to first seek Siva as your guru and please him. Otherwise mere text book knowledge will not help.




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Dear Dhruva,


People with the power to influcience minds of others like what you have described are extreemy rare and such powers are not a joke that any Tom Dick and Harry could get. It requires rigorous spiritual discipline and those who succed in gaining such powers are very spritual people. The are not the people who would herrase any one.


Aghoris too are very highly developed spiritual people, inspite of the popular misconception and fear about them. I dont think they are the cause of missery of your family. Besides After all your father was only serving them , is int it? why will they go againt your father or your family? In fact they should only be protecting your family.


Siva mantra is a fine mantra and Lord Siva only will prodect the bhaktas form all evils. It will never hatrm the chanter. (Lord Siva is not an ordinary god ,my friend, he is a high - very high - god. Not a evil being or ghost)


My diagnosis from your discription of your and your sisters problem is that it it is not likely that you and your sister are victimised by anybody from outside. Such attackes are common in many women ( Psychological theories describe them in texts and is called hysterical dreams- I am a psychologist by training). It is products of her own unconcious mind. There is nothing to worry. You need to understand them in the right perspective. Nothing elce to be done. Many women get such dreems. They are just dreams. Dont attach too much meaning to it. Take it cool and ignore it. When she ultimately gets married these dreams will stop automatically.






Women have powerful minds I agree. But when a person is used for black magic gain you have to give better advice than this. You are as you say a professional. I live far away from India, I am married and I had black magic used on me. I pray, cry and am now very ill. I am a young beautiful woman. I have no one to help me. This woman needs protection, physical, emotional and spiritual. DO NOT UNDER-ESTIMATE THE POWERS OF DARKNESS. It is real unfortunately. It is the balance to the LIGHT.


So. big brother protect your sister and get her away from there.


love and blessings



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@All ->

Sorry i havent read the whole history/thread. I am just trying to clarify few Facts.


Dont take me wrong!

Once BM is done, cant be reverted by others!

It can only be reverted back by the do'er of that BM.




it can be passed onto someone other by tatic! (Still screws your karma.. dont dare)


Remember there is only one remedy for BM becomes ineffective ->

Take anusthan of any one of the Dus Mahavidya. Its the only good easy remedy i have seen working for people!

Works & works marvelous!


Other method are dangerous & hard to do ->

e.g. Person has to attain siddhi of some other bigger & stronger -ve force (booth, pisach) for self (This -ve force has to be atleast 10times stronger then the existing one). Then she/he can command these siddhi to remove these BM which is done on self & target other.

I know its seems so stupid why to target others then? simple energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can be just transferred from one to other!


I told dont take me wrong! This is how things work in this world.

Its just like when you stand at seashore. You would have never imagined that there could be a world below that ocean. Unless you dive into tht ocean, you cant realise!



Dhruv Bhura

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Hi bravo

Can u please ask lord shiva

I need Job desperately

please let me know where can i find gurus in AP to get spiritual knowledge.

please guide me to get some sidhis like healing.

please ask my GOD whether he will help me or not

please give me answer to my questions.


Thaks a lot






lord shiva said to go to banaras to the krim kunda shrine there you will learn the practicals of swacchanda tantra that is the first path you should take.

its a little distance from kamaccha temple.

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@ kundaliniyogi


When vishnu took aavtar in human form - RAM. Even he had to go through lot of pain!

14 yr of vanvass & Sita aapharan etc etc

Even though he was a god, Pain & suffering is mandatory for human. its a part & parcel of life.


If you ask everything in one plate, this would never happen. You would never succeed in any of your asking!


Sadhak never finds a Guru! Guru find a true Sadhak/disciple.

Your question reflects the reason behind finding a guru is temp gains.


Reminder - this is a test phase of your life. You need to pass this!



Dhruv Bhura

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  • 1 month later...
Guest love_alliance18

For dhruva029,


I believe your sister has some negative effects on her. I had myself seen strong evidences of such mis-happenings in front of me. I had known a very renowned hockey player of the Indian team. His career was on a fix when he all of a sudden with no specific causes of injury suffered immense pains in his legs. I can't mention the name of the player in here. He visited several doctors in India and abroad but none could come to his rescue.


Later a witch helped him restore everything at a nominal cost. The actual cause was tragic and he could have been uprooted if it would have lasted. He was being manipulated by one of his family members. The same could be the case with you and someone very close to you might be enjoying all this.

If you want the witch's location i can provide it to you within a short time.

Dhruv Bhuraji is very correct that black magic can only be reversed by the person who has done it. A witch or tantrik can only divert those energies.

I have personal reasons to believe this.

With Best Regards,


God Bless You!


Om Namah Shivaya!

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Guruji Pranam,


i am practising Swapneshwari sadhana since from 3 months.but still i did not attain sidhi.some of DHONGI sadhus told they will give me sidhi if i give them 6000rs.i have paid money to them , they have given me some yantras and DHOOP to get sidhi immidiately.but still i have not got sidhi.

Kindly kindly help me to get swapneshwari sidhi....Please tell me detail procedure...This will be biggest help ..


Waiting for reply...



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  • 4 weeks later...



Ravindram Kesavan ji ......I am a 23 years old gal madly in love with a guy .....We both had a very happy relationship and he loved me so much......and talked about our future togethr....however my life went topsy turvy...in jan 2009 when his parents started forcing him to marry a particular girl .....they are head over heals in awe of this girl.....and his mother started blackmailing him saying im a heart patient if u dont get engaaged and married to her ....i will die of grief and tension and blah blah blah.....now due to these circumstances he got a little averted towards me and stopped meeting a nd calling me less frequently....though whenever we met he used to be really loving and nice.....he hid all this from me for one or two months just thinking he might avoid or tackle the situation and would tell me later once everything is solved......but his parents wouldnt stop forcing him and havent till now...so he has finally decided to give into their desires.....he sometimes even contemplates moving out of the house howver they have a joint family business under his dad so he isnt able to take the stern step as his dad owns the entire business and property.....he has asked me to move on .....however he still states that he used to love me ...but cant help the pressure .......his parents are not ready to accept me as a possible bride over that girl..!! also as i was initially unaware of all these events I used to fight with him quite alot due to his change in attitude during this time...All this really made him drift apart from me......!! Now the case is such that he dosent want to marry anyone.....and is trying to avoid it.....however they will anyhow get him married......He really feels bad for me that I have to go through alll this pain and feels guilty ....however isnt stong enough to go against his parents and get married to me partly due to fall in affections as well...However he really like me crying and asks me to take care of myself repeatedly.... Though he is quite indifferent when i'm not calling or meeting him....but the moment we meet up he really mellows down and gets emotionally involved ...howver after 3 or 4 days he will be back to normal....I know for sure he still has a spark in his heart for me which ignites whenever he confronts me....!! However he still has doubts that i'm really truly in love with him and can make for an ideal wife....!!! Although he has already made a decision to move on whenever he meets me he gets confused...!!!


I HAVE BEEN PRAYING WHOLEHEARTEDLY...WITH PROFOUND FAITH ALMOST 24\7 TO GOD.....I HAVE OBSERVED FASTS.....GIVEN UP NON VEG FOR LIFE TIME AND I'M READY TO SACRIFICE ANYTHING TO GIVE HIM THAT TRUE PLEASURE..LOVE ...HAPPINESS HE IS LOOKING IN HIS LIFEPARTNER.....!!!!! HOWEVER GOD HASNT LISTENED TO ME YET........THINGS HAVENT IMPROVED A BIT BUT I'M STILL PRAYING TO ALMIGHTY...!!! BECAUSE HIS COMPANIONSHIP IS A NEED NOT PLEASURE.....i CANT SEEM TO FORGET HIM...AND WOULD DO ANYTHING TO MAKE HIM REALLY BELIEVE THAT SHE IS A GOOD WIFE......now initially i thought of using a vashikaran to get him back howver i thought i should rely more on god that all this.....Because even when things went worse somehow or the other i still got a ray oh hope ....so i thought god is just testing me and is a sign that he is listening to my prayer.....because whenever i thought now things are absolutely over between me and him...some positive would happen....!!! Howver i feel time has come when i shud actually go in for a vashikaran... because i alraedy have very less of it at my disposal...it may be that god is giving him back to me by way of tantra and mantra...I AM STILL PRAYING TO GOD AND WOULD CONTINUE DOING THAT.....along with vashikaran....!!! A family astrologer of ours...who is quite selfless and generous with his fees has said he could do it .....I genuinly justify my decision of going in for it because god knows my plight and how much i love him...it isnt a one sided selfish quest for possesion of a boy but a quest to get my lost love returned...!! Now this pandit ...(he isnt a complete tantric) says he would do a baglamuhki path...etc and quoted evidences where he has already done that sucessfully for genuine people...


Now I SERIOUSLY LOVE THIS GUY BUT DONT WANT TO TAME THIS GUY,POSSESES HIS MIND OR THWART HIS WISHES ETC.....just want him to agree for marriage...!!!! I DONT WANT TO HARM HIM AT ANY COST....WILL THIS influence his personality, habbits or change him in a ny way.....will this cause him any kind of mental dilemme or frustration...tensions....PLEASE answer I dont want to change him in any way....!! I wish to see him happy and unchanged but for the only change that he agrees to marry me as used to last year!!!

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  • 3 years later...

i believe that kal bhairav is also a rupa of lord shiva so i dont think tht just by reciting some mantra can do this except that its bij mantra as our vedas have given clear warning not to recite any bij mantra without any guidance of proper pronounciation. yes i believe there are some evil spirits who can haunt your dreams. i not an expert on such things but i feel the best solution is to say hanuman chalisa as many times as she can. it really works. and hanumanji also said to be a rudra avatar. so pls trust once on this and try hanuman chalisa atleast for a month. keep faith u will certailnly see the results.

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