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Everything posted by Amrita2009

  1. hello, can you tell me what is the harmonium tuned to. A-7? Thank you. Do you have a picture/ Amrita
  2. Sat Nam and in the name of God I write. I must have done something terribly wrong. Since 3 years my Karma has taken a turn for the worst. My baby has had 7 surgeries, I had a gasoline pump explode on me, I was in a car accident and now I have been sick for 4 months in and out of the hospital 4 times. I have no answers for any of my illnesses. I am just tired of being sick and would like to be myself again. Strong, full of life, kind and giving. I am a young woman. My child is better now. But my life is so off track. I almost feel like I am not living my life.(if that makes any sense) So if any one has some help for me it would be a blessing. Name: Amrita Reitz DOB: July 4 1965 Time: 10:16am Place: Los Angeles, California USA I am very depressed and cry daily with my current situation. I also do not have a job. But my health takes presidence. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
  3. Women have powerful minds I agree. But when a person is used for black magic gain you have to give better advice than this. You are as you say a professional. I live far away from India, I am married and I had black magic used on me. I pray, cry and am now very ill. I am a young beautiful woman. I have no one to help me. This woman needs protection, physical, emotional and spiritual. DO NOT UNDER-ESTIMATE THE POWERS OF DARKNESS. It is real unfortunately. It is the balance to the LIGHT. So. big brother protect your sister and get her away from there. love and blessings Amrita
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