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Why be in Krishna consciousness ?

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I am opening this thread, hope it will not be too irrelevant or offending and all... I don't understand exactly why we have to be in Krishna consciousness constantly as people mention on this website. Why we have to pray him all the time and all... what is the exact connection with death, upper world or something ?


I am a Christian and I have difficulties to understand these things. And the fact of being in Krishna consciousness, what does it mean exactly ?? I read that when you die, your thoughts become solid or material, that's why you have to think about Ksirhna, like this you will reincarnate in a human form, Krishna ; is that it ?

Don't we also separate from the ones we love and who don't share the same opinion or views, when we pray for Krishna ?



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I don't understand exactly why we have to be in Krishna consciousness constantly as people mention on this website. Why we have to pray him all the time and all... what is the exact connection with death, upper world or something ?


Why? because it is a pure form of consciousnes for every soul. and also, because it is actually fun.

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Originally Posted by Eternity

I don't understand exactly why we have to be in Krishna consciousness constantly as people mention on this website. Why we have to pray him all the time and all... what is the exact connection with death, upper world or something ?

Dear Etenity,

Here is my attempt to offer some satifactory response to your question:


Below is an illustration of the prossess we (spirit souls in material bodies go through sinse time immemorial). Krsna Consciousness is the path that many of my colleagues have take to after having studied world scriptures that culminated with the study of the Vedas of India---so after much real life lessons and real life questions as to the meaning and purpose of existance---after the truths available via the Judeo-Christian Bible, the Buddhist sutras, the Muslim Quran and the impersonal schools of Hindu metaphysics---evryone is destined to come to the Vedas with all the best cultivated "Questions" seeking the best "Answers". <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=Krishna</st1:place> is god as he is revealed in the Vedas. Historically the revelation of who <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> is has always been available to the spiritual seeker ---but we all had to wait until after many world wars and many historical eras to pass . . .


What is <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> Consciousness?

Nothingness and Something-ness both existed together and sustained each other since time-immemorial, together this is called the material manifestation or the Cosmos.

Something-ness may be found either conscious or in-animated.

The Self: Each conscious Individual, within the cosmos, has as its own address a "Vector Point" [X-Y-Z Axis Intersection]—which is indivisible, individual, eternal, and conscious.

An animated conscious individual may occupy a body [encasement].

This encasement allows the pursuit of its own gratification by way of:

1 Eating,

2 Sleeping,

3 Mating,

4 Defense (Physical, mental, ego).

After the temporal stages of birth, growth, old age and death the vector point retains only the spirit of 'direction toward a **goal'.

Thus by dint of prior cultivated interests, inherits a new body/encasement which accommodates another lifetime for the pursuit of gratification(s) along the same lines of interests that where cultivated during its last life. When this is repeated since time immemorial the sages call this 'samsara' [the cycle of birth and death].

[**the goal is often without guidance thus the 4 pursuits become the ultimate means and end of life's journey to nowhere except repeated gratification. Proper guidance allows us to reconcile, "What in the hell are we doing here?" during a lifetime].

The setting of the above pastimes [of every animated or inanimated individual point] is a large empty space of Nothingness [the sages call this empty space: 'brahman'].

The in-animated elements within the cosmos are of two kinds:

1 gross matter [earth, water, fire, air, either], and,

2 subtle [mind, intelligence, ego].

The mystery of life is the attainment of transcendence.

Some say the attainment of nirvana, or merging with the primordial 'Nothingness' is the goal.

The chain of succession of knowledge that comes to us from Vyasadeva shows us [through dissatisfaction with our own pursuits —life time after life times of gratification in countless species of life— in varying births of different status] that the goal of life is to seek the 'Absolute Truth' not relative truths.

The conclusion of the Vedas and thus the conclusion of Vedanta is the 'Absolute Truth' known as the personage known as <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>. We know this 'Absolute Truth' in the same way we know who are real father is: from our mother [except for those who cultivated future disadvatages]. The Vedas are like our mother telling us who are father is etc, etc.

Krishna Consciousness is the top most mystic yoga discipline:

Remembering the transcendental name, fame, form, personality, paraphernalia, entourage, and, pastimes of none other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead Bhagavan Sri Krishna, son of Vasudeva, brother of Balarama, cousin of Arjuna, source of Mahavisnu and Narayana, the original-original eternal, all-cognizant, all-blissful form of God in his Transcendent Heaven where every soul pursues reciprocal pastimes with God face to face.

Yoga is to re-link with this 'Absolute Truth', thus remembering Krishna's form assists the minute living entity [conscious Individual Vector Point] at death so as to acquire a next birth that further cultivates Krsna Conscousness till successful completion. Remembering Krishna in the material world is prescribed thus [it is also the easiest]: Chant <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>'s names. Chant the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra. Read the Bhagavad-gita's Chapter 10 "The Opulence of the Absolute” to learn where to see God's opulence spread through-out the cosmos


The history of the Vedas, from the Sri Isopanisad Introduction:

About five thousand years ago Vyasadeva put the Vedas in writing for the people in this age, Kali-yuga.

He divided the Vedas into four: Rig, Sama, Atharva and Yajur. Then he gave the charge of these Vedas to his different disciples.

Then Vyasadeva summarized all Vedic knowledge for scholars and philosophers in what is called the Vedanta-sutra. This is the last word of the Vedas.

Vyasadeva was not very satisfied even after compiling many Puranas and Upanisads, and even after writing the Vedanta-sutra.

Then his spiritual master, Narada, instructed him, “Explain the Vedanta-sutra.” Vedanta means “ultimate knowledge,” and the ultimate knowledge is Krsna. Krsna says that throughout all the Vedas one has to understand Him: vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham. Krsna says, “I am the compiler of the Vedanta-sutra, and I am the knower of the Vedas.”

Therefore the ultimate objective is Krsna. The Vedanta-sutra simply hints at what is Brahman, the Absolute Truth: “The Absolute Truth is that from whom everything emanates.”

This is a summary, but it is explained in detail in Srimad-Bhagavatam. If everything is emanating from the Absolute Truth, then what is the nature of the Absolute Truth? That is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam.

The Absolute Truth must be consciousness. He is self-effulgent (svarat). We develop our consciousness and knowledge by receiving knowledge from others, but for Him it is said that He is self-effulgent.

The whole summary of Vedic knowledge is the Vedanta-sutra, and the Vedanta-sutra is explained by the writer himself in Srimad-Bhagavatam.

We finally request those who are actually after Vedic knowledge to try to understand the explanation of all Vedic knowledge from Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad-gita.]

yours in Krishna's service,


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Do not give thought for what you will eat or what you will wear; just seek the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you.


Just seek the Kingdom of God and all these other relationships will be perfect.


Just seek the Kingdom of God and let His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Don't water it down - find the Kingdom of life everlasting. This is Krsna consciousness; this is the Good News Jesus brought. Don't water it down and cheat yourself out of the Kingdom. First the Kingdom, always.



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May I ask more questions and make it more clear ?


1- In order to become Krishna conscious, we then have to remember. And we remember through reading the Srimad Baghavatan, performing Yoga, chanting the name of Krishna. Is it so ?


2- Are some people talking on this website Krishna conscious ? What does it change to their life ?



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Eternity asks:<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

Q #1- In order to become <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=Krishna</st1:place> conscious, we then have to remember. And we remember through reading the Srimad Baghavatan </b></i><font color=" /><st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> conscious, we then have to remember. And we remember through reading the Srimad Baghavatan [bhagavatam], performing Yoga, chanting the name of <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>. Is it so ?

A. Yes. That is the definition of a Yogi. Otherwise we are cultivating lust (lust of all wayward varieties).

Q #2- Are some people talking on this website <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> conscious ?

A. Yes. The degree of advancement of a bhakti-yoga aspirant depends on their degree of "vijnana" [realized/pragmatic knowledge]. The degree of conviction of a bhakti-yoga aspirant depends on their degree of "renunciation". And the degree of a devotee's enlightenment depends how much they can "look beyond everyone else's insidious sufferring" and still find a way to enliven others to do the same as they do, ie: Chant Krishna's Holy Name, et al.

Q #3- What does it change to their life? Fear is eliminated 100 percent.

Confidence, self-esteem and enlightenment is joyfully experienced--but this is almost always hidden from outsiders. [Canakya pundit: "...to reveal yours plans is cause them to lose potency..."].

Krsna Consciousness allows one to perform all the mitzvas [Jewish Observances of conduct]--in sanskrit the word is "arcana" [...engaging all the senses in the service of the Lord; ...engaging one’s gross body in the service of the Lord. Similarly, the subtle mind should be engaged in hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Lord, thinking about them, chanting His name, etc.] and, "acaran" [proper behavior; etiquette;

<st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> consciousness changes your degree of knowledge and discrimination by developing a higher taste and making a person into a first class gentleman and a scholar:

From BG 8–12 + Iso #10 Purport:

Sri Krsna, clearly states here that this process of

knowledge is the actual path. Anything speculated beyond this is nonsense:

As for actual advancement in spiritual science, one should have a test to see how far he is progressing. He can judge by these items.

1. Humility; One should become a perfect gentleman and learn to give proper respect to others. … do not be anxious to have the satisfaction of being honored by others.

2. pridelessness; One should not pose himself as a religionist simply for name and fame. … do not be hankering after this material deception.

3. nonviolence; One should not become a source of anxiety to others by the actions of his body, by the thoughts of his mind, or by his words. … do not to put others into distress.

4. tolerance; One should learn forbearance even in the face of provocation from others. … one should be practiced to bear insult and dishonor from others.

5. simplicity; One should learn to avoid duplicity in his dealings with others. … one should be so straightforward that he can disclose the real truth even to an enemy.

6. approaching a bona fide spiritual master; One should search out a bona fide spiritual master submit himself render him service and ask relevant questions. … that is essential, because without the instruction of a bona fide spiritual master one cannot progress in the spiritual science.

7. cleanliness; In order to approach the platform of self-realization, one must follow the regulative principles enjoined in the revealed scriptures. … essential for making advancement in spiritual life. There are two kinds of cleanliness: external and internal.

8. steadiness; In order to approach the platform of self-realization, one must follow the regulative principles enjoined in the revealed scriptures. … be very determined to make progress in spiritual life. Without such determination, one cannot make tangible progress.

9. self-control; One should completely refrain from practices which are detrimental to the interest of self-realization. … do not accept anything which is detrimental to the path of spiritual progress.

10. renunciation of the objects of sense gratification; … become accustomed to this and reject anything which is against the path of spiritual progress. This is real renunciation.

11. absence of false ego; … not accepting this body as oneself. When one understands that he is not his body and is spirit soul, he comes to his real ego.

12. the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age and disease; … understand the distress of accepting birth, death, old age and disease.

13. detachment; One should not be attached to more than the necessities of life required for spiritual advancement. … when they are not favorable to spiritual progress, then one should not be attached to them.

14. freedom from entanglement with children, wife, home and the rest; One should not be more attached to wife, children and home than the revealed scriptures ordain. … it is not meant that one should have no feeling for these. They are natural objects of affection.

15. even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant events; One should not be happy or distressed over desirables and undesirables, knowing that such feelings are just created by the mind. … one should be detached from the materialistic way of life and be automatically equipoised in both cases.

16. constant and unalloyed devotion to Krsna; One should become an unalloyed devotee of the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, and serve Him with rapt attention. … engaging oneself in the nine processes of devotional service—chanting, hearing, worshiping, offering respect, etc

17. aspiring to live in a solitary place; One should develop a liking for residence in a secluded place with a calm and quiet atmosphere favorable for spiritual culture, and one should avoid congested places where nondevotees congregate. … One may test himself by seeing how far he is inclined to live in a solitary place, without unwanted association.

18. detachment from the general mass of people; Naturally a devotee has no taste for unnecessary sporting or cinema-going or enjoying some social function, because he understands that these are simply a waste of time. … conduct research into spiritual knowledge, recognizing that spiritual knowledge is permanent whereas material knowledge ends with the death of the body.

19. accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth. … bhakti-yoga is especially practical. … one must consider the relationship between the Supersoul and the individual soul. One should be established in that philosophical conviction.

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<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 1080865" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>Eternity</TD><TD class=alt1>Thank you. So it means we are becoming some kind of robots ? We are loosing all our friends and all ?


To inedible : What do you mean. Do you mean that it is wrong to seek Krishna consciousness ?






Yes, You are becoming a Robot. So please pay your Taxes timely until death and then your social security card can be put to use by a deserving illegal immigrant [not that there's anything wrong with that].


I take it that all your friends are still in High School--good for you.


I take it that you can't wait till friday night to celibrate with your friends to brainstorm on how to bring back lost factory jobs to your majority obese hometown.


Do worry about what to do with your life --join a cult? --or go fishing?


Join the military Now while the griddle is still hot. Then you can enjoy the comeraderie of real men rather than shop for men's busts.


Service to country is glorious and you should try to do something with your life that is structured and progressive. As soon as you are old enough to be a real man. Too bad about your tough life so far, I hope you out grow you childhood comfort zone with out much discomfort.


No Pain no Gain!!

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Do not give thought for what you will eat or what you will wear; just seek the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you.


Just seek the Kingdom of God and all these other relationships will be perfect.


Just seek the Kingdom of God and let His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Don't water it down - find the Kingdom of life everlasting. This is Krsna consciousness; this is the Good News Jesus brought. Don't water it down and cheat yourself out of the Kingdom. First the Kingdom, always.





Hare Bol! Another perfect "bit" from gHari maharaja .. thanks bro!


Hare Krsna

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Do not give thought for what you will eat or what you will wear; just seek the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you.


Just seek the Kingdom of God and all these other relationships will be perfect.


Just seek the Kingdom of God and let His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Don't water it down - find the Kingdom of life everlasting. This is Krsna consciousness; this is the Good News Jesus brought. Don't water it down and cheat yourself out of the Kingdom. First the Kingdom, always.


This is more or less what Jesus has instructed us to do. If we are going to water it down, then we will get watered-down results. But we do what we can do. Each day maybe we can do a little bit more, be a little bit more sincere. It keeps getting better, so gradually we can easily get into the zone more often, for longer periods.


But your friends - you will want to be at your best for them. And that is anything but robotic. Gone are the cliches and the empty moments. Everything becomes miraculous. Everything.


Don't water it down and cheat yourself out of the Kingdom.

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Thank you. So it means we are becoming some kind of robots ? We are loosing all our friends and all ?


To inedible : What do you mean. Do you mean that it is wrong to seek Krishna consciousness ?


But Krishna is our best friend! Don't you think so?


When we are on our deathbed none of our friends can save us, nor will they be willing to die alongside you. Therefore they are temporary and will be with you for maximum one lifetime.


But Krishna has been your friend for so many lifetimes. We have simply chose to ignore this best friend of ours.

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Then, how to recall him ?


Karma Yoga (to link up), Bhakti Yoga, Reading scriptures under the guidance of a Guru and Associating with persons on the same quest. :idea: I am sure other devotees on this forum can add more activitis


If You are truely sincere/serious and want to find/recall your lost link to the Lord then the Lord will send you guidance.

But ultimately it is up to YOU to take the guidance:cool:


You have already taken your first step which is enquiring about Krishna Conciousness.


Hare Krsna/Krishna

Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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Click here for the express path: http://vedabase.net/bg/18/66/en



Of course, we don't have a lot of time to devote to this God-thing. It's okay unless it interferes with our enjoyment too much.


That is why Krishna offers a number of methods for us to gradually extricate ourselves from our world of sensuous phantasmagoria. As we emerge from the circus of the senses we get a better perspective on our true condition, of God's real importance in our existence.


So that complete surrender to God, 'Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven', is the ultimate; but to get to that stage the other methods of advancement can be very beneficial. Jesus said, "Those of the world will talk of the world; those of the Spirit will speak of the Spirit". Somehow we have to turn our attachments to this world into attraction to God, for as Jesus proclaimed: it is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man (attached man) to enter the Kingdom of God.


Do you have the time?


Maybe tomorrow?

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Yes, but if there is 1 million steps to reach the missing link...

Isn't there fast guidance or more clear path ?

Just start by saying the following ....


Jay Shree Krishna Chaitanya,

Prabhu Nityananda,

Shri Advaita Gadadar

Shrivas-adhi Gaura Bhakta Vrinda






These lines can be chanted in the mood of a small helpless child (like we the living entities) calling out to the Mother for help.


If Chanted in the most sincere and earnest way you may have just fast forwarded(catapault) yourself into the loving mercifull arms of the Lord.:pray:


Hare Krsna/Krishna


Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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Why be Krishna Conscious? If sports stars like those above from the Sydney Swans become devotees of Krishna, then they have so much influence. I first took the one with the footy to the Temple with his twin brother when they were three years old. Often through their youth, they would sit in a circle in their room and chant Hare Krishna. They often attend the Sydney Temple in in 07 in low key.

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Thank you. So it means we are becoming some kind of robots ? We are loosing all our friends and all ?


To inedible : What do you mean. Do you mean that it is wrong to seek Krishna consciousness ?


What I mean is that if you are a Christian you can stay Christian and still have a valid goal. Christ and Krishna are not enemies. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says that if you worship with sincere devotion you belong to Him even if you think your devotion is to someone else - such as Christ. Maybe like Buddha and Krishna, Christ could also be an incarnation of Vishnu?

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Maybe like Buddha and Krishna, Christ could also be an incarnation of Vishnu?


Of course Christ is an incarnation of Vishnu. Every living entity is an incarnation of Vishnu. Vishnu resides in the heart of every living entity as Paramatma.


The question is, what *sort* of incarnation are we? Are we each *direct* expansions of the Lord, are are we infinitessimal particles of His jiva shakti?


That level of distinction can be made by the self-realized souls.

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