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ISKCON guru chastised and disciplined!

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It looks like one of the ISKCON "acharyas" has been chastised and disciplined by the ISKCON administrative body.


This system of gurus under the thumb of a governing body committee is a serious assault on the "traditional parampara" that ISKCON claims to follow with it's multitude of "acharyas" like this one.



Satsvarupa's "Sanatorium"

<center>line.jpg</center> BY: GBC EC <center>line.jpg</center>

Jul 09, EUROPE (SUN) — In response to some devotees’ concerns regarding his book “Sanatorium”, Satsvarupa Maharaja has given the following comment and has also decided to withdraw from circulation any remaining copies of the book.

  • Dear Devotees,
    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I have come to realize that my book “Sanitorium” contains explicit sexual scenes and references. I am sorry I have written it. I apologize and promise not to write a book like this again. Yours in service to Prabhupada, Satvarupa das Goswami



"traditional gurus"?


Not by any stretch of the imagination.


Why can't they just admit the truth that without the ritvik system ISKCON will never succeed?


A real "acharya" would tell the committee to kiss his behind.


But, to keep the meal ticket and ISKCON quarters intact, the "acharya" has bowed to the committee. :namaskar:

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Isn't Satvarupa one of the original zoned acaryas? Just the process of appointing gurus by committee as though it were a post you could apply for is ludicrous.

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Isn't Satvarupa one of the original zoned acaryas? Just the process of appointing gurus by committee as though it were a post you could apply for is ludicrous.

yeah, they got all confused.

Because Srila Prabhupada had said that "whoever was closest" could give initiation.

So, that in itself indicates a ritvik system and not a faith based guru system.


As well, they were all GBC men at that time too.

So, by zone they took over and then tried to convert that into a "regular guru" system.


Obviously, their ideas were all confused.

Personal ambition can really blind one to the truth.

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In order to really rectify the zonal guru system all the "zonal gurus" should have been removed from that zone and re-assigned by the ALMIGHTY GBC that can even discipline an "acharya".


But, they stayed in place and built their empires off of that false platform of the zonal guru system that still lingers in ISKCON even today.

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<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-left: 3ex; padding-right: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> Satsvarupa's "Sanatorium"

<center>line.jpg</center> BY: GBC EC <center>line.jpg</center>

Jul 09, EUROPE (SUN) — In response to some devotees’ concerns regarding his book “Sanatorium”, Satsvarupa Maharaja has given the following comment and has also decided to withdraw from circulation any remaining copies of the book.

  • Dear Devotees,
    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I have come to realize that my book “Sanitorium” contains explicit sexual scenes and references. I am sorry I have written it. I apologize and promise not to write a book like this again. Yours in service to Prabhupada, Satvarupa das Goswami

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>



"I have come to realize..." This statement of Satsvarupa's is very telling and should not go unnoticed.


Krsna's devotee's are suppose to write from the position of realization. They realize first then they write. Not that they write and later come to realize they wrote nonsense.


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Once upon a time there was an alligator in a swamp near Guruvani's shack in North Florida. This alligator was very special because he had taken a vow never to eat devotees. The devotees had named him bhakta Albert, because Albert the Alligator is a legend in North Florida. One day a young adult female gator who was later known by the name of Alberta swam into Albert's swamp...

Dear Devotees and Administrators,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I have come to realize that my short story about the gator couple Albert and Alberta contains explicit crocodilian scenes and references. I am sorry I have written it. I apologize and promise not to write a short story like this again. Yours in service to Prabhupada, Beggar.

PS My wife has forced me to go to Crocodilians Anonymous so that I can get a grip on the underlying issues around my gator addiction.:crying2:

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"I have come to realize that my book “Sanitorium” contains explicit sexual scenes and references."


He has come to realize? Didn't he pay attention when he wrote it? When he went over it with his editors and proofreaders?


I'm sorry, but this is just bizarre.

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Stalin's"Sanatorium Letter"

BY: Politburo Moscow


Jan 09, 1949 Moscow (Tass) — In response to some comrades concerns regarding 10,000,000 missing comrades, Joseph Stalin has given the following comment and has also decided to withdraw from circulation his orders to execute enemies of the people.


* Dear Comrades,

Please accept my greetings. All glories to Marx and Lenin. I have come to realize that while in the “Sanitorium” that if you shoot people by firing squads or overwork and starve them in slave labor camps that they will die. I am sorry I didn't know, I'm just a country boy from Eurasian Georgia. I apologize and promise not to issue orders like this again. Yours in service to the revolution, Joseph Stalin, Premier CCCP

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This case is a good example of why the GBC does have to keep these "gurus" under thumb and that they are not really "gurus" or "acharyas", otherwise they would not need to be under the control of a corperate board.


A real guru or acharya is divinely inspired from within.

He cannot be disciplined by a corperate board.


Obviously, these are not real gurus.


So, why do they keep up the facade of "traditional parampara" in ISKCON.


They don't have a traditional parampara or traditional gurus by any stretch of the imagination.


They gave up Srila Prabhupada's authorized program and manufactured some bogus system of make-believe gurus.


Insanity is obviously the result.

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O son of PRthA, that understanding which cannot distinguish between religion and irreligion, between action that should be done and action that should not be done, is in the mode of passion. [bG 8.31]


That understanding which considers irreligion to be religion and religion to be irreligion, under the spell of illusion and darkness, and strives always in the wrong direction, O PArthA, is in the mode of ignorance. [bG 8.32]


The ViSNudUtas said: Alas, how painful it is that irreligion is being introduced into an assembly where religion should be maintained. Indeed, those in charge of maintaining the religious principles are needlessly punishing a sinless, unpunishable person. [sB 6.2.2]

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The Nectar of Instruction 6 purport:



The advanced Vaiṣṇava is always situated as the spiritual master, and the neophyte is always considered his disciple. The spiritual master must not be subjected to the advice of a disciple, nor should a spiritual master be obliged to take instructions from those who are not his disciples.


Well, the GBC says that the gurus ARE obliged to take instructions from those who are not disciples.


So, the GBC has manufactured a system that directly disobeys Srila Prabhupada's instruction that the spiritual master is NOT obliged to take instructions from any corperate board.


The puppy dog gurus of ISKCON are only gurus in their own minds.

They are actually lackeys of the corperate board.


Gurus don't bow to any corperate committee.

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Some of the children were heard to say, "O' he paints like Kandinsky;" O' he is so bohemian in his writing, the avant garde guru;O' he plays flute like Krsna," as they danced gleefully entranced behind him.


No one asked, "Where is he going?", "Where is he leading us to?"


To question is to doubt they thought. Doubt is failure to those whose faith is blind.


"He lies naked in bed with with his naked female 'therapist', said one.Shush..don't doubt admonished another. Just take another drink of the special Kool Aid and dance on.Isn't ignorance just so blissful!"

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this system of the "guru" being under the authority of the "committee" is a major offense to the system of parampara.


the guru is supposed to be empowered by Krishna and representing him directly.

how then can the guru be brought under the control of the committee?


It is a horrific mutilation of the sacred parampara system.


It's not a minor detail.


It is a HUGE deviation and a monsterous assault on all that is sacred in the parampara system.


the GBC is totally callous to the fact that their GBC guru system is a heinous assault on the parampara system.


they act as if the issue is irrelevant.

the issue is not irrelevant.


The GBC is irrelevant up against a guru, but they don't understand that.

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I'll try again. Does anybody have a good source for the history of the GBC.


I don't know of anything.


What in particular are you looking for?


ISKCON has not documented these things.

They actually live in a shroud of secrecy.


There is no open and transparent history of the GBC that you are looking for.


It's all kept under wraps by the ISKCON administration.

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I'll try again. Does anybody have a good source for the history of the GBC.

In late 1977, just after Srila Prabhupada's (untimely departure?), the Governing Body Commission of ISKCON declared that eleven GBC had been "appointed by Srila Prabhupada as his guru successors." However, many of us (the rank and file members of ISKCON) doubted this "guru appointment" from the outset, since Srila Prabhupada had said that "guru by appointment" was a bogus misconception found in the 1930s Gaudiya Matha. He also said that guru cannot be made by "rubber stamping" a defective person.


One of the original 1977 "contentious questions" was, for example: "Where is the specific evidence that eleven GBCs have been appointed as gurus"? We were told, quite vociferously and militantly at that time, that the eleven gurus had been appointed on May 28th, 1977. However, to date no one from the GBC has ever even shown where any gurus had ever been "appointed," nor has the GBC answered this question with a solid document of proof in more than twenty years.


Instead, many GBCs and even some of the eleven so-called "appointed gurus" have subsequently admitted that the "May 28th appointment of eleven gurus" announcement in November 1977, was and is a fraud and a hoax. The GBC has thus never shown how "the eleven" were meant to to become recognized as gurus in the first place? In short, the original "appointment of gurus" formula was simply a "big lie." Tamal Krishna, the master mind of that bogus guru system, admitted in the Topanga Canyon conversations that Srila Prabhupada never appointed any gurus, only ritviks. And worse, many other subsequent GBC lies have been discovered.....

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Commentaries of chapter 7, verse 14 of the Srimad Bhagavad-Gita.








This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it. </CENTER>



<TABLE cellSpacing=16><TBODY><TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width2="25%">Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:

<TABLE hspace="6"><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE align=left vspace="8" hspace="20"><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>pic06-2.jpg


</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><CENTER>Sridhara Swami's Commentary</CENTER>

The question may arise as to who are those who are able to know Lord Krishna. To answer this the word daivi meaning divine is used. This divine, supernatural and wonderfully marvellous illusion of the Supreme Lord constituted of the power of Lord Krishna, consisting of the products of the gunas being the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance is extremely difficult to surmount. This is a well known fact and is proven by the fact that only a very minuscule portion of humanity surmount this maya or illusory impressions superimposed upon the mind in every generation. Yet it is also a fact that those who take exclusive shelter of Lord Krishna with loving affection in unwavering devotion are the only ones to cross over this insurmountable illusion that is otherwise impossible to navigate and by accepting His shelter they come to learn Him as He is. This is the purport.





</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width2="25%">Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:

<TABLE hspace="6"><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE align=left vspace="8" hspace="20"><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>pic05-2.jpg


</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><CENTER>Madhvacarya's Commentary</CENTER>

Why has the delusion of maya or illusory impressions superimposed upon the mind been unable to be overcome since time immemorial? Lord Krishna reveals that it is because it is daivi meaning divine is this illusion. This is the purport. Illusion is that which beguiles and bewilders people. Maya by her activity of permeating creation deludes all people by her potent power of allusion which causes all people to follow desire and sense gratification. Therefore definitions of daivi yields such explanations as: lustrous, sport or play, desire to conquer, splendour, adoration, pleasure, imagination, brilliance and movement. But why is this maya divine? It is because it is under the control of the Supreme Lord and He alone is its controller. The Vyasa Yoga states that: Sri the Goddess of Fortune Laxsmi, Bhu the Goddess of the Earth and Durga the external material energy are the distinct forms of this grand illusion. Regarding Sri Laxsmi, she does not partake of the endless energies of the Supreme Lord as she has taken complete shelter in Him. Because of such propensity Brahma, Rudra and all the demigods do not possess even a minor portion of her manifestation. Having received the grace of the Supreme Lord by taking complete refuge within Him nothing can ever overcome her power. But yet the question will still persist of how can this maya be overcome? To answer this Lord Krishna replies with the words: mam eva ye prapadyante meaning only those who surrender unto Him. Those who renounce all else and take exclusive shelter of Him alone can surmount this maya. Those who humbly serve and devoutly worship the spiritual master in adoration, such worship surely reaches unto the Supreme Lord because they have realised that their holy preceptors greatness is due to the fact that the Supreme Lord has manifested within His heart. The Narada Purana states: The madhya or intermediate humans duly propitiate the holy preceptor due to the Supreme Lord manifesting within him. The uttama or topmost human beings propitiate all beings as they recognise the Supreme Lord in all beings. In the Bhagavat Purana it states: That the Supreme Lord through the form of consciousness which pervades the mind of the spiritual master teaches the humble aspirant true wisdom about Himself.





</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width2="25%">Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:

<TABLE hspace="6"><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE align=left vspace="8" hspace="20"><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>pic07-2.jpg


</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><CENTER>Ramanuja's Commentary</CENTER>

Those evolved beings who by chance or determination surrender themselves to the Supreme Lord Krishna exclusively as their sole refuge and protector, He who is the most merciful. He who is the most magnanimous, He who is the only one to be depended on, He who is the shelter of all creation; only those so fully surrendered will be able to navigate the tempestuous oceans of maya or illusory impressions superimposed upon the mind. In concise language such surrendered souls circumvent maya by exclusively devoting themselves to the Supreme Lord Krishna.





</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width2="25%">Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:

<TABLE hspace="6"><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE align=left vspace="8" hspace="20"><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>pic08-2.jpg


</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><CENTER>Kesava Kasmiri's Commentary</CENTER>

It is stated in the Vedic scriptures that the flowing of the qualities of Lord Krishna's divine potency known as maya or illusory impressions superimposed upon the mind is without a beginning or an end. In the Svestasvatara Upanisad IV.V it states that by the agency of maya unlimited beings are produced possessing like qualities. So it is not possible for those embodied beings deluded and controlled by maya and to ever receive divine benedictions and such being the case they will never be eligible to overcome the delusory effects of maya. Lord Krishna speaks thus to address this point of overcoming the potent effects of maya So marvellous is this wondrous illusion which is perceived in prakriti or the material substratum evolving through the three gunas or the modes of goodness, passion and nescience into physical forms which are all totally controlled by the Self- Effulgent, Supreme Lord full of eternity, knowledge and bliss, who although omnipresent is never touched or influenced by the gunas or prakriti or anything animate or inanimate. There is also nothing which a has a similar nature to maya as its function is one of a kind. In the Svetasvatara Upanisad IV.X it states: One should know that maya's nature is illusory and that the omniscient and omnipotent Supreme Lord is its source filtered into material existence through the three gunas and unable to be surmounted by hundreds of processes and thousands of techniques unless and until the grace of the Supreme Lord is attained. According to the Katha Upanisad V.XIII: He who is the constant within the inconstant, the intelligence among the intelligent, the one within the many and who grants all desires. In the Brhadaranyaka Upanisad I.IV.X it states: Whoever among the demigods becomes awakened to this indeed becomes it, this applies likewise to elevated beings and also to advanced humans. The atma or eternal soul within embodied beings is without limitations but among embodied beings only those who are able to disconnect themselves from all ego sense of I- ness and my-ness and external desires and renouncing all other goals accept the Supreme Lord Krishna as the exclusive goal of their life endeavour and spiritual practices. Thus worshipping Him wholeheartedly as omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient controller of maya, taking total refuge in Him solely and faithfully following the six activities favourable for spiritual advancement such as enthusiasm, endeavouring with confidence, patience, following the Vedic injunctions, abandoning the association of those not devoted to the Vedic culture and accepting and following the instructions of the authorised guru from the bonafide disciplic succession as revealed within the Vedic scriptures; one is with devotion and unshakeable perseverance able to overcome this insurmountable maya. The word eva or only is used in the sense of decisiveness as in exclusively. In the Vamana Purana the child saint Prahlad says: Those highly evolved persons who have taken refuge in the Supreme Lord, infinite, immutable, without a second, the foremost of all lords, the God of Gods, the auspicious bestower of liberation, the Lord of Laxsmi, the goddess of fortune and the master of Garuda, His carrier never have to be subjected to chastisement by Yamaraj the demigod in charge of punishment in diverse hells.





</TD></TR></TR></TBODY></TABLE><CENTER>Thus ends commentaries of chapter 7, verse 14 of the Srimad Bhagavad-Gita.</CENTER>

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Srila Prabhupada said that a spiritual master cannot be subjected to the advice of non-disciples or ANYONE!!!!!


The idea of having a committee in charge of the acharyas is nothing less than demoniac.


Even Ravana never proposed such a ludicrous idea.

He was more Vedic than that.

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What did Srila Prabhupada say about the successor "gurus" of the Gaudiya Matha?


Imitative sahjiyas are now being worshiped as gurus in your temples

I don't think he ever had any idea that gurus would be under the thumb of a GBC.


In his books he teaches that the guru cannot be subjected to the advice or discipline of others.


So, it is a big lie that Srila Prabhupada wanted gurus in ISKCON under the control of the GBC.


It is a lie..... that is all.................... a LIE.

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It looks like one of the ISKCON "acharyas" has been chastised and disciplined by the ISKCON administrative body.


This system of gurus under the thumb of a governing body committee is a serious assault on the "traditional parampara" that ISKCON claims to follow with it's multitude of "acharyas" like this one.



"traditional gurus"?


Not by any stretch of the imagination.


Why can't they just admit the truth that without the ritvik system ISKCON will never succeed?


A real "acharya" would tell the committee to kiss his behind.


But, to keep the meal ticket and ISKCON quarters intact, the "acharya" has bowed to the committee. :namaskar:


ummm to be honest, there is nothing "traditional" in an American being a "guru" or vedic anything. lol. everything is conventional except the teachings. :D

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