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Dear Guruji,

Please find my details below-


D.O.B.- 4th March 1963

Time of Birth - 8.35 AM

Place of Birth - Mumbai / Maharashtra / India

Sex - Male


Current Status - Working In MNC from last 16 years

Profession - HSC with 24 years as Draughtsman , Salary - 20000


Father - Retired person

Mother - Housewife

3 Sisters - Housewife


My Query-


When will I have my own house?

Provided working above expectations of my seniors, I remain always below

in all respect. I am totaly frustrated & looking for a major change.


Will I get a brake through from my present organisation with good compensation?


Thank you

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Dear Sir,


First of all, thanks for your free consultation program.



Here, am giving my birth details for your analysation and suggest for your valuable suggestions and remedies for better life.



DATE OF BIRTH :15-feb-1977

PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY.: Narayanpet (Andhra pradesh), Indian

SEX : Male


Your current status : Studying / Service / Business : employee

Educational background : Graduate

Work Industry and current salary.: At present job less


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember: completed my 10th in 1992 and degree: 1998, married in 2003(dec).

Family background:

Father : Business / Service / Industry etc..: Employee

Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc.: HW

Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details: 1 elder brother, 2 younger brothers

Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details: No sister



In this regards i would like to request to your kindly provide the details that what are the planet situation made me jobless (since Oct,07 to Feb,08).



Thanks in advance,







I invite all the members for free consultation for one query. For

the free consultation, please send following details along with your











Your current status : Studying / Service / Business

Educational background

Work Industry and current salary.


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember

Family background

Father : Business / Service / Industry etc..

Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc.

Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details

Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details


The information is required to crosscheck the birth details and its



Please expect replies in week ends only.


thanks and regards


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  • 3 weeks later...

TIME OF BIRTH: 11:25 am

DATE OF BIRTH: 5-12-1983


SEX: Female


Your current status : Studying / Service / Business: Service

Educational background: PGDCS& A computers

Work Industry and current salary.:IT . 16000 pm


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember

I got job in may 2006 in a gud company

I got married in on 23 june 2007


Family background

Father : Business / Service / Industry etc.. - retired

Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc.- house wife

Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details- elder . mech eng in jindal

Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details- no



Deva , when i got married i made up my mind to do every compromise, to adjust with my husbands family. Still nobody seems to be satisfied with me specially my elder brother in law. He always tortures me if i miss to do something. n he is very short tempered. This creates tension in me and my husband. I dont get how to react. I want to live separtely with my husband . Is it possible. will he come with me. When will i conceive and become mother. I want pregnancy soon. Is there any pooja that i should offer. For your reference i am attcahing my kundali .


My email is rohini_edke@


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birth info

sept. 17 1963

4:27 a.m.

Glendale, (Los Angeles) CA USA



Was in entertainment field, making switch to teaching Yoga, Meditation, martial arts.

Father died at age 35


according to my most recent reading, I have Mars in 3rd House and Rahu in 11th house.

At first I was trying to diminish rahu with Hanuman puja/mars but my internet business became unsuccessful. I have since found out that Rahu is deity for internet and Hanuman frightens Rahu away. So, now I am doing Puja to Narasimha. I read that Rahu worships Narasimha.

I want to strengthen both Mars and Rahu.

Can I do both? I am interested in Chinnamasta worship.


Also I believe (in one of my charts don't know which one) I have weak moon in Mars sign. I hear Chamunda mantra is good for that.


Can I worship/japa to all three of these deities?


lastly I am told That I have Vipreet kal sarp Yoga in my chart. What is this? I hear there is a lot of controversy over this.


Any suggestions for remedies for increasing internet business success and overall financial success is appreciated.


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TIME OF BIRTH – 2100 hours (IST)

DATE OF BIRTH – 18/08/1981


SEX - Female

Your current status :– Service (Taking a break and looking out for a job)

Educational background – Graduate – Accountancy honours

Work Industry and current salary – Quality Improvements, BPO/ITES - No current salary!

Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember – Birth of my brother when I was 4-Great!,Loosing my grandfather when I was 12 or so, passing 10 and 12 with good %, Not doing well in Graduation, Extreme insecurity about feeling unguided and lost in my career when I was 20, Relocating to Mumbai was an awesome thing, Sour relationship with my ex.

Family background –Father –Retired (was with the Paints industry – Sales)

Mother : Mother is an honorary rector – administration with a school


Brothers : 22 years – pursuing graduation , very close to me.

Sisters : None



My Query :


I started working at the age of 21 and was living alone in Mumbai.I recently quit my job in Mumbai and decided to relocate to Bangalore, so I can have my parents also relocate with me. We are currently in Kolkata. I wish to know what my Navamsha chart pattern speaks about this decission.I am not very concerned about marriage.In fact,I want to be able to excel in the feild that I have chosen-Quality Improvements,BPOs.I also want to be able to buy property and the basic comforts for my parents.



Thank you for this in advance!


Sudha Rajagopalan.




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Why you people are very keen to know your future. These all looks like watching a movie after knowing the story. And if you are this much curious about your future, spend some money and meet some professional jyothishi



Very Very True!

For some more answers, i think astrogyan(dotcom) is really good!

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TIME OF BIRTH--10:10pm

DATE OF BIRTH--19th December 1980



Your current status : Studying / Service / Business--Service

Educational background--High School

Work Industry and current salary.--$20k per annum


Wife's data

Time of birth- 3:25pm (india)

date of birth-11th June 1982

Place of birth--Port Blair, Andman Islands, India.


Job--Left the current job, trying to get more training in computer science.




Been jobless and homeless right after my marriage, all of 2005 to mid of 2007, my wife is Indian, we are an inter-racial couple. Haven't met her since late of 2004 because of financial problem, do have a job right now and also have applied for her visa, wants to know will she get the visa or not and when will I have a settled life with her.


I do daily chanting of Ugra Nrsimha, from July 2007 and things have really been good for me after that, both me and my wife have a lot of faith in Lord. But I also want to learn proper puja, have been asking people but have got no help so far, so want to know will I get to be properly relgious in the near future?



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My date of birth -11th October

birth time-1974 at 21.45

place-calcutta,west bengal,india

current status-house wife

qualification-chemistry hons graduate,S/W programmer,I gave up my job after my son's birth.

My father retd. govt college principal.

My mother retd. school head mistress.

my elder sister is housewife.

marriage-13th may,1999.


my husband's d-o-b-23rd july,1974


place-calcutta,west bengal.india.

He is working under icici as branch manager.


It was a love marriage.but our relation presently not going well.but still we have decided to live together becoz of our son who is only 4.5 yrs old.My husband is involved with a girl.


I am also mentally involved with a person.he is my friend philosopher and guide.he really cares for me.but that relation is also not going well and lot of misunderstanding occurs.though we love each other deeply.he is also married.his date of birth is 3rd october,1973(early morning between 2-4am),at calcutta,west bengal,india.

He is father of a 2.5 yrs old daughter.he is working in sony.his marriage is also a bit disturbed coz of his unfaithful wife.


We dont have any intention of marry.but want to stay as good friend.I dont want to lose him.both of us respect others family value and emotions.but there are lots of misunderstanding created by others.I am very dependent on him.actually i have tried to commit suicide for him last december.I cant think of life without his friendship.what more can i expect.

My question is Will this relation last?can i get back his faith again?

Please help.


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First I would like to thank for doing this wonderful service to all members.

My details:

TIME OF BIRTH 11.22 am

DATE OF BIRTH 05/07/1977


SEX : Male


Your current status : Service

Educational background: Master Degree

Work Industry and current salary : Hospital & Education


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember: Both

Family background

Father : Business

Mother : house wive

Sisters : 2 younger



During Year 2006 I got admission to do my higher studies. But unfortunately last month I was forced to discontinue my study and it was a very big black mark in my life. Whether I can able to do higher study again?

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Dear Lily,


Please help me. I'm sending info about my husband who has been without a real job since 2003. In between he started his consultancy but has not found customer. A temporary job in the end of 2007. Right now he is unemployed again.


TIME OF BIRTH : 06:10 a.m

DATE OF BIRTH : 3rd july 1959


SEX: Male


Your current status : Consultancy/seeking job

Educational background: Post graduate

Work Industry and current salary: IT professional


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember

Family background

Father : Not alive

Mother : Not alive

Brothers : 5 elder

Sisters : 1 elder



How can he get a job and when will he get a job? Is there anything I can do to help him? I'm born on 7th dec 1968 at 23:10p.m in Rourkela, Orissa, India. I'm worried that my husband won't be able to take it anymore since he's trying very hard and not getting any success.


Looking forward to your reply. May God bless you for helping others and regards.



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Respected Sir

My son's birth details aregiven below

dob-5th june 1989


pob-new delhi


Sir many astrologers have said so many negative things about his horoscope. Can you analyze and see is there any good things that can give me some relief.



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TIME OF BIRTH :-12.56 pm

DATE OF BIRTH:-29th july 1968

PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY.:- mumbai(bombay) maharshtra, India

SEX :- Male


Your current status : Studying / Service / Business:- Business

Educational background:- Hssc

Work Industry and current salary.:- wholesaler in phone cards. $3000 per month


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember:- My marriage on 15 july 2007..and my divorce in February 2008

Family background;- Ismaili Muslim..middle class

Father : Business / Service / Industry etc.. Business

Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc. :- house wife

Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details i elder

Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details 1 elder and i younger



My bride was a manglik and our guns did not meet the standard requirements.Her name was Shabina Noormahomed Laljee date of birth 15 march 1971,time of birth 03.45 am at mumbai(bombay)india

what does my future hold for me.I am currently staying in new york

k and am a wholesaler of phone cards.I drive the whole day 6 days a week and that took it's toll on my marriage as my wife constantly feared my safety... Now what is my future like Looks very bleek please advice

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Dear Lilly,


My Birth details are below:



DATE OF BIRTH:-August 27, 1969


SEX :- Female


Your current status : Studying / Service / Business:- Business

Educational background:- Some college

Work Industry and current salary.:- Education; barely making ends meet

Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember:- My marriage on Oct 7, 1990 and my divorce in September 2006. My daughter was born in 1991.

Family background;- lower middle class

Father : Business / Service / Industry etc.. factory worker

Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc. :- Service industry

Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details None

Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details One half sister (younger) from father's second marriage. I am a product of his first marriage.


I am respectfully requesting any information about my career and marriage prospects. I believe I'm in a Sat/Ven dasha right now and the last 12 months have been awful. Can you see when I could possibly get some relief?



Imperatrixmundi@aol.com :)

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TIME OF BIRTH : Between 5.00 - 5.10 PM. (Not sure abt exact time)

DATE OF BIRTH : 15 - January - 1980

PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY : Allahabad / Uttar Pradesh / India.

SEX : Male

Your current status : Service.

Educational background : M.Sc (Computer Science)

Work Industry and current salary : Software.


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember


Good event :-


  1. Was able to complete education, despite of many hurdle in life.
  2. Got job easily.
  3. Got my sister married and myself too. :)
Bad event :-



  1. We sold our very good house and ever since we are facing all the issues in our life i.e we all family members.
  2. My seperation.
  3. Lost a very good apportunity to work and settle in singapore.

Family background

Father : Retired from private service and is now priest in temple, but is struggling to met ends and also finding it difficult to hable family responsiblities.

Mother : house wive.

Brothers : None

Sisters : 3-younger , 2 are stdying and 1 has completed her studies we are trying to find a good match, but no luck..

2 elders sister , both married and having 1 child each.



My questions :- According to priority.



  1. one of palm reader told, me that i have having health related gragh and age betwwen 27 - 32 might be fatal for me. So i'm really very worried.
  2. Want to buy a house and shift all my family members under one roof, as currently everyone is facing some or other issues in their life, since we have shifted to new house.
  3. would like to move abroad, is there any chance.
  4. How would be my wife's and child's health and future?
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Hi my name is ahmed khan (male)but my birth name is naim khan I was born on the 28th of march 1971 , in Bombay , India (time of birth not known as muslims we do not keep a track of it and my mom passed away who would know some idea of when i was born)


I am currenlty working and by education i am a graduate. By the grace of GOD I am doing pretty well for my self.

i got married on 28th Aug 1998 to Sharmistha Dewanjee( dob 25th feb 1971) I have two kids arhan (13th nov 2005) and vivann (dob 6th dec 2006)


By work conditions as i earlier mentioned i earn more than my expenses and i am blessed by bliss full family life.


my father is in business and after my moms demise he has re married and we have civil relations.


We are 5 brothers and 2 sisters and we all family members enjoy cordial relationship in life.my mther who passed away was a home maker.


In life i always have cycle 4 yrs are good then 1 year is very bad eroding away all my saving and distubing my confidence. pls guide me abt my future life.



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hello shl153


nothing great in my prediction about your marriage and



in another forum, same case has been presented with those details,

but persumably by the wife.


wife , in the other mails says she is unable to live without her



if that is true, why dont both of shed your egos and join

and live together , than seeking astro remedie?


forget about one's horoscope damaging the life of the other.

if the karma is so , it is tough to stop. hence have faith in you

and you love the other person. life will be pleasant.


may mother and allah bless all,





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Hello mperatrixmundi


starting from sep 2008 , your husband will get a new begining.


pl ask him to chant the following at least 324 times daily after lighting

a lamp before the lord




may mother bless all.





Hello Sasisekaran Chennai,


Thank you for your reply but I am not married and do not plan on getting married before Sept, 2008.



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TIME OF BIRTH 20:30hrs

DATE OF BIRTH 9-10-1958

PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. Arni (near vellore) Tamilnadu

SEX Male


Your current status : Studying / Service / Business Govt. Service (Defence scientist)

Educational background M.Tech

Work Industry and current salary. Defence Rs 45000 pm


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember marriage aug1984, passed BE - 1980: ojined Defence as scientist 1986-dec

Family background

Father : Business / Service / Industry etc.. retd. Govt service

Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc. housewife

Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details one younger married

Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details one younger married


Sir, my wuestion is as follows.

Even though i had a reasonably good career, so far, except a small delayed promotion in 1990, i have had lots of tensions in the job. I have to work more than others to get the same recognition. Since the time sade sati started, the tensions have increased. Hurdles in the job, always fear of loosing my position in the heirarchy due to straight forwardness, and uprightness, and not being conducive to certain highers ups requirements (for which i have to do things against my conscience). Even though in some form i have had visible protection from God, i have had sleepless nights aswell.

I am due for a promotion in this year. Will i get it this year or will it be delayed. if delayed by how much. When will i be free from the sleeplessness, and stop fearing for being sincere and righteous.

Any pariharam can solve the problem?



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DOB 5 Jan 1979

Time-5.45 AM

Place-Manasa district-neemuch (MP) India

education-MBA (marketing) completed 2003

Marriage-May 2003

Child-one (Boy)

should i do business or job. which would be more fruitful for me and tell me the astrological reason because everyone told me the outcome but not the reason. thanks for your valueable time

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