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  1. indulekhadasi, I apologize. I misunderstood your intent. Thank you for that information. I will keep it in mind. Sri Narasimha has made it clear he wants me to worship him. I am attracted to Ugra Narasimha but he does bring up a great deal of energy from within me and I sometimes fear the ferocity I feel. I apologize if I snapped at you. I can see how it might be best to be celibate with this kind of ferocious energy flying around. Blessings, Shabd
  2. indulekhadasi wrote... < Because Narasimhadeva is the avatara who takes away everything, it is stated in some sastras that grihasthas cannot worship Him.> Om Kshruam Namo Bhaghavate Narasimhaya Thank you indulekhadasi. Yes, I have been told before by an ISKCON priest that I cannot worship Narasimha until I join his sect and become an initiate into ISKCON priesthood. If that is what is taught in your sect, I respect that (for you) and I believe you should obey that, if that is part of your CHOSEN sect. However, for me, I have not chosen to belong to this type of sect of vedic religion. I believe that these kinds of rules which seek exclude people from worshipping God are created by Priests in order to control their followers. If that works for you, I am happy for you and I support your right to worship God how you see fit. For me, I have found that this type of Clique mentality is actually in the minority in the Worldwide Vedic Spiritual community and, for me, feels very destructive. So, with the deepest respect, I support your right to worship God how you see fit, but until I decide to willingly join your particular sect with all its rules and beliefs, I would kindly ask that you not deny me my right worship God as I choose. Om Kshraum
  3. Thanks Radhe for your response. In a general sense, I agree it isn't a big deal. Both are avatars of Vishnu. But there is a difference in Tantric Sadhana between Krishna and Narasimha. Krishna resonates with the vibrations of the Moon and the left nadi. Narasimha resonates with the power of Mars. They each achieve different energetic and psychic aims within the individual. So, if one is a Krishna devotee, it doesn't matter. But for my purposes, it does matter. And even though they are both avatars of the infinite, some details in sadhana for a jnani can make a difference.
  4. I'm not sure. I am using the Picture of Lord Narasimha Killing Hiranyakashipu. He is quite angry, so I presume it is Ugra Narasimha. I am drawn to the Fierce form of the Lord. I have been using Red flowers and I like the the way they make me feel. thanks for your help, Shabd
  5. What color flowers does Lord Narasimha prefer for his worship?
  6. Hi. birth info sept. 17 1963 4:27 a.m. Glendale, (Los Angeles) CA USA Male Was in entertainment field, making switch to teaching Yoga, Meditation, martial arts. Father died at age 35 according to my most recent reading, I have Mars in 3rd House and Rahu in 11th house. At first I was trying to diminish rahu with Hanuman puja/mars but my internet business became unsuccessful. I have since found out that Rahu is deity for internet and Hanuman frightens Rahu away. So, now I am doing Puja to Narasimha. I read that Rahu worships Narasimha. I want to strengthen both Mars and Rahu. Can I do both? I am interested in Chinnamasta worship. Also I believe (in one of my charts don't know which one) I have weak moon in Mars sign. I hear Chamunda mantra is good for that. Can I worship/japa to all three of these deities? lastly I am told That I have Vipreet kal sarp Yoga in my chart. What is this? I hear there is a lot of controversy over this. Any suggestions for remedies for increasing internet business success and overall financial success is appreciated. Shabd
  7. Hi. birth info sept. 17 1963 4:27 a.m. Glendale, (Los Angeles) CA USA I have Mars in 3rd House and Rahu in 11th house. At first I was trying to diminish rahu with Hanuman puja/mars but my internet business became unsuccessful. I have since found out that Rahu is deity for internet and Hanuman frightens Rahu away. So, now I am doing Puja to Narasimha. I read that Rahu worships Narasimha. I want to strengthen both Mars and Rahu. Can I do both? I am interested in Chinnamasta worship. Also I believe I have weak moon in Mars sign. I hear Chamunda mantra is good for that. Can I worship/japa to all three of these deities? lastly I am told That I have Vipreet Yoga in my chart. What is this? Any suggestions for remedies for increasing internet business success and overall financial success is appreciated. Shabd
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