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  1. thanks a lot sir, so desperate was i of help that i even did not check what i was asking and how many times.... i am so desperate.. 2 people both well known giving differentviews was so much i could not bear also because of those view points i signed the divorce so did my ex wife.. we were both told that this marraige will not last and that i had a short life she was so scared..poor girl hope she is good and has a good life ahead of her..i too hope the same for myself...that is why i am asking.... if i am bothering i am realyy sorry..but when some questions are answered but a person who is asking cannot understand the terms of astrology...then the quetsions keep on forming in the mind.. many have told me that i have a relationship with an elder women...i have a cousin whom i share all my thoughts...my wife could not take it...was this what lead to the divorce.....i am not sure....but true...i was not spending enough time with my wife..except sundays...which is ok in america... but my ex wife was always scared for me driving all day.. not sure what happened..so soon and so fast cannot even understand... that's why so many questions i am sorry
  2. i have consulted some astrologers..2 to be exact and have got different solutions..so i was requesting help here...sorry to be a bother..really...i was only seeking help....
  3. hi, yes i have recently divorced..can you foresee any kind of marital happiness with kids in the future????please help
  4. what kind of yogas are found in my kundli???????? DOB 29th july 1968,time 12.56 pm mumbai... please tell me....
  5. sir can U be specific as to what points were not compatible between the horoscopes??????? This aspect is keeping us puzzled a lot.. please sir if u will oblige us Is it possible that marriage to me would have harmed my husband in any capacity..thinking about it is not making me sleep we are divorced and he is not even talking to me...what is the chance of me getting back with him..i love him so much...just could not handle the neglect plus being absolutely alone being in new york with him i was always scared for him..as his work involved driving the car 13 hours a day in that weather...took a toll on me..i have had a very emotional life prior to my marriage...always in turmoil worried about one member of the family after another... could not handle this fear of loss again and again...it has been going on even before i met him...for 6 years i met him in may 2007,married in july and he initiated the divorce in february 2008 marriage lasted only 7 months main concern 1) was there a threat to his life with me being a maglik...is that threat gone.. 2) what are hsi prospcts of happiness in terms of family life and finance in the future??? please sir put me at peace
  6. i meant kundali yog as in gaja kesari and all that
  7. what kind of yog does one find in kundali..in natal and navmasa..which ones are we to look at and how does one understand the significance of the particular yog in kundali
  8. Horary: virgo: 4Pada Libra: Gulika, 10P 12P Sco: 6P Cap: 3P Aqu: Ra (AK), Me (PuK), Ve (BK) Pis: Su (DK), 5P Ari: 11P Gem: Ma(MK), 2P, 7P Can: Mo (GK), 1P Leo: Sa/r (PiK), 8P, 9P gk in 2nd and PiK in 9P It is my friend's husband can someone help here she sent iy via email as she know that i like to visit these forums and that i had got a solution for my issue from here can someone tell me the characteristics of this person bye
  9. Dear USR sir, i am doing regular prayers (as i am a muslim) for him so that he will do well....also some guide asked me to wear a coral and an emerald in my 2 ring fingers of both my hands and a white pearl in the little finger of my left hand..kindly study my chart and can u tell me what is in store for me....my name is shabina N laljee my dob is 15th march 1971 time:-03.45 am at mumbai thanks
  10. Horary: virgo: 4Pada Libra: Gulika, 10P 12P Sco: 6P Cap: 3P Aqu: Ra (AK), Me (PuK), Ve (BK) Pis: Su (DK), 5P Ari: 11P Gem: Ma(MK), 2P, 7P Can: Mo (GK), 1P Leo: Sa/r (PiK), 8P, 9P gk in 2nd and PiK in 9P It is my friend's fiance's can someone help here she sent iy via email as she know that i like to visit these forums and that i had got a solution for my issue from here can someone tell me the characteristics of this person bye
  11. sir,what is the meaning of propitiate???????????? how will it be beneficial.....??????we don't have one in Goa..so what is an alternative..if there is any
  12. sir, it was my husband who initiated the divorce i just okayed it coz i did not want him harrased can u tell me whether he is the one for me..should i wait for him..he is not even calling nor even phoning..he is now in NEw york please guide
  13. name..murali(not the right namae but initial is same DOB:-29th july 1968 time 12.56 pm at mumbai i was asked by one astrologer to divorce this man staright away...what was so wrong that he was not telling me about... i divorced him in february 2008..however and he is in usa adnd i am back in goa name;-shalini(not the right namae but initial is same my dob is 15th march 1971 time:-03.45 am at mumbai
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