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ghost hauntings

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Radhe krishna,


not in offensive but in a suggestive way, i am giving you my unsolicited suggestion, dear yegan, instead of spending your time on ghost websites, spend time in study of Shrimad Bhagawatham and Bhagawath Geetha. That would give peace to ghosts also.


Radhe krishna

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Radhe krishna,


not in offensive but in a suggestive way, i am giving you my unsolicited suggestion, dear yegan, instead of spending your time on ghost websites, spend time in study of Shrimad Bhagawatham and Bhagawath Geetha. That would give peace to ghosts also.


Radhe krishna

Very true vrajavasi.

But I cant help it. Its my nature to want to know different things, including ghosts. Also we might say that the information on ghosts as presented on the website above are somehow vedic information.

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Radhe Krishna,


sorry to interrupt and put forth my point once again yeganji.


In my last post I have mentioned only about Shrimad Bhagawatham and Bhagawat Geetha. Let me expand the list.


I do not belong to ISKCON. But I have gone through many of the granthas composed by early gaudiya acharyaas albeit not fully.


Radha rasasudhanidhi - I have gone through completely.

It is a grantha generally believed to be composed by Hithaharivamsa - the sthaapakaa of Radha Vallaba mandir at Vraja.


But as per gaudiya accounts it is penned by a relative of Gopala Bhatta goswami.


Whoever has penned it, the grantha is a treasure of Radhaju's gunanubhava.


the granthas compiled by the six goswami sishyaas of chaitanya mahaprabhu,


Shri rupa goswami, sanaathana goswami, Raghunatha dasa goswami, Radhunatha bhatta goswami, Gopala Bhatta goswami and jeeva goswami -


Wonderful granthas in radha krishna bhakthi --


1.Laghu Bhagavatha kathamrutham

2. Bruhad Bhagavatha kathamrutham

3. Vaishnava thoshani

4.Bhakthi rasamrutha sindhu

5. Hari Bhakthi Vilaasam

6. Ujjwala Neelamani

7. Lalitha maadhavam

8. Vidagdha maadhavam

9.Gopaala Champu

10. Shat sandarba


The list is endless.


Why I am writing all these. Apart from Radharasa sudhanidhi, I have gone through a little bit of above granthas and that little bit has kindled my interest to go through all these granthas. By Radhaju's krupa, I have purchased recently moolagrantha of Haribhakthi vilaasam from vraja and I hope I would get the other granthas also.


My dear friend, If and if at all one just gets into this grantha saagara you know - one would be drowned in the krishna saagara.


Try it and you will tell me that you do not have time to do any thing else


But i would be sorry if I have interrupted your other passion of knowing about ghosts.


Radhe krishna

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Radhe Krishna,


Sorry to interrupt once again,


After going through one of the threads, I came to know that study of many of the grantha mentioned above is not prescribed for ISKCONites at certain levels. You should be knowing your level and accordingly you may go through above granthas or you can refer your guru maharaj in this regard. Although these are gaudiya granthas, I came to know there are restrictions for gaudiyas in going through these granthaas.

Me a non gaudiya.


Radhe krishna

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I've had my share of ghostly disturbances.


Your chanting must be loud and pure to drive off the ghosts.


You can also get a gong or some loud bells to ring when you sense a presence.


If you get troubled by a ghost, just ring a bell or a gong very loudly and the sound vibrations will cleanse the ether of such subtle beings.


Temples and churches has always rung bells to drive away evil spirits and ghosts.


When you wake up in the night with ghostly disturbance just bang on a gong or ring a bell very loudly.


Even banging on a pot or pan will do the job.


Just send some strong vibration out through the either and it will drive away the subtle beings just like a strong wind will push away a bad odor.


Ghosts are everywhere. Millions of them.

They are especially active at dusk.


Never take a nap at dusk or sunrise.


I've encountered some terrible monsters in my time.

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I was "clamped" once in an Iskcon temple. Just after waking.


It was quite unpleasant. I had been warned that it was a frequent occurance at this particular temple. My chanting was pretty weak back then, and it took a while for me to invoke the lord with any purity to get it off my head.


I have had my share of such entanglements and battles. This one was pretty strong. Gotta figure only the more potent ghosts get a pass in a temple of Sri Radha Krsna, no matter how mediocre the service standards.


Before learning of Sri Krsna or hearing any of the good advice such as that just given by the Ancient Mariner, I would normally just leave my body and fight them on the etheric (lower astral plane). :smash: This lets them know they chose the wrong guy, and usually I would never get attacked twice in the same neighborhood.


One time some being manifested in a form tangible to my sense of touch and in shadow right in my mother's living room while I was sleeping over, and was very powerfully trying to suffocate me and pull me from my body seemingly at the same time, after telling me in a deep grave voice that I was meddling where I didn't belong and that I didn't know who I was dealing with.


That time I spontaneously called out in fear and quite sincerely to Lord Nrsrimha Deva.


The dude was gone immediately.


Thank you Lord.

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Haribol Teja,


I can relate to you as I myself have experienced encounters with ghosts, spirits, subtle bodies, etc. There are various approaches you can take, but it helps if you are aware of whether this ghost is due to [a] family curse/evil or being a lost soul.

If [a], most people go to temple and usually get help from local priest. This is difficult if you live outside India.

The best thing is to recite mantra with their audio. Some mantras you could recite are :

Vishnu Sahasranaam, Hanuman Chalisaa, Durga Chalisaa, Lalita Sahasranaama, Nrismha Kavacha or Sudarshaana Kavacham.

These mantras are commonly recited to remove obstacles, inauspiciousness, ghosts, etc.

You can find some on :

If you have a serious problem, than I recommend contacting a tantrik to assist you.

Best of luck


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Haribol Teja,


I can relate to you as I myself have experienced encounters with ghosts, spirits, subtle bodies, etc. There are various approaches you can take, but it helps if you are aware of whether this ghost is due to [a] family curse/evil or being a lost soul.

If [a], most people go to temple and usually get help from local priest. This is difficult if you live outside India.

The best thing is to recite mantra with their audio. Some mantras you could recite are :

Vishnu Sahasranaam, Hanuman Chalisaa, Durga Chalisaa, Lalita Sahasranaama, Nrismha Kavacha or Sudarshaana Kavacham.

These mantras are commonly recited to remove obstacles, inauspiciousness, ghosts, etc.

You can find some on websites like vedamntram.com and prapatti.com

If you have a serious problem, than I recommend contacting a tantrik to assist you.

Best of luck


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The ghost, if it is really there, is most likely a person who doesn´t know where to go or is attached to either you or the place itself.


Between incarnations, some people don´t go to the next incarnation immediately, but they linger on due to their attachments. Sometimes related persons hang around to watch over their relatives for many, many years.


I suggest you find a very sensitive person, a medium, who can find out what exactly is going on. Or, you could try to address the "ghost" and explain that you want to be left alone and that its´ place is not here, but in the spiritual world, the Light.

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Dear Guest,


If you are living in India and knew any genuine tantrik, please give the contact number or address.


I visited many tantriks in India but they could not do anything.

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Hi everyone,

Please check the steps below. These steps will take you to a site (the reason i can't give you the link is that audarya-fellowship doesn't allow me to do so) from where you can fin everything abut ghosts, i.e

Why do the exist, how do they exist,what do they eat, where do they stay, why do some ghosts cause harm and some do not, and if we are harassed by a ghost then how to free ourselves from it, etc. and many other things.


1. Go to google search engine.

2. Type there swami ramsukhdasji and then go to the site which contains the same name.(1st in the list)

3. Then click on 'Pustak' name link.

4. Then the next page will ask you to select the language. Please select hindi as this book is not available in English.

5. Then click on Sr.no. 4 book 'Sadhan-Sudha-Sindhu'


After going to this page, go to chapter no. 113, shown on the left of your screen(page no. 789) in the 'Sarvaupyogi section'. The chapter is titled as 'Durgati Se Bacho'. The aim of writing this chapter is that we, in our next life, don't become a ghost.

And also, if anyone want to know in detail about KARMA theory, then go to chapter no.115 titled as 'Karma-Rahsaya', and anyone interested in knowing about Devtas, then go to chapter no. 116(Devta Kaun).

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an atheist is synomonous with a materialist. All cultures in the world, have believed in ghosts. From tribal communities to large civilizations. The knowledge of the spirit world was known to the ancients.


The astral plane can be experience by anyone during out of body experiences (OBEs) and Near-death experiences (NDEs). Have you heard about how when people are dying, they report how they are floating in their astral body above their death bed? and this is reported the world over. These same people, if they were to not move on when they died, would be continued to be 'felt' by people with psychic senses, as earthbound spirits (ghosts).


Infact you can make direct contact with spirit beings, and have proof. There is a phenomena known as electronic voice phenomena. Where spirits are able to be heard on tape recorders, when they are played back. You can listen to many of these clips online, that have been put there by paranormal investigators.


EVP Sites:






There are serious researchers who investigate these things. And have come to the same conclusions as the spiritually intuitive: that the spirit world is real. It's only the atheistic materialists who have denied the metaphysical realms.


Guest, I checked out some of these EVP-sites, and even became a member of Grassharp. As a teenager I used to do some experimenting with EVP, with some results... Only I want to tell you that I find the recordings of these Grassharp people pretty inaudible. It sounds more like radio-noise, for the most (99.9%). These people seem to be hallucinating to me, hearing things they want to here... And the things these "ghosts" are saying don't seem to make much sense at all. Could it be they all died in "delirium tremens" or some state like that?


That's also the point I wanted to make: to believe in ghosts, and one step further looking to communicate with them is not a spiritual thing at all, necessarily. Neither are all people who believe in ghosts spiritual people. Especially since apparently these ghosts are unembodied entities who still have gross material attachments, being unable to leave the earthly plane, associating with them could be dangerous both mentally and spiritually. Unless you have some special "karmic" gift that allows you to help and uplift these beings. Just trying to chat with them out of curiosity will just bring one down to their level - that of the spheres of mental pollution.


I checked out also one Dutch EVP-site, btw, given as a link on Grassharp, and their recordings are much more audible. Also these people actually have a mission to "help" these spirits, instead of just being curious or looking for thrills. Anyway thank you for the links!



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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Swaminarayan is a another god like Shiva or Vishnu but higher. The Gita Saar is the main focus of the Gita</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">









Are you joking? Who can be higher than Vishnu? According to Vedic ontology only Krishna can be said to be "higher than Vishnu". Who is that rascal?:P
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I have read several comments regarding the issue with ghosts. If you are having trouble with ghosts, i think, reciting Hanuman Chalisa will help you as it says 'Bhoot Pichas Nikat Nahi Aave, MAHABIR Jab Naam Sunave.' Or this may also mean that if the ghost is troubling you, says Mahabir and hopefully he will not come close to you. This is a possible remedy of solving the problem.


However, if you want to make this problem into a success it is more wise to try and please the ghost. It is said about Tulsidas that he had seen a ghost who then helped him meet with hanumanji. This makes sense as Hanuman is an avatar of shiv and shiv is always with ghosts (or ghosts are rather with shiv). If you will find hanumanji then i have no doubt that you'll meet krushna or ram.


Hope this helps.


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Krishna is same as Visnu. Just like a Judge in the court and the same Judge as a grand father for his grand child. When the Judge is in court he is Visnu, but when he is in the house he is Krishna../


I dunno much about Swami Narayana, but he isnt a ras$£%^. Can you please be humble in your wordings:P


Hari Hari bol

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I know this one worked for me:


I had some serious haunting problems in an old house I was living in a long time ago. Lord Siva is both the greatest vaisnava and the refuge of those in ghost forms. So as a vaisnava, I prayed to him as a vaisnava to please intervene with his followers on my behalf so I could continue my services.



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if hanuman chalisa dosent even work u can recite the whole of the bhagavd gita by a priest that has to work any spirit or ghast can be liberated by the recitation of the bhagvad gita

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>> Never take a nap at dusk or sunrise.


do u mean only outdoor, including in a tent, etc ?


>> I've encountered some terrible monsters in my time.


like to hear more


I can't discuss any further.

If you talk about these things, then you are inviting problems.


I know enough that if you talk about ghosts, then they come.



Leave the topic.

It's very inauspicious.


Hare Krishna

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Guest, I checked out some of these EVP-sites, and even became a member of Grassharp. As a teenager I used to do some experimenting with EVP, with some results... Only I want to tell you that I find the recordings of these Grassharp people pretty inaudible. It sounds more like radio-noise, for the most (99.9%). These people seem to be hallucinating to me, hearing things they want to here... And the things these "ghosts" are saying don't seem to make much sense at all. Could it be they all died in "delirium tremens" or some state like that?


That's also the point I wanted to make: to believe in ghosts, and one step further looking to communicate with them is not a spiritual thing at all, necessarily. Neither are all people who believe in ghosts spiritual people. Especially since apparently these ghosts are unembodied entities who still have gross material attachments, being unable to leave the earthly plane, associating with them could be dangerous both mentally and spiritually. Unless you have some special "karmic" gift that allows you to help and uplift these beings. Just trying to chat with them out of curiosity will just bring one down to their level - that of the spheres of mental pollution.


I checked out also one Dutch EVP-site, btw, given as a link on Grassharp, and their recordings are much more audible. Also these people actually have a mission to "help" these spirits, instead of just being curious or looking for thrills. Anyway thank you for the links!




I don't believe in EVP, seems farfetched to me and the idea has occurred to me that these EVP recordings are highly subjective in interpretation. That's the common criticism against them, actually, and it's very tough to PROVE a ghost's existence, let alone God. However, I hold out the possibility that ghosts and God do exist, and they can be seen through pure chance (or karmic if you prefer) encounters, or through spiritual endeavors such as meditation and yoga.


The universe is a lot weirder than meets the eye, especially given that there are brilliant physicists out there wondering about the possible existence of 6-7 more dimensions in addition to the 4 we know about, and the possibility that matter "leaks" into those other dimensions. I think it's possible for interactions to occur between these dimensions, though this is all in theoretical stage right now.


As for the idea of believing in spirits and ghosts, it comes in my opinion, logically out of the idea that there are other planes of consciousness, there are entities in them similar to you and me, and that these planes of consciousness can intermingle with each other. It really depends on what your definition of being spiritual is. You are right though, some people who believe in ghosts and spirits aren't really spiritual, they are more materialistic in mindset and seek to gain something out of knowledge of such things so they can exploit it for their own use.

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In Kaliyug only Narayan Kavach or hanuman stotra can get rid of ghost:


The mantra for hanuman stotra is in full:


Ohm Namo Hanumante Bhaya Bhanjanaaya

sukham kuru phat Svaha.


Or Narayan Kavach, which starts off:

Ohm Hareer Vidhya Dhyaan, mama Rakshaam.

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