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ghost hauntings

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I agree that actions are not really caused by our physical organs. Experiments show that the start of an action that we perform happens even before we consciously make the choice of performing that action. But how can that happen? I want to do something. Then, I do it. So, desire to do is cause and action is effect. But how can effect precede cause? For this, we have to see how experimentalists know that the action started before conscious choice. They find this by very accurately finding when an action started and very accurately scanning neurons to find when the conscious choice was made. This proves that there is something beyond our brain (a gross physical organ). I think it is this something that you are calling as mind. This mind (not a gross physical organ) actually makes a choice and this choice is later reflected in the brain.

What if indeed effect preceed cause? Would that experiment not show that there is something called pre-destiny, which is independent of gross physical organs and the less gross physical mind?

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Somebody has suggested Teja in this thread to call some tantrik who can make the ghost leave the house. Even though the suggestion was to really help Teja, I am afraid that he may not get the solution for this. There are so many tantriks who cheat people. You tell them that you fear there is a ghost in your house and even if they do not think so, they will say that there is really a ghost. They will cheat you of lots of money in the process. I do not say that all of them are cheaters but there are so many who cheat that it is extremely difficult to find somebody who is an honest tantrik.

Please keep consider all the possibilities. If you do not want to exclude the possibility of a ghost, please do not exclude the possibility of this being a phychological effect either. So, seek a doctor. Follow his advice. And also continue with chanting.

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What if indeed effect preceed cause? Would that experiment not show that there is something called pre-destiny, which is independent of gross physical organs and the less gross physical mind?


Good point. This is also one way to interprete the experimental result. If there is pre-destiny, then do we have any free will?

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Good point. This is also one way to interprete the experimental result. If there is pre-destiny, then do we have any free will?


I have been asking this question for some six years eversince I learnt about the karma law.

If Krishna knows everything, therefore He already knows that I would be say a thief, a murderer well before I took birth.

Now, if I do not become a thief, a murderer this would contractict Krishna's forcast which is impossible.

So, am I responsible for being a thief, murderer?

If I killied someone in this life because that someone killed me in the previos life, would I be a sinner? (afterall I am respecting the law of karma. He killed me before, I killed him now, action/reaction)

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If Krishna knows everything, therefore He already knows that I would be say a thief, a murderer well before I took birth.

Now, if I do not become a thief, a murderer this would contractict Krishna's forcast which is impossible.

So, am I responsible for being a thief, murderer?


I have argued this several times in this forum. I do not understand how free will and Krsna knowing everything about future can coexist. I find the two to be contradictory. But some think that Krsna knows everything that will ever happen in future and that we have free will. But I could never understand how this is possible.

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I have argued this several times in this forum. I do not understand how free will and Krsna knowing everything about future can coexist. I find the two to be contradictory. But some think that Krsna knows everything that will ever happen in future and that we have free will. But I could never understand how this is possible.



Free will only exists once you are enlightened. Until then, you are guided along the path of karma, karma dictates what you do and how you will do it. Krsna does not control your actions, he knows what will happen, as he respects your individuality. Krsna sees all possibilities, but those possibilites aren't open to you until you are really enlightened. Once you are enlightened you'll see these possibilities.


That's my take on it at least

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Radhe Krishna,


In this type of situations, it is easy to preach about science rather than feeling the problem faced by the sufferer. The midway is the best to approach. There is nothing wrong in meeting a psychiatrist and get therapy or medicines.

But yes, ghost is a mystery . Those who were haunted by ghosts know how they suffered. I heard about these things in a few of my friends houses. Stone falling. Cloths laid for drying suddenly getting fire. It would be very difficult to explain these things scientifically.

Since, I regularly read Shrimad Bhagawatham, my prescription would also be from Bhagawatham.

In Bhagavatha mahatmya from padma purnana, you have the episode of Gokarna vruthantham. His brother Dhundukari, an evil person was killed by his concubines after he was looted of all his wealth. He become a paisacha.

Here one should note one important thing.

People long to get Darshan of Lord Krishna. It is very difficult to get darshan of lord. Even it is very difficult to get darshan of any Devatha.

Same is true with Bhuta preta pisacha.

Like God or devathas give darshan only to those who are qualified for that - so is true with these Bhuta preta pisacha.

They give darshan to those who are supposed to get it. Those who can help these miserable beings to get rid of their paisacha avastha. Or those week souls whom these ghosts can exploit.

Dhundukari appeared before his brother and told him his story and prayed for liberation from pretha avastha. Gokarna asked suryanarayana about this. He was told even 100 gaya shraddha can not liberate his brother. He was adviced to do Bhagavatha sapthaha parayanam.

So did gokarna conducted Bhagavatha saptaha and Dhundukari got vimochana.

My dear friend, If you yourself can recite Shrimad Bhagavatham in sapthaha krama, that would be the best prescription. You need not worry about offense of mispronounciation. Because it has been clearly mentioned in Bhagawatham that

"Yasmin prathishlokam Abadhyavatyapi"

God still loves his Bhaktha reciting Shrimad Bhagavatham.




There is another prescription again from Shrimad Bhagavatham.


Narayana Kavacham - I think it is in Shashta Skanda. I dont exactly remember the adyaya. I would post you in the next one. You can recite this Narayana Kavacham also. This would protect you from these miserable happennings and also give you peace of mind and bless you with more krishna Bhakthi.

Meanwhile never hesitate consultations with doctors.


May Vamshidhara bless you with peace to enable you to concentrate on Krishna Bhakthi.


Radhe Krishna.

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Here is a thread in which the concept of free will has been discussed:-




Its always good to know that some people share the same view on this topic.

vedaham samatitani

vartamanani carjuna

bhavisyani ca bhutani

mam tu veda na kascana

"O Arjuna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I know everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are yet to come. I also know all living entities; but Me no one knows"

The question is whether it is possible to have free will even if the lord knows the futur. In the past my brain says no, at present I still think thats not rational.

In GOD's infinite wisdom, everything is possible though, and if there is a rational connection between pre destiny and free will, our mind/brain simply cannot comprend this complexity.

From the above quote,"but Me no one knows", since krishna is time(past,present,futur) then the "Me" could refer to time. Therefore no one understand time.

Btw is there any verses in connection to free will?

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Ghost exist, they do not have a physical body it is like and energy field.

I am not going to debate here about its characteristics rather give you some advice.

We should not think much of it, I know it is difficult for people who are

affected because over a period of time the problems get deep seated in your

mind somehow you have to try to fight it yourself with prayers, slokas and some protective amulets.


Do you have Ganeshji at the main door of your house on the outside on top of the door ? 1. Have it there

Do you the know the pwer of red chillies and green lime?

2. Try having 3 dried red chillies and a green lime tied together and keep above your main door at the side on the inside.


3. Try to get black salt (Kala namak) in its rock form.

Put a piece of Black salt in the 4 corners of your house


Now you have secured your house, black salt will absorb any negative

energy that me be present or making visits at times.


Have faith in ganeshji pray to him sincerely he will help you. And with prayers

things that god created in the world plants rocks etc has its uses if you know them. Some of this things are powerfull that ghost are afraid of them.

For eg Having a neem plants, cactus plants helps, it has strong positive aura

enegy fields you can see it it is there. Try this things.


Om Shakti

Son of Kali

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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">just chant hare krishna or swaminarayan it will go. It's happening for the best as that is part of the git saar</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


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Nonsense. Do you nothing about the Meta-physical? Ghosts exist on the astral plane. They are in a subtle body.



What are you, an atheist? This is a 'spiritual' discussion board for spiritually minded people. The person is being troubled by a spirit being, and asked for advice. If he had wanted to hear atheistic advice, or those who say the supernatural is all in the head, he would not have come here. He could have gone to any shrink, to hear this psychological babble.


:mad2: Since when is somebody an atheist when he doesn't believe in ghosts? An atheist is defined as somebody who doesn't believe in God or any Supreme Being. There's a difference between a "spirit being" and a "spiritual being", just like the "Spirit World" (if it exists) has nothing to do with the Spiritual World. Or should we believe in ghosts and take them very seriously because some Scripture tells us they are fact? Even when we never experienced the existence of such beings ourselves?

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:mad2: Since when is somebody an atheist when he doesn't believe in ghosts? An atheist is defined as somebody who doesn't believe in God or any Supreme Being. There's a difference between a "spirit being" and a "spiritual being", just like the "Spirit World" (if it exists) has nothing to do with the Spiritual World. Or should we believe in ghosts and take them very seriously because some Scripture tells us they are fact? Even when we never experienced the existence of such beings ourselves?


It doesn't make him an atheist, though shvu is one. However, since you seem to not believe in ghosts or any such thing, do you believe in an afterlife? If you don't believe in an afterlife, how do you believe in God? What is God to you? Do you believe in devotion to God? Why?


Do you believe that afterlife (if you believe in one) is completely separate from this material existence? Why? Just because you've never seen spirits and stuff? You've never seen God either, so why believe in God?


You make a distinction between the spirit world and the spiritual world as if they are completely separate. Not so. they are separate in concept, as spirits aren't necessarily spiritual, but they don't necessarily live APART from spiritual beings. Just as there are spiritual beings in our world, yet many people have no spiritual inclination. Who knows? perhpas to the spirits, we are the spirits or the ghosts as it were. It's all relative really.

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:mad2: Since when is somebody an atheist when he doesn't believe in ghosts? An atheist is defined as somebody who doesn't believe in God or any Supreme Being. There's a difference between a "spirit being" and a "spiritual being", just like the "Spirit World" (if it exists) has nothing to do with the Spiritual World. Or should we believe in ghosts and take them very seriously because some Scripture tells us they are fact? Even when we never experienced the existence of such beings ourselves?


an atheist is synomonous with a materialist. All cultures in the world, have believed in ghosts. From tribal communities to large civilizations. The knowledge of the spirit world was known to the ancients.


The astral plane can be experience by anyone during out of body experiences (OBEs) and Near-death experiences (NDEs). Have you heard about how when people are dying, they report how they are floating in their astral body above their death bed? and this is reported the world over. These same people, if they were to not move on when they died, would be continued to be 'felt' by people with psychic senses, as earthbound spirits (ghosts).


Infact you can make direct contact with spirit beings, and have proof. There is a phenomena known as electronic voice phenomena. Where spirits are able to be heard on tape recorders, when they are played back. You can listen to many of these clips online, that have been put there by paranormal investigators.


EVP Sites:





EVP recordings are the capturing of "spirit" voices and sounds on audio tape or digitally. Anyone can do this.


We have found that not all EVP recorded claims to be only departed human souls. We've heard from Nature energies/intelligences, those who have never been incarnated on the earth plane, and even some who claim to be Extra Terretrials. EVP is not to be limited to simply what is termed "ghosts" or "hauntings", but can be recorded anywhere at anytime. Please keep an open mind.


There are serious researchers who investigate these things. And have come to the same conclusions as the spiritually intuitive: that the spirit world is real. It's only the atheistic materialists who have denied the metaphysical realms.



by Bruce Moen


Yes! Ghosts are real. The following is condensed from my second book, Voyage Beyond Doubt.


"Several times a year I get calls from someone concerned about a ghostly presence they're aware of, usually in their home. Some callers are frantic, worried the ghost might do them harm. Others are more concerned for the welfare of a ghost. There are some simple things anyone can do to permanently move a ghost out of their house. Before getting to them, let's cover some basics and hopefully clear up a few misconceptions.


First, the most important thing to know is that ghosts are just human beings not living in physical bodies. These are people just like you and me. Like people everywhere, ghosts can be friendly, scary, smart, stupid and everything in between, but they're just people.


Second, at its most basic, the reason you can be aware of a ghost is because its attention is focused at the level of physical world reality. There can be many reasons why ghosts do this. They may be unaware they're dead and staying close to familiar surroundings or people. They may be aware of their death, but confused about what they're supposed to do. Some ghosts may have a message they want to give someone still living in the physical world. There are lots of reasons why a ghost's attention may be focused at the level of physical world reality, but that focus of attention is what brings them to your awareness and keeps them here.


Third, you have nothing to fear from a ghost. Despite what Hollywood horror films would have us believe, such a person is not a threat to you. Projecting your own fear onto a ghost can certainly appear to give evidence to the contrary. Too many people I work with bought into Hollywood's fear-inducing images, and are scared out of their wits, thus adding to their problem.


Fourth, there are Helpers living in the nonphysical world who will gladly assist you in your attempt to move a ghost along. All you have to do is ask. Often the Helper is someone actively trying to assist the ghost, but unable to reach him. Sometimes there's a Helper waiting to move a specific ghost. The Afterlife abounds with Helpers willing to volunteer their assistance wherever such an opportunity presents itself."


So again, yes, ghosts are real. They're just human beings stuck in Focus 23 close enough to physical world reality that some of us are able to perceive them.

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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Swaminarayan is a another god like Shiva or Vishnu but higher. The Gita Saar is the main focus of the Gita</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">



>> swaminarayan



what is this ?



>> git saar



what is this ?



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why your name always? and not your friend's name or any other person's name for that matter?






Haribol Myrla,


Interesting question. I have changed names used several times on several forums of the years. I used Maitreya here for a long time. There were several cases where I was confused with a Maitreya who is formally initiated by Srila Prabhupada and some people took that choice of name as a sign that I had been formally intiated by Srila Prabhupada. Both wrong impressions.


Then I looked for a name that more closely fit my actual situation and landed on theist as a descriptor. I accept God as personal first and formost and feel the most attraction to the Gaudiya Vaisnava philosophy. So I want to learn from them but am not myself a GV. I see theist as a more basic level of God awareness which is what I am trying to enter into at this time. It is also what I want to try and help promote in the world so it makes it clear that theism is where I stand.


It also is not taken in any imagined sectarian way. It allows me to talk about Krsna to people without creating the illusion that I represent the Hare Krsna movement in their minds.


I have found so many benefits to a name like theist that I will keep it for some time I think.


I know it may sound somewhat impersonal and I apologize for that. But you know I am a person behind the word.


Jaya Radhe!

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Those who says ghost does not exist, bring shame to mankind. If they do not know, they should keep quiet for the sake of those who are victims.


Ask people of Bombay whether they believe in ghosts and your will get the clear picture. There are many cases whereby tantriks have casted ghost spells upon the innocent persons and people are supported it for years but are not willing to accept the existence of ghosts because it is difficult for a group of people to accept what they were doing in teh past was wrong and evil. Such people try to prove their innocence by claiming that they have not done anything worse.

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