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Everything posted by xxvvii

  1. What does free will suggest? The disaccord between an owner & a slave. If the slave does as the owner's command, the slave maybe disobeys his own will. Conversely, he maybe disobeys the owner's will if he does as his free will. Therefore striving for more freedom would not shorten the distance between 2 sides. Freedom is the means than the goal. Only through trial & error with the free will, you can reach true freedom - the accord neither free nor non-free.
  2. Jesus did die & resurrect later. The p. is how you think about death. Do you think it to be real or illusive?
  3. The evidence is just out there. Sooner or later the coffin will be opened to show the truth - a fraud.
  4. The evidence is just out there. Sooner or later the coffin will be opened to show the truth - a fraud.
  5. I don't try to deny the possibility, but WHY, why "left his body in Kashmir"? This is the core.
  6. I don't try to deny the possibility, but WHY, why "left his body in Kashmir"? This is the core.
  7. *********** Attachment *********** 53135-rev4.zip
  8. There're various races coexisting in this world. It may be not the cradleland of all human species but a bio testing zone. I'm considering that perhaps Aryans originated from neither aaryaavarta nor eranvej. The word Aryan has 2 word classes, n. & adj.. I always distinguish race from morality when I mentioned the concerned topics, while many of indians seemed unable to do so. Its synonyms can not only be found in vedas & avesta, but also in some alien reports as the race name. Post them up if you find any. Earth is a mere point inappreciable in God's universe!
  9. There're various races coexisting in this world. It may be not the cradleland of all human species but a bio testing zone. I'm considering that perhaps Aryans originated from neither aaryaavarta nor eranvej. The word Aryan has 2 word classes, n. & adj.. I always distinguish race from morality when I mentioned the concerned topics, while many of indians seemed unable to do so. Its synonyms can not only be found in vedas & avesta, but also in some alien reports as the race name. Post them up if you find any. Earth is a mere point inappreciable in God's universe!
  10. As I know, "roma" is the variant of "Doma". I read an article on Romani & then surprised at less repetition of it in declension than that of Skt., such as "as" & "bhyas".
  11. I like the topic but not the content. Doubtless that "Indian History Has Been Distorted". I must say, however, that any regime is possible to distort more or less for the benefit & self-respect of itself, therefore I shut my mouth now for some sensitive p.s I've mentioned in detail. I tell you that you can't clarify them with a pile of paper & you can't ban all the sites as Dalistan, so you're wasting your effort. The truths have been recorded in God's hand, that's to say, What have happened is fixed & can not changed by your will. What we need to do is waiting for some time to read them. At last, I ought to point out that I would be pushed onto the position of an invader if you deploy yourself on the owners' position.
  12. This q. can be solved only by experience because "I'm brahman."
  13. Please allow me to initiate a sensitive topic. First I should declare the term HERE, Aryan, only relevant to race instead of moral. Fair hair reveals the purer blood probable; fair eyes reveal a certain portion of Aryan blood at least; fair skin reveals merely the race of white or even yellow.
  14. Let me exp. this q. from the angle of a gov.. Perhaps the majority of this q.'s cause is your disregard of the gov.'s status & function. Now I tell you it is indeed as sacred as your reli., or it would inevitably be washed away by history just like a declined reli.. Looking back into history, you will find out that any social org. was subject to the same rules. ******** Esdras 2 9:3 So when there shall appear in the world earthquakes, tumult of peoples, intrigues of nations, wavering of leaders, confusion of princes, 9:20 So I considered my world, and behold, it was lost, and my earth, and behold, it was in peril because of the devices of those who had come into it. 13:30 And bewilderment of mind shall come over those who dwell on the earth. 13:31 And they shall plan to make war against one another, city against city, place against place, people against people, and kingdom against kingdom. 15:14 Alas for the world and for those who live in it! 15:15 For the sword and misery draw near them, and nation shall rise up to fight against nation, with swords in their hands. 15:16 For there shall be unrest among men; growing strong against one another, they shall in their might have no respect for their king or the chief of their leaders. 15:17 For a man will desire to go into a city, and shall not be able. 15:18 For because of their pride the cities shall be in confusion, the houses shall be destroyed, and people shall be afraid. 15:19 A man shall have no pity upon his neighbors, but shall make an assault upon their houses with the sword, and plunder their goods, because of hunger for bread and because of great tribulation.
  15. Attachment ************** BTW, I tell you a good news that classes have been discarded the No. of cases has increased to 13: voc., nom., acc., predicative, translative, dat., ins., causative, allative, comitative, abl., gen., loc.. predicative: "to be" translative: "to become", into causative: because allative: toward comitative: together with 49442-cs.zip
  16. xxvvii


    I told you that Kalki is an alien holding a vajra. It's the emblem of power, justice, & punishment. So don't dream any longer of making me a pupil of yours. You can't stick to equity so as to lift up a rock only to hit your own legs, owners of Indian!
  17. There is lots of probable synonyms in Rus.: people: narod - nara good: horoSij - xriimant 2/3/4/5/6/10/100: dva/tri/cetbIre/pyat/Sest/desyat/sto both: oba - ubha 1st p./2nd p. plural: nas/vas this/that: etot/tot - etad/tad ('e' in etad may be original.) whole: vesh - vishva be: bbI - bhu eat: es - ad lead: nes - ni drink: pi - paa give: da -daa carry: vez - vah die: umer - mri find: iska - iS
  18. Fire, light, daytime, the bright lunar fortnight, and the six months of the northern solstice of the sun; departing by the path of these gods the yogis, who know Brahman, attain nirvana. (8.24) Smoke, night, the dark lunar fortnight, and the six months of southern solstice of the sun; departing by these paths, the righteous person attains lunar light (or heaven) and reincarnates. (8.25) The path of light (of spiritual practice of Kundalini yoga and Self-knowledge) and the path of darkness (of materialism and ignorance) are thought to be the world's two eternal paths. The former leads to nirvana and the latter leads to rebirth. (8.26)
  19. Britain is your's suzerain even now, especially in politics. You're enjoying a so perfect political system that you even threaten me on social system without any scruple.
  20. Britain is your's suzerain even now, especially in politics. You're enjoying a so perfect political system that you even threaten me on social system without any scruple.
  21. Attachments. **************** Expl. of Char.s There are 6 pairs of monophthongs: a/aa, i/ii, u/uu, e/ee, o/oo, :u/:u:u. a/aa are strong vo.s; i/ii, u/uu, & :u/:u:u are weak vo.s; the others are strengthened vo.s. The former 3 pairs are basic vo.s & the others are intergrading ones, in which i/ii are palatal, u/uu are labial, & :u/:u:u are pal.-lab.. 'i' is discrepant from Eng. short 'i' as the latter is half shorter than it. There are 4 pairs of diphthongs: ay/aay, aw/aaw, ey/eey, ow/oow. They are all the glides from strong or stren.ed vo.s to weak vo.s. I discarded the candidates fluent or distinct not enough, such as ew/eew, oy/ooy, a:u/a:u:u. The glides in reverse direction are not diph.s but syllables as ya/yaa, ye/yee. The ingredients of 'y' & 'w' in diph.s have semivowel's trait, however, it's hard to desc. diph.s accurately. You may think them resemble reversed yaa/ya3, waa/wa3, yee/ye3, woo/wo3. In other words, they may be expand into a-a-y (in double unit length)/a-a-a-y (in treble u.l.) & so on. There are 2 semivowels: y & w, associating to weak vowel i & u. And the choice of :u was discarded. There are 4 stop groups of k, c, t, p. The stops in the 2nd group are discrepant from Eng. 'ch', 'ch-h', 'j', 'j-h' as they are more palatalized than the latter. As I see, they are not proper, or standard, stops: they can be prolonged like 'sh' so they have sibi.'s trait. The group of 'T' was discarded because it's distinct not enough from that of 't' for the people other than S.Asians. There are 4 nasals: ng, ~n, n, m. In practice, they stand for more voices: ng: 1) before vo.s - scarcely used 2) after vo.s - acting as semivo. 3) id. - intergrading voice between n & ng (alternative voice of '2)') ~n: 1) before vo.s - scarcely used 2) after vo.s - acting as semivo. n: 1) before vo.s 2) after vo.s - acting as semivo. 3) id. - intergrading voice between n & l, e.g. "tanlokan" (The sandhi's cause is that their voices is too close. In my personal view, it could be pronounced as "ta nlokan" as well, like "ta nrokan".) m: 1) before vo.s 2) after vo.s - acts as semivo. 3) id. - i.e. 'M' (I don't think it to be an formal char, so the total num. of char.s should be 49.) Evidently, ng & ~n came from n by sandhi so they scarcely be used prior to vo.s. There are 4 sibilants: sh, S, s, f. 'sh' is discrepant from Eng. 'sh' as it's more palatalized than the latter. 'S' might come from age-old sandhi of 'k' or 's', but it has been a little fixed, e.g. "aSTau" - k, "bhaaS" - ?, eSa - (ai)s. 'f' is a semi-labial that I chose to replace sonant 'v' or stop 'p' in some cases, e.g. "safdan" - saptan, "fl:uka" - vRika, "frit" - vRit. The remainder: r, l, h, M. 'h' may be used to avoid the duplication of sibi.s, e.g. "shsh" -> "hsh", "ss" -> "hs". In all conso.s, the weakest are nasals & sibi.s, the strongest are stops, & the others are moderate. Palatal stops are relatively weak, but dental stops are easier for pronun.. In sibi.s 'f' is relatively harder for pronun.. Let's compare some char.s to the opposite in Russian: c - chy, ~n - nb (softened n), sh - shchy, S - sh I suspect the vowel ingredient in Ri & Li to be 'bI' in Rus.. If true, then "kRiSNa" should be spelt as "kpbIWHa". 44704-more.zip
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