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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. One thing I have noticed in Mahabratha is that this two weapons always appears in major battles between forces of Evil and Good. Matter a fact, it can be considered to be a turning point for us to know when the battle going to begin by seeing whether this weapons had appeared or not. In Ramayana, Hanuman took Brahma asthra on His own chest in behalf of Sri Rama and both Sri Rama and Laksamana was struck down by Naga ashtra and had to be saved by Garuda. In Mahabratha, I'm not sure about Brahma ashtra but I remember Karna using Naga ashtra again Arjuna. So what is Brahma ashtra and Naga Ashtra? I have a theory though.
  2. Disagree. Missionaries is made by Christians and it is a bad model for any Spiritualism. For one thing, there is NO unity among Missionaries in Christianity. if Hindus start to form one missionary, sooner or later, there will be quarrel within that group (which is usual in any group) and the members will break. New members will form a separate group, preach the same thing and process of breaking continues. In the end, it will be as useless as Christian missionaries. What Hindus should do is go to each village, gather the people together and establish lessons on Gita, Hindusm etc. Allow the Village to continue to grow on its own. Establish intercommunity discussion and dialogues and also other gathering (not related to religion) to get the people together.
  3. All these three factors are stored in memory, like some kind of associative process, if you hear a name your mind knows the form and attribute of it and if you see the form you would know the other two factors. Hmph ... You speak but you have no understanding of what you speak. In another words, you don't think very deeply on what you speak. Let's assume that Name is association. By naming something, you associate the name to that attribute. But Brahaman is beyond the name, form and attribute (the sanskrit term for attribute is Guna and hence Brahman is called Nirguna, without attributes) and since mind does not know how to work in the absence of any one of the above three factors, it can't comphrend. Here, you only know the theory but don't know the application of what you suppose to learn. Hindusm stated that Mind is an illusion - therefore, when a mind hears a name, it associate the name to a form. True? Same goes for God. While it is true that God IS beyond Name, form and attributes (recognised by the Mind), the Mind (in its limits) can only associate it with what you know and understand. Therefore, Name is associated with God. Thus Name IS a Form which you give God, like it or not. Now take the case of "Shepiroth" it is a name (real or imaginary) attached to "YOU(the entity)" for some time (100 year, 1 year or 1 hour..) while a form probably male, stout, bald-headed, boiling eyes...just kidding) attached again to "YOU(the entity)" for some time , and again attributes (kind, gentle, unassuming, ration.... just kidding) attached to "YOU(the entity)". All these are liable to change even within one life time and definitely will change across life times. The seperation of this knowledge would be the first step to entering into Yogic realm. For example it may be ok to tell in ordinary parlance that "Shepiroth is beautiful... just..." however in Yogic terms it becomes a logical error the correct statement would be like "Shepiroth is 9 letters long", "The form associated with the Entity having name Shepiroth looks beautiful" unless you can start thinking in clear, rational and unassuming ways we can't have a real discussion. IF my existence based on my nickname, Sephiroth, then you could say I have existed for over 2,000 years. There is nothing wrong with associating Name with Attributes. I don't see why it is a crime to associate names with a certain Attributes. For example, in Maths : A = 5 X + A = 10 A is already 5 so by associating A and the end value, you get value of X. Same here. By stating a name which links to an Attribute and by understanding what is happening overall, you can deprive (if not a full explaination) on what going on.
  4. Even names are forms, so don't say Abrahamic religions like Islam has no form. Have you ever seen name Allah in the mosque's wall? What is that if not form which Muslims parade around? IF you say "Formless" then true defination of "Formless" is - Spiritual realizations ONLY. You feel Him, know Him and Understand Him but CANNOT out those understanding, feeling and knowledge into words.
  5. by Mahatma Gandhi Hindus are gentle people who practice equanimity, they are ready and willing to take any type of insults/attacks calmly. Who are you to provoke them? Are you trying to make them violent? Is that your motive? Maybe we should ask the proper question here which is - WHAT is YOUR motive? Are Hindus really told (by their religions and Avatars) to lie down and take it peacefully? In my opinion, such people are not humans but Cattles waiting for be slaughtered. Humans Do NOT take things lying down. They will fight for what is right and what is fair for them. They don't listen to parasites who wants to rule them and they don't get fooled by "devils" in human skins into submitting to peace and tolerance while their daughters been raped and their sons been deceived into become human bombs. Hindus, DECIDE for yourselves whether you want to be Humans OR Cattle. If you choose to be Cattle, to hell with you. If you choose to be Human, to hell with Them. While you are at it, FIND and dispatch people like Mahatma Gandhi here who are traitors in midst.
  6. This jokers around for 21 years and even made books insulting Hindusm IN India. What are you people doing? IF they cannot be kicked out of India in peaceful and legal way, do it in any other way. I don't see why Hindus tolerate this people for 21 years. This is stupid. You people are too soft for your own good. Then when this sort of people makes books and convert people, you whine on the Internet as if doing so could change anything. IF this happened in Arabia nations, you know what will happened to the Mission? Each members WILL be imprisoned or WORSE and the whole mission will be closed in matter of months.
  7. by Mahatma Ghandi I thought you were living in Malaysia, a Muslim country, where they're letting you stay. Why this hatred against people who have given you shelter? Hellow ... You want me to step on your face? Read Malaysian History FIRST before you judge whose country it is. Indians and Chinese have been using Malaya for over 1,000 years and HAD establish ancient kingdoms like Kedah Tua etc in Malaya for ages. During Malaca times, it was Indians and Chinese who brought it to it's glory and it was Muslims (from Goa) who made the Sultan fool enough to go and wage war with Portugis thus damning it. Even during 500 years of occupations, it was Indians and Chinese who continued to work on Malaya - as merchants, businessmen, digging for tins in open mines, cultivating spicy and such while Muslims sat in Kampung and minded their own business. Even to this day, it is Indians and Chinese who are the back-bones of Malaysia and its developments, NOT Muslims. So DON'T come to me and tell me who Malaysia belongs to. UNDERSTOOD? by Number 2 People of a religion that is dedicated to wiping out all others and their way of life can never be our brothers. They have a very different goal to Hindus. Brothers and Sisters fight with each other - usually in EVER family. But they don't KILL each other or habor hatred and intention to enslave you. Such people are NOT brothers or sisters. Today, Muslims call Jews their hated enemies. Just say they managed to destroy the Jews (God forbids) tomorrow. WHAT make you so sure they will not turn and say Hindus are their hated enemies for their worshipping of idols? They did that in India from 900 A.D to some 1700 A.D (roughly 500 years). WHAT makes you so sure that they will not do it again? Muslims WILL NOT change their ways because their Muhammad didn't teach them how to live in peace. Muhammad taught them to be patience when in disadvantaged and be quick to grab opportunits when it appropriate. In times of war - you kill or be killed and take no prisoners UNLESS they willing to become Muslims. THAT is the teach of Islam. Muhammad himself RAN and HIDE in a Mosque when his OWN FATHER-IN-LAW comes for a visit and renew a peace threaty called Treaty of Hubaidayah (ONLY threaty ever made with Non-Muslims during the time of Muhammad). Do you think a race who busy mimic Muhammad who ran and hide FROM PEACE will embrace peace?
  8. Muslims in India have control over India as long as Hindus in general populations do not know about their Invasion and abuse they had endured (and continued to endure to this day). And as long as the general public doesn't know about their history, Muslim-lovers and supporters who willing to sell Hindusm for change for power will continue to use Tolerance and Peace as an excuse to continue to blind and bind Hindus. So you see ... it is time for Hindus to wake up (before Kalki come and kick each and everyone of you up) and reclaim what is yours. In my opinion, India MUST be ruled NOT by Muslims or Christians and even Atheist. She MUST be ruled by Hindus who follow Hindusm.
  9. Yes, I have problem with people logging in as Guests and asking questions. It's call Having Manners. You asked questions - I have answered questions. You asked for proof - I prepared to give proof IN condition that you register or log-in as an registered member for me to know who you are (for future references). Thank you.
  10. From your reaction, it seems that Indian History is not been told properly to ALL Hindus. Do you people even know that Muslims invaded India in 900 A.D? Japan have dark past as well where it used to torment other nations in 1860s to 1940s and to prevent Japanese youths to dislike their own heritage and culture, history with this dark past were teached in University levels alone. Rough details were given in High School and those who are interested are allowed to do their own research. How's it in India?
  11. Hmph ... I see things which you do not. You don't know anything about Judaism but judge it according to what you barely understand from Islam and Christianity.
  12. You need to understand Abrahamic religions properly BEFORE challenging people like this. It's already rude that you didn't register. 1) Human life is only one chance given, no rebirths True to Islam and Christianity. Untrue to Judaism (Jewish Tradition). Jews believe in Reincarnation. They stated that IF a Soul didn't reach a certain level of perfection required, he will not return back to God and God will take his soul and "replant" him back into the World. It is stated such in the Old Testament and supported by Jewish Elders. 2) After death everybody lies dormant in earth until Judgement day Read for Jewish Tradition. I think Christians and Islam follow the same methods except they use metals in their coffins and Christians bury their dead in regular clothes. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/judaism/FAQ/05-Worship/section-62.html Being dormant doesn't apply to Jewish Tradition. Jews bury the Dead because they don't want to descrate the Body by cremating it. Soul will be judge and see fit whether to return back to God or rebirth. 3) At Judgement day all souls are reawakened and if they had fallen to temptation of Satan then go to eternal Hell, instead if they had believed in their "GOD" go to eternal paradise. Yes - to Christianity and Islam. No - to Judaism. Goal of Christianity and Islam is to reach Paradise after the Judgement Day. Goal of Judaism is to promote Perfection in Spiritualism. Jews believe God made Man perfect by he become imperfect by his own Sins, so he falls from graces. Therefore, it is Man's duty (and not Jesus's) to become perfect once more. By living and following God's Commandments (in Laws of Moses for Jews), he or she will try to live life as perfect as possible. What happens to child death? (those who die less than 8 year old) ALL Children belongs to God. If for some reason a Child dies, in Judaism, he or she will allow to be reborn. In Islam, they will reach God for their are sinless. Not sure about Christianity. If they go to paradise, it means God is Partial that they are given PASS in the exam, even without writing the exam. If they go to hell, it means again God is Partial since they are FAIL in the exam, but didn't even got a chance to write the exam. How to sit for an exam when you never sat for the class? What to examine if you never attend the class? The World is the Classroom and how One lives in the World is how One sits in an examination. If you never attended the class, then you are not qualified to sit for examinations, do you? Please search your scriptures and come out with a "Proper" answer with scriptual references. My dear friend, you do not have the courtesy of registering a nickname for yourself, YET you demand from others proof of their words? 4) Also this is not a hypothetical question, since thousands of such death happens each year. Thousands died everyday, and thousands born every day ... what does it proof? If after searching genuinely, you couldn't get answer, be brave enough, to throw away your so called "religions" and start reading Gita to get all the required answers Save your comments for Christians and Muslims. Don't generalize all Abrahamic religion to be idioctic as those two. Abraham is Jewish Father, Christians and Muslims just borrow His name to use and glorify their own religions.
  13. Sephiroth


    by Ratheesh Buddha is considered an avatar by myself, not as one who taught "wrong things" or whatever it may be.... Buddha is an avatar of Vishnu because he preached a teaching that has led people away from mindless rituals. the power and influence of brahmins were at its height then and the people simply did rituals as pescribed and not with any goodness of mind. They werent mentally devout, they were physically devout. Hmm ... Maybe. I cannot disagree with this. As for Vamana, I do believe the avatar symbolizes the extent of Vaishnavite influence and infiltration into South India during the mid 1st millenium BC. It gives justification for Brahmin rule and respect within a non-Brahmanical framework in indigeoneous Tamil south India. Personally, I believe Vamana Avatar is the First Buddha. According to Sutras (Words written by His followers - known as Smirti by Hindus), Gautama Buddha mentioned that He was NOT the first Buddha to come to this World nor will He be the last One. I believe Vamana Avatar is the first Buddha - taken direct form by Vishnu to bring order in other ways other than through Violence (He did it by putting down firm standing ... with respect to His strides ). The way Vamana Avatar born, lived and work for benefits of others is similar to what Buddhists monks are doing today. Vamana Avatar didn't just went around stepping on people's heads (Ahem) nor did He favour the Dewas over Asuras or vice versa. He delivered a fair judgement to all - Heavens return back to the Dewas, Netherworld is given to Asuras and Pact with Him is established and the World of Man is return back to Man. To me, that is what Gautama Buddha and Vamana Avatar have in common (except Gautama Buddha didn't step on anyone's head).
  14. We Hindus must learn to defend each other's honor the RIGHT way, and that is by aiding the law in catching the perpetrator of the offense. The wrong way would be to retaliate blindly, obstruct justice, and to cause communal violence. WHAT right way is there? Do you think that Muslims bother with your legal system? Your so-called Justice System? To them, if they die in Jihad (against Infidels), they win. If they get caught and thrown in prison, they still win (because they are alive and can still pray to their god). If they commit such violence toward infidels and escape, they still win because their religion teachs them that more infidels killed means more space for them to bred. WHAT DO HINDUS WIN IN THIS WAR? Muslims aren't winning, because they're defending each other's honor the wrong way. The problem is, we Hindus are doing the same thing, and that makes the cycle of violence continue. WRONG. They are winning because they are united in a common goal - exterminating you jokers who they call as Infidels. Your Justice System IS a joke to them. Your Legal System IS a joke to them. Your idiotic Tolerance and "We are Brothers" attitude is a perfect senario for them to continue to commit violence and hide behind faithful masks. In Mahabratha, Sage Vismathan (the Kyastria who renounce the World to become a Sage) told this to King Pandu after prediction Duryodhana's future. His message was : "To safeguard a family, one member of the family can be sacrificed. To safeguard a village, one family can be sacrificed. To safeguard a state, one village can be sacrificed and to safeguard a nation, a state can be sacrificed." To safeguard India from Muslim terrorists, ALL MUSLIMS (15% of the populations) MUST BE SACRIFICED. Allow them to leave peacefully, vendicate them, buy off their lands with good prices or simply throw them out or worse. It doesn't matter. Japan did it in 1500s and today, there is about 3% Christians in Japan ONLY and Japan IS the sole Asian country still have its own Culture and Heritage and continued to strive forward.
  15. Barney dear ... do you know WHY Muslims are winning and Hindus are losing? Because they have your attitude. What exact did you mean you can forgive a Muslim if he slaps or kills(assuming another Hindu)? Which part of Gita or Veda taught you that? Do you know what Muhammad taught Muslims in Islam? IF one Muslim sees a Non-Muslim attacking a Muslim, the Muslim MUST go and defend his fellow Muslim because Muslims are considered Brothers and non-Muslims are considered KAFIRS (infidels). You talk nonsense stating you see another Muslim attacking a Hindu and you will forgive the Muslim but will not tolerate descration of an empty building. In my opinion, the first true temple of God lies in heart of Men because according to Judaism, Man was created in (Spiritual) Image of God, thus I believe that God resides in ALL of his Devotees (in their hearts). So, my dear foolish friend ... go and get your priority straighten up. Instead of glorifying buildings, go and glorify each other, only then you will have unifications and stand a chance against this Parasites.
  16. One question - in WHICH nations did Muslims and non-Muslims live in peace for them (Muslims) to start living in peace now? FACT - Muslims CANNOT live in peace with others. FACT - Hindus CAN live in peace with others. FACT - Hindus need to find allies among others who wish to live in peace. FACT - Muslims AND ISLAM is NOT needed in this World.
  17. EXCUSE ME ... WHO is our brothers? Muslims? Do they think the same way? HELL NO. People like you are holding our hands for the longest time, whenever non-Muslims get upset and try to take any actions toward Muslims, there's always someone like you to come and whine, stating that this parasites are brothers and should be tolerated. And for your information, Muslims in India during Mahatma Gandhi's time were Shiahs, the Muslim terrorists which invaded India and blowing people now are Sunnah Al Jamaah Muslims. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
  18. Well, I don't know whether Taj Mahal was a Shiva Temple or not but I heard (from mouth of a Muslim History Teacher) that over 2,000 Hindu families were enslaved to work on Taj Mahal and the Persian Artitect who helped to design and construct Taj Mahal was blinded by the King by poking his eyes with red hot iron SO No other buildings will be erected which could rival Taj Mahal. Mumtaz Mahal is not the first wife of Shah Jahan, she was a court concubine who later become Shah Jahan's wife. So, it is riddiculos to say Taj Mahal is symbol of love. If anything, it is symbol of Slavery for Hindus in the past and Symbol of Ignorance to Hindus currently for not knowing their own history.
  19. If you wish to live like animals (cat and dogs) which has no religion (same way Atheists live), no one is stopping you. But please, don't come and preach to us how to be enlighten. In my personal opinions, ANIMALS cannot enlighten themselves.
  20. Sorry, problem here is not the West. Problem here IS Muslims themselves. You are trying to divert your problems and mistakes in life toward the West as Excuses. True ... the West supports sides which beneficts them the most, which is why I personally believe that India shouldn't continue to take USA as a model and instead, turn her attention toward other Asian Nations like Japan, Korea and Singapore. I believe Indian Governments are making steps toward it, so shouldn't rush them. I suggest Hindus here also start to get to know other Asians and don't live in a nutshell called India alone. Start with the Internet and don't be shy to learn other languages. What "shared heritage" do you speak of which India and Pakistan has in common? Also, in order for Kashmir problem to solve, Pakistan MUST ease claims to it and allow the Kashmir people to choose themselves whether they want to be with India or not. As long as Pakistan supports Kashmir rebels, there is no room for peace.
  21. Sephiroth


    I don't think Gautama Buddha is an avatar. However, if you wish to know "Buddhist-like" Avatar in Hindusm, I suggest Vamana Avatar.
  22. Written centuries later - true, but memorized by a specialized groups throughtout the centuries (word for word). Brahmins in the past had a specific role - they just memorized dozens upon dozens of Puranas, Vedas and the Gita. And since Brahmins don't go to battle like Kyastrias or do other things like Vaisyhas and Sutras, their roles allocated to Spiritualism alone to ensure they become the backbone of Hindusm. And most Brahmin society is supported by the Government (Kyastrias). Even Buddha didn't compile and write down his Discourse with his students rather, the students gathered together, discuss and wrote it down 3 months after Lord Buddha's Passing. Matter a fact, Muhammad in Islamic Religion TRIED to follow the same method (as Gautama Buddha) to idolize Islamic Religion. He proclaimed that he received messages from his God but never bothered to write down. He knew he was going to die soon and he never commisioned anyone to compile and create Al Quran so he could double-check it and confirmed what he receive is same as what is compiled. In sort, Muhammad wanted to make Muslims as Brahmins and Buddhist monks - to memorize Al Quran by heart and follow it but failed. I was asked the same question in another forum - WHAT is the proof that Gita is same to what said by Sri Krishna some 5,000 years ago? Answer - it lies in how Hindus who follow Gita lives their life. How do Buddhists know what they follow is same as what Gautama Buddha had stated? Answer again lies in how Buddhists live their lives.
  23. That is not Enlightment, it is just flash of good idea. That's all. People can have tons and tons of good idea based on a single thoughts, that doesn't mean you are Enlightned. As for Zen ... why don't you try your "Enlightnment" with me? I'm quite familiar with Zen Buddhism.
  24. But vedas are said to be transcedental sound. How can anybody steal it? Is there any hidden meaning in this story? If yes, what? Maybe Brahma pre-recorded it and kept the tapes (or some sort of recording medium) aside, to be delivered to Manu and others when time comes. If the demon, Hagriva can steal sound, it means it should be in a form which can ne carried off. I watched a show (about 10 Avatars in Astro) and they pictured the Vedas as 4 Children born from Vishnu's Mouth and give to Brahma for safe keep and the way Hagriva stole them was by tricking the children to come and play with him. Is it possible also that the Vedas (said to come from Mouth of God) could be some sort of early Avatars or maybe Enlightned Souls who came down to teach Man?
  25. Thats a good answer , that in a way proves the balance that has to be maintained b/w material and spiritual lives. That is why I said Spiritualism is Self-Discipline. Life without Spiritualism is Materialistic Life - it will lead you astray and toward suffering. Christians are under going this - doing all sort of self-indulgement and sinful actions in name of Freedom. Spiritualism without Purpose in Life is Rigid and Stiff. Muslims making this mistake - focusing in After-life alone without living a proper life. Goal of Living is to Live a proper life while maintaining the goal in Spiritualism. Thus - Balance.
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