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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Small branch but with a big voice. It is the loudest person who gets the more attention, not the biggest person with a small voice. In the end, it is how you deliver which counts, not what you deliver - basic for all presentation and public talkings. ISCKON maybe small and insignificant to someone to the point that you could consider that their influence is sufficial as well. But when the West hears them, what they will see is what Hindusm supposed to be according to their own understanding.
  2. Finally, someone with proper common sense which I could agree with. Is it agreeable that one needs ALL THREE aspects in order to live and make proper decision in this World?
  3. This not about whether you believe in Krishna or not. I don't think Krishna wants people to follow Him like cows, but think for themselves on what He have taught. People nowadays are more like cows than humans.
  4. Read back what I have said : [Qoute] Vishnu also Narashima Avatar who the Malayam people celebrate as Onum festival. Vishnu also Parasurama who the Kerala people worship. Vishnu also Rama who the south people worship as well (and Sri Rama honored Shiva during His travels and in battle). So all this Avatars means nothing and only Sri Krishna matters? Why? Because Vaishnavists said so? [/Qoute] You claims that Viashnavists are worshippers of Vishnu, YET they don't seems to give a damn about other Vishnu's Avatars who is worshipped by various people of India. And they even promote Christ than they could promote Parasurama or any other Vishnu's avatar.
  5. Hmph ... You have only knowledge, not Intelligence or Wisdom. Therefore, it is useless to explain things to you. Good day.
  6. This are foolish people who lost in illusion which is Christianity. Just to bring in Christians into their fold, they go and twist their own beliefs to suit Christianity. By doing this, they place Christianity above Hindusm, live as Secular and forever in illusion and delusion.
  7. Not everyone can be like Guru Bhaspati or Vishvamitra. And such acts of taking in sins of others will not elevitate you to level of Sri Rama either. IF that is the purpose for this action by ISCKON members, than I could say that they have a very materialistic purpose - to have their status levitated by their followers. So far, all I could see is similiarity between Christian priests' practise and this practise. I do not see ANY link to Vedas and Gita stating that Gurus and Priests can take on sins of others as something Hindusm practises.
  8. True Genius? There is no true or false genius. When a person's mind is preoccupied with desire for sex (due to his/her own sexual energy arousal), he or she will not have any other thoughts other than fullfilling that desire. Same way a starving man will not think of anything else except food and fullfilling his stomach. The so-called "True Genius" is just someone who ignores his desire for other cravings and desires, and concentrate in bring out his higher purpose. He don't become an Einstein overnight, he just concentrate in more important things.
  9. Vishnu also Narashima Avatar who the Malayam people celebrate as Onum festival. Vishnu also Parasurama who the Kerala people worship. Vishnu also Rama who the south people worship as well (and Sri Rama honored Shiva during His travels and in battle). So all this Avatars means nothing and only Sri Krishna matters? Why? Because Vaishnavists said so?
  10. There is some strict rules to follow when one practise Celibacy (or Brahmachari as it is known in Hindusm). And those who learn and understood Magic and Energy knows how dangerous it could be. Like I said before, practise of Celibacy involves reconverting energy used by the body to form sexual energy back to its energy form. However, Christians do not practise it properly. They do not meditate to control their minds like Hindus does, they do not exercise their bodies like Buddhist Monks does and they do not eat properly either. The act of reconverting sexual energy to energy is done through meditation and physical exercise (not a religious practise but a normal lifestyle). Christians do not convert it, and this suppressed sexual energy wreck chaos inside the body - resulting in mental illness.
  11. Sorry, incorrect. In Judaism, ONLY Elders of the Community and THEY will decide which is to follow and which is not. They are like Brahmins in Hindusm. You know, your statement that Hindus not killing each other means that there is no problem is LAUGHABLE. Fact remain that there is NO UNITY among Hindus. And how to get them interested in Hindusm when some group like Vaishnavists could come, claim anyone who belief what they believe will get Moksha while the rest will continue to suffer? "God is One but Sages calls Him by different Name" - THIS is teaching of Hindusm. What Vaishnavists follow is just a mixture of Christian egoism and Secular Hindus belief.
  12. The main problem why this "forces" can hijack Hindusm so easily is because : 1. There is no clear defination of what Hindusm is. 2. Too many groups break apart from mainstream Hindusm and claim theirs is the correct one (eg Vaishnavists). This leads to disunity among Hindus. 3. Hindus are too egoistic for their own good.
  13. According to the news I have received, this "song" is unislamic, therefore Muslims will not sing it.
  14. Did Sri Krishna created Vaishnavism OR did those who followed Vedas in the past called themselves Vaishnavists?
  15. Astral and Causal Universe? What's that?
  16. What other relm are there except this three? Humans learn things through knowledge, understand things through Logic, and know things by Mytiscm (knowing without proof if you may). Is there any other branch except for this three? Even if you cross any stage (typo I persume when you spell syage) by sheer intuition, it is still in realm of mystiscm. Even if you subject Logic to Discrimination, what result you will get is knowledge which generated Logic. So the next time you come across the same senario, you will know what will likely to happen due to knowledge and deduction of Logic which bring forth Mystic-like understanding of things. In short, you cannot leave this three stage in understanding Physical World.
  17. Don't ask if you do not understand. Read and think for yourself.
  18. Hmph ... 50 years ago, there was no group named Vaishnavism. Which part of it suppose to be considered Hindusm which sprung for the past 5,000 years?
  19. a good portion of MOST doctrines are pure fiction. ONLY to a Godless person - that doctrine is a pure fiction. And I study Kaballah, I don't follow Kaballah. There is nothing to follow in Kaballah since it is Discipline of Understanding how the Universe and the World works, not a doctrine. Yes, Jews fight Christians. WHY? Because Christians corrupt Tahmud and God's name by stating that Yahweh had kid named Jesus. can call Hindus ridiculous and Hinduism weak, but that is just your own bias. as anybody can see, the "Hindu" traditions are doing quite well worldwide. Hindu Secularism is growing - a sort of Hindu identity but lack of ANY understanding or care for Hindusm. Hindusm in truth IS DYING. 1,000 years ago, Hindusm sprang from India to Middle-East, South-East Asia and even all the way to China and Japan, along with Buddhism. TODAY, there is not a SINGLE HINDU NATION IN THE WORLD. Hindus in India especially cannot even make political and social changes according to Hindusm without upsetting the Seculars, Christians and Muslims.
  20. Well, it's about time too. It had been 10 years or so. I hope it spread across the World like last time also.
  21. Yes, I did say that Hindus are riddiculos and it shows Hindusm as weak because some group actually uses fictional work to fight Christianity. And it does NOT work well. If you say otherwise, SHOW where fictional works could work against doctrine. The reason why fictional works will not succeed is because it is FICTIONAL - Make believe. Christians will walk away and laugh, stating that Hindusm is so pathetic that Hindus needs storybook to defend themselves. Secondly, WHY must Hindus use fictional story as methods to fight when there is a lot of historical data in the World and in the Internet? That is like choose Lies over Truth. I don't see the Logic for such actions.
  22. I could agree with that. According to sources I have read, the method he used to seek this "prophesy" itself is unacceptable from Christian (and Jews) point of view. It is said that he could stare into a burning candle till it made him hallucinate. It is also said that he could take elixirs of drugs which put him to a trance-like state, thus making him envision this "prophesies". Such practise is called "Divinity" and it is against Christianity and Judaism. So the fact that some people claiming to be Hindus YET accepting it more than what stated in Gita is simply laughable.
  23. How does this Cycle of Knowledge-Logic-Mystism revolve around? Let take the example of a Sick person. When a person falls sick, that person will ask others WHY he or she have fallen sick. A knowledgeable person could answer - "Your immune system is weak, therefore, you have become sick" A Logic person could answer - "You are plaqued with Anxiety, Stress and Fear, therefore, this had made you weak and therefore, your immune system become weak and you become sick." A Mystical person could answer - "Your sins have cause you to feel Stress, Anxiety and Fear, which made you weak, your immune system to become weak and therefore you become sick". While a Knowledgeable person could agree to the Logical person, he may not agree to the Mystical Person. A Logical person could agree to both or agree to the Knowledgeable person while ignoring the Mystical person. A Mystical person could consider Knowledge to be sufficial and Logic to be something to regard or discard depends on situation.
  24. Agreed ... in WHAT way does Nostradamus's prediction seems to be more credible? I have read it, and I even have the book. Many of his interpretation is based on the Bible's Book of Revelation (about Doomsday) which he claims have vision of the future - about the "Dark Man and the Beast" and such. Today, many people (including some Japanese, I heard) interpretes his interpretation as they like and that is like telling a story you heard someone else tell as your own. Lies retold as truth will not become a truth. As for Gita, I see things happening in front of me which EXACTLY as described in it. There is no need to interprete anything.
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