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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. In Buddhism, when one dies, he or she is in state of Limbo (up to 30 days or so, unless something powerful hold him/her down), and get reborn in a new existence. Therefore, it is very unlikely that it is the late Buddhist Llama and his wife is the one bugging you. Well, if you must know some Supernatural Explaination, I could say that "some entities" could choose weak individuals (no offence attended) in state of Mind and Spirit to disturb and control. If you want psychological explaination, then I could say your sexual urge is getting better of you. Sexual Urges are normal for all humans and you are experiencing such urge. My guess is that another side of you felt disgust with such urge, created your own "Spiritual teacher" in form of the Llama (and his wife? I don't think Buddhist monks supposed to marry) which make you feel disgust with yourself.
  2. I don't think you can get that. It's state secret because some deals could be done by exchanging information and agreement which is best not to be shown in public. My guess is (and it's only a guess), that USA could allow India to have Nuclear technology in exchange for some "helps" in terms of Manpower, Research materials or just to keep an eye on her neighbour (Pakistan and Bangladesh). USA is known to extend "friendly help" to countries like Singapore, Philiphines and South Korea in exchange of being their (USA's) eyes and ears to monitor likely candidates for terrorism (like Muslim and Communist Countries). And now, with China extend it's claws toward Tibet and Nepal, USA will need all the eyes and ears it could get.
  3. The funny things is ... people who leaves India high and dry after getting their education in India could start groups calls themselves Hindus overseas and begins to potray their own belief on what Hindusm stands for. IF I were the President of India (and most people should be thankful I'm not, especially Pakistan), then I could pass Law that those who leave India and settle elsewhere ARE NOT INDIANS and have NO RIGHT TO SPEAK ABOUT HINDUSM.
  4. Compared to the Methane Gases, Carbon Dioxide gases can be considered greater contributer of Global Warming. And guess which species emit the most Carbon Dioxides into the air? Yup, Human beings which has reach the total of 6 billion people. And they are worried about cows. At least methane gases can be harvested as cheap fuel. Carbon Dioxide cannot be used in such way.
  5. Personal means ... He is with you personally. Like Friend, Father, Mother etc. Impersonal means ... He is overseeing you. Like your Boss. Both are in Bhavagad Gita. And I rather prefer Personal Relationship with God rather than Impersonal relationship.
  6. Now this, I can understand and accept.
  7. Change your hearts back into hindus, not your clothes alone. Changing your clothes is just to fool men, but God knows your heart. Till your heart is following (without forcing it down) Hindu Tradition and Culture, you will not be Hindus.
  8. And that is why you are a Puppet. You attend to follow others around, instead of thinking for yourself. There is two things which I like about Bhavagad Gita : 1. That God (Brahman) can be approached in any way a person choose to approach Him - as Friend, Family, Senior, Father, any way you choose. (Bhakti Yoga, if not mistaken). This is different from Abrahamic Religion where God is established as an Authority and you must follow Him around like a goat waiting to be slaughtered. 2. That Sri krishna stated that IF a person doesn't understand ANY of what is written in the Gita, he or she was to take refugee onto HIM, not run to some prophet wanna-bee. So, I could safely say that many of you claims to follow Sri Krishna, but have NO IDEA what He have said in Gita.
  9. Unchanging knowledge exists in Bhavagad Gita, NOT Srila Prabhupada or whatever. Like I said before, I do not follow any prophets. It is between me and my God on how I live my life. I don't need a mediator in the middle to pass message to God.
  10. Sure it will ... India could continue to invest millions of dollars in Education and College for her people, who get degrees, master and Ph.D and this jokers will run out of her to USA where they can make thousand of dollars month, forget about India and STILL call themselves Hindus to hide their shame. Ask yourselves first if Hindus have respect for India first, or not. Don't expect foreigners to respect India if Hindus do not do so themselves. Countries which like USA are foreigners. At best, they can be friend and at worst, they can be invaders. But they can NEVER be your brothers and sisters. Remember that and India will not be invaded for the second time.
  11. How come no one have ever discussed on how Muslims have waging war with others? Whether they are following the Geneva Convention or not?
  12. Good enough ... you seems to be in the right way with the right attitude. Most of the so-called "religious ones" have major attitude problem. False Ego is always the biggest problem and obstacle for most religious followers.
  13. I will not entertain people who have no courtesy to even register. Thank you.
  14. Sorry, I have rejected ALL Prophet-like characters. Man do not know the Truth, they can only tell you THEIR defination of Truth. For me, I will find my own. Thank you.
  15. I don't know anyone or heard of anyone like that, so why should I assume that you are telling the truth? Games, like Sex, like booze, like drugs, like every stupid thing in this world IS ADDICTIVE. It depends on personal responsibility on how you indulge in it. Like I said before, give up married life, family, your job, status and everything else in life because this too will make you want to sit on your fat butt and forget about Krishna.
  16. If he/she wanted to know about Performing Arts, s/he could have asked. You know ... I think I understand now WHY India, despite of labelling itself as a Computer and Technology Hub in Asia, have not produced their own Game and Multimedia Companies.
  17. Sri Krishna is a god, you are not. Stop pretending that you can become god by mimicking what Sri Krishna did. Then again, maybe if you want to become so Spiritual that you don't want to live properly, FINE. Stop having sex with your wife. Abandon your children. Abandon your job. Abandon your wealth and status. All above is not Spiritual also.
  18. Death is one in a life-time opportunity (for most people anyway). Don't think that praying or thinking about God alone will be sufficient enough to prepare you for it. In Death, it is the worst thought and fears in you which comes forward, not your pleasent thought. I suggest you take up meditation to calm your mind and prepare yourself for the "real" experience.
  19. Trust me ... there are WORST way of indulging yourself than playing Video Games. I myself is a Video Game Expert (especially in RPG Category), with over 100 games played and finished under my belt. So, trust me ... it is a good past time. Even Sri Krishna had past-times - playing with gopis and animals.
  20. If Veda Vyasa just classfied the Vedas, then he didn't wrote it, did he? If he didn't wrote the Vedas, then surely, he didn't write the Puranas as well. So that means that the Puranas probably : 1. Actual events which described by Sages through words of mouth and get misinterpreted throughout the generations. 2. Mere stories by Brahmins to "fight" off Buddhism, like this Kalki purana.
  21. Sorry, IF you know what the hell you are talking about, you could know that Vedas come from Maha Vishnu who gave VERBALLY to Manu after the Great Flood Event. And from that time onward, the Vedas (NOT Puranas) were handed down for generations through Brahmins. So even if Veda Vyasa wrote it down, it is still prone to mistakes and misinterpretation due to the tradition of verbal hang-overs. Also, Puranas are collection of "stories" which was collected and write down for beneficts of the people. And stories do not determine truth. You say Kalki purana is such story, then I say it is MERE story. There is no truth to Kalki prophesy TILL a person described in it comes forth. Otherwise, you could just fooling yourselves.
  22. No, Veda Vyasa wrote the Vedas, which is why the word "Veda" is added to his own name. He did not wrote Puranas.
  23. And where does this Purans comes from? I can acknowledge Bhavagad Gita since it came from Sri Krishna. Where does this purans comes from?
  24. And I could suggest you look up on history of Nazism and what Hitler preached in 1930s to the point of starting war with Poland and the rest of the Europe by 1939. You WILL find similiarities between Adolf Hitler and Ahmednijab. Hell ... it is not so far if we consider Ahmadnijab to be reincarnation of Hitler. Nazism started with a political and patriotism tone to it - same way Ahmednijab does it. Hitler used the Great Depression of 1920s to pushed Germans into being anti-Semantic toward Jews who were better in term of Economic and Social. Those twisted Patrotism gave way to violence, hatred and fear (that Jews will take over) and become a full-fledged war in 1939. And the same way Ahmednijab have threanten the U.N now, it is the same way Hitler showed off the UN back then as well, stating that it is political things and that UN have no business interfering with Germany's political actions.
  25. Alright then, IF Kalki is not mentioned in Bhavagad Gita, then where did Hindus get the prophesy of Kalki from? IF Sri Krishna did not speak of Kalki in Bhavagad Gita, then where is it come from?
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