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Everything posted by maadhav

  1. report to whom, and what purpose please?
  2. dear dravidian arya, please accept my praNam!
  3. << can anybody teach us how to be a "kshatriya". >> yes. develop the gunas of kshatriyas as krishna gives in gita. understand the duty of kshatriyas. then do teh duties of ksnatriyas. (be a political leader, join police force, or militry, or just do yoru ksnatriyd duty as a civizen, stopping asuras from di=oing adharma.) << can anybody "use brahmastra".>> atomic/nuclear bombas are close to brahmastra, but brahmastra technology is forgotten now. such weapons - of mass dstruction - are not for all, but only a few commanders of the highest rank. you coidl become a soldier pushng the button or one ordering to push teh button. << what about the vimanas? >> that is planes. you could be fighter plane pilot. << Use mantras >> oene who cannot do any thing else physcaiiy to fight, can do it. yes, we have mantras. << or "dhanush" >> that is bow and arrow tht is not effective against ak-47 now. << instead AK-47.>> if the asuras have ak-47, hten you need at least it or better if you want ot win. << If we can >> yse, as above. << why don t we do? to protect "us" better from invasions.>> i am saying the same. suras need to do it. agree?
  4. yes, i would be happy to answer every point in your response. i would be more happy to reply if you assume a user name please.
  5. gokul, i see a trend. a couple of times you started a thread, and then regreted you did. internet is kurukshetra of the intellects. we hindus do fight here, in gentelman's ways, with due respect for all. to insult or call names or use bad wods is not a hindu character. all however cannot fight, but they certainly can support frontline fighters, intellectuals or others. so you may choose correctly how you will support a fight with the asuras. dont cry. chant.
  6. a few times some one here said something like, "fight if you want to fight but do not fight in the name of religion, or do not say that the religion says to fight." so, let me address the issue here. first let me define 'religion' and 'dharma'. islam, ., judaism, are religions. hinduism is not. hinduism is dharma - eternal. islam (koran) cleary says to invade and conqure non muslim countries and convert or kill non muslims. the total history of islam proves that they did nothing but this, and the hindus have suffered the most from islam for 1000+ years. . also is not comfortable with any other religion on this earth other than .. xians are very aggresive and organized to wipe out all the culutures of the world except . from the face of earth. previously they did go to wars for that. now they use political and money power to achieve that end. xians say there is no soul in animals and non human lives. . is focussed on possessing and expoliting this earth and its people. . says we all are sinners and anything other than the bible is devils work. so to them gita is devil's work. hinduism (sanatana dharma or varnasrama dharma) is not like islam or . that are with a set of beliefs. hinduism is about the truth, eternal truths about god, us, and his creation. krishna shows all possible ways, scientifically, how one can go to him. hinduism is not an organized dharma, that is, hindus do not have any interest to convert the whole world to hinduism. this is becaue krishna says in gita to not tell any one about dharma if one is not intersted or is evious to krishna. so, basically, hinduism is inherently tolernt to all and the religions are not. this tolerance hower has a limit. adharma cannot be tolerated. when arjun, all of a sudden on the battle field of kurukshetra, decided to tolerate adharma, krishna said him in gita to fight, even with the great souls like drona and bhishma. no one should miss to understnd this fact. so, you can see here why hindus fight. the reasons why hindus fight is totally different from why muslims or xians fight. dharma is not a 'religion'. so, if you undersand this, then you can see that islam and . will go to wars for religion, because their books say so. hindus have no choice but to fight with adharmis becaue krishna says so. it is dharma to fight asuras. this brings to another point: some say, "fight with asuras only if you are a pure kshatriya." mostly the HK's say this to the hindus. so, this implies the HKs are "pure" brahmanas. so, then it is the duty of pure brahmans to raise pure kshatriyas. brahmans are the 'head' of a vedic society. like drona and chanakya muni, the HK's need to be expert not only in shaastras, bur also shastras - the modern weapons and the art of war. then they must teach dharma of kshatriyas and teach how to fight to win over the asuras. to win over the asuras, you need to know your emeny and their ideology well. if you give free political field to the asuras, then they will rule over the suras and you. therefore, the pure brahmanas must enter politics and place suras in political positions. this activity of raising pure kshatriyas cannot happen by slandering and fighting with the hindus. be one of them, and encourage them to become pure kshatriya by example, as krishna has said to do. you need to learn and practice and preach chanakya niti also. also rememeber that HKs's freedom to do bhakti is protected by kshatriyas only, no matter how impure they are. so, realizing the fact that the asuras have raised hell (terrorism) every where, the priority of the time is to fight and win over the asuras and kill their ideology (intellectual fight). so, the bottom line is: those who follow a 'religion' do fight with infidels. those who follow dharma have no choice but to fight asuras and win over them. there is no shame in saying, "i will fight asuras because krishna says so in gita." if the "pure" brahmanas do not expose the asuras and encourge the kshatriyas to fight, then they will do a great dis-service to the society.
  7. barney, your this post is implying and accepting the myth - a well fabricated (for political reasons) european theory that aryans came in india from outside and developed the vedic culture. this is not good. AIT is a lie. hope you expose this lie and not support it subtky or openly. would you agree that AIT is a lie? if not, please read articles by vamadeva shastri and on http://www. bharatvani.org
  8. good! the below link gives names of 108 upanishads. http://www.geocities.com/shvyaas/108-Upani.html
  9. thanks barney, this is a very good post. The HK's need to learn something from here. Because krishna has said in gita - aham aadir he devaanam.. etc. and because bhakti has to be avyabhichariNi, HK's worship krishna exclusively (that is good) but ridicule and look down at the hindus who worship ganapati and other devas. while doing that, and not even keeping a ganapati moorti in the temples and altars, they do assume names of ganapati. e.g. there is a ganapati swami, an HK sanyasi. their stores do sell pictures of devas now. so, the nice thing we the hindus could expect from HK's is that they realize the fact that they do not need to look down or criticise any hindu (hinduism malpractice sure should be criticised and stopped) but respect them for carrying on the great vedic culture for the new generations of the world. if HKs fight with the hindus, then it is like fighting the treasure carriers who brought Hk's the treasure of krishna bhkati and made HKs transcendetalists or bhaktas out of hippies. HK's should not condemn Hindu political interests also, becaue hindu interest is vedic interest and so it includes HK's political interests. the hindus on the other hand need to respect the HK's for their contribution in spreading krishna bhakti, and they do mostly. let us pray for the unity and understanding. if the suras do not unite, the asuras will take over.
  10. please share the source of this. give a link if possible. need to verify if the source is authentic. again, shudra is not the one born in a shudra family. a varna is decided by guna and karma vibhaga. in this kali yuga however, most people are actually shudras. check what guna-karma you have.
  11. << Hitler using Hindu symbols is akin to usama using islam for his personal gains. >> not at all. hitler did not love hinduism and the vedic culture. he loved the "aryan" race. (aryan is not a race, many do not know it). so he picked an aryan symbol -swstika - for political reason. osama on the other hand is a true muslism who loves koran and its message. he did and does exactly as koran says. he took and is taking a lot of physical, mental, and financial trouble to do what koran says. the only problem is, he did not study other religions to compare and choose a religion for him. he just chose islam because he was born into it, and islam does not allow muslims to explore other religions. not only that, per koran, a muslim must be killed if he quits islam. as long as islam survives, osama will be remembered with love by the muslims. no one - hardy any one - takes pride in rememering hitler. hoep you understand.
  12. excellent post! thanks! plese pick a user name. that helps.
  13. yes, and let us stop fighting among us the hindus (HK's included). focusl on the asuric ideology, defeat it. expose it.
  14. << they have unfortunately created another 'us and them' religion which promotes divisions amongst Hindus. >> no. they are hindus (being krishna bhaktas) but they refuse to admit it and hate hindus just because hindus include advaitis and others. still they ignore the fact that there are many hindu supporters of them. just is the muslims follow koran blindly, they follow prabhupada very rigidly. and prabhupada said - for political eason - that what he is preaching is not hinduism. so they say. however, they understand gita a lot better than many hindus, and practice bhakti very well.
  15. there is a story in siva purana in which it says brahma lied, and got a curse that he will not be worshipped. the four heads of brahma however are placed on the top most strcutures of the temples. bahma samhita is high class prayer and glorification of vishnu by brahma. govinda aadi purushham tam aham bhajaami..
  16. well fabricated accusation. "indionize". what a term!
  17. << fanaticism starts from silence and ignorance not from discussion and culture >> i would say there is a barbaric ideology BOOK that prouduces terrorists and invaders since it started in the desrert of arabia. if the hindus and others remain silent and ignorant and passive about it, then they will suffer from these asuras. these barbarians do not care for civil respectful discussion. they understand bombs and bullets and swords and daggers only.
  18. the link below gives a list of all 18 puranas. there is no kalki purana. who concocted it? http://www.urday.com/indexs.asp click puranas link on the web page to see the list.
  19. exactly! hindus need to edcuate othe hindus in dharma and strengthen their faith. never confuse them. know thy enemy. know well the asuric ideology BOOK that has produced nothing but terrorists and invders. then devate with them till they realise they picked a wrong religion. even if some realise islam is not right/good, htey may not give it up. you know whY? becasue koran says that if a muslim quits islam, then he must be killed. who would love islam?
  20. yes. some things you coud do are: - have pictures of your istadeva onwalls. - have an altar of your istadeva. - invite hindu comunity for a bhajan kirtanprogram. then serve them all prasadam dinner. - find a right priest,and have pooja or havan done at your home. then floows teh prasadam dinner for all the invited guests. - invite a preacher at home and hindus to listen him. have prasadam feast for all tehn after. - etc.
  21. gita is the summary of the vedas. see below wht krishna says V. 12.1, 1.2 ------------ Arjuna inquired: Which is considered to be more perfect, those who are properly engaged in Your devotional service, or those who worship the impersonal Brahman, the unmanifested? The Blessed Lord said: He whose mind is fixed on My personal form, always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith, is considered by Me to be most perfect. advaitis worship impersonal brahman. they say - aham brahmasmi, so aham, etc. do you understand why it is not worth argueing /debating the issue at this time? if you are so fired up, still, to argue with advaitis, then how much happy you are with islam? koran says krishna is not god, allah is. you must be converted to islam or killed. is it a priority to argue with hindu advaiti or islam? advaiti will not come with ak47 to you home. a muslim terrorist will. koran says the property you own is allahs, and you ahve stolen it. so a muslim has right to take it way from you. and they will do it as soon as they get oppertunity. france has a muslim minority population. now all of a sudden they realise it will wash away france's local culture. so, save you energy, please, to debate with the barbarians. once the asruic ideology is removed from our lands, then I will join you in debating against advaita, if necessary.
  22. i already know what you said, but did you get my point? let me say it again. -we have advaita and all the different dvaita with us since brahma's time. - none of the debating party did terrorism upon the other. in contrast, histiorcially, we had numerous public debates, without anger and calling names and violence by any side. one way to avoid the argument is this: one of the party has to say, "why argue it here when we are so far from god and his abode? let us both practice our sadhana and live by the phylosophy we believe, then when we reach god, we will know who came first." anotehr way to avoid the argument is to say this: "sanat kumaras were advaitis initially, till they saw vishnu in person. shankaracharya was a great aacharya who saved hinduims from biddhism. he even said - bhaja govindam. after him came five vaishnav aacharyas. each of them debated with the top most avaitis of their times, and the vaishnav aacharya did refute advaita argument. now, you and me are not as smart and sharp an advanced as these acharyas. so why not accept what their conclusion was? at least I would, and wish you get your final destination soon by advaita practice. even chaitanys said that he was a moodha. so i am very very moodha. so as shankracharya said, 'bhaja govindam,' i would bhaja govinda. have a great day!" in any way, we need to stop argueing about it at this time of terrorism. because, islam is the threat to advaitis and dvaitias and any one in between and out of it if one is non-muslim. once i saw on tv that two sea lions were fighting on the shore. then a whale came and swallowed both. you see, they did not realize the real danger. one sea lion is not a danger to another. there is time to argue, and there is time to unite. this is time to unite for a purpose. unity does not mean one party needs gives up his/her sadhana or philosophy. unity means we need to work together to defeat the asuras and their asuric ideology. i cannnot make any more clearer than this. i hope the readers understand.
  23. in the gita ch. 12 first verse arjun asks krishna wht is better advaita or dvaita, essentialy. krishna relpies in the next verse - bhamti- dvaita. advaitis are known as gyan yogis. krishna says: bahUnAm janmanAn ante gyAnavAn mAm prapadyate so, after knowing this, a vedic person would never say advaita is wrong. actually, prabhupada has said that the vedas talk mostly about advaita, but to some lest extent they talk about dvaita- bhakti. he said that the world should know that there is a bhakti-vedanta interpretation of the vedas also. the westerners did not know this becaue, the first hindu monk that came to USA was swami vivekananda, an advaiti. in simpe terms, if you have a lot of brainpower like a phd, then you may like advaita. if you are a person of heart/feelings, then dvaita - bhakti is best for you. the hindus have this debate between advaitis and dvaitis since the beginning of creation. it will not go away entirely. however, in this time of terrorism, we should not debate this because more we fight within the happier the islamists get. time to focus on the asurc ideology that cannot tolerate dvaiti or advaiti. expose that barbaric ideology, please. sometimes some muslims or xians come in disguise of a hindu and try to ignite this internal debate. do not fall in such a trap.
  24. some info here: 1.jizaya: This sounds like a muslim/arabic term meaning a tax by muslim rulesr on the mon-muslims who go for their pilgrimage place. koran says non musmims must be taxed in musmim countries. 2.diniiah: if it is dunia, then it means the world. 3.ahimsa: non violence (not to hurt any one physically, mentally or take away his/her right and property and freedom. ahimsa is not an absolute principle inhinduism. it is, in jainism and buddhism). 4.brahman: inpersonal god. those who think god is impersonal and formless, call god brahman. so does the vedas. 5.harappa: a pre . era archeological site, now in pakistan of the vedic times. it shows well planned city ruins, but no human bones or signs of war or violence. 6.buddha: an incarnation of Krishna (God) that appeared about 2000 years ago in india. He created/inaugrated buddhism out of hinduism. bhddha came some time before jesus. 7.ashoka: a great king of india, grand son of chandragupta maurya. he was winning in a great war of kaling, and buddha made him stop the war. the wheel you see on the flag of india is known as the ashoka wheel. 8.mahavira: one who started jainism out of hinduism some time later after buddha. jainism is very similar to buddhism. both are atheist religions. 9.upanshads: the summary parts of the vedas, the essence of the vedas. there are 2057 upanishads out of them 108 are most important. 10. veda: literlly it means knowledge. god gave the vedas to mankind at the time of creation. originally it was one. then 5000 years ago vyasdev divided it into four books: Rg, Yajur, sama, and Atharv. Total verses of htvedas are 20,416. The Vedas are the source of knowledge, not the reservoir of knowledge. Vedas are apaurusheya, meaning not-man-made. The language of the vedas is samskrit, known to indians as the devabhasha meaning the language of the gods. now the computer programmers love it, because it is very easily programmable like math. all the indian languages have come from sanskrit. the font has 12 vowels and 36 consonents. you could write almost any spoken word sound with it. hope it helps. cheers!
  25. 1. vishnu (bhagavan) has many names and forms. 2. siva (bhagavan) 3. pArvati (also known as uma, sati, etc.) devi manifests in different characters, forms and names, likeambaa, bahuchara, chandi, durga, kaali, bhavaani, sita, raadhaa, etc. 4. Ganesh deva 5. SUrya (sun) deva. devas are many, god- bhagavaan is one.
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