Sorry i should have said the book explains about the demi-god shiva, and the god shiva. One resides in Shiva-dhama and one in Sada-shiva dhama, one being shiva-tattva(technically demi-god), and other Vishu-tattva. Please! Read the book it is amazing!!!
Rudraksha beads tat u chant on r cheap to buy, others like one mukhi rudraksha are expensive, never heard anybody say cant where, I myself was thinking about getting rudraksha.. If u think your vaishnava! Yeah dont wear, i will though.
Letter to Vishnujana Maharaja, April 7,1971, Bombay, -(extract), 'One Krishna book sold means we go forward one step in our Krishna Consciousness. We should always remember this.' -A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.