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Everything posted by Pankaja_Dasa

  1. yeah i think i agre with ancient mariner, guru take good side only, like Prabhupada. I think maybe if your initiated its maybe different story. I think GHarrson maybe got more mercys, To guestji, i don't know about all that. All I know is a stole free isp access from 'a isp provider' I won't tell u how.! For about 2 years. (because i cud), hehe. I'm a thief. When I was 10-12 i stole so many chocolates and sweets from shops i can't even remember. (those were the days)
  2. is it okay to be individual instead of listening to gurus and things? I think better be individual. Guru is all merciful, he will help u no matter what, alternative is go cray following Guru.
  3. ? i wud ask that i win 1999 million pounds. And my own planet.
  4. - - - Free Webhosting..please apply: www.krishnamedia.org/ebooks/rudrahost.htm - - -
  5. Ok you go for few hours i will go for few mins.
  6. HK I was sure M ws come here in 2007 July I think, what happened. Will it happen soon? I am lazy but i could make the trip even for few mintutes!
  7. just have an onion. , you don't realize how much like something until somebody tells u can't have it.
  8. This is Uk site (i in Uk), very funny (good quality acting as well), thought i was watching movie. http://www.psena.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=24&Itemid=49
  9. http://bluehost.com/ 300gig space, 3000Gigs bandwidth. I asked them few question, all answers were YES: -Sub-domains, selling to inidividuals. (yes). -700Mbs files for downloading (yes) -Stream mp3's video media (yes) - Shopping cart (yes) -Upload scripts (yes) -Allocate gigs for sub-domains, and sell at price to people (yes!) -Ftp access for all sub-domains (yes) -Sell sub-domains to anybody (yes) Basically they allow anything of cource expect Copyrighted material.
  10. Prabhu surachandra, waht is u can make site for my hare krisha mp3 player? Quick site? ( yeah maybe i cud, but i prefer somebody else make it.)! If not nps at all
  11. Hare Krishna Mp3 Player 1.5.1 Windows Platform. {Especially made for www.archive.org Media} Copyright (C) Respective Owners, No Re-productions Permitted, Distribution Via Internet Permitted as Per Conditions of (Respective Owners) Thank you to the following devotees who have helped make this possible: -The Dear Disciples of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. -ISA PRABHU DASA for audio, videos of Audio of Our Dearest Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja! -GOKULANANDA PRABHU for Audio of Our Most Senior Vaishnava Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Goswami Maharaja! -DISICPLES of The Most Dearest Srila Bhakti Rakshaka Sridhara Goswami Maharaja, for the blissful Audio of thier Gurudeva. -SEVANMRTA.ORG Audio of Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja! -KAMLESH (PATEL) DASA for The Beatiful Audio of Bhagavad-gita As It Is! -AMALA BHAKTA DASA, for Audio of Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana) and The Biography of Gauranga Mahaprabhu - Chaitanya Charitamrta! -DAMODARA DASA for Audio of The Most Beautiful & Amazing, Caitanya Bhagavata.!! Download Latest. Version Here (New Interface!), www.archive.org/details/krishna-downloads -<b><big>Stream</big></b> 100's of Spiritual Audio Lectures, Music. -Play inside a Mini Mp3 Flash Mini Player Please Uninstall previous version before Installing! Screenshots!:
  12. when i went to temple with a friend, the devotee their told me, mayadevi also means mother. Hindi maya means affection. (durga).
  13. erm vedabase.net whole site works, clicking left side urls. I think the domain names 'bhagavad-gita.com etc, maybe run out.
  14. While site is down: http://web.archive.org/web/20060111075741/http://vedabase.net/
  15. This friday, not coming back till I get myself good. In Birmingham. Hope to get Job somewhere in Leicester and live alone. (get a car, flat, (doubt a house), then go back to my house a Year later. I know once i step inside house my parents will say 'NOW IS TIME TO GET MARRIED'!. Please send me blessings, that I can serve GURU and Krishna humbly. :D:D
  16. Deleted this == Try www.esnips.com (5 GIG!!) Storage space. Multiple accounts allowed. Had this account for over 3 years, didn't delete anything, so no time limit. Amazing. Use their uploader install very fast upload speed, can store personal docs in private folders.
  17. you can add it to my google: http://www.google.com/ig
  18. Hope they Publish it . http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/nityananda Put it
  19. half of brahmaloka is dark, thats where Impersonalists go, its in Brahma-samhita, but don't know the verse. Probably not good place to go:D
  20. Wow, I made this- http://www.download.com/3000-2229_4-10667009.html I sort of forgot it only submits to reiligious section in sites. I could make one which submits to various sections (would take some time), if you check the files you can see what I would probably ask to do, but i say anyway- Make an app, which you type where you want files to be submiited to, I love if you have the time to make app just for this. Can it be done? I tried to do it, but can't figure out. I wanted to make it so you could type the xml. file into a box, and it would change for the whole html file. Then you could click submit, also it would have to have Tabs (like in firefox), because loads of pages open. That's about it. I made myself so no copyrights except my own!
  21. Krishna Animated Movie The unexpected success of Sahara’s animation film on Hanuman has triggered off a trend towards mythological animation films. After a long wait now the 3D animated ‘Krishna: Aayo Natkhat Nandlal’ is all set to grace the big screen on September 29. The 105 minute movie has been produced at the Pune based animation studios ECATS and Media Solutions. Pre pro began in October 2003 and the entire film took around three years in the making. It says in the start of the movie, it's based on the Teaching of His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. archive.org/details/krishna-animated Krishna_Animated_2006_BBRG_NEW.rm (dl) Krishna_Animated_2006_BBRG_NEW.swf (dl)
  22. http://soulupload.freehostia.com/ Register First (very short). Max Upload is 5Mbs File will stay for 10,000 Days.
  23. Yes, I remember that His Divine Grace, had best relationship with His father. I love to see some messages..
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