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Everything posted by Pankaja_Dasa

  1. Cool so it works. Yeah i enjoyed helpin, was good time.
  2. Does it work okay? Can u play the tracks. By way bija p i helped gaurangapada m with that nitaiveda, he even put my name to say i helped which was very Cool:).
  3. Havin bad job maybe makin depresed
  4. Does it work okay? http://mp108.infinites.net
  5. Taking one point of view, when there are others views to consider ?. Whether you like it or not Gaudiya Vaishnavism has everything.! That was nice to read.
  6. On the Internet. Please visit my site and sign my guest book with comments or ideas. http://www.freewebtown.com/krishnadl Hare Krishna, Thx.
  7. Yeh leave her alone;) and leave my thread alone!.
  8. All i know i am fallen, so pastime, is how it is, reality, i am playing pastime now by serving Guru. The excitment is you never know wat coming next.
  9. At the end whether burned or buried ends up the same, dust.!
  10. Not nice to have dead bodies floatin in Ganga. Thankgod for burnin bodies. Others that dont will goto hell;)
  11. Wah? Ok. Ru allowed to go on tis forum!
  12. I went away from kc, no special occ, yes my guru is Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja.
  13. Bit late, ty. Nothing to loose. Jaya GURUDEVA.)))
  14. Ingriedients, rice, any dhal type, paprika, coriander powder, coriander, butter, salt.
  15. http://gauranga.infinites.net/Videos/Rice-1.3gp and http://gauranga.infinites.net/Videos/Rice-2.3gp (done and uploaded with mobile phone).
  16. Vaishnava yata shambu, Bramhma is Guru, Vaishnava come from Guru. SHIVA is unique in that He came from both Vishnu and Brahma, to serve special purpose, as the destroyer.
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