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Posts posted by rishivatsyan

  1. My observation

    1. i have seen many hands .what i observed that when sun/luck line is stopped by head line ,that person usually take wrong decision due to anger or some other weird reasons. --

    so it is better to give him/her advice to think before taking any major decision.see all pro and cons of situation .and take better judgment. and you will observe that a new luck/sun line parallel to the original line develop.===My personal experience


    You might have different observation.

  2. He will do well in his life.

    His lagnesh is very strong. so he can consider of Joining army,police or any


    other security areas.or areas related to surgical items and chemical/medicine





    1.Fast on Wednesday


    2 japa of mercury beeja mantra on Wednesday ---108 times on Wednesday.


    3. worship of lord Ganesha is strongly recommended


    4. Worship of lord Vishnu and recite Vishnu sahasranama stotra.


    5. wear gemstone suggested by the astrologer.


    6. thing will improve after oct.--May be earlier.


    7.Visit shani dev temple on Saturday in your area.


    8.Take care of his health.exercise regularly


    9.Drive vehicle carefully and control his anger.




    God bless All


    Rishi vatsyayan

  3. Dear riaz ji.


    1. in your case Mercury is conjuncting Mars .so bound to loss some of its quality and Mars is bound to gain. Mercury is your dahesh too. so it is better to make it strong.I see no reason why wearing panna gave you finance problem As its exalted rasi is in 5th house. so alway good for you. if you saw it result -- better not to wear Panna. Instead do some remedies for mercury


    2. Main thing is, your lagna lord is in enemey territories. so worship and charity is only remedies .Considering of wearing gemstone can also be consider but better to avoid except in its dasha/bhukti


    3. Saturn is good in your chart and Presently you are going Rahu MD and saturn antradasha . so you can consider wearing Amethyst.


    4.when your Jupiter MD start,you must wear pukraj.As i have seen person of taurus lagna in Jupiter dasha gain very much. As Jupiter is consider as vipreet ratna for infliction caused by rahu(in rahu MD).Sometime it become very effective.


    5 Always test gemstone for a week before wearing it


    6.You can also consider wearing rudraksha instead of gem. and worship/Fasting is best remedies.




    Rishi Vatsyayan

  4. There are many causes of pain in human body. sometime minor cause.


    kidney problem does not cause back pain. if you are worry for your kidney,simple go for serum creatine and blood urea test. See the reports and your worry would be increase or vanish.


    It may be due to stone in kidney, do go for ultrasound .


    god bless you

    Rishi vatsyayan

  5. wait upto 16 11 2009. then act according to circumstances. meanwhile make a complete project report of a business.He is a finace man so he can make detail project project of his business.


    Do not involve in any type of gambling or speculative activity---may result in loss.

    In a meanwhile improve his skill in photography and know who is his competitor (there thing all include in a project report of a business)


    in present circumstances and the gochar system, business is not advisable

  6. Diamond is good for you.


    1.Apply in a chemical industry or in a construction industry.There too they requires mechanical engineered or teaching is best job.

    2.Don't waste time in sitting ideal.take help of relative/father and keep photo/(any thing other thing )of your ancestor in your purse.

    3.send your resume to no. of good placement company. i know one. you can send your biodata .

    4.From 1-7-2009 to 30 8 2009 you will get job

    5.observe fast on saturday and recite saturn stota

    6.Wear saturn iron ring --middle finger --saturday

    7.worship lord shiva and lord ganesh

    8 diamond is good for you


    if possibe visit shani mandir in your area on saturday


    God bless you


    Rishi Vatsyayan

  7. 1.come what may,You have to take special care of you health as you know health is wealth everything else is zero and one.

    2.Exercise regularly and avoid non veg food .

    3.don't contemplate on how you got a job ,after all we are a social animal. Some time we take favor and sometime we help other. so it is a minor thing.

    4.From your query and after observing your chart , teaching may be best profession for you.Your lagnesh is also vargottuma.(No recommendation just suggestion)

    5.If you want us to give you remedies for getting divorce when you wife is not ready .It is against the ethics of an astrologer. so let court decide.

    6.After sep she may change her mind and you two go for mutual divorce


    7.If you have not worn any gemstone,You can consider wearing Panna and pukraj.


    8.do meditation or yoga and be relax in your approach.




    God bless you


    Rishi Vatsyayan

  8. There is cancelation of debilitation of Mars in your chart so no need to worry.

    There is indication of a love marriage in your chart. if it is so than you have to do marriage after doing proper remedies. Consult some pundit ji in your area.


    Observe fast on Tuesday and pray to god regularly


    God bless you

    rishi vatsyayan

  9. Do not take help of that agent again.he is fake . consult some candian Govt and indian gov. register immigration lawyer/agent.

    For hard working person, it is always benefic to go to Canada.

    develop more executive communication skill and stay away form any intoxication.

    Wear moonstone in silver ring-- index finger

    Worship lord shiva--Must

    Respect all women ---Must

    if already not worn any gem, consider wearing Panna ---better in locket.

    Fast on tuesday. visit to hanuman temple


    You can learn astrology very easily only hard work,patience,do not jump to conclusion on one or two point, more analytical ability and company of saints.


    God bless you


    Rishi Vatsyayan

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