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Posts posted by rishivatsyan

  1. There are plethora of software in the market . Jyotish system is so complex that no software can predic question which people generally asked .

    if you can develop such software than it is better to write of company like leo gold(future poing).Horosoft or Jhora(developer himself is software engineer and teacher of astrology) ,Parashara light or many more . contact them or email them .

    they are looking for such person .


    God bless you


    Rishi Vatsyayan

  2. listen very carefully dishu_69

    1.First see your health. go to a doctor and find the cause of Jaundice. Jundice is caused by hepatitis virus and there is many variant of it .A,b,c. find out which type of Jaundice you have .Nothing to worry about . it is very common problem now a day . you know we human makes hell in this earth by exploiting it for our own end.


    2.do not go to many astrolger .Different astrologers have different opinion for the same problem. Efforts of all to suggest best effective and not very expensie remedies.


    3.You are following remedies prescribed according to differnt system. Some remedies belong to Lal kitab and some vedic and some according to other system. Do not follow too much remedies and have faith on one or two astrologers. But do have faith and give time for remedies to show it effect.Remedies is not like allopathic medicine.

    relax and cool

    4.if your aim is something else which i observe that to post maximum question than it is your ignorance .


    God bless you

    Rishi Vatsyayan

  3. No kal sarpa dosha and Mangalik dosha is finished know.



    Wear high diamond if you have yet not worn


    Observe Fast on Tuesday


    Take help of a women


    Japa of Japa of Shukra beeja mantra: Om dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah, 20000 times in 40 days.

    Recite the Shukra stotra: on Friday

    Hima kunda mrinalaabham daityanam paramam gurumSarv shastra pravaktaram bhargavem pranamamyaham

    Go for love marriage

    Worship lord Krishna

    worship lord ganesha

    God bless you

    Rishi Vatsyayan

  4. No kal sarpa yoga don;t waste money and time to follow its remedies---


    Simple and effective remedies


    1. Recite of japa Mantra for mars . Recite the Mangala stotra:

    Dharani garbha sambhutam vidyut kanti samaprabham

    Kumaram shakti hastam tam mangalam pranamamyaham.

    Fast on Thusday

    2. don't take any form of intoxication --Must

    3.Respect your elder and Guru.Be religious and don't insult any body.

    4.Wear gemstones as suggested by various Guru in this forum

    5. Worship Bhairava or lord Shiva.

    6.Fast on Saturday

    7. Go jala to Sun in early in morning or if possible learn surya parnam(yoga asana)

    8.Very Good job on the card


    God bless you


    Rishi Vatsyayan

  5. For wife

    No need to worry thing will improve after 9 sep 2009 automatically.so keep patience till then

    Vedic Remedies for the wife


    No effect of any kal sarpa yog as you are in Jupiter MB.

    1. improve your employable skill

    2 observe fast on Saturday and read shani stotra.

    4 worship lord Hanuman and Lord Vishnu

    5.Recite mantra of Mercury on Wednesday for 108 times on every wednesday. Japa of the Budha beeja mantra: Om bram breem broum sah budhaya namah, 17000 times in 40 days.

    6. Take special care of your health and take balance diet. and exercise regulary

    7. wear saturn iron ring on Saturday(left hand middle fingre) till 2011

    8. worship lord Ganesha .


    God bless her


    Rishi Vatsyayan

  6. over eating of any thing is bad .


    So be careful in your food habit.


    As science has proved that by eating non veg food there is danger of spreading many diseases .Now recent day we are hearing about chicken flu and swine flu or may be many more in coming years.


    No such thing in consuming veg food. and if found that item/food should be avoided.


    So it is better to update our food habit according to insight gain by human mind in various areas .Being it non veg or veg diet.


    what i understand is one should respect the sentiment of others


    God bless All


    Rishi Vatsyayan

  7. Namaskar Shweta ,


    First of all list carefully.Doctor medicine only work if a person has full faith in her/him. I am not here to earn money. I am a very wealthy person by heart.so be relax . I would not give any you wrong advice.


    Remedies for you

    1. you don't have kal sarpa dosh. you can consider of wearing moonstone(a harmless substitute but very very effective for Moon)


    2. Worship in your home is equal effective.


    3. No harm to you if you have or considering to wear yellow Sapphire.


    4. worship goddess Laxami . or any God you believe into .But do pray to God.

    God bless you

    Rishi Vatsya

  8. Remedies for learning astrology


    1. don't try to learn astrology quickly as it require lot of memorization .


    2.be relax and cool.


    3.do not try to cheat anybody.


    4. Read about ethics of an astrology for BPHS and other jyotish classic----Must and requirement to become a good astrologer.


    5.Also follow the ethics of a native(jataka)---Must


    6.Various classics have conflicting view about Lord Rahu and Lord Ketu. You have to use your divine knowledge which would come to your automatically if you follow the ethics of an Astrologer seriously


    God bless you

    Pt. Rishi Vatsyayan

  9. 1. There are certain conditions(medical) when person can not do fasting than recitation of mantras is equally good as an alternative.

    2.Over fasting is injurious to health and don't try to change your destiny by over fasting

    3.You can change your destiny only be doing handwork in proper way


    4 Be optimistic all the time and don't stop your effort.


    God bless All


    Rishi Vatsyayan

  10. Dear Yakacha,


    your horoscope is very good and there are many blessing in your vedic horoscope.

    1.You are born to help other

    2.Masturbation is not a disease. it is natural phenomenon . Weight has no relation with use/disuse of Semen.

    3.Work in area where helping of general public is involved .(it is difficult to pinpoint exact industry ) or where some sort of public dealing is involved and as you know you can do any type of work

    4.Keep away form any form of intoxication----Must

    5. You can use this your dasha of Sun in self improvement and self development

    6.Respect your elder at all cost.Even if they say some thing which you dont like.

    7.Suicide is no solution to any thing.

    8. Worship any god you believe in .

  11. Dear dishu_69


    Panna of 5.25 ratti is enough.(1 ratti=120-122mg)

    2.For job applies in Finance/banking/Related with commerce field.

    if done Science apply in a chemical field area like medicine/construction/dyeing chemical.or work in area where finance or chemical is related you will get job soon or you can apply to area othe also. like engineering or teaching .

    3.Wear a Saturn iron ring(iron for black horse shoe -not very expensive) on right hand middle finger immediately on Saturday.

    4. Rich or poor is illogical question .All person is rich in one area or other and poor in other areas of life.


    Rest remain cool minded and avoid smoking and drinking at all cost and worship lord Shiva and Lord Brahma. if possible as you are in Rajashan visit Puskar temple of Lord Brahma.


    hope this remedies will help you


    God bless all


    Rishi Vatsyayan

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