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Posts posted by rishivatsyan

  1. you are going to get favorable result form 15 10 2009 onward. Presently also time is very favorable to you.


    After carefully observing horoscope of all of you i came to certain conclusion.


    it is time for great introspection and analysis for your father and mother.



    Remedies for you

    1. if you speak too much speak to the point and if you don't speak than speak positivity and energetically.


    2. If not already worn Panna,than consider wearing it on wednesday.


    3.To break the negative effect of rahu-ketu ,worship lord shiva on monday and lord ganesha .-----Same apply to your father too.


    4. observe fast on saturday and recitation of saturn satotram

    Om Nilaanjana Samaabhasam, Ravi Putram Yamagrajam.

    Cahaya Martanda Samhubhutam, Tama Namami Shanescharam”



    I bow to God Shanidev, who is black in colour and son of Sun and born to Chhaya and brother of Yama dev, who moves very slowly.


    This Maha Mantra is effective for those people who have the Saturn/Shani cycle or Sade sathi in their horoscope. This mantra is cure for sade sati. The person who has Sade Saathi should recite Shani Mantra 23000 times within sade saathi period.




    Beeja Mantra


    Om praam preem praum sah shanayishraya namah recite 23000 times


    5. Wear an iron ring of black horse shoe in middle finger - Saturday


    6. Fast on Thursday


    Hope this remedies will help you.


    God bless you All


    Rishi Vatsyayan

  2. In tradition gochar system .when shani is 3.6.11 form one's moon, it gives good results.



    Murti Paddhati Gochar system


    Shani transit form one rasi to other in 2-1/2 yrs.At the time of transit of from one rashi to next rashi ,rashi


    occupied by Moon on that moment to be called sawarna,rajata,tamara.Loha depend upon position of Moon at that moment


    form one janam rashi.


    1,6.11 from one's moon rashi,a planter become sawarna morti


    2,5,6----------- Rajat moorti


    2,7,10---tamra marti





    Rajatha moothy-effect will be 100% Good

    Tambara muthy- effect will be 75% Good and 25% Bad

    Swarna Morthy -effect eill be 25% Good and 75% bad


    One should adopt following remedies for sade sati


    1.Recitation of ShaniStotram on Saturday

    Om Nilaanjana Samaabhasam, Ravi Putram Yamagrajam.

    Cahaya Martanda Samhubhutam, Tama Namami Shanescharam”


    The meaning of mantra:

    I bow to God Shanidev, who is black in colour and son of Sun and born to Chhaya and brother of Yama dev, who moves very slowly.

    This Maha Mantra is effective for those people who have the Saturn/Shani cycle or Sade sathi in their horoscope. This mantra is cure for sade sati. The person who has Sade Saathi should recite Shani Mantra 23000 times within sade saathi period.


    2.Wear an iron ring made of black horse shoe in middle fingre -saturday

  3. For wife

    No need to worry thing will improve after 9 sep 2009 automatically.so keep patience till then

    Vedic Remedies for the wife


    No effect of any kal sarpa yog as you are in Jupiter MB.

    1.Recite mantra of Mercury on Wednesday for 108 times on every wednesday. Japa of the Budha beeja mantra: Om bram breem broum sah budhaya namah, 17000 times in 40 days. -----You can start it any day and has to coplete it within 40 day

    2. worship lord Hanuman on tuesday----same as for your husband


    3. Take special care of your health and take balance diet. and exercise regulary---- diet modification

    4 wear saturn iron ring on Saturday(left hand middle fingre) till 2011

    5. observe fast on Saturday and read shani stotra.

    6 improve your employable skill


    For Husband


    1. Recite of japa Mantra for mars . Recite the Mangala stotra:

    Dharani garbha sambhutam vidyut kanti samaprabham

    Kumaram shakti hastam tam mangalam pranamamyaham. or

    worship lord hanuman.

    2. don't take any form of intoxication --Must---habit modification if taking alcohol or smoking.

    3.Respect your elder and Guru.Be religious and don't insult any body.-- habit modification

    4.Wear gemstones as suggested by various Guru in this forum

    5. lord Shiva.on monday

    6.Fast on Saturday

    7. Go jala to Sun in early in every morning or if possible learn surya parnam(yoga asana)----Every day

    8.Very Good job on the card


    when there is similarity in remedies any body form you can do . otherwise you do remedies for you and your husband do remedies for him.


    i hope this will remove your confusion

    God bless you

    Rajeev Sharma




    Rishi Vatsyayan





    Rishi Vatsyayan

  4. if somebody see such sign s/he should immediate prescribe effective remedies

    this native should immediately wear moon stone. and join some social group for help.

    infact this person has very fighting spirit and has ability to come out to any bad situation successfully.

    Native has to avoid any form of drug-- which may cause some Hallutination/deviation from normal course of action.


    I think such pundit should exercise control and follow the ethics of a pandit while predicting such situation.


    main aim of Astrology is to bring light into jataka life and not such studip prediction.


    There is solution/Remedies to every afflicted planets and help of a doctor iff thing go out of control


    god bless all ignorant soul including me also


    Rishi Vatsyayan

  5. 1.Be more religious. worship any God you believe in.

    2.Play sports and you can become very good sportsperson(weight lifting or body building or any sport well played in your areas.

    3.Be open to all religion and don;t get obsess with one particular religion

    4.don't take any form of intoxication.

    5.do two thing in life, sports and study

    6. You will get high job in your life due to your hard work(god gifted energy to you)




    God bless you

    Rishi Vatsyayan

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