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Christ in Vedas

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So you created Gods (Idols) for each object like Sun,moon,Dog,Snake,Cow..every thing you saw. The fallen angels like Krishana,Siva were resideing (sprit) behind these idols and then influencing you idoits (bowing down in front of idols)to do dumpest things like Pooja's , Carry a heavy weight to 'so called' temple (where the idols located) , Piercing a knief on mouth, In a simple term keeping you as a slave and dumper


Habakkuk 2:18 "What profit is the idol when its maker has carved it, {Or} an image, a teacher of falsehood? For {its} maker trusts in his {own} handiwork When he fashions speechless idols. 19 "Woe to him who says to a {piece of} wood, ' Awake!' To a mute stone, 'Arise!' {And} that is {your} teacher? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, And there is no breath at all inside it.



What kind of god will marry 2 girls and lie for butter and do all nonsense!!

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You were trying to escape!, I am asking a very simple questions , What makes you to think that Krishna is the supream god?. I am asking you what are the qualities of god because i don't see any of them in Krishna's life so i want to know what you thing ? (I am very clear about the qualities of GOD).



Atleast Lord Krishna does not ask to kill like your jealous god of bible even the women, children, even the animals and trees. No sane human being will do such an act. Then what god will do such an act ? Surely these are demonic teachings from bible and you say you are clear about the qualities of God.


What makes you think that bible god is any god at all ? I see only qualities of a demon here.


If you claim that jesus is god, then read my previous post(page four). It clearly shows jesus himself declaring that he is no god.


As for Lord Krishna's life, people like you cannot understand his acts. Blinded by ignorance you are not seeing the TRUTH. Every act of Lord Krishna is divine.



There are lot of people in the world who don't drink milk because it is colestral the air and water is more important than milk so why don't you worship them or respect them?



We do. We worship GOD through all creation. Water(Varuna Deva) and Air(Prana- Vayu Deva). These angelic beings are representatives of God.



I am pretty sure there was no credential evidence for the existence of Krishna or Rama , Those are all myths like the Greek and Egyption myths..



and what evidence is there for jesus, except your bible? I mean another witness(non-christian) who lived when jesus was alive.


Anyway that is what you believe. There is still the cities of Dwaraka and Ayodhya. Besides many great saints like Ramanujacharya, Madhvacharys, Sri Raghavendraswamy, Mira bhai affirmed that Lord Krishna is GOD SUPREME through their lives. If you do not believe then it is your freedom to choose. That does not prove that Lord Krishna did or does not exist.


Just read atleast the life story of Sri Raghavendraswamy who knew/knows Lord Krishna and how he brought dead people alive(son of a muslim Nawab). He livd in 17th century A.D.


Please go through the link fully.




Power to revive the dead


On a hot summer day, rAyaru was on his way home from a pilgrimage. He decided to rest in the shade of a tree at Krishnapuram (near Hubli). While there, he saw the Nawab (Muslim king) of the are walking towards him, with a sad demeanor. The Nawab had heard of his miracles and had come to him as a last resort. He stated that his young son had died from a poisonous snakebite and been buried in a tomb close by. After hearing this, rAyaru contemplated silently for a few moments and then asked the king to take the body out of the tomb. When the puzzled Nawab did as he was asked, rAyaru sprinkled holy water from his kamanDala and prayed to his ArAdhya mUrthy (favorite form of the Lord). Lo behold, the young boy woke up as though he was getting up from sleep. The Nawab was beside himself with joy.


(Editor’s note: There are some very important points to note in this episode. Our shAstras talk about the concept of "Ayushya", defined as the total amount of time that a being is allowed to live on earth, in a particular body. Any death that happens before this time is untimely and is called "apamRutyu". Our shAstras say that once "Ayushya" is over death cannot be prevented, since that is Divine Will. However, "apamRutyu" is a different aspect altogether. Life-histories of oursaints and other great souls are replete with instances where they warded off untimely death in deserving cases. In this case, since the child had suffered apamRutyu, rAyaru used his divine powers to revive it.)


He did a similar thing in another instance. He was visiting the house of a village chieftain (called Desai). Hundreds of people had assembled for the occasion. As part of the food served to the guests, seekaraNe (a thick form of mango juice) was being prepared in a huge vessel. Unfortunately, when nobody was watching him, the Desai’s son fell into this vessel and drowned. When the Desai and his wife came to know about it, they were totally devastated. However, they wanted to hide the news because they did not want to inconvenience everybody who had assembled there. Being an aparOxa gyani, RAyaru sensed the tragedy and asked the grief stricken couple to bring the dead boy before him. When this was done, he sprinkled water from his kamanDala and revived the boy. The joy of the ecstatic parents knew no bounds.

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I have only one question for you..As i understand you accept Jesus and Bible but when ever i quote some thing from bible your simple answer is somebody tampered with that..




And this is the danger of claiming that you accept something as evidence, when in fact you don't.

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It is clear that you don't know Bible and Veda's. How evolution come into the picture when we are talking about god. A simple answer to evolution is "A life (i.e. a first cell where evolution starts from) cannot arise from no where" even today there is no way we create a living cell in labs. Moreover evaluation is just a theory and there was no proof for Macro evolution (I am sure you know zero about evaluation). The answer for your question is this



So you cannot answer even one of my questions. As for evolution theory, atleast it is scientific. It does not say that your bible god created everything out of nothing.


As for Vedas, I believe in it and not your bible which says that all mankind sinned because somebody ate an apple.



Matthew 7:6 "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces


Proverbs 23:9 do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words



and what pearls od wisdon did you impart except quote some bible verses like a blind fool. Even a parrot can do what you do.

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So nobody called Satan to influence the sin



Who the hell is satan ? why the hell he should do that ? Evil exists because we choose it and may then possibly this guy satan can influence some guy ?

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You were trying to escape!, I am asking a very simple questions , What makes you to think that Krishna is the supream god?. I am asking you what are the qualities of god because i don't see any of them in Krishna's life so i want to know what you thing ? (I am very clear about the qualities of GOD).

There are lot of people in the world who don't drink milk because it is colestral the air and water is more important than milk so why don't you worship them or respect them?

I am pretty sure there was no credential evidence for the existence of Krishna or Rama , Those are all myths like the Greek and Egyption myths..

Unfortunatly "Council of Nicea" doesn't say Krishna is the God ?"



How dare you! I did not blast you and now you have the nerve to accuse me of trying to escape? I merely tire of answering your insincere questions. If you recall I said I "CAN" answer that question for you, but did not for this very reason. Why should I pull out tons of scripture, copy it here, for you to criticize? If anyone wants to escape it is you who wants me to hand every answer to you on a silver platter without opening a book of research on your own. And as I all ready stated, I knew you did not ask that question out of sincerity but to try to prove Krishna is NOT God, so if anyone is trying to escape the truth, a truth you can find at any library, it is you. You who, if are such a great Christian, are not exhibiting those qualities, but a lot of anger and self-righteousness comes thru. Its all you can do to hold it in and show respect, and not name call. (Which probably stems over into other areas of your life.) I wish you luck, but I have reached a dead end with you. Someday you may wish to know the truth. I am not saying convert. I am saying go to any public library and research the myths being passed down as if it were Christianity. But hey, that takes work.


Talk about escapism, it is 'you' who never answered 'my' questions. You never answered how 'you' know Who is God, and what specific qualities God has, and that if you can't answer this, how can you declare anyone as God? So who is excaping? /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Now to get hung up on milk or cows or demi-gods or sun or water, yada yada, these are all just excuses to maintain fault finding. I wish you luck, but I can't help you any further. Maybe someone else will do it, but you have worn out this friendship. I bet that's what you always do. Still, I wish you well.

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So you created Gods (Idols) for each object like Sun,moon,Dog,Snake,Cow..every thing you saw.



This is plain stupidity on you christians. No wonder you do not understand anything on Vedas. You are not here to understand Vedas but to thrust your primitive bible beliefs.


Lord Krishna or Vedas created all Devas(Gods) and all creation. Devas and Images are not the same. Devas are spiritual or angelic forces that are much more GOOD and better than human beings. These angels assume bodies like us. Images are made out of matter and consecrated with Vedic mantras. GOD manifests his grace through these images when one performs his duties properly. It is like a sacrifice.



The fallen angels like Krishana,Siva were resideing (sprit) behind these idols and then influencing you idoits (bowing down in front of idols)to do dumpest things like Pooja's , Carry a heavy weight to 'so called' temple (where the idols located) , Piercing a knief on mouth, In a simple term keeping you as a slave and dumper



This is your true nature. Since you are influenced by a Demon you pray to you cannot understand Vedic wisdom. As for piercing the mouth etc. Lord Krishna himself condemns such acts in Bhagavad Gita. Self torture and seeking to be a martyr are demonic. But people do it out of ignorance. It is not santioned by Vedas.


Talking about piercing, don't you christians believe that jesus allowed himself to be pierced. I have seen christians in Philipines piercing themselves in cross like your jesus. So what say you about this ?


What about your prayers etc in your church. Are these not dumb things you do in your church to something that does not exist at all ?


Image worship is authorized in Vedas and by GOD(Lord Krishna).


Please answer how any god can order joshua to kill every living thing, moving or non-moving ?


Please answer whether this is an act of a god or demon ?



Habakkuk 2:18 "What profit is the idol when its maker has carved it, {Or} an image, a teacher of falsehood? For {its} maker trusts in his {own} handiwork When he fashions speechless idols. 19 "Woe to him who says to a {piece of} wood, ' Awake!' To a mute stone, 'Arise!' {And} that is {your} teacher? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, And there is no breath at all inside it.



Your bible writers did not have the Vedic wisdom and realization of God. So they wrote it. Beisdes Images are mediums like other creation facilitating communion with God.



What kind of god will marry 2 girls and lie for butter and do all nonsense!!



What kind of god will ask somebody to kill plants and animals and all living beings ?


As for Lord Krishna, this is a deep philosophy. All living beings are considered as women and Lord as the only male. Since husband and wife relation is the intimate of all in this world, Lord taught this through his life. All those women were highly evolved souls who wnated to have intimate communion with Lord Krishna. There is no lust here. Have you heard of the story of Mira Bhai. When she left this world she was married to Lord Krishna. Even in her life she always imagined to be Lord's wife. Lord Krishna offers everybody what they seek from HIM. To Arjuna as charioteer, to Duryodhana HIS whole army, to Radha HIS heart, to Devaki HIMSELF as her son and to you ignorance and hatred that you seek from HIM.

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You have shown incredible patience already. Priitaa must mean patience in sanskrit. Not sure though.



ha Well, its a name for Queen Kunti. ("O son of Prtha, Arjuna....).


As far as my patience, thanks, I just wish I had more. But I dont. I feel I have explained everything until I am blue in the face, but he does not want to hear, he wants to fault find, and maybe has some foolish idea he is acutally going to "save" or convert someone. lol That seldom happens, from this religion to that one. But I wonder why he is so attached to coming here, and why he isn't preaching on Christian message boards. Anyway, I knew how he was when I was going into it, but figured first I'd give him a chance, and secondly, there are others out there reading.


And so (gH) there was a method to my maddness. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Unfortunatly "Council of Nicea" doesn't say Krishna is the God ?"



and who were the members there ? Offcourse christians like you and you conclude so because some christians did not speak of Vedas and I am to believe you that these christians were omniscient ?

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>>As for Vedas, I believe in it and not your bible which says that all mankind sinned because somebody ate an apple.<<



Actualy the Bible never mentions an apple in the Adam and Eve story.


What God told them not to eat from was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In other words "don't take the material conception of duality into your consciousness Adam, for from that day you will surely die."


"die" means lose knowledge of one's true self.


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Have you ever noticed the in many places the Bible seems to contradict itself? Anyone who reads it very much soon finds there are some conflicting statements to be found. We believe that God inspired the writers of the original text of the scriptures and that He is not confused nor the author of confusion. That said, where is the problem? Could it be that the scholars or some other politicized force has tampered with the translation efforts that we now enjoy? We find this easier to believe than God being the source of any errors in the divine Book.


There are sheep herders and there are shepherds. It all depends on what kingdom they are building, their own kingdoms or the kingdom of God. There are prophets and there are profits. Men have used their God given gifts and positions of authority in the ekklesia of God down through time for their own divisive purposes. A classic examples of this are Balaam and King Saul. Consider this indictment against carnal "holy" men from one true prophet.


30 An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land:

31 the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule at their direction; my people love to have it so, but what will you do when the end comes? (Jeremiah 5:30,31, RSV).


Yes, what have men done in these last days? Has the situation improved since the days of Jeremiah or has it gotten worse? Have prophets prophesied falsely and shepherds used their own soul power to rule over the saints, following their own carnal direction instead of the direction of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament church and even up until present? What do you make of this new rise and emphasis on submitting to ruling apostles? We believe even a cursory investigation of the scriptures and modern history will show this is not a new trend at all. Jude wrote:


11 Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.

12 These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots. (Jude 1:11,12, NKJV).


Verse twelve in the Greek should read: "These are spots in your love feasts, these shepherds who feed themselves." It seems that even in the time of the New Testament writer, Jude, there were prophets for profit and shepherds who ruled the ekklesia of God, the church, for their own gain and by their own direction. As we study church history we find that for the most part, the state of the church went down hill from the time Jude wrote his letter.


The evil behind all this first appeared corporately in ancient Babel. "Go to now, let us build ourselves a city AND MAKE A NAME FOR OURSELVES and raise up a tower to the heavens...." How they love the high places and the chief seats in their synagogues. Seeking high places and recognition is not the kingdom of the Father. Jesus drove this point home to His disciples on an number of occasions.


24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.

25 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over <2961- archo - rule over> them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.

26 But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. (Luke 22:24-26, KJV).


Paul wrote:


24 Not that we have dominion<2961> archo over your faith, but are fellow workers for your joy; for by faith you stand. (2 Corinthians 1:24, NKJV).


Paul counted himself as a "fellow worker," not one who ruled over the flock of Christ.


These three verses which follow are the favorites of those who would rule over the ekklesia of God:


Heb 13:7* Remember them which have the RULE OVER you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.


Heb 13:17* Obey them that have the RULE OVER you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.


Heb 13:24 Salute all them that have the RULE OVER you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you.


The word over in these verses is not in the original (by the way, the word office is not found in the original Greek New Testament either). The word translated ruleover in the above verses is :


hegeomai {hayg-eh'-om-ahee} 1) to lead, 1a) TO GO BEFORE


Hebrews chapters eleven and twelve are filled with accounts of those who have gone before us as examples of how we should walk by faith, including Jesus. This is spiritual leadership--laying it all on the line like they did, not sitting in some earthly temple in your air conditioned office being served by your staff and being paid by those whom you are the supposed ruler over.


Clarke's Commentary states:


Verse 7. Remember them which have the rule over you. This clause should be translated, Remember your guides who have spoken unto you the doctrine of God. Theodoret's note on this verse is very judicious: "He intends the saints who were dead, Stephen the first martyr, James the brother of John, and James called the Just. And there were many others who were taken off by the Jewish rage. 'Consider these, (said he,) and, observing their example, imitate their faith.'" This remembrance of the dead saints, with admiration of their virtues, and a desire to imitate them, is, says Dr. Macknight, the only worship which is due to them from the living.


Considering the end of their conversation. "The issue of whose course of life most carefully consider." They lived to get good and do good; they were faithful to their God and his cause; they suffered persecution; and for the testimony of Jesus died a violent death. God never left them; no, he never forsook them; so that they were happy in their afflictions, and glorious in their death. Carefully consider this; act as they did; keep the faith, and God will keep you.


As you can see these passages in Hebrews have nothing to do with obeying mere men who desire to control and rule over you like so many Gentile kings from their false offices.


When I read the words of Jesus and then later read something in the epistles that contradict those teachings, I get a red flag that pops up and says, "VIOLATION!" Remember, the KJV was authorized by one of the "kings of the Gentiles" who had a kingdom to maintain and RULE OVER. He had a ruling bishop under him in the Anglican church of which the king was head, named Richard Bancroft, who dictated to the translators just how that new version, "the Authorized Version," would be translated. They had fifteen rules that they had to follow, and most had nothing to do with the true work of translating the Bible. One of those rules was that they were not to follow the Tyndale version, but they were to translate the word ekklesia to read church instead of assembly. Thus to this day when people read that word ekklesia in the New Testament, they think of an ecclesiastical organization or a building with a steeple instead of the body of Christ.


Here is something that few know about which happened to the final approved text of the "Authorized Version" before it went to the printers:


"Having completed their recommendations for revision, the text was passed on to Miles Smith and Thomas Bilson, who were charged with the adding of the finishing touches. It is not clear whether their role was to review the overall text of the translation, or simply to comment on the specific changes proposed by the editorial committee that had met at Stationers' Hall. Then, in an apparently unscripted development, Richard Bancroft reviewed what had been hitherto regarded as the final version of the text. It would be one of his final acts; Bancroft died on November 2, 1610, and never lived to see the translation over which he had held so much sway [by order of the king]. Smith complained loudly to anyone who would listen that Bancroft had introduced fourteen changes in the final text without any consultation. Yet we remain unclear to what those alleged changes might have been."


This is a quote from In the Beginning: the story of the King James Bible and How it Changed a Nation, a Language and a Culture, by Alister McGrath. He is a professor of Historical Theology at Oxford.


Many of the later translations have held to this top down authority version of the scriptures that is not supported in the original language and was strictly forbidden by Jesus. Even Strong's and Thayer's Lexicons seem to be defining some of these words from the KJV translation. For instance, the word translated deacon, as if it were an office in the church government, simply means servant. It WAS translated correctly in the following verse speaking of Jesus:


45 "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45, NKJV).


Jesus is our true example of leadership. Why is it then, that Jesus is delegated the position of servant by today's translators (which He truly is) yet mere men get to rule from their offices? Food for thought, I would say.


When you see a contradiction in the scriptures it is a good indication that something has been tampered with in the translation. We find that the expository dictionary of W. E. Vine is one of the better reference works you can use to untie these Gregorian knots tied by kingdom building and controlling men.


One last thing. Bancroft was made the archbishop of Canterbury for his efforts in channeling the translation efforts of the king's new Bible, but died shortly thereafter. I guess he did not read the end of the work very closely.


18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;

19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (Revelation 22:18,19, NKJV).


I pray that you all will listen to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, for Jesus has sent Him into our lives to lead us into all truth. Learn to hear that still small voice speaking to you as you read the scriptures, for he will often say, "Look deeper. There is more here than there appears."


16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever--

17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. (John 14:16,17, NKJV).


13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. (John 16:13, NKJV).


For more information on other passages that have been tampered with, thus giving the power that belongs to Christ to men, read "The Great Ecclesiastical Conspiracy" on either of our web sites. We are praying that some scholars of integrity without an agenda who know the original languages of the scriptures will come forth and do a work that is worthy of Author who wrote it.


Your servant in Christ,



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In reference to this creation, and this universe, God can be said to have only one begotten son, Brahma. All others were born secondarily through him.




True, but in Bhagavad-Giitaa Krishna declares Himself to be the seedgiving father of all living entities. While it is true that Brahmaa comes from Him directly, on the transcendental platform all beings being atomic living entities have their origin in His tatastha-shakti.



I have met Indian Christians living in the US and they sound like this guy. Exactly in fact. They come from India so they figure they "know all about this hinduism and Krsna and this and thatthese are just so many idols and this thing and that thing." Then they go into the standard speel never actually hearing anything you may say to them.




I propose that we put together a "Christian Fundamentalist FAQ" for the lay Hindus. Since these Christians don't listen to anything we say anyway, best that we just repost the FAQ every time one of these shmucks rears his ugly head.



Best to try to encourage them to increase their focus on Christ and go to Christ-loka where Lord Jesus Christ will reveal the rest to them. Arguing and trying to defeat them is mostly just an ego affair on our part as well, as we know they won't accept any thing we may say.




I don't know if there is such a thing as a Christ-loka, so I settle with an even more conservative approach. Just show them that their misinterpretations are bunk. Then let their dishonesty be made known to all.


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Rukmiëé: Is there a Christ-loka?


Prabhupäda: Yes. Why not? There are innumerable lokas. Why not Christ-loka? [break]



koöiñv açeña-vasudhädi-vibhüti-bhinnam

tad brahma niçkalam anantam açeña-bhütaà

govindam ädi-puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi


In the effulgence, bodily effulgence of Govinda, just like the sunshine is effulgence of the sun planet, similarly, Govinda’s planet, the original planet, which is called Goloka Våndävana, that is the original effulgence, light. And when that light is distributed there are innumerable universes created. Just like within the sunlight there are innumerable planets. So in each and every planet there are different kinds of living entities, so why not a planet belonging to Christ? There is no doubt about it. There must be.

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Young woman: What is Krsna consciousness in relation to other faiths, like, say, when you think of Krsna and you die, in a battle for Krsna or something? What if you believed in Jesus Christ and you died...


Prabhupäda: Yes.


Young woman: ...in battle for Jesus Christ?


Prabhupäda: Yes, you can think of Jesus Christ. That is also Krsna consciousness.


Young woman: And so then you would immediately go with...


Prabhupäda: Yes, you go the platform where Jesus Christ is there. You go there. It is stated in the Bhagavad-gétä,


yänti deva-vratä devän

pitèn yänti pitå-vratäù

bhütejyä yänti bhütäni

mad-yäjino ’pi yänti mäm

[bg. 9.25]

There are many platforms of Krsna consciousness.


lecture Oct 20, 1968 "Nobody Wants To Die "

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Dear Mr.K

As you claimed,"Jesus Death did not result in the creation of the moon, horses, cattle, or the 4 varnas".

Thank you verymuch for this doubt,but I think there is a point to emphacise here.A question to be asked?

"God created the World in the beginning & Son,Moon,Stars etc., are part of His creation.Once created,why should he create them again?"

Oh Dear Mr.K.

Point is I was a Hindu.Chanting,Immersions(Holy dips) in rivers & Offering Sacrifices to attain Heaven & Forgiveness of Sins did not give me a holy life.A pure life .I went on commiting sins even after performing the above.

I knew that I was a sinner,I needed a savior & I found Jesus came from God the creater(please note that Jesus & God the Father are not seperate.They are all one but Jesus got seperated from God the Father to come to this World) to save this world.The search was on & I found Jesus as my savior because I myself cannot save me from my own sins.


God is Sinless.Every act of sin deserves punishment.If God is pure & holy,He cannot bear this SIN.Blood shed is necessary for removing Sins."Sarva Papa pariharo Rakthaprokshamavashyam.Thath raktham punyadhana Baliyagam"

Blood has importance in life's purification.Even our ancient Rrshies/Guru's used to perform Yagnas/sacrifices to attain salvation from Sins.

God himself came to this world to perform this Yagna of purifying the world of sins.It doesn't require knowledge of Vedas to have a purified life but self honesty after attaining that gives the answer.

How can we accept the Gods of Sin if we believe God is sinless and Pure.Does the creator require the created for sexual benefits.what are we talking about?

Jesus is the creator & need not create again the creation.


Ok even if I take your statement,"Jesus Death did not result in the creation of the moon, horses, cattle, or the 4 varnas".

It is not true because ,Through His( Jesus Death) sacrifice all the Creation which was waiting for deliverence, received deliverence from the clutches of sin & awaits for glorification through Jesus's Second Coming which will take place.Even this has everything to do with the quatations I referred Jesus to Prajapathy.

For God ,needless to have heads & hands. Why does he need thousand heads & thousand arms.Does he require any hand at all?Have you seen God?if you think you have seen God,have you seen him with thousand arms & heads.Please ask him for what does he require them?

God the highest doesn't require any arm & head,He is everywhere in Spirit form.

Point is,Jesus has come to save you & me from sins.Because we cannot save ourselves since we are not Creaters but created beings.






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Proverbs 18:10 - The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.


Praise be the name of Jesus now and Forever!


The Bible speaks of Jesus and even predicted more than a thousand years before He was born. The Quran mentioned Jesus' name 97 times than Mohammed that only mentioned 25 times. The Reg Veda mentioned Jesus (indirectly) by the quote PRAJAPATHY...but Krishna and Mohammed were not mentioned in the bible. So even the Quran and Bible will vanish I can still find Jesus in Reg Vedas and even the reg Vedas will vanish..there is the Quran that prove Jesus is the Son of God...and most of all, even I will lost everything in this material world....there is no such possession than having Jesus inside my heart! I am the richest person in the world!


John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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please note that Jesus & God the Father are not seperate.They are all one but Jesus got seperated from God the Father to come to this World) to save this world.



Just see the effects of mayavada thought as it creeps into Christianity.




Then does it follow that after the resurrection Jesus once again became the Father in full?

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Proverbs 18:10 - The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.



This is straight Krsna conscious teaching. Take shelter of God's name.


Of course they didn't use the name of Jesus as a name of God when proverbs was written, I don't think, but then the Lord has hundreds and millions of names. Earthly language doesn't qualify a name of God or disqualify God's name.


So why not a sanskrit name as well?


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theist quote" Then does it follow that after the resurrection Jesus once again became the Father in full?"


Looking and speaking about the other side of a coin doesn't mean you have seen the whole coin. You are only reading the Vedic Literature, please give some time to read the Bible the old and new testament.


It has been said in the bible:


Mark 14:62 - And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.


Mark 16:19 - So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.


Luke 22:69 - Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God.


John 5:17 - But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.


John 5:18 - Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.


John 5:19 - Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.


John 5:20 - For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.


John 5:21 - For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.


John 5:22 - For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:


John 5:23 - That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.


John 5:26 - For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;


John 5:30 - I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.


ohn 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


John 14:7 - If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

1 John 2:22 - Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.



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Nice verses. Also in John Christ says "the Father is greater than I".


Now that you have nicely proven that Jesus is not Father, though one with Him, please tell me what is the Father's name? And why would His name not be as potent in sanskrit as it would be in Aramaic or Hebrew or Greek or English.


My intial experience in devotional life was through Lord Jesus Christ and his spiritual baptism with the Holy Spirit.


I have and do read from the Bible but find more knowledge in the Bhagavat Purana. I am interested in an eternal growth of continued revelation about our Lord, where else that may take me in the future I have no idea. But the Bible gives only the tiniest of glimpses into the nature of the Father. I want more than that.

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