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Christ in Vedas

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It all comes down to one thing....YOUR path is YOUR path.

When you die NO ONE goes with you! Which ever path YOU have chosen better of had the proper results in YOUR life.

Notice I keep saying you loudly...thats the whole point of life...YOU and YOUR path.


Forced conversion is the crutch of the weak of soul!

If you have to force YOUR belief on someone then...YOU must have doubts and you have to reinforce YOUR beliefs by converting those to YOUR belief.


This is immemorial...man has done this to their deaths...to no avail!


After dealing with these types I can see why people like Thomas Paine had such a disdain for "organized" religion.

And he was one of the U.S.'s founding fathers.

I.E. his book "The Age of Reason" circa. the year 1778

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Well of course your path is your path. But in life, if one has not taken shelter of a bona fide guru, then in death they will be on their own too.


And yes, I notice you keep saying that loudy. You must be new here. There is no need to yell, as devotees are very philosophical and not bereft of knowledge. They/we know this. That is not the concern. The point is one must accept a qualified guru and then surrender unto him. Then the guru can enlighten you instead of you just having to guess at what is real and what is not - what is bona fide scripture and what is not, which are accurate translations and which are altered by man, who is genuine saint and who is not, etc.


Don't take shelter of a conditioned soul or you will only end up with conditional solutions.


And I don't recall anyone saying anything about the glories of organized religion. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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I always find these "breathtaking testimonies" of Hindus-turned-Christians to be entertaining. Probably I ought to feel anger, since they almost always misrepresent the Vedic tradition to promote their own agenda. But if one simply reads the posting objectively, it becomes obvious that the "Srinivasa Bhattachary" whose testimony this allegedly is, is either a fictional character or a complete idiot.


Let's start with a look at his own words.




I am Dr. Srinivasa Bhattachary. If I appropriately introduce myself stating my full name it is too long.





Here's our first clue right here. If this person were even an Indian, why would he say that his own name is "too long?" In South India, many Vaishnavas have multiple, polysyllabic names which would be considered "long" by Western standards. This then, is precisely my point. This raises the very strong possibility that this entire posting is a hoax written by some American Christian who happens to have Indian friends.




I come from the 145th direct generation of Sri Vaishnav Bhattachary priesthood community. Even today my grandfather, Raghu Bhattachary is the chief priest in Sri Ranganathaswamy Devasthanam at Sirangam. My father Govindaraja Bhattahay is chief priest in Srilakshmaneshaswamy Devasthanam at Ponvanugalathoor.





Note the multiple misspellings of proper nouns above, again suggesting that this person isn't even an Indian.


Of course, he wants us to believe he is who he says he is. And so, if we are to believe him, then we should accept him as a man born into a Sri Vaishnava brahmin family. Hence, I suggested that if he is, indeed a real person, he is obviously an idiot. Why? Because Vaishnava brahmins are far more knowledgeable that what this person reveals himself to be. More on this below.




I come from a family background of priests and today my whole family are Bhattacharyas for the gods who have eyes but cannot see, who have ears but cannot hear, who have noses but cannot smell, who have hands but cannot touch, who have legs but cannot walk, but I by the grace of Jesus Christ, have come among you as a Bhattachary for Lord Jesus Christ.





This is obviously meant to be a sarcastic take on a common Upanishadic statement:


apaaNipaado javano grahiitaa pashyatyachaxuH sa shR^iNotyakarNaH |

sa vetti vedya.n na cha tasyaasti vettaa tamaahuragryaM purushhaM mahaantam.h || 3.19 ||


Grasping without hands, hasting without feet, he sees without eyes, he hears without ears. He knows what can be known, but no one knows him; they call him the first, the great person (purusha). (shvetaashvatara upaniShad 3.19)


The author of the above document is trying to use his perverted take on the Upanishad as a subtle attempt to imply that the God of the Vedas is somehow impotent because He can't see, hear, touch, etc, in contrast to the God of Christianity who is not so limited.


***The thing is, any Vaishnava brahmin knows what is meant by this Upanishad: The Lord does not see, hear, or touch in the material sense, since none of His actions are material and thus they do not accrue karmas. Similarly, He has no ears, eyes, or hands in the material sense. Rather, He has spiritual ears, eyes, and hands and His activities of seeing, hearing, and touching are all spiritual, and all such activities can be performed by any of His senses. Our Bhattachary friend either knows this, and refuses to accept it for what it is (and is thus dishonest), or misrepresents the Upanishad because he is ignorant. Either way, his alleged status as a Sri Vaishnava brahmin clearly lacks credibility if he is going to use it to covertly undermine the Vedaantic position.




At the age of six I wore the sacred thread (poonool) according to the Hindu tradition. I was given to the Gayathri Diksha, ombhoohu, Om bhuwaha, Om subhaga, ommaha, Omjanaka, Om thapaka, Om sathyam, Om thathuservdarinam, Om barbudevastimagam, Om diviyayonagam, Om prajothaya, Om jothirasakam, Om amarthavarm, Om burbosaram. I was sent to an ashramam for my studies. Right from my childhood I studied the Rigveda, Yegurveda, Samarveda, Adarvarnaveda, Nalayiram Lijya Prabhandtha, Ethihasa, Purana Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Ehagvateeetha etc etc in the Hindu mythological subjects in Sanskrit as well as in the Grandha language.





Note the multiple misspellings above, again suggesting that this person is hardly even Indian. He obviously does not even know the gayatri mantra, which actually reads "om bhur bhuva suvaH tat savitur vareNyam bhargo devasya dhiimahi dhiyoyonaha prachodayaat" Not that this is a crime. My point simply is that this person is very likely not a Vaishnava, not a Brahmin, and quite possibly not even Indian. Since he can't be honest about who he is, why should we listen to his lectures on religion? Sorry, but I don't let people preach to me when they can't even follow basic, universal religious principles, like "always tell the truth."


Also, this individual, although claiming to be a Sri Vaishnava, refers to the Puraanic stories as "Hindu mythologies." Red Flag! No Vaishnava accepts that the Puraanas are fiction. QED This fellow is no Vaishnava.




After this incident I was doing the research work in my university library. The research topic that I had taken for my thesis was "How will man go to the kingdom of God after his death?" How will a man reach the Brahma patha or Sivan Narayan Patha or how can we go to the kingdom of God.





Here again is more evidence that this person is not a Vaishnava, or at best, he might be a very ignorant fellow who happened to take his birth in a Vaishnava family - No Sri Vaishnava would have any trouble answering the above question. One comes to the Vaikuntha by the Lord's grace only. Hence "teShaam satata yuktaanaam bhajataam priiti puurvakam / dadaami buddhi yogam tam yena maam upayanti te //" The Lord gives the knowledge by which one can come to Him, to those who are devoted to serving Him with love. This Bhattachary fellow does not even know this simple Bhagavad-giitaa shloka, and he has to research this question by going to a library? I don't buy it. He is either supremely ignorant or a Christian pretending to be a Sri Vaishnava.




After one month, one particular morning I was sitting in my dormitory going through this piece of paper once again. I started to gush out my eyes to know who this begotten Son of God is. Then I heard a voice telling me to read the rigveda. Upon opening it what I read in Sanskrit was "Santhakaram purakasayanam, pathinanabam suresham, vishwakaram..... mekavarnam... lakshikantham... yogikirtham vande bishnumbam, survalokayika..." which means, "The God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son of God that whosoever believes in Him will have everlasting life". When I read the bible scripture in my own Rigveda I decided that even if I die I must obey this only begotten son and that I must surrender my life to Him.





So, this fellow is hearing voices, eh? Now I know why someone thought he could be mentally ill. :-0


Anyway, some people say that one has to be a pure devotee to translate Sanskrit. I am not a pure devotee, but even I can see that the mantra recited by this fellow has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH JESUS CHRIST. Where in the Sanskrit (quoted above) is anything said about God loving the world and hence He decided to send His "only begotten son?" Nowhere, that's where.


And while we're at it, what is with this "only son nonsense?" Even pigs can have so many children, so why does God only have one son? Is there family planning in the Kingdom of God or what?




Here I was born into a royal family of Nepal, with my family breeding 13 elephants and having 108 divine temples across the world where we are the chief priests, having obtained double doctorates and double gold medals from the president and yet having no peace nor joy in life.




Again, note the inconsistency. First the author indicates that he is from a Sri Vaishnava brahmin family, with enough names thrown in to conclude he is from a Tamil Sri Vaishnava family (most Sri Vaishnavas are of Tamil ancestry).


But now the author lets slip that he was born not into a brahmin family, but a royal family, and from NEPAL?!?!? Which is it? Brahmin or Kshatriya? Tamil Nadu or Nepali?


Whatever the case, this man is obviously a LIAR.




The Bible says, "If a man gains the whole world and yet loses his soul what is the use?"





And frankly, only a Christian would regard the above as some kind of deep philosophy. Why? Because every Vaishnava knows that you don't "lose" your soul. You *are* a soul, who happens to be living in a body. But Christians define the soul as one's ability to recognize God and take to spiritual life; they don't define the soul as the seat of consciousness as Vedaantins do, which is why they make erroneous statements like the above.


Of course, Srila Prabhupada also quotes this statement in one of his Gita purports, to get across the point that material accomplishments are useless if one forgets spiritual life. He doesn't accept the literal purport of the statement about "losing your soul." This is nonsensical.




The railway staff went for a coffee break and at the same time I heard a voice telling me to get down at this station. I was wondering why I should do this for I did not have any relatives there. The more I refused to listen to the voice the more persistent it became.





A dose of Haldol would definitely help with those voices. You see, where I'm from, we call this condition schizophrenia.




He told me of the fall of man into sin and how the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world as the Messiah, how much he suffered on the cross at Golgotha and how he finally died. When I heard all this I could not control myself for in Hinduism there are 33 crores (millions) gods. But none of the gods came to die for me and my sins. But here I found that Jesus came and died for my sins.





Boo-hoo-hoo! None of my 33 million gods came to die for my sins! Oh what so ever will I do? This is complete rubbish.


Vaishnavas don't need anyone to "die for their sins" because they don't focus on their sinful activities, but rather on the chance to continue serving the Lord. Thus, a pure Vaishnava would pray that even if he is cast into hell along with the lowest species of life, that at least he should continue having the opportunity to serve the Lord. With such loving devotion, their sins automatically disappear. Vaishnavas don't have to make any separate effort to get rid of them.


This is in contrast to Christians who live sinful lifestyles (eating meat, etc) and then require someone to "die" for their sins? First Jesus, then the victims of the Spanish Inquisition, then the Muslim children killed during the crusades, etc etc. Perhaps these Christians could consider a little discipline in their lives, rather than requiring human sacrifice to excuse their evil ways. They always see the sins in others, rather than in themselves, and this is why so much violence is committed against others in the name of their "religion."


Anyway, the idea of God taking a material body and suffering for your sins is 100% nonsense according to Vaishnava siddhaanta, with which this fellow is obviously not familiar. Lord has "sat-chid-aananda vigraha." There is no question of Him suffering at all. Srila Prabhupada also spoke out against this kind of nonsense. One such conversation was published in BTG about 5-6 years ago.




I was on fire and at that moment I called out to the Bhattacharyas. "Come here. What does your vedas say about God? What does Hinduism say about God? Who is true God in Hinduism? What are the characteristics of God mentioned in Hinduism? What does Hinduism say about how a man can go into the kingdom of God? Who is the true god that can bring salvation to mankind?





Even Sri Vaishnava children know the answers to all these questions. This fellow acts as if the priests did not know. What he isn't telling us is what the priests said in response to him. I suspect that the priests probably danced circles around him using logic and shaastra, but this fellow having had too much beef in his stomach, was of such impure intelligence that he could not even figure out he had been defeated.




For example Om Shri brahmaputhraye namaha - what does this mean? The only begotten son I worship thee.




This is an outright lie. It means no such thing.



Om shri Martha Namaha - the Holy spirit of God I worship thee.




shri "Martha?" I didn't know we Hindus worshipped Martha Stewart?



Om shri Kannisuthayeha namaha - which means the Lord who is born to a virgin. Om vidyshtayaha Namaha - the Lord who had the circumcision I worship thee. Om shri Panchkayika naruaha - the Lord who had the five injuries for the sake of mankind. Om shri vriksha shula arudayaka nama vrisha ponda marthil shulathil siluthayil bahyanavare, umbayc nan namaskarikunnen. Who is the Lord who died on the cross of Calvary? All this is our Lord Jesus Christ. Our God is not a dead God. It is true that he came as a messiah to this world. He preached the gospel. He canceled the devils and the demons. He healed the sick people and brought salvation to so many people and finally he died on the cross of Calvary, he was buried but he did not become sand. Om Shri mrithyu nayaya namaha meaning the Lord Who resurrected from the depths of the Earth on the third day I worship thee".





etc etc etc. see above. One wonders how this guy can even offer such "translations" when it is obvious he does not know Sanskrit. "Only begotten son?" Give me a break! And his claim that several priests converted to his faith on the basis of such "logic" is so astounding it makes you wonder. Only a Christian would regard the above as an example of logical argument: "om krishnaaya namaha - see, this really means I bow to the Lord's only begotten son.Oh really, why thank you for relieving my ignorance? Let me convert right now!"


These Christian preachers thrive on ignorance. As demonstrated above, they don't even have a semblance of intellectual honesty. They will take straightforward Sanskrit verses and completely reassign new meanings to them just to win over a few converts. Honesty is besides the point. All that matters is convering people and giving them a rubber stamp "saved by Jesus Christ." In India these people vandalize signs and fences in holy places with ugly remarks like "Jesus is the only way."


One wonders how these rascals can even look at themselves in the mirror.

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Why even take some much time dissecting this sort of thing.




...what is with this "only son nonsense?"



In reference to this creation, and this universe, God can be said to have only one begotten son, Brahma. All others were born secondarily through him.


I have met Indian Christians living in the US and they sound like this guy. Exactly in fact. They come from India so they figure they "know all about this hinduism and Krsna and this and that" "these are just so many idols and this thing and that thing." Then they go into the standard speel never actually hearing anything you may say to them.


Best to try to encourage them to increase their focus on Christ and go to Christ-loka where Lord Jesus Christ will reveal the rest to them. Arguing and trying to defeat them is mostly just an ego affair on our part as well, as we know they won't accept any thing we may say.


"Chant Christ and stop animal killing", then look for someone who is truly receptive.


Jaya Yoshua Jaya Krsna

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Why even take some much time dissecting this sort of thing.



You read my mind exactly.



Best to try to encourage them to increase their focus on Christ and go to Christ-loka where Lord Jesus Christ will reveal the rest to them. Arguing and trying to defeat them is mostly just an ego affair on our part as well, as we know they won't accept any thing we may say.



Again, I am in agreement. All this fault finding in the name of being right, especially when it becomes excessive is related to the false ego. It has more of a negative preaching effect anyway. This does not help them, but does create a war. We don't want to create war. We want to find a way to help every single soul we can. And those we can't, get out of their way. Besdies, Prabhupada always encouraged.

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I was trying to get this Abdullah character to realize that his way is his and to stop forcing it on others...


I know all about accepting a guru...


All Glories to His Holiness Danavir Goswami!

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I disagree, Jesus never support Idols and he is clear that there is no other name given under the earth the take away our sins.


"John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth

and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father,

but by me."


"Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the

Lord - Jesus Christ shall be saved."


"Therefore, just as through one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned (Romans 5:12)"


"You know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin (1 John 3:5)"


"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)"


"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)"




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How would you convince me that the worship of the animals such as cow ('Co Mada'), Dog 'Bhairava'), Snake ('Nagaraja') as a result of a science?


Who created the world whether Brahma or Big Bang?


According to the Hinduism there are four classifications in the humans called “Sutra”,"Vishnava","Shattriya" and "Brahmna". The brahmins are the only one who entitled to touch the idols and do pooja. What kind of science is this?


"As for as christianity is concern all humans are child of god there is no classification by birth"



If you are a brahmin would you accept the 'prasad' from a sutra?


why they are doing dump things such as walking on the fire , piercing a big Trishul on there mouth , Lifting some heavy stufff and take a long walk to one of the temple. What kind of mercy & kind god will encourage these actions?


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Hey Dude this is not about wether he knows english or not?, This is true and RSS agreed that they have this guy as their youth head for a while. However his country of birth is Nepal not india.

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It is true, The whole ramayana & mahabharatha are Myths. Basically there is no such religion called 'Hinduism', When Persians invaded our land they named people who are all living south of the river "Sindhu' as 'Hindu' this concept was accepted by formar Kanchi Sankarachari (So the word Hindu is not a religion). Moreover I view Hinduism as a worship of created (Objects) than the creator (like worshipping fire, water, sun, moon.stars) . When an ancient man suffered by flood or,fire they were frightened and thought it would be stopped if they do some rituals and sacrifices to them that is where they started worshipping Fire, Water(These are all depicted as Gods in Hinduism). To be more clear all the anciant gods are created by man , The firts civilisation was started in the beds of river Nile (NOT Sindus) so the culture of Egyptiona and Greeks are older than Hindues but today everybody accept the greek & egyption gods as a myth so the same will be applicabel for hinduism

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I would recommend that we just ignore these fools who can't get beyond the words of their religion. The evil that keeps them from God will only taint our own hearts. Why should we waste our time like they do?


If they are not worthy of God's mercy, then who are we to give it to them?


I am really getting tired of words, period.

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"Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the

Lord - Jesus Christ shall be saved."



But remember something. Yoshua wasn't called Jesus. So if don't believe God or His representatives can be called by the name common to their own native language, then you must immediately give up the name Jesus.


If you do believe that God can be called upon by the name common to their own language and culture then you must agree that extends not just to English but to Sanskrit as well.


What's your answer.

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I was trying to get this Abdullah character to realize that his way is his and to stop forcing it on others...


I know all about accepting a guru...



Oh, I see. You are in the midst of something personal. Well, you can try. But after informing people and they still reject, even argue, its pretty hopeless as people see what they want to see. Good luck.

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I disagree, Jesus never support Idols and he is clear that there is no other name given under the earth the take away our sins.


"John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth

and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father,

but by me." ........



Probably nothing I say will make a difference, but Krishna also does not support idol worship. Anyone who is not properly taking care of the Deity of God is engaging in idol worship, or if they themselves are rascals, this would also apply. Jesus criticized the caste brahmana's at RathaYatra because of alcohol and sins of the flesh, Lord Jagannatha had not entered the Deity in the first place.


As far as quotes from the Bible, while there may be something to some of them, just the smallest bit of research will quickly turn up how the Bible has been drastically changed by man. Even the verse you use above, scholars have explained his original words were that no man cometh to the Father except by a 'method' like his. Jesus spoke Aramic, and too often we use the King James version or others, which are either Greek -to -English translation, which makes it all become very complicated to get to the roots of what he originally said.


And then there is the well-known fact (well known to anyone who looks) that Paul changed much of Christ's teachings for the sake of making converts.


Anyhow, even if Aramic-to-English is found and used, the many councils and meetings the Church had to change the words of the Bible have long ago taken hold and now go as the real Bible, when it is not. Drastic changes have been made. But hear what you wish to hear. Good luck! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Well, the definition of mythology used by you may make it fit in the category of myth, and Hinduism for sure is not an ancient religion and not found in any ancient Sanskrit Vedic literature. This we can agree upon. But Rama really existed, Krishna really existed, Deity worship "when" followed according to ancient Vedic instructions and in relationship to the Supreme One God and not demi-gods -- there is no myth there. Matter of fact, one "can" worship demi-gods and it is real. The outcome, that is another story. But they are real persons and someone on earth can connect to someone in the heavens (demi-gods) if they want. But the results will not be the same as going to God/Krishna Himself. One should go directly to the Supreme Persnality of Godhead. Anyway, that the word "Hindu" or "Hinduism" is not to be found in ancient text does mitigate everything else which actually 'is' found in ancient text.


In Krishna consciousness, as presented by Srila Prabhupada, we do "not" practice Hinduism. That is why some of our answers to questions on these forums are different than an answer is from Hinduism would be. You may or may not know this. I can't tell since no one is singing their name anymore. I dont know who wrote what, or who believes what, or who knows what. So please pardon any redundance I may have made.

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Well you are trying to tell the word of god is man made and corrected by human. Today bible is accepted as a true treasure for archeologists (both Christian and Non Christians) because the facts and incidents explained in bible are related to lot of historical events that are well proved by different sources, Bible has lot of parallelism than any other religious book in the world means the

Whole bible can be recreated from the sources other than bible (like the notes from ancient tablets, tombs, pyramids.etc). The verse you talked about is from Gospel According to John, which is before Paul came in to the picture, moreover bible is strongly warning about making changes in gods word


Luke 16:17 "But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter of the Law to fail"


Revelation 22:18 testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues, which are written in this book;


Revelation 22:19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.



Moreover in bible that his letters were gods word and he is too honest to classify his words from gods word when he talks about marriage


1 Corinthians 7:25 "Now concerning virgins I have no command of the Lord, but I give an opinion as one who by the mercy of the Lord is trustworthy"


The translation doesn't matter the word of god is same even in the Hebrew version. But i really appreciate you for saying the "IDOL WORSHIP IS SATANIC HOPE THAT WILL HELP SOME OF THE PEOPLE HERE"


1 Corinthians 10:14 "Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry."


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Lauguage doesn't matter. God is seeing your heart not the lips however the salvation will come through Jesus ONLY which is applicable for Adam and Eve after thay sinned against god

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I don't understand the basic thing, As you know the demi/semi gods in Hinduesm has no power to lead sinners into SALVATION, Tell me how the SALVATION will work in Hinduesm, I don't think sinners can enter into Paramatma directly..

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Thanks, But bible warns such kind of callings..Is is OK in by Geeta?


Matthew 5:22 "But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, `You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, `You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell"



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John10:7 So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.


John10:8 "All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.


John10:9 "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.


John10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.


John10:11 "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays R646 down His life for the sheep


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YES Everything is OK by Geeta..Even krishna is known for lying and cheating others when he was in Gokulam. Would you describe above action is a act of God or Demon?

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Doesn't that refer to Moses? Abraham? Isaiah? David? Solomon? John the Baptist? No - it refers only to the false messiahs in Jerusalem (any scholar will verify that).


If you don't know God or Jesus then you should be careful about what your ego tells you. Get beyond the words before becoming so arrogant.


You only offend Lord Jesus here.

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You need to do research. Even the fundamental Christians admit man has contaminated the Bible. They just beieve that something of Christ is in there, so they will have to go with what they have. (I was told this by a Christian preacher too.) Visit your public library and look up anything I claim. Start with the Council of Nicea (325 A.D.) where the Church Fathers intentionally altered the Bible for the purpose of converting Emperor Constine, a powerful king. And there were other specific meetings of the Chruch (which at that time controlled the Bible) whose purpose was to alter various qootes in the Bible. This is not to say I disbelieve in Christ. Not at all, and quite the opposite. Only that his words have been tampered with. Instead of a knee-jerk reaction to this and a passionate reply-post, I invite anyone to investigate what I have claimed, in a nonbiased way please. (We can only get to facts if we try to look for facts alone.)


Over 2000 books of the Bible have been lost.


And again, Christ spoke Aramic. Popular acceptance of Greek and other translations does not make them spiriutally bona fide.


For those who have ears, let them hear.


Anyone into Christianity, check out this wonderful Christian link: http://essene.org


Wishing you well.

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