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How MUCH am I WOrth To YoU?

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Would that change your mind what you regard of me if I say I`m worth around $40,000,000.00? How much Jesus Christ was worth, 30 pieces of silver coins? How much Mr. George Harrison was worth, $190,000,000.00? In other words, would you have shed pails of tears if the latter, after he died of cancer, worth only a hundred thousand pounds? How much Deepak Chopra is worth, $25-30 million? How much Swamijiraja was worth, $2Billion? In fact, when His Divine Grace died, he didn`t even had a penny in his pocket. If ever he had one, it went to a Trust Fund.

Now, I tell you. If you can call me an IDIOT, then how much am I worth to yOu?

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Do you think that since George was a cancer victim and since he sang Hare Krsna that singing Hare Krsna causes cancer? Does it also imply that guitar playing causes cancer? Does it also imply that gardening causes cancer? Does it also imply that ....


What are you worth? Everything. Precious beyond words. May you come to know that truth.

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Originally posted by krsnaraja:

Would that change your mind what you regard of me if I say I`m worth around $40,000,000.00? How much Jesus Christ was worth, 30 pieces of silver coins? How much Mr. George Harrison was worth, $190,000,000.00? In other words, would you have shed pails of tears if the latter, after he died of cancer, worth only a hundred thousand pounds? How much Deepak Chopra is worth, $25-30 million? How much Swamijiraja was worth, $2Billion? In fact, when His Divine Grace died, he didn`t even had a penny in his pocket. If ever he had one, it went to a Trust Fund.

Now, I tell you. If you can call me an IDIOT, then how much am I worth to yOu?

I call you the Village Idiot...


may I suggest a Lobotomy perhaps...?





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KRSNarAj-ji: How is it you've chosen this number $40KK as your value?

About 27 yrs ago one BTG was titled:

What are You Worth?

Back then our body's elements were worth approximately $9.50.

Since then our body's have gone up in value to about $29.

At this rate how long will it take us/you to reach $40 million?

Don't hold your prANAyAma breath.

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How much are we worth to anyone? How much are we able to help others become Krsna conscious? That is our greatest value for ultimately only Krsna can save us. That is why Krsna in Bhagavad Gita tells us that there is nothing dearer to him than his devotees who help each other to understand this transcendental science of Krsna consciousness, helping others to realize their own highest value and also their own, becoming nearer and dearer to Krsna, lifes greatest satisfaction.

Hari bol

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All Glories to Shrila Prabhupada


Dear "Village Idiot":


>>>How much Swamijiraja was worth, $2Billion?


Where do you get this "Swamijraja" from?


Why are you even discussing this?


Why are you here?


What are you doing for Krishna?


What are you doing for your liberation?


Sso many things to be concerned with--yet you pick what instead?


Please start Chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare so you can understand and be happy.


Bhakta don


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Can we write a book about You, Sir? How much would it be worth if You were to sell Your intellectualproperty rights to it? 30 pcs. of silver coins or $40,000,000.00? Please inform us immediately if You agree with us on this great venture. There are corporations and people who are willing to cash-in on this great production of the 21st century. We`ll give You ample of time to think it over. If You have finally decided, please send us by e-mail(mateo@indiadivine.com).

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Actually, idiots and priests go for about the same rate, six cents more than the price of a mosquito buzzing around the ear.


But of course, that was pre-911 rates. Now priests are worth much less than idiots. Idiots will rise again, just after Boeing gets back on its feet and Emron gets the SoCalEdison contract. In the supply and demand world of wartime economics, idiots will soon be worth well over ten bucks a pound, so eat up, it's all pounds on the hoof.


mad mahax


ps, cmon, mateo, fess up, how many identities do you use here on the forum.

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How much? Not too much.

"Beware. In Casablanca human life has become very cheap."

If you passed away 9/11, to your kids you'd be worth about $1.6KK.

If you're mugged on our NYC Subway just below WTC?

You get a peanut butter + strawberry jam sandwich.

Allergic to peanuts? How about cream cheese + grape jelly?

On whole wheat? Can I have 2?

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IN My kINGDOM, THERE aRe JeSters who entertain me with bravado and chutzpah. ThEy make my visitors laUgh either by making faCes or caLLing my subjeCts names. ThEy also Do acrobatics, bOdy contortIons aNd wHat-have-yOu. iN oTher words, ThEy are tHe JOKeRs in aDeCk of cArds. PLeAse do parDon them for ThEir unusual and BiZaRRe acts in Making Each one of US laugh. CHeeRs!

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I`m worth $40,000,000.00 to you, Mateo, because I owned a piece of prime land with an area of 4.04 hectares ( 1940 Tax. Declaration No. 92165) which has yet to be re-surveyed, awaiting immediate decision from the Appellate Court(case. No. 41699), so that I could transfer it to my beneficiaries. Even the Joker here in this thread is also a beneficiary for I hold him dear like he was my own brother. As for the coming book you will probably write about me, I do hope you have already asked permission from the REAL Krsnaraja, Sri Chaitanya Krsna Mahaprabhu. Godspeed!

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I`m trying to get a spiritual Mastercard but everytime I fill-up the spiritual application form, they would always congratulate me for it. In other words, I have to wait around 7 days if my application for the card has been approved. If only Santa would provide me one, maybe I would be able to improve the accounts on my spiritual website. That way, you will be able to visit my home in time and see for yourself what it`s like at www. krsnaraja.com. I do hope you will all visit us soon only after my spiritual Visa/Mastercard has been approved by His Divine Grace himself, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad.


[This message has been edited by mateo (edited 12-28-2001).]

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