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George Has Left

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<H2>"I think George does not require to become my formal disciple because he is already more than my disciple"

</font></h2><img src=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/George-Prabhupada.jpg></center>His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Patti Boyd (now George's ex-wife), George, Dhananjya das [picture taken by Syamasundara das]

Excerpt of letter to Syamasundara das, April 12, 1970:

Is it not possible to have a small temple in George's house so you can engage in temple worship? That is necessary. If there is a small temple there, then you and your wife and others can be nicely engaged. I think George does not require to become my formal disciple because he is already more than my disciple. He has sympathy for my movement and I have all blessings for him. He can easily spare that chapel for developing it into a nice Krishna Consciousness temple. We do not want any proprietorship right, but we want simply to utilize the nice place into a nice temple.

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[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 12-10-2001).]

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Originally posted by Ananga:

Part of an interview with George was just published in People magazine, wherein he states that he never really 'joined them', just in spirit. He also said that if SP knew that his disciples were ripping people off in airports, they would have had their 'behinds kicked'. The overall tone of his statements was that he respected SP, but did care much for his followers. I guess a couple that he stayed in contact with (like Mukunda) were the exception.




What issue of People Magazine is this in?

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Originally posted by gHari:

Excerpt of letter to Syamasundara das, April 12, 1970:


I think George does not require to become my formal

disciple because he is already more than my disciple.


Ahhhh !

the diplomacy of the wise and loving .....




[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-09-2001).]

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+<center><font color=blue>



And I thought to close my mouth

With a padlock on the night

Leave the battlefield behind

Stay out the fight

Not lose my sight


Now I only want to be

With no pistol at my brain

But at times it gets so lonely

Could go insane

Could lose my aim


Now I only want to live

With no teardrops in my eyes

But at times it feels like no chance

No clear blue skies

Grey cloudy lies


No clear blue skies

Grey cloudy lies


</FONT>George Harrison 1975

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Mukunda Goswami relates his "Memories Of My Sweet George":

George Harrison, a very dear friend and one of the four Beatles, was one of the few musical stars to fully embrace the principles of transmigration of the soul, karma and many other elements of Indian philosophy.


I first met George in 1968 and he immediately remembered the letter that I had written to him before we actually met regarding the 300 copies of the Hare Krishna mantra records, made by Srila Prabhupada in 1966, that the Beatles had ordered. We struck off instantly.


He was so humble despite being part of the world's most popular musical group. What endeared me to him was his spiritual commitment. George has probably done more than any single popular cultural figure in history to spread Indian culture around the world. He became a dear friend of India.


His friendships with Ravi Shankar, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Hare Krishna Movement's founder Bhaktivedanta Swami became part of his lifelong quest to improve the quality of his life on earth.


In fact, some of his songs, All things must pass, The Lord loves the one who loves the Lord, Living in the material world, The art of dying, Here comes the sun, contain the essence of Vedic knowledge in their lyrics. He included the Hare Krishna mantra in his hit record, My Sweet Lord, a song that sold millions of copies and was one of the largest selling records of all time.


Thanks in large part to George's music the Hare Krishna mantra became known in every part of the world. I was a professional musician from 1960-66 and so enjoyed discussing music with him and even exchanged records.


George believed in the transmigration of the soul. He saw death not as the end, but ÿas the same old mob going round and round and round. His perceptions of a state of being beyond and higher than ordinary consciousness entered into his songs and altered millions of lives.


Many times George said, "Everything else can wait, but the search for God cannot wait, nor can love for one another." He was first treated for lung cancer in the late '90s. He had sounds of mantras playing all the time. I met him several times, and his mood was one of thanks that devotees were with him in his last days.


I remember the time he visited Vrindavana in April, 1997. He made a parikrama and stayed with me there in the house of a friend for about ten days. He toured Vrindavana several times and was very inspired by the ISKCON Krishna-Balarama temple and Srila Prabhupada's samadhi there.

Mukunda Goswami is an emeritus member of the ISKCON Governing Body Commission and was with George Harrison during his last moments, chanting quietly.


Thank you for being there for him, Mukunda Goswami.

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Perhaps this is only going on in the New York area, but has anyone noticed that when George Harrison left his body, the media really does not mention his spiritual beliefs? I've watched several specials on TV and the most that they say about him is that he was enamored with Indian spirituality.


Also, when they played his various songs, they only played 1-2 lines of My Sweet Lord. For some reason, the media really does not want to talk about him being a devotee of Krsna. Has anyone noted an exception?

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Originally posted by Krsnacandra dasa:


For some reason, the media really does not want

to talk about him being a devotee of [Krishna].

It happens to many .


It is all part of His plan

To keep our relationship

A secret cherish .








[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-10-2001).]

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Let's face it. ISKCON blew it. Even I do not admit being involved; feeling like the apostle who denied Jesus thrice that fateful night. North America knows only too well the dark past of the Hare Krishnas. It will take a long time to turn things around.


I have great respect for those brave preachers still there who are doing an amazing job against all odds. But I have learned the hard way to keep my identity a secret on the job and in my neighborhood. This wasn't the case in the seventies, before we started measuring our sankirtana success in Laksmi points, changing up and being down right repulsive just to meet our quota.


This was not the character of Lord Caitanya. George could see that. I could see that. Every media reporter could see that. It will be a long time before the media will feel right about encouraging anyone to give any credence to that crazy cult.

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I have been quite upset over the passing of George and though much better now, I just have to post something.


I suspect one of the reasons so many devotees have felt such great saddness is because in addition to being an ISKCON devotee for which we were so very proud of George for, he also presented Krishna Consciousness in a nonfanatical way that was so very attractive! Combine that with a big heart and, well, no wonder we were so disturbed. Very few devotees anymore are that sweet unless they want something from ya. He was so genuine and sincere. Glad he made it back!






Chant Hare Krishna, be happy.




[This message has been edited by Keeshori (edited 12-10-2001).]

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Dear Keeshori,

I am sorry you are so sad, about George Harrison and about your experiences with devotees. I will send you a maha turban piece from Lord Jagannath at New Jagannath Puri in Berkeley if you email me with your address. And I don't want anything from you. Although I too have felt used at times, I know many devotees who are not as you have experienced, and pray that you get more loving exchanges in your life. As we all could certainly use. Me not least of all.


ys, Jayaradhe dasi


(edited to remove email address)


[This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 12-11-2001).]

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Dear Jayaradhe, Thank you for the nice offer but even online I am not using my real name, so to send my name and address would disclose that. I dont want to make any offenses though and hope you will give that prasadam away to someone in place of me as I dont want to be turning down prasadam and get some heavy reaction for that. Oh yes, I do believe that in time I will get more loving exchanges. Thanks. - Keeshori devi dasi



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Originally posted by Ananga:

Someone once told me what George's Sanskrit name was many years ago, but I forgot what exactly it was. Does anyone have any info. on this?

Someone told me this weekend that when George asked Srila Prabhupad for a sanskrit name, Prabhupad said "You are already Hari's son (Harrison, so you don't need another name."




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Excerpt from the transcript of George's on-line ! chat 02/15/01 found on the Capitol Records Tribute site:

nikolaidisgm asks: George, what do you miss most about John Lennon?

george_harrison_live: John Lennon.


spongeweed70508 asks: Does Paul still piss you off (tell us the truth)

george_harrison_live: Scan not a friend with a microscopic glass -- You know his faults -- Then let his foibles pass.

Old Victorian Proverb.

I'm sure there's enough about me that pisses him off, but I think we have now grown old enough to realize

that we're both pretty damn cute!


incantataa asks: Mr. Harrison, I was wondering if you might tell us a bit about your ideas on love. Romantic love, that is. I recall you having written some of the Beatles' most beatiful love songs. It would be interesting to hear how your religious attitudes have impacted your beliefs concerning romanticism.

george_harrison_live: Well, the lover that we miss is actually God.

The beauty that you see within each other is actually God.

So, Krishna was the greatest romanticist. He had girlfriends on every corner!

I can't seperate the two -- a beautiful girl is the divine mother, a beautiful man is the manifestation of potential.

<center>Posted Image</center><font color="#f7f7f7">


[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 12-12-2001).]

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Tuesday December 4 1:34 PM ET


Harrison's Ashes Expected in India



By PRAJNAN BHATTACHARYA, Associated Press Writer


VARANASI, India (AP) - Hare Krishna followers in India awaited the arrival of the ashes of former Beatle George Harrison, a fellow devotee whose family reportedly planned to scatter his remains in the holy Ganges River.


Officials of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness told The Associated Press that Harrison's widow, Olivia, and their 23-year-old son, Dhani were to arrive in India soon. By Tuesday evening, the Harrisons had not been spotted.


``There is a lot of secrecy. What I can tell you is that we expect to perform the ceremony tomorrow,'' said Vrajendra Nandan, a spokesman for the Krishna society in New Delhi. Nandan would not comment on when he expected Harrison's family to arrive.


The family would not confirm any aspect of the reports, spokesman Gavin de Becker said in Los Angeles.


Harrison, 58, died of cancer in Los Angeles on Thursday. Hours after his death, he was cremated at Hollywood Forever Memorial Park.


In Harrison's hometown of Liverpool, England, more than 1,000 people attended a vigil in his memory, standing silent for a minute on Monday night as requested by Olivia Harrison.


``George was a truly gifted musician. But he was much more than that. His ideals and his love of peace inspired countless thousands,'' said Liverpool Mayor Gerry Scott. ``His loss will be deeply felt but his vision will live on.''


In a tradition dating back more than 3,500 years, Hindus are cremated on riversides and their ashes immersed in holy waters. Hindus believe this ritual releases the soul from the body for its journey toward Heaven, and frees it from the cycle of reincarnation.


Ram Shankar Tripathi, chief priest of the Kashi Vishwanath temple in Varanasi, said Indian sitar player Ravi Shankar once brought Harrison to his home.


``Harrison had a loving personality and ardent curiosity about the sacred city of Varanasi and India's cultural heritage,'' Tripathi said. ``He appreciated our religion. His ashes will be scattered in the holy river and he will achieve salvation.''


Harrison, known as the ``quiet Beatle,'' had a long, intimate relationship with Indian music, religion and culture.


London-based Hare Krishna devotee Mukunda Goswami introduced Harrison to the movement's founder, Srila Prabhupada. Harrison later donated one of his studios to the Hare Krishnas. In one of his most popular songs, ``My Sweet Lord,'' Harrison chants ``Hare Krishna.''


Krishna is one of the most popular Hindu gods. His views on the immortality of the soul were compiled in one of Hinduism's holiest books, the Bhagwad Gita.


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December 12, 2001


Officials Find No Records of Harrison's Alleged Death Site


Mystery: They can't find the address listed on a death certificate. Police say families of celebrities often falsify the documents.

By LOUISE ROUG and GINA PICCALO, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers



Bad news for celebrity-death-tour promoters: Two weeks after George Harrison passed away, it is still unclear where he died.


Harrison's death certificate, filed with the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, lists the place of death as a Coldwater Canyon address in Beverly Hills occupied by his wife, Olivia.


But the location cannot be found by the Beverly Hills post office, which said it has no record of it as a mailing address. The county tax assessor has no record of the property either. And reporters driving in the area could find no sign of the address.


When Harrison died Nov. 29 at 58, a short statement by the family said he "left this world . . . surrounded by family and friends" but did not contain the place of death. His remains were cremated by a Los Angeles company and flown to India, where they were strewn over the Ganges River.


Gavin De Becker, a noted security expert and author who was acting as the family spokesman, told the Associated Press that Harrison had died at a property that De Becker owns. But a search of property records did not show anything owned by De Becker on Coldwater Canyon Drive.


To willfully falsify the address on a death certificate is a misdemeanor, said Scott Carrier, a spokesman for the county coroner. But for charges to be filed someone would have to make a formal complaint about it, "and so far, no one has," said Jane Robison, spokeswoman for the county district attorney's office.


Los Angeles Police Department spokesman Jack Richter said police have seen many cases of a false address deliberately placed on the death certificate of a high-profile person. The former Beatle and his family may have been concerned that the site of his death could become a shrine for fans. Some reports have suggested that Harrison might have died in Studio City, where De Becker is connected to a secluded property on Laurel Canyon Boulevard.


Los Angeles has long been haunted by the cult of dead celebrities. Otherwise anonymous homes across the city have become destinations for scores of Hollywood tour guides.


Visiting the place of death provides fans with "possibly a little more understanding," said Mark Chiavaroli, owner of the Glendale-based Web site citymorguegiftshop.com, which specializes in information about where celebrities died and their graves. "They feel a little more connection with that person. It probably starts a healing process in themselves and a bit of closure," he said.


To put the wrong address on a certificate makes sense, Chiavaroli said, "because as soon as the document becomes available," fans will "go to that location and inundate it with traffic and property damage."


For many, the Chateau Marmont is known only as the Sunset Boulevard hotel where comic actor John Belushi died of a drug overdose. The Cielo Drive home where Sharon Tate and her friends were murdered by the Manson family was demolished years ago, but fans of the macabre still make pilgrimages to the site.


Harrison's death certificate was signed by UCLA oncologist Dr. Lee S. Rosen, although that does not mean Rosen was present at Harrison's death. As is customary when a cancer patient dies outside the hospital, Rosen signed a special work sheet given to him by the mortuary, UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center spokeswoman Kim Irwin said.


Doctor-patient confidentiality laws prevent Rosen from revealing details surrounding Harrison's death, said Irwin, who spoke on behalf of the physician. Rosen specializes in experimental cancer treatments.


When cancer is the cause of death, Irwin said, "it's not uncommon" for the doctor to sign the death certificate work sheet without examining the patient at the place of death. Harrison's cause of death is listed as "metastatic non-small cell lung cancer." An autopsy was not performed.


A death certificate is often filled out by mortuary staff members who take information from relatives. The death certificate lists Olivia Harrison as the provider of information.


"The information we receive on a death certificate comes from a funeral director's office," said Maria Iacoboa, a spokeswoman for the vital records section of the county health department. "That's the information we're given. That's the information that we use. It's not our role to verify that information."


Family spokesman De Becker could not be reached for comment. A message on his voice mail said he was working on the East Coast and unavailable

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Jijaji: Capitol depicts George playing a Rickenbacher.

I recall him favoring Gretsch.

Paul preferred Hofner basses.

George hasn't left.

You can still hear him singing at 72St Central Park West.

Ask his devotees at Strawberry Fields, Manhattan.

They all agree with Bhaktivinod ThAkur:

"He reasons ill who thinks... for thou art living in sound."

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Originally posted by Tarun:

Jijaji: Capitol depicts George playing a Rickenbacher.

I recall him favoring Gretsch.

Paul preferred Hofner basses.

George hasn't left.

You can still hear him singing at 72St Central Park West.

Ask his devotees at Strawberry Fields, Manhattan.

They all agree with Bhaktivinod ThAkur:

"He reasons ill who thinks... for thou art living in sound."







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