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Armageddon?? :)

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I must admit I'm one of those kinds of people who takes a certain level of entertainment by watching those Biblical prophecy programs. You know the ones that get you just scared enough about the end times, like a scary movie, and then you turn off the tv and go to sleep Posted Image


So anyways, with that in mind, here are a few things to consider. These sorts of programs always speak of 3 prophecies that are to come true before the end (though I can only recall 2 at the moment). The first is the creation of the state of Israel which happened right after WWII. I have always wondered why so many Christian nations would work to build a Jewish state. Perhaps it was an effort to fulfill one necessary prophecy.


The second part is that a Jewish temple will be rebuilt at a particular place in Jerusalem (I believe). Right now a important Muslim mosque sits there. There were people who thought some radical Christians were going to destroy this mosque during the Y2K period to help bring about the fulfillment of the second prophecy. It is within this rebuilt Jewish temple that the anti-Christ is to declare himself to be God.


I was reading a website established by some Jewish people who want to rebuild this temple. According to tradition in order for the temple to be established they must sacrifice a red calf without any spots which must be atleast 3 years old and never been yoked. The ashes of the calf are then used to sanctify the temple. So apparently a little over 3 years ago such a calf was born (to a black and white mother and brown father if I recall). They say it is the first red calf born in Israel over the last 2000 years (how they can know this is beyond me).


But for the life of me I can't recall what the third prophecy is. Still with all thats been happening lately - who knows? Posted Image I believe another sign of the end is that the anti-Christ is to wear a blue turban or such. Not sure where this is found scripturally, though some conspiracy buffs apply this to the United Nations (whos troops wear blue berets).


Just trying to put a little scare in you guys right before Halloween Posted Image Sleep tight....



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Here is the link to the red calf issue I discussed:




And I think you are right, the blue turban is from Nostradamus (I must be getting my end-time prophecies confused Posted Image). I have also heard there is some reference to a blue turban in Vedic prophecy, though I don't know the details.



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I remember a book in India compiled by Gayatri Devi Vasudev, the daughter of B.V. Raman with the predictions of different astrologers about the Third World War where they said about the destruction of Israel and the Middle East within few years.

Maybe JNDas can have a look at the book??

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

I have always wondered why so many Christian nations would work to build a Jewish state. Perhaps it was an effort to fulfill one necessary prophecy.

One major reason was the pressure from the Jewish lobby (especially scientists who defected from Germany). Both USSR and USA shared these scientists who were responsible for building the nuclear bomb and rockets.


Before and during WWII, the Vatican actively supported Hitler and was in many wasy responsible for his rise. The Vatican also turned a blind eye to the butchering of the Jews. And the Jewish lobby strongly resented this. In particular Pius XII refused to even make a comment even when the Jews beseeched him. So, the intense pressure for forming Israel came form this lobby of scientists. And, the west needed the nukes and rockets badly and complied.


I guess that is the reason.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, talkin anti christ is up my alley, and my opinion is shared by a person on the web that pulls no punches, and I respect this journalist. Her views on the subject are presented below, and the logic is there.


AC is not a demagogue, just the opposite, he will be seen as a peacemaker. not binLaden, but perhaps the person who makes this guys philosophy moot. AC will be the guy who ends international terrorism (not W, who may have made is much worse), restores confidence in the worlds infrastructure and economic stability. Hes here, even my Guru stated that his birth took place in the 50s. read on if ya like. (Note the date of the article and marvel at the monetary crash and massive terror strike amply predicted prior to the fact.


latah, mad mahax







Okay. So the word is out about the Antichrist. His true identity has been revealed. For those of you who may have missed the Monday or Friday Sightings shows, let me fill you in on it. Benjamin Crème is promoting his savior, Maitreya, as god incarnate. Once again, for the record, this guy, according to 500 visionaries, is THE guy. There is also another guy in New Mexico who appears to be vying for the same infamous title. This may add to some confusion, but I think there is a reason we are seeing two world teachers. It is true that there will be many smaller Antichrists, some significant players, especially world leaders, who will qualify as Antichrists. However, in the final analysis, only one “man” will be the ultimate Antichrist.


Of course, Crème isn’t touting Maitreya (hereinafter referred to as Turban Head) as the AC. No. It is the contrary. According to Crème, Turban Head is the savior, the Christ. So how does the guy in New Mexico fit into the equation? I think Turban Head will proclaim Emmanuel, his counterpart in New Mexico, to be the actual AC. It’s the perfect set-up. In fact, we might even see Turban Head, the World Teacher, take this magical wonder out of the game. The reason for this may be quite simple and a great idea, from Turban Head’s perspective. By removing the other world teacher, Turban Head can declare that he has rid the world of the dreaded Antichrist. Therefore, we will have nothing to fear, and certainly, we shouldn’t fear our powerful savior. That is akin to blowing the “all clear” signal just before the F5 tornado hits.


Whether or not this will be the scenario, we are on course to see the reign of the Antichrist, not only in our lifetimes, but very soon.


St, John of the Cleft Rock, a 14th Century prophet, said, “It is said that twenty centuries after the Incarnation of the Word, the Beast in its turn shall become man. About the year 2000 AD, Antichrist will reveal himself to the world.”


For all intents and purposes, the AC is here. But what does that mean for us?


According to visionaries, we will soon see a monetary crash that will involve the entire world. Even some market analysts fear we are headed for a big financial decline. Turban Head has predicted a monetary collapse for some time. This collapse has to happen to put the ball into play for all end-time events.


Along with the catastrophic collapse, we will see extreme terrorism in the US. Already, Russia and China have formed an unholy alliance against us. Their saber rattling should be given considerable attention. Obviously, the administration in Washington has made plans for the inevitable strike against the US. FEMA and various supporting agencies have geared up to handle the attack. It is only a matter of time.


Then, of course, some visionaries have mentioned that a comet strike is due sometime between September and December. Supposedly, this strike will be the result of an impact on Mars and its moon. Allegedly, this will create a form of energy that will be propelled to Earth. In short, this could manifest itself into tornadoes, hurricanes and electrical storms.


My sources indicate that we will indeed see cosmic dust and debris along with larger rocks. These rocks will light up the skies on their entry into our atmosphere and some may survive, hitting the Earth. As yet, these sources do not think we will see a serious “impact” this year. That is not to say, however, that a significant impact will not happen. Prophecy has been quite clear that we are scheduled for two major impacts. Certainly, when the comets do strike the Earth, we will be thrown into a devastating time with severe weather changes and crop failures in addition to the tidal waves and destruction of cities.


If you add these and other factors together, we can see that we are headed for chaotic times. Bring the UFO invasion into this equation and you have mass confusion and fear that will underscore the demand for a leader of consequence and power. That leader is the Antichrist.


It is quite likely that we will see the culmination of prophecy by the year 2005. That doesn’t leave us much time to get our priorities straight and prepare for what lies ahead. We’ve been given this extra bit of time to get our houses in order, both physically and spiritually. Many events will unfold, one right after the other, that are designed to keep us off guard and send us into the waiting hands of the Antichrist.


Elizabeth Conari-Mora, a 19th Century prophet, said, “Countless legions of demons shall overrun the earth…causing terrible calamities and disasters. Nothing on earth will be spared.”


Yet these things can be held off as indicated in prophecies from a French nun, Sister Marianne. “As long as public prayers are said, nothing will happen.”


Perhaps this is why the Antichrist will close all churches when he takes over. Church attendance is indeed down all over the world, which is in its way, adding to the materialization of the Antichrist.


“Towards the end of the world, tyrants and hostile mobs will rob the Church and the clergy of all of their possessions and will afflict and martyr them,” prophesied by St. John, of the Cleft Rock.


Another event that will coincide with Turban Head’s rise to power is the exile and eventual murder of Pope John Paul II. These indicators will reaffirm what prophecy has been saying all along regarding our future. The time is just about here.


No matter who the Antichrist is, the day is coming when we have to declare for him or for God. Starving people tend to make hasty decisions, especially if getting fed is linked with pledging allegiance to the dark side. So, put aside food now, store water and medicines and be prepared for a whole new ballgame. The Antichrist’s Day of Declaration approaches as well as the days of unimaginable horrors.


By Kathleen Keating





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[i have framed my replies in the quote for want of Time--Bhakta don]


Originally posted by mahak:

>Well, talkin anti christ is up my alley, and my opinion is shared by a person on the web that pulls no punches, and I respect this journalist. Her views on the subject are presented below, and the logic is there.




I beg to differ!


>AC is not a demagogue, just the opposite, he will be seen as a peacemaker. not binLaden, but perhaps the person who makes this guys philosophy moot.




There is no such thing as "Antichrist"--or Satanic 'Beast' made Man!


>AC will be the guy who ends international terrorism (not W, who may have made is much worse), restores confidence in the worlds infrastructure and economic stability.




How this Mythical Beast can do the Impossible? When everyone in recent history has tried and failed?


If the mythical 'it' could pull 'that' off why would 'it' follow the Course you say 'it' will in terms of setting himself down in the so-called Hebrew Temple to declare "Godhood" bringing an end to all of it?


>Hes here, even my Guru stated that his birth took place in the 50s.




Who is your Guru?


>read on if ya like. (Note the date of the article and marvel at the monetary crash and massive terror strike amply predicted prior to the fact.




This is nothing new! Ever heard Jack Van Impe? How bout the other 500 Preachers Bilking the Masses with this whole Twisted 'Fairy Tale'?


>THE KEATING PERSPECTIVE Okay. So the word is out about the Antichrist. His true identity has been revealed. For those of you who may have missed the Monday or Friday Sightings shows, let me fill you in on it. Benjamin Crème is promoting his savior, Maitreya, as god incarnate. Once again, for the record, this guy, according to 500 visionaries, is THE guy. There is also another guy in New Mexico who appears to be vying for the same infamous title. This may add to some confusion, but I think there is a reason we are seeing two world teachers.




Here at the very start--is where this "Keating Perspective" plunges into the mucky pond of conspiracy bunk--these two people she Names are simply some Scammers--NOBODIES!


So many I have heard of including Ms. Kathleen--tout these so-called 'sightings' like it is some special thing! Whatever! I can assure you this 'Pretender' claiming whatever he is and others like Him are not in any way a 'Part' of the Bonafide New World Order.


>It is true that there will be many smaller Antichrists, some significant players, especially world leaders, who will qualify as Antichrists.




There are many Godless and Asuric People and some of them in the 'Nations' of this Planet 'sit' at the Top Executive Post--yet to call them "antichrists" in the present sense is a joke.


Here is What Lord Krishna Says:


"Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in them." [bG 16.7]


"...the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world." [bG 16.9]


>However, in the final analysis, only one "man" will be the ultimate Antichrist.




There is no Satan--the fact is this whole antichrist Idea builds around the False notion of a Mythic Fallen Angel called 'Lucifer'.


The Whole concept of Satan is Inter-polated into Biblical 'Reality' from the ancient Persian Religion.


That is why we read this in the Book of Isaiah [45.7]:


"I Form the Light, and Create Darkness: I make Peace, and Create Evil: I the LORD do all these things."


The So-called Biblical 'Born Again' Groups are very 'Concerted' and their 'Ideas' come from--'unknown' sources as far as Authority is concerned.


The Personality of Kali is the Real Enemy of the Universe--it is His 'Time', He has some control of things yet--we know that God will bring the Solution--He says so in the Bhagavad Gita!


"Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion--at that time I descend Myself."


"Purport" by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:


"The word srjami is significant herein. Srjami cannot be used in the sense of creation, because, according to the previous verse, there is no creation of the Lord's form or body, since all of the forms are eternally existent. Therefore, srjami means that the Lord manifests Himself as He is. Although the Lord appears on schedule, namely at the end of the Dvapara-yuga of the twenty-eighth millennium of the eighth Manu in one day of Brahma, still He has no obligation to adhere to such rules and regulations because He is completely free to act in many ways at His will. He therefore appears by His own will whenever there is a predominance of irreligiosity and a disappearance of true religion. Principles of religion are laid down in the Vedas, and any discrepancy in the matter of properly executing the rules of the Vedas makes one irreligious. In the Bhagavatam it is stated that such principles are the laws of the Lord. Only the Lord can manufacture a system of religion. The Vedas are also accepted as originally spoken by the Lord Himself to Brahma, from within his heart. Therefore, the principles of dharma, or religion, are the direct orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam). These principles are clearly indicated throughout the Bhagavad-gita. The purpose of the Vedas is to establish such principles under the order of the Supreme Lord, and the Lord directly orders, at the end of the Gita, that the highest principle of religion is to surrender unto Him only, and nothing more. The Vedic principles push one towards complete surrender unto Him; and, whenever such principles are disturbed by the demoniac, the Lord appears. From the Bhagavatam we understand that Lord Buddha is the incarnation of Krsna who appeared when materialism was rampant and materialists were using the pretext of the authority of the Vedas. Although there are certain restrictive rules and regulations regarding animal sacrifice for particular purposes in the Vedas, people of demonic tendency still took to animal sacrifice without reference to the Vedic principles. Lord Buddha appeared to stop this nonsense and to establish the Vedic principles of nonviolence. Therefore each and every avatara, or incarnation of the Lord, has a particular mission, and they are all described in the revealed scriptures. No one should be accepted as an avatara unless he is referred to by scriptures. It is not a fact that the Lord appears only on Indian soil. He can advent Himself anywhere and everywhere, and whenever He desires to appear. In each and every incarnation, He speaks as much about religion as can be understood by the particular people under their particular circumstances. But the mission is the same--to lead people to God consciousness and obedience to the principles of religion. Sometimes He descends personally, and sometimes He sends His bona fide representative in the form of His son, or servant, or Himself in some disguised form..." [bG 4.7]


Let's suppose that there will be a World 'Leader' and 'Teacher'--if the Whole world 'Loved' them--why would that be Bad--if it WAS Lord Krishna Behind it?


>Of course, Crème isn’t touting Maitreya (hereinafter referred to as Turban Head) as the AC.




The World "Leader" won't be a "Man" it will be a "Group". This 'Maitreya' is not involved.


>No. It is the contrary. According to Crème, Turban Head is the savior, the Christ.




You know what this 'Maitreya' or whatever--isn't anything more than a small time Charletan or New Age, Bluffer, "Rip-off" of the 'Vedic'.


I think that 'Maitreya' is a very Profitable 'Figment' of Ben Creme's Imagination!


The so-called pictures of 'sightings' etc., are really Cosmic Comical!


There really are many many 'Facsimiles' of 'Him' [them] making Millions from those who wish to be Cheated!


It has been said "there is a Sucker born every...".


>So how does the guy in New Mexico fit into the equation? I think Turban Head will proclaim Emmanuel, his counterpart in New Mexico, to be the actual AC. It’s the perfect set-up. In fact, we might even see Turban Head, the World Teacher, take this magical wonder out of the game. The reason for this may be quite simple and a great idea, from Turban Head’s perspective. By removing the other world teacher, Turban Head can declare that he has rid the world of the dreaded Antichrist.




Sounds like a 'B' Movie I saw Last Week.


>Therefore, we will have nothing to fear, and certainly, we shouldn’t fear our powerful savior. That is akin to blowing the "all clear" signal just before the F5 tornado hits.




Again--how could this 'Maitreya' win over the Hearts of 'everyone' in the World?


One would have to be 'Stupid'--beyond Hope for that to Happen! I have a hard time accepting that the Mass of Populations of the 'Free Nations' will accept 'His' Claims--'Tricks' or Otherwise.


'Maitreya' says that SAI BABBA is the 'Cosmic Avatara of Love'--and we know the 'Truth' about Sai Babba--don't we!


>Whether or not this will be the scenario, we are on course to see the reign of the Antichrist, not only in our lifetimes, but very soon.




Ah--some Admission of Mental Speclations--and Other 'Possible' Futures!


>St, John of the Cleft Rock, a 14th Century prophet, said, "It is said that twenty centuries after the Incarnation of the Word, the Beast in its turn shall become man. About the year 2000 AD, Antichrist will reveal himself to the world."






There IS NO 'Satan' thus 'he' is not sending some 'antichrist'!


>For all intents and purposes, the AC is here. But what does that mean for us?




A false 'Idea' which exists in the Minds of many people--Spelling Disaster for the 'Unwise'--who wish to 'Martyr' themselves over Obvious 'Illusions'.


>According to visionaries, we will soon see a monetary crash that will involve the entire world.




There are many Natural Karmic Causes for this.


Even if such an event is going to be 'forced' it is for good reason--there are too many crooks who must start paying their share--and the Improper Trade in Currency will be a thing of the Past--we should have a common Global Currency and not Invest on the 'Power of the Dollar' etc., we should invest in 'people'.


It seems that in the absence of some 'Reason' people can become very Paranoid--and Forgetfull of Lord Krishna's 'Promise' to Protect the Surrendered Soul:


"But those who Worship Me with Devotion, Meditating on My Transcendental Form--to them I Carry what they Lack and Preserve what they Have." [bG 9.22]


"...O son of Kunti, Declare it Boldly that My Devotee Never Perishes." [bG 9.31]


>Even some market analysts fear we are headed for a big financial decline. Turban Head has predicted a monetary collapse for some time. This collapse has to happen to put the ball into play for all end-time events.




See above replies.


>Along with the catastrophic collapse, we will see extreme terrorism in the US.




Case in point about my comments on Demons in positions of 'Leadership' of any kind in some of the demoniac Nations--to say that some mythic antichrist is responsible is sadly misguided--and side steps the real cause.


>Already, Russia and China have formed an unholy alliance against us. Their saber rattling should be given considerable attention. Obviously, the administration in Washington has made plans for the inevitable strike against the US. FEMA and various supporting agencies have geared up to handle the attack. It is only a matter of time.




Both of these Nations--China in Particular suffer from Extreme--'Regional Superiority Complex'--causing a Severe Imballance in the World--all a part of the 'Collective Karma' of the Planet.


>Then, of course, some visionaries have mentioned that a comet strike is due sometime between September and December.




Can we not see with the 'Odds' that are Evident by the High Number of 'Earth Orbit Crossing' Asteroids etc., we are given great evidence that God is Protecting the Earth--yet the Godlessness rampant begs for Attention--from someone!


>My sources indicate that we will indeed see cosmic dust and debris along with larger rocks. These rocks will light up the skies on their entry into our atmosphere and some may survive, hitting the Earth. As yet, these sources do not think we will see a serious "impact" this year. That is not to say, however, that a significant impact will not happen. Prophecy has been quite clear that we are scheduled for two major impacts. Certainly, when the comets do strike the Earth, we will be thrown into a devastating time with severe weather changes and crop failures in addition to the tidal waves and destruction of cities.




Well--if it happens I know that Lord Krishna will Protect His Surrendered Souls!


>If you add these and other factors together, we can see that we are headed for chaotic times.




"Everything" IS 'directed' by God--there isn't any 'other' Controller!


>Bring the UFO invasion into this equation and you have mass confusion and fear that will underscore the demand for a leader of consequence and power. That leader is the Antichrist.




I was waiting for this! Do not tell us that the UFO's and ETs are Fallen Angels/Demons!


>It is quite likely that we will see the culmination of prophecy by the year 2005.




We shall see 'something' by then--however, it will not 'Expire' the way this 'Paper' Implies.


>That doesn’t leave us much time to get our priorities straight and prepare for what lies ahead.




Just try to 'get' and 'remain' "Fixed-up" in Krishna Consciousness!


>We’ve been given this extra bit of time to get our houses in order, both physically and spiritually. Many events will unfold, one right after the other, that are designed to keep us off guard and send us into the waiting hands of the Antichrist.




That means for the Vast Majority of Humans--the First 'Order' of Business WILL be giving up Flesh Eating.


>Elizabeth Conari-Mora, a 19th Century prophet, said, "Countless legions of demons shall overrun the earth…causing terrible calamities and disasters. Nothing on earth will be spared."




Yes--She means Demoniac "Humans"!


>Yet these things can be held off as indicated in prophecies from a French nun, Sister Marianne. "As long as public prayers are said, nothing will happen."




That is empowered by the Sankirtan Movement of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and--the Public Chanting of:


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Actually--this is 'Bringing' the Changes!


>Perhaps this is why the Antichrist will close all churches when he takes over.




Shastra and Shrila Prabhupada do say this:


"SB 4.14.6 TEXT 6




All the twice-born [brahmanas] were forbidden henceforward to perform any sacrifice, and they were also forbidden to give charity or offer clarified butter. Thus King Vena sounded kettledrums throughout the countryside. In other words, he stopped all kinds of religious rituals.


PURPORT by Shrila Prabhupada:


"What was committed by King Vena many years ago is at present being carried out by atheistic governments all over the world. The world situation is so tense that at any moment governments may issue declarations to stop religious rituals. Eventually the world situation will become so degraded that it will be impossible for pious men to live on the planet. Therefore sane people should execute Krishna consciousness very seriously, so that they can go back home, back to Godhead, without having to further suffer the miserable conditions predominant in this universe."



The True 'Authorised' and Comming New World Order--will do NO such thing!


Neither will they permit non-sense in the 'Name' of Religion!


If the DO then they will not win the Hearts of Everyone--there would be NO 'Order' in the 'New World'.


>Church attendance is indeed down all over the world, which is in its way, adding to the materialization of the Antichrist.




Well, that is because it is Kali Yuga and the 'Religious Principles' are under Attack--and the Church go'ers have some 'issues' with their 'diets' that Complicates this for them.


>Another event that will coincide with Turban Head’s rise to power is the exile and eventual murder of Pope John Paul II.




Why should 'That' happen?


The 'Zealot' Introduction of an 'Evil End Times Pope' is--Calculating and Asuric.


Why would the 'next' Pope take leave of the Present "Head" of the Church in His Teachings? [i wonder if Ms. Kathleen is one of the Catholics against the Popes 'views' on Other Faiths] There is NO good reason to say this--more unfounded speculations!


>These indicators will reaffirm what prophecy has been saying all along regarding our future. The time is just about here.




Soon I will have to post a 'real' Definitive Discussion on these Misconceptions and Fallacies Which have been Wrenched and Twisted out of Biblical Scripture.


[update dec 03: I will Post something to 'follow-up' Soon!


>No matter who the Antichrist is, the day is coming when we have to declare for him or for God.




What if the New World Order IS 'Ordered' by God--presenting a move back toward 'Global Varnashram Dharma'?


>Starving people tend to make hasty decisions, especially if getting fed is linked with pledging allegiance to the dark side.




As evidenced by the many 'Profits' of the Evil Zealous Missionaries and all the 'Bread Conversions' in India and elsewhere!


>So, put aside food now, store water and medicines and be prepared for a whole new ballgame.




Like for the Y2K? Doing that will NOT Save us...



I will do some Work on a Posting of the Real Facts to us to consider when looking at this Issue--Please Stay Tuned...


Your Servant,


Bhakta don


PS: Edit tags is for needed 'corrections' to wording etc., as I was on my way out when I did this Original Post.




[This message has been edited by Bhakta Don Muntean (edited 12-04-2001).]

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I'm familiar with the Lady you talk about. You probably heard her on the "Art Bell" Show.


She's not as credible as you would like to believe. She's a very Christian person who desperately wants to bring about the "Christian" form of the end of the world. In a way, she's trying to bring about a self-fulfilling prophecy. She's an alarmist and enjoys the publicity. As a result, I take what she says with a grain of salt. Her credibility is low in my opinion.




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Actually, I was surprised to hear her on the art bell show, but Ive known her for many years. She is, indeed, a devout Catholic, yet this spirituality does not prevent her from shining a light in the beds of the demagogury of Vaticanism.


I also know her to be a strong devotee of Mother Mary, and while she presents scenarios of ultimate destruction (geez, if you cannot notice the brink we are on, oh well what can be said?), she always emphasizes a way to avoid this by becoming serious about reality. The Marion Prophecies are consistant in this regard, that certain futures can be altered by just a few folks becoming devotees of the Supreme Person. Prabhupada had said that the world could become like Ayodhya dhama during Lord Rama's reign if a very small proportion of the worlds population became pure devotees of the Supreme Lord.


But, I did not present the article to argue, yall started talkin about the "blue turban" dude, and the maitreya dude fits the description, has magic powers, and is an idiot of rajneeshi proportions.


This topic is just yakkin anyway, no preachin here, Ill do that elsewhere (if I am needed).


yo bro and serf ant, mad mahax


Hey gHari, way cool smile, and mauna works sometimes (but I do not prefer it from your good self, your talkin makes my day, for many years now)

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Everything can be prevented. The future is not set in stone. The future is our own making. Therefore, her saying that does not give her much credibility in my eyes.


But like you said, we're not here to argue. However, I just felt compelled to bring my 2 cents into this discussion.




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Haribol, luigee. you state:


"Everything can be prevented. The future is not set in stone. The future is our own making. Therefore, her saying that does not give her much credibility in my eyes."


I dont understand what you are saying here. She is not speaking to devotees of Krsna who may know this, why is her credibility at stake when she states that the future is sure to be disasterous by analysis of the present godlessness that we all see? As a devotee of mother mary, she repeats the premise of Mary in her revelation of things to come in absence of folks turning their attention to the Supreme Father.


Srila Prabhupada has stated that nuclear war is unavoidable. He says this matter-of-factly because of the history of mankind, that is, never has a weapon been amassed that has not been used in anger. Even the controlled Aswattama could not resist the brahmastra that was in his quiver, even though the war was already lost, the king he was trying to keep enthroned was already fatally injured.


Sure, we as a people, have the ability to change a horrible future, but alas, we wont, and credibility is not jeopardized by calculating the future actions of Kali Yuga personalities, who always, traditionally, choose quarrel, chaos, and confusion over proper behavior.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa



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I'm just saying that you should not automatically believe everything she says, she's been shown to be wrong in the past, so she's not always right. And her point of view is skewed towards the Christian point of view. I understand what you're saying. And you have valid points.


However, if you're going to believe every prediction out there, then are you willing to condemn India and Pakistan for Starting WW3 out of their own stupidity and pride. There are many psychics who say that if nuclear war ever breaks out, it will be between Pakistan and India - all over a piece of land.


Yes, man is studpid by nature. But this prediction contradicts the Christian version of the end of times (in which India is never mentioned). It just goes to tell you that different people predict contradicting things.......who do you believe???




[This message has been edited by luigee (edited 12-05-2001).]

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Haribol, luigee, rest assured that I believe nothing. As far as prophets go, they are "entertainment" only, because nothing on this plain is "real", it is all illusion.


That said, I do give credit to the good ones and give big belly laughs to the phonies. If someone is right, they are right because they were correct, not by name, fame, or any other consideration. If someone blows it and makes excuses, I even listen to their excuses, but excuse is up to me only, and sometimes I do and sometimes I dont.


I also separate prognosticators from prophets, because prognosticators utilize trend analysis, and such protocol, if followed, can be useful to the listener.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Following is an Indian Acharya speaking of enlightenment and earth changes as was stated before there is always free will-all of it has many facets:


My first experience is that when I conducted my first mukthi yagna enlightenment happened to 30 people and the next yagna that I conducted it happened to 35 people. We made a dint in human Consciousness that every person that makes it, it would be easier and easier for man. I hope that the possibility does not arise, but if mankind does not make it, it’s going to be terrible.


We are not here prophesying the doomsday but what is in stored for man is evident. The way man’s thoughts & emotions are structured today; we must know man and nature are one organism and not two separate entities. The ruthlessness, selfishness & brutality we have within us, the amount of violence that is there in our every day life, all this is effected in the nature around us and very soon if man would go the way he is going, the tension he is building up because of the speed, competition and the struggle for survival, we seem to be moving towards inner death if we are not yet already. And if this is what is going to happen then we are going to have severe natural calamities. Mankind is going to have lot of diseases invaded because if the disease is inside that is going to manifest outside. Each one of us should only think, pause and look how am I living and we will know how we are going to be a few years from now, a few months from now. The speed at which the world is moving- what is going to happen to man? And lots of people are going to go INSANE. We can already see it happening. Many families we see, at least 2 people are insane or those who are managing to be sane. They are struggling to keep up their sanity. The world is moving towards disaster. If the pollution is going to increase because the kind of civilization we are in is the product of our mind and greed, then thousands are going to die out of lung diseases.


A large section of human population is going to be wiped out. That is what is in stored for man. It is not that the earth is going to become a dead planet and human race is going to be wiped out, no, but then lots and lots of people are going to die and those who are going to be left behind are going to be living is a huge graveyard and it is not a pleasant experience. Its time that one becomes serious about life, serious about ourselves, serious about our fellow human beings, serious about suffering around us. We got the gift of thinking, feeling, we can’t be dreaming and selfish any more. We have to buckle up. I hope & pray that we can come across 60,000 serious people. I now that they are definitely there. If this is not going to happen by the time it is 2010 then we are in for a crises. Mother earth is going to revolve. She is not going to take it on any more. The house is burning already we can’t wait any more. Today in India we can see, there is drought and to such places one of our enlightened dasas go, sit down and go into a deep state of love & compassion then it rains. Earth is aching and seeking for enlightened people. That’s what has to happen now.



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There is no reason to believe that the current war is any more significant than any preceding wars from an apocalyptic standpoint. Granted it has been rightly characterized as being different in nature from previous wars that the U.S. has fought. However, that does not make it automatically the fulfullment of various prophecies, all of which are highly suspect in credibility to begin with. People that get caught up in this doomsday hysteria need to get a grip. Nonetheless, we should not minimize in our minds the negative impact of human population explosions, for if those do not get curbed (and I mean yesterday!), then we have a problem of gargantuan proportions. That is just a mathematical reality, based on the amount of natural resources our planet provides.



[This message has been edited by Ananga (edited 12-09-2001).]

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