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How to reduce bad karmas of previous births?

is our fate already written due to our karmas?

If yes lets say we have multiple choices before us will fate make us select

the choice that is already decided before we are born or we get to select

according to our will?

If everything is written what is the use of praying to God?

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Ultimately the principle of Karma implies that everything we experience is predetermined, so 'free will' doesn’t exist, or at least it is extremely limited. It certainly can’t exist on the level of physical action. It may only exist on the level of consciousness. If this is true, you ask "then what is the use of praying to God?". You can also ask: What is the use of eating? What is the use of sleeping? What is the use of reproducing? What is the use of living? The answer must be that you simply do not have a choice. The illusion of free will is part of the illusion of material reality (Maya) in which independently acting individuals exist. But we are not our body, therefore we cannot act. We can only be conscious..

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If everything is written what is the use of praying to God?


If everything is "written", then the praying activity is also written and is not a matter of choice.


In any case, you have no way of knowing how much bad karma you have accumulated. Instead of worrying about it, you may actually focus on avoiding creating more bad karma. Do the right thing, be a responsible citizen and you pretty much have it covered.



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Our entire material universe must be the product of our consciousness. And your individual world only exists, because your individual consciousness exists. Your consciousness is real, therefore your world is real. Possibly, you can change your consciousness by free will, which may change your conscious experience of reality. However, this doesn’t mean that reality itself can be changed by you.


The question remains, as to what extent can we alter our conscious experience of reality? Could this be to the extent of what appear to be purposeful actions in this world..?

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Thanks for all the interesting replies.I have not suffered much in life.But I am 25 and I always think that there are some suffering in store for me in the future.So I want to make atleast my present karmas good.

Also sometimes in anger at someone we think bad for other people,

sometimes I try to think about god at times like this or sometimes I cant control my thinking but I never take any actions on these thoughts.

What is the result of this thinking?Is it a sin ?Most of the times

people just provoke me and sometimes the mistake is mine.

I am working to control my anger.But I read somewhere that in Kali

yuga only sinful actions are punished sinful thinking is not.Is it true?


Thanks once again.

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How to reduce bad karmas of previous births?

is our fate already written due to our karmas?

If yes lets say we have multiple choices before us will fate make us select

the choice that is already decided before we are born or we get to select

according to our will?

If everything is written what is the use of praying to God?


Respected Ashtamaguru Ji,


I cannot answer most of your questions because I am of no profound knowledge or wisdom on that matter, so it is very unjust for me to even comment. But I can relate to your one query....which is why do we need to pray to god. In my humble opinion, even though most of our lives are pre-destined, we need strength and wisdom to face the adversities of life. Who can grant all these,of course god. So it is wise to pray to god and hope for the best in all situations and minimize the adversities. Yet again, it is all up to god to fulfill our prayers. Namaste.

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How to reduce bad karmas of previous births?


This is an important question a sincere person asks.


Cultivating genuine devotion to God eventually softens the harshness of the lessons required to correct our faults - faults which have manifest in the past as sinful deeds.


Perhaps this analogy of the bit in the horse's mouth can illustrate a parallel. In the analogy the bit can be equated to karmic reaction, the horse is the living being, and the rider is God.


When a horse is moving in the wrong direction, the rider pulls the reins which causes the bit in the horse's mouth to guide the horse toward the correct path.


If the horse is very stubborn or out of control, the rider will have to yank harder on the reins causing more pain in the horse's mouth to get it back on track. However, if the horse is submissive and responds to the rider's commands, then a gentle pressure on the reins will set the horse on the proper path.


So it is said that the karma experienced by an obstinate out of control materialistic person will need to be far more crushing than will be the karma experienced by someone who is more surrendered to God's interest. It takes less to get their attention, and the whole process becomes a loving embrace from Sri Krsna, our eternal friend.

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Also sometimes in anger at someone we think bad for other people,

sometimes I try to think about god at times like this or sometimes I cant control my thinking but I never take any actions on these thoughts.

What is the result of this thinking?Is it a sin ?Most of the times

people just provoke me and sometimes the mistake is mine.

I am working to control my anger.But I read somewhere that in Kali

yuga only sinful actions are punished sinful thinking is not.Is it true?

see , its really hard ( almost impossible ) for a human to determine which activity yeilds what karma . suppose you are travelling in a bus which accidentally runs down a man and he dies . now a little of this bad karma would fall on you . this way consciously or unconsciously we are gathering innumerable karmas , both good and bad, at our every step in life .


and the more you try to concentrate on these activities the more entagled would you become . good karma is also an equal curse for a spiritual candidate . after the rewards bestowed upon you because of good karma finishes you are doomed to the same bitter world , which would be even more paifull . and this way most men spend up their entire precious human birth . seeking punya , doing vrats , givings daan to brahmins , feeding crows etc etc .


even astrology cannot alter your karma . the only possible way to get rid of karma is to surrender yourself to almighty . but then again , a person transcends karma only at the highest stages of realization . in the sadhana period there is no chance of escaping karma . but one good hope always stands for a sadhak . a genuine sadhak generally follows the right morals and right behaviour , which automatically cretes good karmas which inturn level out the previous bad ones .



bad thoughts are definately not good . crime is in the mind . if the mind is pure activities are automatically pure . but is the mind is impure bad activities are bound to ensue , sooner or later .


as the saying goes "bhavagraahi janardan" -- lord janardan sees the mind of his devotee . so if you are wishing someone harm , you suffer the consequences .


anger is a more common problem and second of the sadaripus which creates untold problems both in material and spiritual life . even im under its spell so i cannot comment on how to control it !! but meditation , prayer and rational thought process definitely helps to reduce it .


swami vivekananda said-

if what we are in present is determined by the past then what we shall be in future can be determined by the present .


so stop thinking on such petty issues and lead a quality life with surrender to god .

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The effects of past karma is mitigated by the Grace of GOD. This is believed by all the Hindu philosophical schools except Purva Mimansa which does not believe in GOD. The past karmas can be burned away by GOD.


But it is also believed that some of the Karmas called Pratabdha karmas have to be endured. But even here when and how the effect takes place depends on GOD.


Just to take an example. You have to suffer a loss of $20,000 being a debt incurred in the past life. GOD can mitigate it in many ways.


1. You are born a millionaire. So the loss does not affect you.


2. The loss occurs just after you have won a lottery or a huge bonus in your job.


3. The most important point. GOD gives you the mental make up to take the loss with equanimity whatever may be your financial circumstances.


The mental strength to bear the consequences of past karma is given by GOD.


Surrender to GOD and take everything as his will and pleasure.


It is not necessary to go onto a spiritual path to get the grace of GOD. GOD is available to anyone. The Bhakthas or devotees believe that GOD is partial to his Bhakthas. So we recite sthudhis and stotras to please GOD and get mitigation from the effects of past Karma.

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The "Ways of Karma" are the best subject to explore on these Forums!


A man's labor should have a Monetary Standard that is fixed and palpable.

A civilisation should have a standard of life that is fixed and palpable.


Mass-bad-karma is the concomitant factor of insipid leading the dull & vapid commoner who only seeks the ordination to fornicate under consent of the King.




Do you fellows get brain-freeze?

Do you fellows get nervous during exams?

Do you fellows get butterflies in your stomach before posting?


I ask because it seems that you all 'with-hold' infomation --wheater through distraction or timidity --nonetheless it shows lack of wellwishing skills.





Keep in mind that, in the material world 'acts/acting/actions' cannot be avoided nor ceased --And, as soon as one is cleansed of past karma, newly fresh is accrued at every (next) step on one's journey in life.




"Karma" means, "acts/acting/actions".


"Karma-phalam" means, "karmic-reaction ('fruits of ones actions')".


"ugra-Karma" means, "karmic-reaction ('nasty-reactions')".


"One's Karma (in coloq. english language)" means, the accrued/expected/calculatable reaction destined to 'come-back-around' and return-in-kind to the perpetrator-of-the-act.



1] How to reduce bad karmas of previous births?

--observe ekadasis

--avoid others' saliva.

--avoid eating of others' cooked foodstuffs.

--avoid patronising business establishments where flesh* mongering is done [*or equivilant ugra-karmic acts].

--take initiation from a bonefide Guru.


--ganga baths


--disconnect from the false ego.

--serve sudhus.



2] Is our fate already written due to our karmas?

Yes! --and-- No!

A school of fish are destined to swim together --a fish can't escape from the surging masses of his/her comrades, because of the limitations set upon it's fish body ~too Bad!


So human fate is accomidated (already written) --yet, free will allows all entities to roam & search & explore & personalise theirown pre-planned path (not already written).


What is not always *consciously appreciated is

[*ie: some school-mates get scholarships to University & others do not]:


There are ONLY LIMITED spheres that one will go 'around-in'




As soon as you've 'accomplished' an act born of yourown 'inspired personal ingenuity' --you accrue new (future) Karma (karmic-reactions/Karma-phalam)



3] If yes lets say we have multiple choices before us-- will fate make us select the choice that is already decided before we are born or we get to select according to our will?

We select according to our will!

But . . . IRONY sets in here. In the material world, the workings are prompted by desire and then carry forth by agents known as "Hardware (aka, material mechinised machinery)" --this is where IRONY shows its' self.


We are fighting with a duality that allows for "2+2 = 22" irregularities.

So, yes it is all pre-destined & yes it is not predestined and thus depends on freewill.


Remember, living entities have kalpa after kalpa to fulfill their dreams, wishes & master plans --it takes patience and/or indiference to preforming the same act over and over again until a different and more desirable outcome is acheived.


remember Scholarships are awarded only to "over-acheivers".



4] If everything is written what is the use of praying to God?

Going Back Home, back to Godhead is done ONLY by re-calibrating our desires to act out of ourown volition (Free-will) and then to aim to approach God even if it seems that God is uncaring/pre-occupied/faraway/damning --we must exercise ourown gumption to act for our best longterm interest.


Anyway, God (in the form of paramatma) is present in your heart (it's the life-force bit-of-spark that animates your conscious being) --so it is indispensable to familarise your self with God's presense in your Heart region.





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My lingering question is: "Does a person who loses past 'bad' karma--also lose 'good' karma?"

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  • 4 weeks later...


My lingering question is: "Does a person who loses past 'bad' karma--also lose 'good' karma?"

Or does he gain more "good karma" to replace the bad? Or does karma accumulate due to specific individual actions with the good and bad labels being added on by our minds? I think the later.


But from the view of someone who wants off the wheel of birth and death any karma is bad because it necessitates another birth somewhere in the material world to collect it.


This is a problem we encounter as we strive to rise out of the offensive chanting stage. We want the mantra to clear all our perceived bad karma and leave the rest alone or even increase it, "please don't let me suffer and let me also win the lottery for 10 million bucks."


But those that Krishna favors will often lose their karma for becoming rich and instead He may make them beggars just to draw them closer to Himself.


Best we forget trying to manipulate our karma and just leave it all up to Krishna. Karma only relates to the body and mind anyway. It can't touch the soul so why should we care for it?

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To Clear Karma (May be Good Karma or Bad Karma) the only way is surrendering the Lord Krishna. As he said in Bagavath Geetha!.




Yes, this is actually the only way because it clears away the tendency to create more karma.


So surrendering in the beginning means surrendering the fruits of our karma to Krishna as karma-yoga. Then when we develop love for Krishna and surrender our hearts as well we enter the realm of pure bhakti yoga.

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Thanks for all the interesting replies.I have not suffered much in life.But I am 25 and I always think that there are some suffering in store for me in the future.So I want to make atleast my present karmas good.

Also sometimes in anger at someone we think bad for other people,

sometimes I try to think about god at times like this or sometimes I cant control my thinking but I never take any actions on these thoughts.

What is the result of this thinking?Is it a sin ?Most of the times

people just provoke me and sometimes the mistake is mine.

I am working to control my anger.But I read somewhere that in Kali

yuga only sinful actions are punished sinful thinking is not.Is it true?


Thanks once again.



Your questions in reflect your quest to understand the right and the wrong path. but let it not be the fear of the future drive your questions. if the attempt is to understand the 'sukrama' from 'akarma' from 'kukrama', (satvik, rajasi, tamsik), then the quest itself purifies and takes us to the purer paths. there is no definiton or measure, i believe, of good karma. its all relative and a sense of that judgement can be derived from following a satvik path. all of us are in that process of achieving little good amidst our selfish goals.


what you identify are some of the paths that may become the means to not so good karma.


karma-gyan is deeper than that. though.


your questions about previous life and what's to come are not easy to reply. astrologers claim to find configurations to some answeres, but our lives are evidence, in a way of what may have happened if it did, in the earlier lives. i think that each moment can be taken as a life-form in itself and we drive the next moment from this one.


just some thoughts, which may not answer your deep questions.

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The description of karma was simplified by Lord Jesus with this quote from the New Testament in the Bible, " What you sow is what you reap." Lord Jesus was more concerned with his followers present situation. He did not tell them that their present suffering was due to their past karma. In other words, if you are miserable now, it`s because of what you do in the present and is being paid back in full to an equivalent of what you did thereafter. If you go to prison it`s because you robbed a bank not because of your past karma. Therefore if you want to get rid of having to ponder and waste your time why you were this and that way then I suggest that you look forward not back. Try it. And you`ll be surprised at the result.

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Actually I am not sure it is a quote from Jesus but no matter. I would add that we have little to no knowledge on what he told his discples. We have only what the 3rd & 4th centuary Catholic Church didn't destroy.


Thank God for those devotees and disciples of Srila Prabhupada that have preserved his original books intact otherwise we would only have Jayadvaita's version of what he wrote.


The religionists waste little time trying to prevent the truth from shinning.

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Actually I am not sure it is a quote from Jesus but no matter. I would add that we have little to no knowledge on what he told his discples. We have only what the 3rd & 4th centuary Catholic Church didn't destroy.


Thank God for those devotees and disciples of Srila Prabhupada that have preserved his original books intact otherwise we would only have Jayadvaita's version of what he wrote.


The religionists waste little time trying to prevent the truth from shinning.



Do you still have that picture with you? Prabhupad offering Srimad Bhagavatam to Pope John Paul VI in Vatican? Do you know that Prabhupad`s teachings were syncretized into the Catholic Church Doctrine on Ecumenism?



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I have this not so nice or not so bad desire but won`t perform it would I still reap the reactions of karma? Simply because it`s possible that you have this good desire but performs it ultimately with a bad one. In short, man`s freewill can never be controlled by fate or God. It`s a choice one has to make, now or never.

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Galatians 6:7-9 (King James Version)

7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


(The book of Galatians in the New Testament part of the Bible, is a letter written by Paul.)

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