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Of Satanic Greed and the Ruptured Meek – THE FIST OF FURY

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"There is no terror in a bang, only in the anticipation of it."


The mass annihilation of innocent hundreds lying ripped apart on the streets of Ahmadabad today limns the gory ramifications of the Catch 22 situation we evidenced on July 22nd 2008. The quick-forgotten yesteryears' (or days!) similar happenings dilute the focus from the appalling plight of the dead, homeless, orphaned, uneducated, submissive masses and concentrate upon the abominable blame-game outrageously battled by the ostensible representatives we ourselves select – for a consuming power of the Nation. To as much as think that the victor of such nefarious politics would be crowned the next king (or queen) is in itself a horrific nightmare of Destruction Personified.


I have spent a whole night trying to get into the skin of the huge master-minds that cannot feel, thick-skinned fanatics made puppets by masterminds whose ego for power could dwarf the greatest walls and the highest mountains. Oft have I, in my imagination traversed the blooded lanes of a town with echoes of wails, shrieks of pain, and the worst - stoned faces of orphans, infants, olds and all. Even so, in my dreams, I look at each face (do I know him!!!!)


I get up in the morning to read the newspaper and shift my focus to the show time of The Dark Knight; the steam from my coffee cup mockingly evaporates. Satan smiles, slamming on my face, the vengeance of this heinous blame, only magnified by my own impotence.


Deepa Bhandari

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I am touched by how you feel for the innnocent who have been forced to part with their lives for no fault of theirs, leaving behind grieving family and friends. Having studied Astrology and having learnt from the scriptures that one is but a puppet in the hands of destiny, I feel I had somehow become immune to such happenings. But your thoughts have set me thinking.


I gather you are a good astrolger, a good writer, you are some genius!!!

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Awwwwwww Deepaji....i know how u feel.....this whole bloodshed is but a cruel reminder of how shallow and insenstive us humans have become!! how else would one hope to describe the chaos and utter helplessnes that we see all around us!! my heart goes out to all those who have suffered and this whole thing somehow feels like a personal loss to me!! where are the values of brotherhood and compassion gone??...wht wud the extermists get by all this nonsense!! how can one's conscience ever take this???....have us humans done so many paaps over the years, decades and centuries that God decided to take revenge this way!!

plz God spare us the pain which though not peronally felt is PERSONALLY FELT!!



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I don't know how to pour feeling into words like you but I am very very mad at everybody.. God who pre-planned this, people who did this to innocent people, our political parties, people who have talent to forsee or predict things like you guys and especially one of your friend (not mentioning his name) who recently spend(waste) so many days and night to calculate the future of India by looking at charts of every politician and our Mother India but didn't see this coming... People are mad at selfish people for the things they are doing and not doing , and instead of hurting them they are hurting innocent people thinking they are making the big people suffer.. how wrong.. politicians are taking advantage of situation like thse and getting stronger.. In situation like this common people like me are forced to question God "why are u doing this to the wrong people? and if it has something to do with past life then please God change ur policies and punish people in the same life for the things they are doing so that others can learn from them and u can provr ur existance.. People are suffering for so many janams for something they don't even know.. Plese change it quickly".


In short I am very very hurt just like you but don't have the calm approach like you..



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Thoughts well revived.


The day which we are hoping for is gone long back. I think there soon be a day when Governments will start eliminating human beings in large to get rid of the roots of the problem which I believe is POPULATION.


There is no end to this chaos, its gonna get more and more severe and intense. Time lines and stats from the past says it all.



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"There is no terror in a bang, only in the anticipation of it."


The mass annihilation of innocent hundreds lying ripped apart on the streets of Ahmadabad today limns the gory ramifications of the Catch 22 situation we evidenced on July 22nd 2008. The quick-forgotten yesteryears' (or days!) similar happenings dilute the focus from the appalling plight of the dead, homeless, orphaned, uneducated, submissive masses and concentrate upon the abominable blame-game outrageously battled by the ostensible representatives we ourselves select – for a consuming power of the Nation. To as much as think that the victor of such nefarious politics would be crowned the next king (or queen) is in itself a horrific nightmare of Destruction Personified.


I have spent a whole night trying to get into the skin of the huge master-minds that cannot feel, thick-skinned fanatics made puppets by masterminds whose ego for power could dwarf the greatest walls and the highest mountains. Oft have I, in my imagination traversed the blooded lanes of a town with echoes of wails, shrieks of pain, and the worst - stoned faces of orphans, infants, olds and all. Even so, in my dreams, I look at each face (do I know him!!!!)


I get up in the morning to read the newspaper and shift my focus to the show time of The Dark Knight; the steam from my coffee cup mockingly evaporates. Satan smiles, slamming on my face, the vengeance of this heinous blame, only magnified by my own impotence.


Deepa Bhandari


I appreciate Deepa's thoughts on this. we all share in the grief of this terrible incident. In America too, a crazy lunatic killed 7 people in a church during a children's play, ugh.


From an astrological view of all this several negative things come together :


1) Between eclipses

2) Tithi of Moon was Krishna Navami, probably the worst

3) waning moon

3) Nakshatra was Bharani (death giving nakshatra)

4) happened on Saturday


During Sept 11th, 2001 there was similar situation


1) Krishna Navami (again)

2) Nakshatra was Ardra (even worse than Bharani)

3) happened on Tuesday, another inauspicious day (and in the morning, worst time for Tuesdays)

4) Saturn was in Rohini

5) Moon was with Rahu and aspected by Mars.


we should always be cautious when Asuras have the upper hand.


- Pablo

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If there is no fear ,all these things will automatically stop,and there will be no necessity for religion.USR


I beg to differ USR ji, If there is no fear things won't stop instead it will take a terrible turn.. Religion is something who is keeping people in line and because of the fear they sometimes make "ok" choices instead of bad. Don't forget Human are the deadliest and dangerous animal on the planet and if you take away God fearing part from our life there will be jungle law and people will hurt each other in the name of survival..


just my point though..

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I beg to differ USR ji, If there is no fear things won't stop instead it will take a terrible turn.. Religion is something who is keeping people in line and because of the fear they sometimes make "ok" choices instead of bad. Don't forget Human are the deadliest and dangerous animal on the planet and if you take away God fearing part from our life there will be jungle law and people will hurt each other in the name of survival..


just my point though..


I beg to differ ShivaParvati...USR ji is right, if there is no fear violence and hatred will stop. Fear is the root cause of all hatred, violence etc. It is fear that has made man into a deadly and dangerous animal. It is fear that drives man to dominate another, to hurt another -- because he sees himself as seperate from the "other". But when we come from a place of Love, we begin to see the Divine in all beings. We realize that all are One. There is no seperation, there is no "other". So who is going to dominate whom? So how can we hurt another? It's not possible. As long as there is fear there will be hatred, violence and all manner of evil. Religions that operate on the basis of fear instead of Love also don't help the situation either. The world would be a much more peaceful place without them. I think instead of being God fearing we need to become God loving. When there is Love in the world there will be no room for hatred and violence.

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Dear ppena/pablo,


Great insight into the tithi/astro aspect of the day. Thanks. :)


Dear others,


I mocked at my own lackadaisical attitude. To hate is so easy. To channelise it into a force that brings about a change is altogether different.


Shiva Parvati's fear is one that speaks of conscience alive. "I fear the result of bad karmas, therefore I become good".


The fear HST108 talks about limns insecurity. "I am afraid of being destroyed, I might as well kill the other"


In my opinion, we need to know and love ourselves. Not as in narcissism, but as consciously purified souls.


"all spiritual teachings are only meant to make us retrace our steps to our Original Source. We need not acquire anything new, only give up false ideas and useless accretions. Instead of doing this, we try to grasp something strange and mysterious because we believe happiness lies elsewhere. This is the mistake."- Raman Maharishi

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I beg to differ ShivaParvati...USR ji is right, if there is no fear violence and hatred will stop. Fear is the root cause of all hatred, violence etc. It is fear that has made man into a deadly and dangerous animal. It is fear that drives man to dominate another, to hurt another -- because he sees himself as seperate from the "other". But when we come from a place of Love, we begin to see the Divine in all beings. We realize that all are One. There is no seperation, there is no "other". So who is going to dominate whom? So how can we hurt another? It's not possible. As long as there is fear there will be hatred, violence and all manner of evil. Religions that operate on the basis of fear instead of Love also don't help the situation either. The world would be a much more peaceful place without them. I think instead of being God fearing we need to become God loving. When there is Love in the world there will be no room for hatred and violence.


""Out of fear and hope,the religion is born.""

I believe in this.. but again its my opinion and you are right in thinking the way u are thinking.. I guess we conclude based on what we are been believing.. I will still stick to my point:) evn though your way is n't wrong either.


I can't even begin to explain how "GOd Loving" was until 3months ago and God is changing me into God fearing person now.


about "God fearing" point, just tell me somethin.. why isn't doing good to othes and not even thinking of hurting anybody even in ur dreams isn't good enough for God.. why even a little mistake in puja, or some other things can tick God and (S)HE overlook the whole "being not bad" part.. I believe thats what create "God fearing" people..


Again my opinion:)


And please ignore if I said something I wasn't suppose to because infront of all of you I have no knowlege of God and his ways..

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