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In desperate need of help .... (Ravindran Kesavan ji or any other senior member)

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Hi Ravindran Kesavan ji,


I already posted this thread in Spiritual Discussion <!-- END TEMPLATE: navbar_link -->forums but i think maybe this occult forum is having some answers.


Admin - Please bear with me since I am in great trouble that's why i am pasting my thread in this forum :pray:


Here is the link /audarya/spiritual-discussions/447551-desperate-need-help-please.html


Following is the thread in Quotes:-



Hi friends,


This is my first post so kindly bear with me.

I am in desperate need of help.


Making the story short...My name is Dhruva (name changed) working as a software developer in Delhi.I have a elder sister age 34.

Our problems started when in year 2000 me and my sister took gurudiksha (spiritual guru gives you some mantra to recite) from asaramji bapu since then my sister is facing vulgar attacks while sleeping (day/night both).I wrote letters to asaram bapu but none were replied, i tried to contact him but you know that these spiritual gurus are larger than life figures so was unable to meet him.Whenever she was attacked she saw before attack a old man wearing white cloths (now i suspect that it was asaram himself).Nature of attack as she told my mother was that she was literally raped.

The locality we are living, some aghoris (spiritual people who worship in hindu cremation ground) come once in a year to do some yagna and bhandara (give food to hundreds of people in the name of god).They always come to my house also and my father use to give them some money and food to eat.I did my engineering 2000-2004 so for these 4 years i was not at home.When after completing my engineering I returned home, all of suddden my father fell ill and within span of six months he was dead.

Just 6-7 months before my father's dead a tantrik (he is of age 70-75 so we believed him to be good person--let's call him psp) appeared in our life and he told us that all attacks my sister facing was because of asharamji bapu and because of the lord shiv mantra he gave to my sister ...he then asked my sister to start worshipping goddess durga.

Aghoris also appeared at the same time and they asked my sister to worship lord shiv and told her that since last 20 years they are coming to our locality just because of her (she is some divine soul who is cursed and thats why she is facing those vulgar attacks...as told by them) my sister strictly refused them and started worshipping goddess durga,since then till today frequency of attacks has been decreased but after that many persons (3-4 new tantriks,one maulvi-muslim priest) have approached her and asked to recite shiv mantra but whenever she does shiv japa she faces vulgar attack.

There is one thing common in all persons whom we met, they told us that one single man /group is behind all this conspiracy and they will never let my sister marry or live normal life and she has to suffer(we don't know why), they also told that main villain is the tantrik who told my sister to worship goddess durga (we also know that he is not a very good person and he is also taking some spiritual benefits from my sister but we don't know what to do)

I have written letters to many so called spiritual gurus but 90% of time i don't receive any reply so thats why i tried to make the story short.i am writing this because last night also she was vulgarly attacked.

Description off attack as she told me:- at night during 2:30 she wake up and after drinking water she again tried to sleep but in her unconscious state she saw that a black shadow(a male figure) appeared and poured cold water allover her body and then he hugged her from behind placing her hands on her breast she cried and wake up and since this attack she is feeling pain in all her body.She is suffering strong cold as well.

So this person Mr.psp sometimes he speaks in my sister's mind that he is the only helper and sometimes he says that he is the only villain and he is doing this because my sister refused to have an affair with a guy (name of the guy was chaitanya) and it is on his order he is doing these vulgar attacks.We always try to avoid this man but somehow conditions become critical and we have to go to him (because no body else is ready to help)

Can you please give me some direction.I don't know what to do, being a brother it is my responsibility to protect her but how can i prevent these attacks which occur while she is sleeping i don't know may be you can give me some help at least show us some way (i will follow any path if that helps my sister).

And yes we have faced many paranormal things i have written only 10% of my story so please don't consider it some mental problem or some disease.

Ravinran ji can you please give me your email-id so that i may contact you.



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Dear Dhruva,


People with the power to influcience minds of others like what you have described are extreemy rare and such powers are not a joke that any Tom Dick and Harry could get. It requires rigorous spiritual discipline and those who succed in gaining such powers are very spritual people. The are not the people who would herrase any one.


Aghoris too are very highly developed spiritual people, inspite of the popular misconception and fear about them. I dont think they are the cause of missery of your family. Besides After all your father was only serving them , is int it? why will they go againt your father or your family? In fact they should only be protecting your family.


Siva mantra is a fine mantra and Lord Siva only will prodect the bhaktas form all evils. It will never hatrm the chanter. (Lord Siva is not an ordinary god ,my friend, he is a high - very high - god. Not a evil being or ghost)


My diagnosis from your discription of your and your sisters problem is that it it is not likely that you and your sister are victimised by anybody from outside. Such attackes are common in many women ( Psychological theories describe them in texts and is called hysterical dreams- I am a psychologist by training). It is products of her own unconcious mind. There is nothing to worry. You need to understand them in the right perspective. Nothing elce to be done. Many women get such dreems. They are just dreams. Dont attach too much meaning to it. Take it cool and ignore it. When she ultimately gets married these dreams will stop automatically.




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Dear Dhruva,


People with the power to influcience minds of others like what you have described are extreemy rare and such powers are not a joke that any Tom Dick and Harry could get. It requires rigorous spiritual discipline and those who succed in gaining such powers are very spritual people. The are not the people who would herrase any one.


Aghoris too are very highly developed spiritual people, inspite of the popular misconception and fear about them. I dont think they are the cause of missery of your family. Besides After all your father was only serving them , is int it? why will they go againt your father or your family? In fact they should only be protecting your family.


Siva mantra is a fine mantra and Lord Siva only will prodect the bhaktas form all evils. It will never hatrm the chanter. (Lord Siva is not an ordinary god ,my friend, he is a high - very high - god. Not a evil being or ghost)


My diagnosis from your discription of your and your sisters problem is that it it is not likely that you and your sister are victimised by anybody from outside. Such attackes are common in many women ( Psychological theories describe them in texts and is called hysterical dreams- I am a psychologist by training). It is products of her own unconcious mind. There is nothing to worry. You need to understand them in the right perspective. Nothing elce to be done. Many women get such dreems. They are just dreams. Dont attach too much meaning to it. Take it cool and ignore it. When she ultimately gets married these dreams will stop automatically.





first up lord shiva wouldnt do such things to u he is the protector of this world.

and as ravi said it could be her mind

but ill giv u a little story it had this old woman every month she had to go by the doctor if she didnt go she would get really sick.

but when the doctor examine her there was nothing wrong she was in good health.but becuz she belived so much that she has to see the doctor so much mentally if she didnt go and if the doctor didnt give her tablets she would get sick so one day the doctor talked to her son and told him nothing is wrong with her but go by the supermarket and get some sweets which looked like tablets.

up to this day she is still taking the sweety and is feeling great not knowing thats its not tablets and thats a true story.


but if she is getting the problems in her dreams then she should pray to swapneshwari devi to help her with her problem she is the goddess of dreams her mantra is

om shreem shreem swapneshwari svaha

before she goes to bed she should chant that mantra:sleep:

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for ppl who dont know who is batuka bhairava.

batuka means boy, batuka bhairava is the boy form of kal bhairo.

it once had a demon who name was appduddhar who got a boon that he could only be killed by a boy thinking to himself that no man could stop him far least for a boy he went about conquring the three worlds so the gods went to lord shiva and asked him for him while they were pleading with lord shiva kala bhairo came out of lord shiva they started to worship him he promised to help them out of him manifested batuka bhairo who went and killed appduddhar.

thats why in batuka bhairo mantra it says he is appduddhar nar the killer of appduddhar. ok peace

they are other batukas called batuknaths e.g. one is name brahmaniputra.

they are not as powerfully as the bhairavas but they protect and grant differant boons

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Thanks Ravindran and Bhairo for your replies.



Aghoris too are very highly developed spiritual people, inspite of the popular misconception and fear about them. I dont think they are the cause of missery of your family. Besides After all your father was only serving them , is int it? why will they go againt your father or your family? In fact they should only be protecting your family.


Ravana when kidnapped Sita he was in the disguise of Sadhu. I don't know much about Aghoris but yes in past 3-4 years i have done some kind of research on them.. I already mentioned in my thread that I am just describing 10% of our problems so don't consider it as mental problem.



Aghoris too are very highly developed spiritual people, inspite of the popular misconception and fear about them.

First one - In Ghaziabad, recently a strange event happened a Muslim boy was reunited with his family after 14 years.... strange thing about this event was 14 years ago the boy was dead and buried in the ground. Boy told his story as follows - he was dead he din't remembered anything, when he opened his eyes in front of him were standing two Aghoris One was Guru and other was his disciple. The Guru then told this boy that he has digged him from the dead and given him new life so from now onwards only target of that boy will be to worship some Snake God and if he tried to run away his life will be taken back by the same Aghori Guru. Boy told to his family that after this event he was so afraid that he started to worship the same Snake God as told by that Aghori and he became a snake charmer. After 14 years he was showing some snakes to the public (as a snake charmer) and that is where he was identified by some of his family members. He told them that he was nicknamed as 'Surendra Nath' by that Aghori. He also said to them that even this Aghori died before few years he is still following his instructions. This boy left his poor family and again went away from them saying that he will continue visiting his family once or twice a year.

THIS NEWS WAS SHOWN ON AAJTAK NEWS CHANNEL (followed by interviews from some so called scientist and psychologists)


Second One- 1-2 weeks back two children age 8-10 years disappeared from GURUKUL (A school run by ASARAMJI BAPU ASHRAM IN AHEMADABAD) there family filed one F.I.R even after some investigation no clue was found. Some days later one worker gave a clueto one of the family members. Working on the clue families were able to find ther children. They found damaged body of their sons on the bank of River Sabarmati along with some Pooja Material like flowers sandal etc. further investigations are going on.



if she is getting the problems in her dreams then she should pray to swapneshwari devi to help her


I never had encounter with a Indian person who is having some true knowledge on these matters but during an e-mail conversation with a foreign person told me that during his visit to india in 90's he came to know about a siddhi called Swapneshwari Siddhi..(incomplete name?) he told me that various Sadhus and Aghoris need this Siddhi to achieve other higher Siddhis. Swapneshwari siddhi gives them power to have sex with any individual female/male in his/her sleep and they will never know (but some persons in which Kundalini has started to awoke they will experience and struggle).

For other reference of this kind of this type of problem you can watch this movie called Entity based on true story.


I am writing this condition on various forums because I think that may be someday i get some solution on this and also this thread may help someone.



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Dear Dhuruva,


Let me once again make an intuitive judgement about your problem. I may be wrong on my judgement as I dont know you personally. However your account and discription seems to be very familior to me as there are many such people I am familior with. I am going by this experiance. I hope you take my judgement in the right spirit.


You seems to be captured by your naive imagination.

One evidence I can offer for this conclution is your statement that the movie Entity is based on a true story. This is completely wrong information That story is completely a fantacy and promoted as 'real story' for commertial purposes. I know this for a fact as I have contacts with film industry and I know what are all they do. ( I happened to know how this movie was created too. I can only tell you this is completly fantacy with out an iota of reality).


As to your Sister's, problem I already mentioned to you that it is likely to be a product of her own unconcious mind. My evidance for this is my own classes. ( I am A teacher of Psychology and one of the classes that I take is on dreams. Many of my students share freely their dreams to get them analysed. Thus I have a lots of collection of dreams of lots of people with me. I am taking from this knowledge.) Many of my girl students dream very frequently what your sister dreams. It is a very common dream of women expecially of unmarried. There is a reason for this dream but I wont get it in to that here. I can only say that it is very common dream and is the product of the unconscious mind - nothing to do with witchcraft.


You seems to be knowing powerful tantric then any one of us - expecially me. I have been serching for them all along my life in all sort of places and have been unsuccessful. I came accross stories - like yours - but never met any power full witch or tantric actually. They all turned out to be stories only. In my search I Am advised by very knowledgeable people in this subject that tantra is no joke and such powerful people are extreemly rare - if they exist. You can in any case not find them where people live and only meet them in himalayas or in some unapprochable forests , for they are not interested in ordinary people and their petty problems. What you meet in the streets commonly are facks - with no power. they survive on people supersticious believes and nothing else. This is my experience too . (I have wasted lots of money on them to discover they are only facks)This is also the stories of many people who spent their life time in reasarching on these matter. (I know many of them)


So my conclusion; It is more likely that you are suffering from your own imagination and supersticious beliefs, portraying any Tom Dick and Harry as powerful tantric.


If you deny this and are sure that they are truely powerful and you know them in your locality for certain , then do me a favour. Please help me to find them as I am very interested in meating the genune tantrics to learn that science. Yes one thing that you should assure me, if you are ready to help me. I want concret address and details not "you will find them in himalayas or orrisa or kerala" and that kind of vague stuff. Or "I only heard of this instance from my uncle, grandfater , one villager. I dont personally know them " and that kind of stuff (No stories). Since you seems to be knowing such people directly, and are sure that they are powerful, can you put in touch with them - dont worry you need to only tell me who they are, I will persolamlly go and meet them myself.


Is that a deal?


( as to your problems , I shal cure all of them as my guru dakshina to you once I meet the genune people you talk about and learn the stuff)



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i are basing your knowledge on here say and movie;s

yes maybe the movie is based on a true story but thats all jus based it may not be 100% accurate.

its jus like 10 men see;s a car crush the story will be the same a car crashes but how it crashed each one will tell you a different story.


swapneshwari is very powerfull and will protect her.

as for the aghories it is a part to worship lord shiva but very very few are real aghories, aghory masters for there last test to show there faith cuts there own neck and because of there belief in shiva and there worship they would come back alive.

thats why there are very few aghories because few ppl would do that and even fewer ppl would be successfull ok.

but after doing that and aghory becomes one with his master lord shiva so just hurting someone is not there way.



right next part there is a sadhana to bring back a dead corpse but and i say but the corpse has to be at least ten days old.

besides that there is plenty rituals to go with it and selection of a corpse has to be good and the corpse had to die by sucide which means his time to die had not reach yet so yamaraj could not come for the soul.

a second thing is dat you wouldnt rise a corpse to b a snake chramer thats wat u do all dat ritual for jus so he can worship naag baba.

but it have ppl who is living who does worship him it doesnt make sense.

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i jus want to say you are looking for tantrics.but take my advice.

they will find you when the time is right i promise.

and somtimes when you see a real tantric he will try to mislead you by telling you that he is all kinds of things so to an unwilling person he would leave but if you are persistant and you really want to learn he will teach you. i know some places you can get real tantrics i will send it for u later but one question what tantric path you would like to follow chinnamasta path or baglamukhi or kala bhairava or tara tell me which one and i would tell u were to go ok.

next thing you wouldnt find real tantrics in popular temples because they dont like the attention plus they dont like the noise you would find them in forested temples which look abandon and less ppl go there ok



So my conclusion; It is more likely that you are suffering from your own imagination and supersticious beliefs, portraying any Tom Dick and Harry as powerful tantric.


If you deny this and are sure that they are truely powerful and you know them in your locality for certain , then do me a favour. Please help me to find them as I am very interested in meating the genune tantrics to learn that science. Yes one thing that you should assure me, if you are ready to help me. I want concret address and details not "you will find them in himalayas or orrisa or kerala" and that kind of vague stuff. Or "I only heard of this instance from my uncle, grandfater , one villager. I dont personally know them " and that kind of stuff (No stories). Since you seems to be knowing such people directly, and are sure that they are powerful, can you put in touch with them - dont worry you need to only tell me who they are, I will persolamlly go and meet them myself.


Is that a deal?


( as to your problems , I shal cure all of them as my guru dakshina to you once I meet the genune people you talk about and learn the stuff)



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Dear Bhairo,


Thanks for your encouragement. I am only advising our friend who thinks tantric siddhas are that cheep - that you could find them any where commonly and any tom dick and harry could bribe them to do their petty work done by some petty money. Truth is far from that. I know this from my experiense. It is not a joke to find them let alone be one of the siddhas.


I wanted to ask you for a help for some time but was hesitant. Because I am living faraway from you and I dont know how I can manage to pay my guru dakshina to you for my request. I would ideally like to pay duely your dakshina for your help and that is why I hesitated so far.

Now that you are giving me advise let me ask you what I have in mind, -my secret desire. And I am going to ask you for your help in a specific way which you can easily do.


My Desire: I want to be a Grand Tantric Master a Grand Siddha.


To fulfill this desire I have been reading all kinds of original tantric texts and searching for Genune tantric gurus as my teacher. I have a collection of tantric texts but I have no teacher. I did not succed in finding one.


My Request to you: Can you for my sake consult any one of the approprriate deity that comes to your body -say Bhairava - for example and find out whether I will succeed in my desire ? Will I get siddhi?


If Yes which Tantric deity I should worship - which is the most favourable one to give me siddhi?


And I want this word form the god.


Will you put this problem to the god when the god comes to your body and get the answer from the god? Then I will take that god to be my guru and follow the sadana. I am tird of seeking human gurus.


I will pay your Guru dakshina in some appropriate form. Perhaps you could suggest what you want from me- perhaps some rare tantric books that are not available there I can parcel to you, or some thing else. Tell me what you want. I will see how that is arranged.




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Dear Dhruva,


Your problem can be genuine but something is missing here. You mentioned only 10% of your problems but you did not give concrete examples other than sleep disorders. Instead, you gave irrelevant examples to force others to think whether it is a mental problem. Your point was to prove that black magic/aghoris exists. You are not giving some other description clarifying that your sister is suffering from black magic. The black magic does not do only sleep disorders but many others things. If remaining 90% of the problem belongs to only sleeps/dreams, then there are more possibilty that it is a histeria.


Aghoris does not live in one place but keep on moving. There are many (including myself) who are searching aghoris for their own problems. If you really know any aghori, you should provide.


Sometimes, wild imaginations and beliefs put man in trouble in life. If it is histeria, you as a brother wasting her time becuase histeria is curable.

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Maybe those aghoris have done black magic on ur sister.

I myself have intense meditation practice.I know those aghoris are raping ur sister in shuksma world(astral world) ie the world made of thoughts in which u enter in ur dreams unconciously or thru meditation conciously. U cant stop this unless a divine power stops them(aghoris) to this.Only shirdi sai baba would listen to ur prayers fast.

I would request u to go nearby shirdi sai temple or the best thing would be to go shirdi and tell baba everything in front of his samadhi.Sai baba will definitely hear ur prayers.


u could bring the vibhuti of lord sai from shirdi or any sai temple and give ur sister to eat that vibhuti with water nd pray lord sai whole heartedly to solve ur problem.

Lord sai is the avatar of lord dattatreya and he can remove all black magics.

Please pay heed to my words.GO TO THE SHARAN OF SHIRDI SAI

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You seems to be captured by your naive imagination.

One evidence I can offer for this conclution is your statement that the movie Entity is based on a true story. This is completely wrong information That story is completely a fantacy and promoted as 'real story' for commertial purposes. I know this for a fact as I have contacts with film industry and I know what are all they do.


OK so let's forget about the movies. Since I am suffering from these type of problems i am always interested in any type of media news related with such type of areas. I saw a program on Discovery ('The haunting') in which they shown this story having a reference to this movie 'Entity' and that's when i saw this particular movie. I have no idea which filmmakers you are in contact with but yes in my past 7-8 years of discovery i found that these type of stories do have some kind of truth in them. I do believe that there is a very thin line between insanity and truth.

For example you continuously chant a mantra belonging to some God with true heart and after 40-50 days you start to see and communicate with that God what will you say of this phenomena - Some sadhu will say that because of your devotion God gave you this boon. Psychologist will say that for 40-50 days you are repeating a name thinking about a image so there is a possibility you are suffering with schizophrenia.

Yes I met with a few powerful tantriks during past few years. And similar to bhairo i will say that you will not find these personalities in some famous temple these people are living with us as a very simple common man. Although these people were not able to help me but yes some of the precautions as they told when we followed we started to feel a little protected but they were limited only to do some little help.

So i just wanted to say this "It's superstition until it happens to you".

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Your problem can be genuine but something is missing here. You mentioned only 10% of your problems but you did not give concrete examples other than sleep disorders. Instead, you gave irrelevant examples to force others to think whether it is a mental problem. Your point was to prove that black magic/aghoris exists. You are not giving some other description clarifying that your sister is suffering from black magic. The black magic does not do only sleep disorders but many others things. If remaining 90% of the problem belongs to only sleeps/dreams, then there are more possibilty that it is a histeria.


Aghoris does not live in one place but keep on moving. There are many (including myself) who are searching aghoris for their own problems. If you really know any aghori, you should provide.


Sometimes, wild imaginations and beliefs put man in trouble in life. If it is histeria, you as a brother wasting her time becuase histeria is curable.


I have described only some part of my problems because i am waiting for some right person to come up and say yes i have some idea about your problems tell me more so that i can come to a conclusion.

Tell me Shriyogi that when you go to a doctor sometimes a person is not able to tell 100% of his problem but doctor based on his experience can figure out rest of the problems. I am looking for a right doctor or someone who can show me some path on which i may find one.

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It can be a genuine black magic problem but your story creates the doubt. Why you did not give examples of black magic you are experiencing to clear the doubt rather than telling tv/film/media examples. If you go to any Aghori and tell him which mantra you are chanting, he will obviously advise you to pray his deity.


Again, there is wrong perception that doctor based on his experience can figure out everything based on whatever little you say. He will ask/check more to know exactly what happened.


No point in closing the door to any possibility because in black magic many other things also take place which you did not disclose.

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Dear Bhairo,


Thanks for your encouragement. I am only advising our friend who thinks tantric siddhas are that cheep - that you could find them any where commonly and any tom dick and harry could bribe them to do their petty work done by some petty money. Truth is far from that. I know this from my experiense. It is not a joke to find them let alone be one of the siddhas.

its very difficult and some siddhi's go on for years, real tantrics are rarely bothered by money so its very difficult to get them to work for you a true tantric only helps you when he see,s that you are a good person cause if you are wicked and deserve the problem due to your karma he would jus give you devotion alone, because if he removes the karma from the person he would be adding it to his.


I wanted to ask you for a help for some time but was hesitant. Because I am living faraway from you and I dont know how I can manage to pay my guru dakshina to you for my request. I would ideally like to pay duely your dakshina for your help and that is why I hesitated so far.

Now that you are giving me advise let me ask you what I have in mind, -my secret desire. And I am going to ask you for your help in a specific way which you can easily do.

no problem jus be a good tantric and help ppl that is payment enough.


My Desire: I want to be a Grand Tantric Master a Grand Siddha.


To fulfill this desire I have been reading all kinds of original tantric texts and searching for Genune tantric gurus as my teacher. I have a collection of tantric texts but I have no teacher. I did not succed in finding one.



My Request to you: Can you for my sake consult any one of the approprriate deity that comes to your body -say Bhairava - for example and find out whether I will succeed in my desire ? Will I get siddhi?

i will ask and whatever part you have to take i would recommend somewere you can go to get guidance, but its not will you get siddhi its jus when cuz once you keep at it you will get through but the reasons why some ppl take long to get there siddhi is becuz of plenty karma or that someone is blocking it. but god is very strong and eventually you will get it once you follow the right procedure ok


If Yes which Tantric deity I should worship - which is the most favourable one to give me siddhi?


And I want this word form the god.


Will you put this problem to the god when the god comes to your body and get the answer from the god? Then I will take that god to be my guru and follow the sadana. I am tird of seeking human gurus.

yes i will

I will pay your Guru dakshina in some appropriate form. Perhaps you could suggest what you want from me- perhaps some rare tantric books that are not available there I can parcel to you, or some thing else. Tell me what you want. I will see how that is arranged.

most likely i would ask for sadhana cuz i want to get as much sadhanas as possible. but if i need somthing will ask ok.


jus remember somthing a tantric is someone who is not affair to experiment and he uses his brain more than any thing else,most of the famous tantrics experimented alot.





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Dear Bhairo,


Thanks a lot. I am very spirited to experiment I did a lot too in tantra, but only that I dont have a right teacher and the experiments did not succeed.


Do consult the god for guiding me.


I can give you lots and lots of sadana details all original and authentic tantric texts of Lord Siva. He is the one who propounded all the 64 tantras.

I dont have all 64, but I have many of them with me. I can share what ever I have with you.




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there are great tantric gurus there but they tend to be not so boustfull about themselves.

so if a guru says to you that guru over there is very powerfull most likely the guru who is telling you that would be the best guru and most powerfull. so pick him

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Hi Dhruv,

Though I am no spiritually sound person nor into tantra mantra but while reading some Spiritual site for solving my problems, I happened to come across mention of your problem and its cause. I think that "might" be your problem and thus hint on how to solve it.

The problem you/your sister is facing could be due to your ancestorial problem. Your ancestors could be waiting for salvation due to less good karmas and thus they trouble their decendants into to get Spiritual gratification. Get this angle checked that your family is not having Pritru dosha. I believe that your family is possesed by some of your ancestor who is troubling your sister(becoz she is the most spiritual/vunerable) amongst all of you. If she gets more spiritual this will help your ancestor shred of his raja-tama gunas and thus come out of Hell/Nether plane. You can read http://spiritualresearchfoundation.org/spiritualresearch/difficulties/Ghosts_Demons/ghostspictures/Paranormal_sixthsense.php for more info. Hope this helped in some way.


Jai Shri Krishna.

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Hi Guys,


Please refer to my earler post with subject "urgent help needed-its a matter of life and death" ...from the post here I come to know that AGHORIS can actually make dead people alive..is this true? If that is the case then I am sure they can solve my problem..(which is of course of colossal proportions) Yes bhairo ji,please send me also the list of genuine thantriks as I would like to meet them so I can seek for a solution..Please note that I tried to complete Krodh bhairav saadhana ... but then a new form of black magic started and the evil spirits started attacking my eyes in the night..these spirits are very intelligent :( now they are thraetening to make me blind...so I was forced to stop saadhanas.. huhhh..:( now the only hope for me is to meet some good thantrik... am running out of options now...






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I am in need of some authentic tantric texts as i am really interested in doing some sadhanas to increase my psychic powers,

my email id is:anurag.chand@gmail.com




Dear Bhairo,


Thanks a lot. I am very spirited to experiment I did a lot too in tantra, but only that I dont have a right teacher and the experiments did not succeed.


Do consult the god for guiding me.


I can give you lots and lots of sadana details all original and authentic tantric texts of Lord Siva. He is the one who propounded all the 64 tantras.

I dont have all 64, but I have many of them with me. I can share what ever I have with you.




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Dear Dhruv,



Does your sister still with that thing?


This is what all the so called Tantriks are doing and because of this the True Knowledge from our ancestors is in the verge of the extinction.


There are still few good people with genuine knowledge who can be the help ...


Well, such things happen when the Evil Tantriks perform their rituals or it could just be the reactions of past Karmas. But, only a person with divinity can tell you the truth.


Everything happening in our life has some correlation to the past lives....


I dunno much about Asharm Ji and other self acclaimed Bhagabans and Gurus there



Ur sister can get rid of it ...must be with patience...





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ok,dhruva...nothing is wrng with ur problem.It is genuine.The problem is those tantrics,aghoris and those cheap pple...khopda baba,bhasma baba,mahakal baba...yuck..These cheap pple are very sick.They wil do sme tricks...walk on water...stand in fire and SOME dumb pple believe them to be divine...

Forget the Siva mantra.It might or might not be potent depending on its authenticity.But plz dnt think that Lord shiva has caused this misery.This misery is just the result of sme karmas performd by ur sister in her previous lifetimes.Dont listen to an ordinary man's advice.


Lets take the advice of a genuine,ksotriya,brahm nishtha mahatma,who has attaind God.

Tulsidas: in hanuman chalisa,gosvamiji explains that 'Mahaveer',this name is potent to drive away pisachanis,evil spirits etc.Do japa of 'mahaveer'.


Padma purana: 'The name of Sri Hari is so potent that if a person chants it even once,wheter out of contempt,faith or without intention,he is at once freed frm all material bondage'

So better still,chant the holy,primal,eternal Names of God. Best of the transcendental mantras is

''hare krsna hare krsna

krsna krsna hare hare

Hare ram hare rama

Rama rama hare hare.''

This mantra is imported frm the spiritual world.Have no doubt that this mantra wil free you,your sister frm all posible problems,miseries...

Tel her to chant with faith that Sri krsna is the supreme personality of Godhead.If you think lord Krsna/narayana/lord Rama to be an ordinary devata,then kindly do not recite the mantra.You wil only cause offense.

Thats why Lord siva says: Sri Ram ram rameti,

Rame raame manorame,

sahasra naam tatulyam,

Ram naam varanane.


Lord siva declares that any persn who desires to get freed frm material bondage,shud chant the 1000 spiritual names of Lord Ramacandra...that is the only way.

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