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America Will Become the Scourge of the World if they go into Iran

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they dont need to invade iran to be the dregs of demoniac society, they have already cornered the market in their genocidal mania.


But they will if no one stops them. I have always supported a coup d'etat, where the admirals and generals refuse to follow and arrest their commander, try him for high treason, and turn the bunch over to the Hague for prosecution for war crimes. In fact, unless the next president pledges to prosecute these horrendous folks (including the clintons who are so complicit in the murder and destruction of america), then he will lose as well.


Our hope is in the military, the real ksatriyas who know justice and mercy, and will act accordingly. Either they have valor and arrest criminals, or they will continue to be slaughtered and abused at home, which they deserve if they act as enablers of such criminals.


Not scourge, this is what they imagine themselves to be, they are proud to be the genghis khans, but even hitler had an exit strategy, even vietnam had an exit strategy. These guys have no strategy, they are merely an embarassment to society.


mad mahax

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It has to stop.



Prabhupāda: That is going on since the creation. How can you stop it? The history repeats itself. This butchering, this attack by one country by another or by one king to another, that is going on. This is the nature; therefore it is called duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam [Bg. 8.15]. This is a place simply for suffering. Therefore everyone’s business is how to get out of it. You cannot stop what is going on in Bangaladesh. It may be in Bangaladesh or it may be in Vietnam or it may be in some other places—this is nature’s law; it will go on. You cannot stop it. The best thing is to get out of the scene. That is your business. You cannot stop it. Even if you show sympathy, that is useless. Because this is the way of nature. Yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati bhārata [Bg. 4.7]. Paritrāṇāya sa… vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām. The vināśa is there. The two things are going on: maintenance and dissolution and creation. So you cannot stop the process. And in the Bhagavad-gītā it is said, yaṁ hi na vyathayanty ete puruṣaṁ puruṣarṣabha. All these ephemeral things which come and go, if one is not disturbed by all these things, then he is the right candidate for liberation.

Indian man: They seem the greater criminal who is now telling these people there…

Prabhupāda: Well, criminal is criminal, greater or smaller. Just like in India it is said that if you have stolen a khira, a cucumber, or you have stolen a hīrā, a diamond, you are equally punishable.

Indian man: Do you think those who are butcher are all criminals?

Prabhupāda: Huh?

Indian man: Those who are butcher, they are all criminals?

Prabhupāda: They may not be criminals, but what is your idea?

Indian man: I want to hear the solution from you to this disastrous situation in the present material world.

Prabhupāda: So what way you want?

Indian man: No, I don’t know. I want from you.

Prabhupāda: So our solution is that chant Hare Krishna.




Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.1.15

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

London, July 30, 1971


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The currrent trouble with Iran is brought to you by Israeli government and the people who pull their strings. Hardcore zionists who also brought you the Iraq war, neocons, and the New World Order.


AIPAC, the Israeli lobby in the US, constantly beats the war drum for action against Iran. Just like they did for Saddam. Their website in nothing but a constant drone of propaganda for this purpose.


Once again, they are steering the power of the US to use as their own. Ever since Reagan, zionists have been THICK in Washington.


I've compared the relationship between the US and Israel as a tiny mahoot riding on a big elephant. Everytime these two go to the UN, they make the diplomats scatter like frightened villagers.


This needs to stop.




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Of course we have. We've been milked by Israel since 1948.


Seems if they stood an actual chance at being a country, they could stand on their own two feet by now. But like a spoiled rich kid, they've been a little slow to get out of the house and look for a means to support themselves.




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Well which nation is above reproach...

In politics everyone is dirty...

and if the USA is paying israel 30 Billion over 10 years then it is not out of any great magnimity... It is only because more than 50 % of the money in the USA is from the jewish lobby. Why is the US not so magnanimous when it comes to funding of poor african nations...


Personally i feel that the israeli government is too week to compell USA to do anything... in fact israel as a nation has been created and is being sustained by the USA to push its agenda in the middle east.


and if anyone is pushing the USA to do or not to do anything at the moment it is the SAUDI led OPEC which seems to be pushing up the oil prices and blackmailing the US follows its desires on the nutralising shiaite IRAN.

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So it would seem.


There are two kinds of zionist.


The first is a part of Judaism itself. Jews see Israel as their ancient homeland and wish to live there. Fine


The second kind of zionist hides behind the first kind, making them difficult to see. This zionist is a politcal movement which started just over a 100 years ago. They profess religious piety but in reality have no love of either God or their own people. All that matters to them is power in the world.


In my opinion, these people are far more dangerous than the Nazis ever were. They are bent on world domination with a one world government and they are well on their way to that.


The United States is going to be their enforcement arm.


The strings are pulled from Tel Aviv.


You'll find this out for yourself soon enough.




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Of course we have. We've been milked by Israel since 1948.


Seems if they stood an actual chance at being a country, they could stand on their own two feet by now. But like a spoiled rich kid, they've been a little slow to get out of the house and look for a means to support themselves.





I wish I could introduce you to my wife. It would be so much easier if I could sit back, drink whiskey, and watch the two of you talk politics. It is hard for me to keep up with her. My education is severely limited. I don't even know how I can educate myself on history, politics, and economics. Usually I feel too hopeless about it to even try. You wouldn't believe some of the things my teachers taught me when I was in school.

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I have a VERY basic education myself.


However, when one becomes a spiritual seeker, one also become a socialist of the highest order, as you now concern yourself with the welfare of others and humanity as a whole.


I don't hate anyone for what they believe in, but I am concerned when someone is being abused at the hand of another.


What exists in the Middle East is old hatred, inflammed by the zionists to their advantage. Their kind of philsophy requires an external enemy or it falls apart.


You'll notice that the US is employing this same technique now.




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What exists in the Middle East is old hatred, inflammed by the zionists to their advantage. Their kind of philsophy requires an external enemy or it falls apart.






Funny that all the fanning of the fires comes from Arabs. The only acts taken by Israel have always been defensive. Israel is a legal state, like it or not, they have every right to act in their own defense. If Israel and its Zionist " masters " are so evil please take a few minutes to explain to me why Arabs living in Israel are givin all the rights due the citizens of Israel regardless of their faith. Why do Muslims in Israel enjoy more civic and personal rights in Israel than they do in most Arab nations ?

It is so funny that when it comes to movements Zionists are always a punching bag for having the same self promoting agenda that every racial and spiritual group that has ever existed have. How do you feel about La Raza, MEChA, or any other " right to return " spiritual/nationalist group ?

What about Hindu Nationalists like the Saffron tigres ?

Or like most lefties do you just dislike Israel ?

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Personally I'd rather not hear about any of it, but that doesn't seem to be an option for me. It just happens that Israel and China are the countries I hear about most at home. My opinion is that my best option is to fix myself first, then help my family and community second. It isn't that I don't value a whole world perspective. It is just that my reach and my ability to affect change are limited, so I want to start where I can actually do something.

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Funny that all the fanning of the fires comes from Arabs. The only acts taken by Israel have always been defensive. Israel is a legal state, like it or not, they have every right to act in their own defense. If Israel and its Zionist " masters " are so evil please take a few minutes to explain to me why Arabs living in Israel are givin all the rights due the citizens of Israel regardless of their faith. Why do Muslims in Israel enjoy more civic and personal rights in Israel than they do in most Arab nations ?

It is so funny that when it comes to movements Zionists are always a punching bag for having the same self promoting agenda that every racial and spiritual group that has ever existed have. How do you feel about La Raza, MEChA, or any other " right to return " spiritual/nationalist group ?

What about Hindu Nationalists like the Saffron tigres ?

Or like most lefties do you just dislike Israel ?



I have heard this argument time and time again. This viewpoint is a product of shallow understanding of the circumstances at work.


Zionists are about the most clever people I've ever encountered. They're experts at covering their tracks and mis-direction. Even the Mossad credo is "By way of deception..."


They are very careful to get other people to do their dirty work so nothing comes back on them. As you will recall, Saddam was launching missles into Israel . Rather than address this themselves, the US was positioned to take him out. Another enemy of Israel out of the way. At no expence to Israel.


If it "appears" that Arabs are on the warpath, you must ask why? Numerous reasons, and I will address the major ones.


Couldn't have anything to do with how at the turn of the 20th century, the zionists invited Jews from all over the world to come and live in Israel. And they came by the ten's of thousands, displacing the native people in the process.


Sounds much like how white Europeans came to America and ran over the people that were here first. Doesn't it?


Now they live on tiny reservations where they used to have run of the whole country. Now Israel has a reservation of it's own, called the Gaza strip. Its not hard to compare it to the Warsaw ghetto where the Nazis herded Jews into tight quarters to make killing them off easier.


Another reason for unrest is oil, and the western appetite for it. Remember the Shah of Iran? We installed him for the singular purpose of getting the oil out. The Shah was every bit the beast that Saddam was, and he tortured his own people to keep them beaten into submission. The Shah worked for the US.


As you might imagine, the Iranians are still pretty upset about this. We've been interfering in their internal affairs for many many decades now, but you'll hear little of this on the evening news. All you see on the evening news is the corporate, and often zionist controlled, version of the truth. Its called social engineering.


Additionally, the religious currents that run through the Middle East make it fertile ground for anyone seeking to use it. Nothing gets people hotter under the collar than to insult "their" God or religion. People are always willing to die for what they believe in. This is being used by zionism to provide an unending state of war with the surrounding neighbors. As I stated earlier, zionism needs an external enemy, so IT can offer protection from it.


What's the best way to do that?


Create circumstances, then allow the natural reaction to occur, and respond to it. You can cover your tracks pretty well by this method.


Finally, The New World Order. There have always been attempts to take over the known world. The difference this time is it is now technologically possible.


The people behind the NWO are the elite of the world. Old money families, mostly Jewish. They live in their own world really. They see you and I as cattle to be herded, and milked, and slaughtered.


Imagine being so wealthy that all life's pleasures are your's for the taking. They have it all. Literally. With one exception...world domination. Its really the only thing left for them.


The idea behind the NWO is to rid the world of all who are likely to oppose a one world government headed by zionist who envision Israel as their seat of this power. Muslims are a big threat to this plan, as they have the ability to swarm their enemies. So, the trouble you see in the ME is largely a result of this agenda to bring such internal forces to bare on Islam that it collapses into a heap on it's own.


You can't do all of this too fast, otherwise, you might spook the herd. Every year, another piece of this puzzle is put into play. By the time the world becomes aware of it for what it is, it will be too late to reverse it.


As for the rights given to Muslims and others within Israel, they have to. Israel is a child of the US in a manner of speaking, so it has to "publically" preserve the rights that we observe here in the west. Israel can little afford to damage public relations with the US out of fear that support from American citizens might start to dry up.


It's the "Holy Land", you know.


Must protect that cash cow at all costs, and make sure the Christian population remains focused to that concept so the money and support continues.


Have some links, for educational purposes. Find things out for yourselves instead of being led where somebody else thinks you need to go.


Dig deep for the truth. Just like you would on your spiritual paths.







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Same as I have heard the " zionist " claims time and time again. Funny that you bring up the Mossad credo, the same tactics are described in the Koran for a world Islamic kingdom deception is encouraged by the Koran.


As for your point of the US doing the dirty work with Saddam, maybe you are to young to remember ( if I am wrong in the age thing I apologise ) I served during the first gulf war, at the time even the other Arab nations were against Saddam. His whole purpose behind firing into Israel was to sway the Arabs to his side, Had Israel responded I promise you that war would have gone Nuclear because the Arab states would have switched to Saddams side to defend fellow Arabs. Believe me there was alot and I mean alot of pressure put on Israel not to respond.


Now to your assumptions about the so called displacement of the " natives " in Israel. The Jews are the Natives there, there have been Jews in that area for at least 3200 years and their bloodlines can be traced there, while that of alot of the Palastinians bloodlins can be traced to Egypt and along the Arabian Peninsula. And sure Jews were encouraged to return , you seem honestly concerned with human rights so I present this question. What single group of people has experienced more violations worldwide ? So givin the chance to return to their ancestral homeland of course they went. Also if you read the newsreports from the time ( back then news was less opinion and more news ) the people seperated into two groups. The first were the Arabs that stayed and worked with the Jews and built the nation up and the others were the ones who hated Jews and refused to live side by side with them. A funny side note, alot of the Arabs that left tried to immigrate to Jordan, Egypt , and other Arab nations but were denied by those nations and were left to live in the undeveloped no mans land. Gaza is a ghetto due to the Arab nations much like the Warsaw ghetto was due to most surrounding nations not allowing Jews asylum.


I wont touch the reservations in the US because for me I will agree 100% that there is nothing but shame in that.


I would get into the Oil deal but that is an area that I could use more information on I am much more read on the conflicts surrounding Israel and the zionism phobias.


I will close this addressing one quote of yours that is particularly false.

You stated

" Nothing gets people hotter under the collar than to insult "their" God or religion. People are always willing to die for what they believe in. This is being used by zionism to provide an unending state of war with the surrounding neighbors."


Israel has never engaged in an offensive war, they act in self defense, further more Israel treats all its citizens with the same respect regardless of faith be they Hindu, Christian, Jew or Muslim. The Arabs are the ones who attack based on religion and use religion to fuel the fire. All Israel wants is peace everyone else wants the Jews wiped from existence.

Also you say

"Israel is a child of the US in a manner of speaking, so it has to "publically" preserve the rights that we observe here in the west. Israel can little afford to damage public relations with the US out of fear that support from American citizens might start to dry up."

Have you ever walked the streets of Israel and seen the interaction between Arabs and Jews there ? Have you spent time in the shelters there with both Arab and Jew ? Have you ever once seen any credible source talk to the Arabs living in Israel ? Let me tell you I have experienced both 1 and 2 and I will leave it at that.


I have done alot of research on the region and have been to most of the links on the page you linked. I could compile links for just as many counter arguments if you would like, but I would prefer to agree to disagree. Call me odd if you may but in your response I read an honest belief and concern that really is lacking in alot of the posts I have read from people who share your beliefs and I commend you for that. I tend to get over emotional in regards to Israel as I spend alot of time there and have lost friends there so I would prefer out of respect to you to not continue this , or at least I will cool off and post links as my temperment allows if that suits you. Also I wish to apologise for my " lefties like you " comment as you really do seem to be above that.

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I take no offence.


I'm not anti-semite or anything. I don't have a racist bone in my body. But I call out wrongdoing when I see it. This instance just happens to concern Jews more than anybody else.


As Israel gets my taxpayer money, that gives me a right to voice an opinion about how it's being spent. There is a growing concern in this country over this now, and I suspect a new wave of anti-semitism to be the result of it, which is unfortunate as it makes many pay for the actions of a few. Both Jew and Muslim.


I have a number of Jewish friends including a mother and daughter who left Israel about 4 years ago. She didn't want to raise her daughter in what she sees as a ticking bomb of a country.


And it certainly is. Which is unfortunate for ALL of us.





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We all realise that Saudi Arabia considers IRAN as a more direct threat then Israel...

we also see that Saudi Arabia is hiking prices of oil... they have the maximum muscle power in OPEC.

The americans would have found it mush easier to hand the iraqi government in the hands of the shia majority post saddam. it was saudi arabia which didnt want a shiaite rule in iraq...

I think it is riyadh and not tel aviv where the puppetmasters are (to American middle east policy) :)

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A few names you might want to look up in regards to the conflict for some different views. Walid Shoebat is an ex-PLO fighter who now talks about the conflict. Another is Amin Al Husseini, especially look at conflicts and Arab/Jew relations pre-Husseini.


As I stated I really belive your care and concern and trust me I had to read and reread to be sure that I didn`t even tread close to accusing you of being anti-semetic or racist as I have no doubt you are neither.


Shivaduta you have quite a valid point. When we talk of human rights violations Saudi Arabia is among the worst in the region, but we rarely see that mentioned. Saudi money has lined the Governments pockets heavily, I mean look at all the " donations " to presidential librarys and the like. 15 of the 9/11hijackers were Saudi and when you speak of riches and power xexon, have you seen anyone with the wealth to match Saudi princes ?


Anyway I just figured I would drop a few names by so you can give em a look.

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The house of Saud is as corrupt as any mafia family.


We tend to align ourselves with these kinds of people for some reason, which perhaps says more about us than it does about them. Saddam, the Shah, Noriega, Osama. All of these characters were CIA employees at one time or another.


The jump in oil has little to do with supply and demand, despite what your TV's tell you.


The price of oil is rising because of the falling US dollar, which the price of oil is pegged to. Dollar goes down, oil goes up. The dollar is being kept artificially low in an attempt to jumpstart the economy and its beginning to have the opposite effect.


I'm old enough to have seen this cycle come around before.


Bad days ahead.




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  • 2 weeks later...

The court decision will surely take a while, hopefully this move to file an action also comes out as a positive preaching tool.


Hindu Temple Sues British Charity Over Cow Killing BY: STAFF CORRESPONDENT

Mar 29, LONDON, ENGLAND (NEWS POST INDIA) — A popular Hindu temple near London has sued Britain's largest animal welfare charity saying it had illegally carried out the mercy killing of a cow that was under the temple's care.

Gangotri, an ailing 13-year-old Belgian blue jersey that was being looked after by devotees at the Bhaktivedanta Manor temple, was put down by veterinarians of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) last December as priests prayed in the temple.

The RSPCA says the mercy killing was carried out in the cow's interest and that it had a warrant to do so. But temple authorities and other Hindu groups accused the charity of behaving covertly and held protests outside the British parliament earlier this year.

Gangotri had broken a leg a year before she died and could no longer stand.

A legal notice was handed over to a senior RSPCA official at its headquarters in Horsham Friday, said a spokesman for the temple, which is situated in the West London suburb of Watford and was donated by the late Beatle George Harrison to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon).

'The pretend warrant that they served on us was illegal, incorrect and defective,' said Vinay Tanna.

'Everything flowing out of that warrant is therefore illegal. They had told us before that they were not going to do anything. This is an issue of trespass,' he added.

The mercy killing of Gangotri has become a rallying cause for many Hindus in Britain, who say the cow was being looked after on the sprawling temple grounds and that the killing was unnecessary and insensitive.

'There are theological and legal aspects to our decision to sue,' said Radha Mohandas of Bhaktivedanta Manor.

'There are flaws in the RSPCA's approach to these kinds of matters. They are only a charity yet they seem to take the law into their own hands. What they did showed a lack of respect towards our religion,' he added.

RSPCA spokesperson Becky Hawkes said: 'We have received a letter today, though no legal proceedings have been started against us. The letter asks us to admit liability for trespass to land and trespass to property.

'However, we entered the property accompanied by the police who were holding a valid warrant. We acted properly, within the law, and on the advice of three independent vets who said Gangotri was in constant pain and should be put to sleep immediately.'

Hindu priests were also angered by the killing last year of a bull, Shambo, which was being looked after in a Welsh temple and had contracted bovine TB.

The Bhaktivedanta Manor campaign has the support of more than a dozen MPs, including Peter Ainsworthy, the environment spokesman of the opposition Conservative Party.

Sailesh Vara, MP and shadow leader of the House of Commons, said during a visit to the temple this month: 'I am particularly keen to ensure that, for the future, there is a proper procedure established, so that this sort of incident does not happen again.'


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