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Devotee from New Govardhana Australia shot in Vrndavana

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No change in girl shot in India: DFAT



Monday Feb 4 08:04 AEDT





A 17-year-old Australian girl who was shot three times in India by a young man her family says had raped her is still in a critical condition, with her family by her side.


Lila Salter was shot three times by Saurav Singh, the nephew of a former minister in Vrindavan, near Agra in India's Uttar Pradesh state, on Saturday, News Ltd and Fairfax newspapers says.

Singh then fatally shot himself.


Lila, who was born in the northern NSW town of Murwillumbah but has lived with family in India for several years, had known Singh for some years.


Singh had arrived at the flat Lila shared with her older brothers and begged to be allowed to see her to apologise for the previous night's incident.


Instead, he shot Lila three times before fatally shooting himself.

Lila, a Hare Krishna devotee, was on life support on Sunday with her mother and four of her siblings by her hospital bed in New Delhi.


Mrs Manning said doctors had warned her Lila's gunshot wounds were so severe she was likely to be brain dead.


"Only an absolute miracle will give us a different verdict now," she said, begging Australians to pray for her daughter as her condition was "so very dire".


The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) said there had been no update on the girl's condition.

©AAP 2008 http://www.expressindia.com/latest-news/Youth-fires-at-girl-then-shoots-self/268570/

Everyone pray to Krishna for this devotee

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Lila fights for life in her paradise</HEADLINE>



  • <BYLINE>Matt Wade Herald Correspondent in New Delhi and Paul Bibby</BYLINE>
    <DATE>February 4, 2008 - 8:13AM





"I love India" ... Anandalila 'Lila' Salter, now on life support, spoke of her joy in India on her MySpace site.



THE Indian gunman had been stalking Lila for years. Several days ago, her mother says, he sexually assaulted the 17-year-old Australian at gunpoint in the family home in the Hindu pilgrimage town of Vrindavan in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

He returned in the early hours of Saturday and threatened family members with his pistol. Then he confronted Anandalila "Lila" Salter and shot her three times before shooting himself dead.

Lila's brother, Zardi Manning, 28, who was in the house with her when she was shot, said the stalker had come to the door and Lila had agreed to talk to him. The pair entered a room in the house and spoke for some time. Mr Manning said he had been at the door, asking the man to come out, and shortly afterwards heard gunshots.

Mr Manning said Lila was brain dead and on life support. Doctors have told him they could not operate until she started breathing unassisted. She has a bullet lodged in the brain.

The family was deciding whether Lila should be taken by ambulance on the 200-kilometre journey to Vrindavan today.

There was no change in her condition this morning, AAP reported.

Last night Lila's mother, Susan Manning, was preparing for the worst. "It's not looking very hopeful and we are trying to accept that," she told the Herald from her daughter's bedside.

"The guy was a psychopath and a stalker," she said. Police named him as 28-year-old Saurav, nephew of an influential Uttar Pradesh politician.

Lila is one of six children and her family, involved with the Hare Krishna movement and with charity work in India, has moved between India and Australia over the past 20 years. Lila was living in Vrindavan with Zardi and another brother at the time of the attack.

Ms Manning said the gunman had been stalking her daughter for years. The family had complained to police about the man's behaviour but nothing was done. "If the police had more control this might never have happened," she said.

She fears Lila will not survive. "If they say that there is no hope then we will take her back to our place in the holy town [of Vrindavan] and do ceremonies for her there."

When the family is not in India they live on the Gold Coast. Lila was planning to return to Australia soon to complete year 12 at TAFE.

On her MySpace page, Lila tells of leaving India at the age of four and her excitement at the family's latest visit. "I am Australian but I have basically grown up in India," she says. "It has been 13 years now since I have been here. I stay in a small holy town called Vrindavan which is somewhere in between Agra and New Delhi. I love India and have travelled the world to find no place like it. I have recently come to Australia to finish my studies and then hope to move to my favourite city MUMBAI!! … well pls keep in touch … radhe shyam!!!"

On the site - filled with pictures of her friends and sisters - Lila says she would like to meet "nice people with some culture maybe??? funny people and just people that arent mad!!"

One of Lila's closest friends, Tarani Looker, described her as "quiet but funny".

"She's just a really sweet, bright, normal girl who loved being a Krishna," Ms Looker, 23, said from her Gold Coast home last night. "They owned a Govinda's restaurant on the Gold Coast and I worked together with her there. The family owns a few businesses, clothing and imports on the Gold Coast."

Lila had been educated at the Hare Krishna school at Murwillumbah and spent half her time in India with members of her family. "They went over there all the time … They had their own house and maybe a business as well. I'm not sure."

The news had shaken the southern Queensland Hare Krishna community. "Everyone pretty well knows everyone else in the community - we're all really upset," Ms Looker said.

"I don't think her sisters are coping too well - two of them are still over here. The others are with the family in India. We were a really close group of friends."

After the shooting, Lila was taken to a local hospital then transferred to Apollo Hospital in Delhi. Doctors warned the family to prepare for the worst.

Ms Manning said Lila spoke and wrote fluently in the local language, Hindi. The second youngest of her six children, she was outgoing and had many friends in India.

"We want every person in Australia, regardless of their religious beliefs, to please pray for her," Ms Manning said. "That's my heartfelt desire."

- With AAP

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Lila fights for life in her paradise</HEADLINE>




  • <BYLINE>Matt Wade Herald Correspondent in New Delhi and Paul Bibby</BYLINE>
    <DATE>February 4, 2008 - 8:13AM






"I love India" ... Anandalila 'Lila' Salter, now on life support, spoke of her joy in India on her MySpace site.



"We want every person in Australia, regardless of their religious beliefs, to please pray for her," Ms Manning said. "That's my heartfelt desire."


The time now, is for prayer and chanting of Hare Krishna and pray for her body to heal, or if need be, that she have no difficulty in leaving her body and going back home, back to Godhead

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In Memory of Lila





Like everyone else that heard about the tragic events leading to Lila’s current situation, I was simultaneously shocked, horrified, and filled with sadness. It’s hard enough to imagine that such a thing can happen, let alone happen in Vrindavan.


So far away from India, and not knowing Lila very well, I feel cushioned against the immense grief and pain that her family and close friends must be feeling. I have never known such pain, and I feel unable to offer adequate words of comfort.


All I can offer, is my sincere prayer that Lord Krishna, who is known as Kripamoya, the most merciful, will take Lila by the hand and be with her eternally in her continuing journey.


I had only just met Lila this October in Vrindavan. I knew who she was, as she was a friend of many of my friends and I was introduced to her during my time there. During the bustle of Kartik time, I didn’t get to know her, but I do have one wonderful memory that stayed with me long after I had left India. It was late in the afternoon of Govardhan Puja, and I was looking for someone around the Krsna Balarama temple, when I came across Lila and some of my other friends.


They were going back to Lila’s apartment, but were stopping through the book stall opposite Prabhupada’s samadhi, as Lila wanted to distribute some books. I was so impressed and inspired to see her, books in hand, walking around the temple and offering guests the books she had bought.


She was opening them, and showing the pictures of Krishna inside, and telling a little bit about the books in fluent Hindi. Surprisingly, many guests were very reluctant to take a free book, but she persisted, asking everyone that walked past.


I thought of her doing this often, when I was trying to do some book distribution during the December marathon. I am grateful that I got to witness her sweetness and compassion - I will never forget it.


My dear Lord Krishna, please protect Lila and her family. You are known as ‘Braja-jana-bhaya-hari’, one who removes all fear of the inhabitants of Vraja. You alone can remove the fear and suffering of us all and help us to return to your lotus feet.


You are known as ‘Rupa manohara’, one whose form is very enchanting. Please bless Lila to fix her mind upon that form, the colour of a fresh rain cloud, and please give us all the benediction to similarly fix our minds upon you.


I have been reading ‘Teachings of Queen Kunti’ and I was touched last night, reading this prayer. Queen Kunti’s life was full of decades of unthinkable tragedy and suffering; war, murder and corruption. Lord Krishna protected and supported her through it all, and on his impending departure from the kingdom, she prayed:




O [Krishna,] Lord of Madhu, as the Ganges forever flows to the sea without hindrance, let my attraction be constantly drawn unto You without being diverted to anyone else.







Queen Kunti


Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.42









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May Lord Nityananda do whatever he thinks best for this devotee. Whatever Lord Nityananda does is for ones own good. He will definitely do justice for Lila. This girl is in my prayers.


I am also at a loss for words on how to console the family who must be undergoing unbearable grief. This is all I can say:



Nitai is within and without. He is everywhere within this world. He is the Supreme Lord and takes care of all those who take shelter of Him.


Jai Nitai


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She'll return to Krishna, says mother</HEADLINE>





Back in her holy city ... Lila Salter, who was shot in India, on a respirator last night. She was surrounded by family and friends, who sang spiritual songs.

<SMALL>Photo: Matt Wade</SMALL>


<!--articleExtras-wrap--><BYLINE>Matt Wade Herald Correspondent in New Delhi</BYLINE>


February 5, 2008</DATE>



<!--articleDetails--><BOD>LILA SALTER went home last night, almost certainly to die.

"We know this is where she would want to be," her brother, Zardi Manning, told the Herald, two days after a stalker shot the 17-year-old Australian in their home in the Indian holy city of Vrindavan.


Anandalila "Lila" Salter had been rushed to the Apollo Hospital in New Delhi for treatment but doctors there declared her brain dead and said they could not operate to remove a bullet lodged in her brain. So last night Lila, a devoted Hare Krishna, made the three-hour trip back to Vrindavan, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, where family and friends surrounded her bed and sang spiritual songs.


"There is now no hope of her survival or recovery," her mother, Susan Manning, told the Herald. Lila is the second youngest of her six children.


"We're preparing for her to die. We pray that she'll be taken back to God so that something good will come from this senseless act."


But police have dropped the investigation into the shooting. Lila's attacker, 28-year-old Saurav Singh, the nephew of a former cabinet minister in Uttar Pradesh, shot her three times with his pistol, then turned the gun on himself.


"He is already dead so no further action in this case ispossible," the local police senior superintendent, R. K. Chaturvedi, said.


"There is nothing more to investigate."


Ms Manning says the family warned police about the "psychopath" but they had done nothing. Last night she was hoping Lila would survive another night, long enough for one of her sisters, Vina Manning, to arrive from Australia and say goodbye.


"She seems to be fading," Ms Manning said.


The family - which divides its time between India and the Gold Coast - had arranged for an ambulance fitted with life-support equipment to carry Lila home.


She was accompanied by a doctor and nurse and volunteers.


Many members of the Vrindavan Hare Krishna community, including several Australians, had travelled with Lila to the hospital in New Delhi, and returning with her. They took her to a Vrindavan guesthouse, where her mother, her father, Ian Salter Yamalarjuna (ACBSP), several brothers and sisters and many friends surrounded her. With incense burning, they sang songs to comfort her.


Lila had spoken Hindi fluently, having spent much of her life in India, where the family does charity work.


She was better off in the holy city than in the hospital, Zardi Manning said.


"Everyone can see her and so many people are praying for her," he said. "She can feel us."


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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Keep praying for Lila!

Current mood: anxious

I am re-posting this for those that know sweet Lila

(from Kalindi in Chicago)

This is from nilus dad who talked to subhangi (lilas mom)

Haribol Prabhu's


Here is the whole story, let me fill you both in on all the drama here. Lila is here in Vrindaban they just arrive a few minutes ago now staying in one of the MVT rooms since the police have closed off their apt. rooms.

This story was flashed on all the papers in India and Australia. Big Television coverage with all kinds of different stories. Making the story more dramatic than what it real was. Subhangi and family are now ok with the fact that she is now in Vrindaban again- she will be on life support until 10 days or more by Indian law but Subhangi wants just to let her go.


Her brain is dead she had 3 bullets go in and one is still logged inside. She can hear, so Subhangi is preaching to her. When they turn off the machine she will go immediately.


When the ambulance pulled in just now they were escorted with dozens of police with machine guns, now that she is international news. So much drama Mighty is here she witnessed the whole thing she had the urge to kill the boy with a big knife she had ready but couldn't get herself to kill him.

The story as I hear it goes like this; Lila was trying to shake this fellow for the last year, finally they felt he was gone but shows up at late night at the Pepsi building and drunk makes threats and finally goes away.

Later he returns with a gun and goes up to their room and forces his way in threatening to kill her and himself. Madhu was brave and took the gun away from the fellow who turns out to be the son of a famous Minister or some one prominent in Government here.

The boy then apologized and said he would leave and not bother them again. He grabbed back the gun and took Lila into the bathroom there in their house and locked the door from inside and proceeded to rape her and threatened to kill her and himself again if she said anything. She started to scream and he shot her three times in the head and then put the gun to his own head and died immediately.

Madhu broke open the door and found the two of them covered in blood. This is the story I heard from Subhangi -others tell more that this boy had raped Lila before and she was afraid to tell anyone since he kept threatening her and said the same story over and over he would kill her if she spoke.

Who could imagine this happening here in Vrindaban, the media picked up on this story and it was big news in Australia. I write all this so you have the clear picture of what happened here.

There will be kirtan going on and when they decide to let her go I'm sure many devotees will be there to see her off, for sure she is going back home, lucky in a sense to get to go back home at such an early age.

Nilu I know you and her were so close I remember all those days like it was yesterday, both of you growing up together. Subhangi and family are handling the whole thing with cool reserve now that the shock has worn off and they are back in Vrindaban




LiLa (vrindavan) leaves her body



Last night Lila, a devoted Hare Krishna, was taken on the three-hour trip back to Vrindavan where family and friends surrounded her bed and chanted Hare Krishna as she left her body for her journey back home, back to Krishna


Thoughout her short life in this world, she was very attached to His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and always had a photo of him near her.














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What a sad and shocking event. I'm sorry for her family and hope that Krishna eases their grief.


The only positive is that she passed on the holy earth of Vrindavan, where Radharani showers devotees with blessings and love.


Jai Shri Krishna!



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My dandavat pranams and heartfelt well wishes to another of Srila Prabhupad's flock of dedicated servitors he is calling to the home sweet home he has with His beloved Lordships.

I can kind of relate to almost parting with my own daughter long ago in Vrndavan fortunately for us she was spared. Also growing around this New Govardhan area watching all these kids joyfully practicing their Krsna Consciousness.

But my heart and soul go out to the family members who must be grappling with this senseless insanity, only reminding us all that there is always danger at every step in this madhouse material world. May you all dive deep into the plane of reality the beautiful. Drawing on stronger faith, understanding and solace to guide you thru these heart-rending difficult times.

Guru and Gauranga be with you:pray:

Madhura Krsna dasanudas

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An amazing event that happened on the 29th of Jan 2008











She writes on the 29th Jan 2008 just a week before her passing -


"pranam fellow kuli's..


I am back in the icecube of vrindavan and mann is it freeeezing....but i am enjoying it anyways.. all is well just waiting to head to aus soon (end of feb sumtime)....so lets see..


Hope all are in good health. Love to all.. Bolo radhee!!!!!!! Just read this (BELOW) and it makes me think 'yes prabhupad is still here and I know it, I always have '.


May 17: Note this was at a situation when Srila Prabhupada was critically

ill and actually he passed away five months from then.




If death takes place, let it take here. There is nothing to be said now.

Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to

understand it and continue your endeavor.





Whether I am present or not

present, it doesn’t matter. As Krishna is living eternally, similarly,

living being also lives eternally.





But ”One who has done service to the Lord

lives forever.” So you have been taught to serve Krishna, and with Krishna

we’ll live eternally. Our life is eternal.





A temporary disappearance of this

body doesn’t matter. Body is meant for disappearance. So live forever by





serving Krishna -.





Srila prabhupada

Vrindavan, May 17, 1977.


























Written by LILA (Vrindavan) AKA -lili pili.....lili....bubby..vrinda ;-) lily of the pily variety, on the 29th January 2008, one week before she left this planet to return home, back to Godhead


gurukuli.com <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#cccccc><TD vAlign=top align=right>0.66</TD><TD vAlign=top>LiLa (vrindavan)</TD><TD vAlign=top align=right>17</TD><TD vAlign=top>LiLa (vrindavan) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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About her family


Lila futher writes -


"Mother and Father is subhangi devi dasi and jamalarjuna das: i love you both very much


2 bros madhumangala (madhu)bhisma (bhishy ) check their prof's

3 sisters vina ,chintamoni (cinti),maharani aka ladoo luv u

cute lil niece veda she is 7 yrs old very naughty now!!! and cheeky

cousin/sister kalindi: miss u loads can't wait to come to england sometime and see



kalndi & jambu miss u guyz so much!! i always have the most fun when i am with u guyz..xoxoxox

basanti hope all is well with u there in u.s of the a :-P

nambhi/krishnambhara nambii!! cant wait to see u for kartik.....n ur working so hard i am proud :-D


ma bunny gongi bunny!!! aw was nice seeing u 2 for tha lil time it was hope m here in gp


mumbai crew sexy shakshi,kunal,keshav,radhapria,gopal n kb..good to see sum of you ....

everyone else sorry i know i didn't put many of u i'll add u soon just ran out of time.radhe!"


Yasomatinandana (ACBSP), who was regional secretary and Temple President in the early 1980's for New Zealand, is Jamalarjuna's older brother


Subhangi devi dasi and Jamalarjuna das (ACBSP) should be very proud to bring such a wonderful devotee into world, dandavats eternally to them

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This incident was shocking and stirring, indeed.

RIP Anandalila!


I wanted to post a URL to my own blog, which speaks about this particular incidence. However, the forum rules do not allow me to do so, unless I had made 15 posts. I'm just typing down my blog's name therefore, to help out those who might be wishing to check it out. Hope this isn't seen as spamming.


Proaudience Dot com


Pankaj Mohan


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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Keep praying for Lila!

Current mood: anxious

I am re-posting this for those that know sweet Lila

(from Kalindi in Chicago)

This is from nilus dad who talked to subhangi (lilas mom)

Haribol Prabhu's


Here is the whole story, let me fill you both in on all the drama here. Lila is here in Vrindaban they just arrive a few minutes ago now staying in one of the MVT rooms since the police have closed off their apt. rooms.

This story was flashed on all the papers in India and Australia. Big Television coverage with all kinds of different stories. Making the story more dramatic than what it real was. Subhangi and family are now ok with the fact that she is now in Vrindaban again- she will be on life support until 10 days or more by Indian law but Subhangi wants just to let her go.


Her brain is dead she had 3 bullets go in and one is still logged inside. She can hear, so Subhangi is preaching to her. When they turn off the machine she will go immediately.


When the ambulance pulled in just now they were escorted with dozens of police with machine guns, now that she is international news. So much drama Mighty is here she witnessed the whole thing she had the urge to kill the boy with a big knife she had ready but couldn't get herself to kill him.

The story as I hear it goes like this; Lila was trying to shake this fellow for the last year, finally they felt he was gone but shows up at late night at the Pepsi building and drunk makes threats and finally goes away.

Later he returns with a gun and goes up to their room and forces his way in threatening to kill her and himself. Madhu was brave and took the gun away from the fellow who turns out to be the son of a famous Minister or some one prominent in Government here.

The boy then apologized and said he would leave and not bother them again. He grabbed back the gun and took Lila into the bathroom there in their house and locked the door from inside and proceeded to rape her and threatened to kill her and himself again if she said anything. She started to scream and he shot her three times in the head and then put the gun to his own head and died immediately.

Madhu broke open the door and found the two of them covered in blood. This is the story I heard from Subhangi -others tell more that this boy had raped Lila before and she was afraid to tell anyone since he kept threatening her and said the same story over and over he would kill her if she spoke.

Who could imagine this happening here in Vrindaban, the media picked up on this story and it was big news in Australia. I write all this so you have the clear picture of what happened here.

There will be kirtan going on and when they decide to let her go I'm sure many devotees will be there to see her off, for sure she is going back home, lucky in a sense to get to go back home at such an early age.

Nilu I know you and her were so close I remember all those days like it was yesterday, both of you growing up together. Subhangi and family are handling the whole thing with cool reserve now that the shock has worn off and they are back in Vrindaban




LiLa (vrindavan) leaves her body



Last night Lila, a devoted Hare Krishna, was taken on the three-hour trip back to Vrindavan where family and friends surrounded her bed and chanted Hare Krishna as she left her body for her journey back home, back to Krishna


Thoughout her short life in this world, she was very attached to His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and always had a photo of him near her.


















She writes on the 29th Jan 2008 just a week before her passing -


"pranam fellow kuli's..


I am back in the icecube of vrindavan and mann is it freeeezing....but i am enjoying it anyways.. all is well just waiting to head to aus soon (end of feb sumtime)....so lets see..


Hope all are in good health. Love to all.. Bolo radhee!!!!!!! Just read this (BELOW) and it makes me think 'yes prabhupad is still here and I know it, I always have '.


May 17: Note this was at a situation when Srila Prabhupada was critically

ill and actually he passed away five months from then.





If death takes place, let it take here. There is nothing to be said now.

Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to

understand it and continue your endeavor.






Whether I am present or not

present, it doesn’t matter. As Krishna is living eternally, similarly,

living being also lives eternally.






But ”One who has done service to the Lord

lives forever.” So you have been taught to serve Krishna, and with Krishna

we’ll live eternally. Our life is eternal.






A temporary disappearance of this

body doesn’t matter. Body is meant for disappearance. So live forever by






serving Krishna -.






Srila prabhupada

Vrindavan, May 17, 1977.































Written by LILA (Vrindavan) AKA -lili pili.....lili....bubby..vrinda ;-) lily of the pily variety, on the 29th January 2008, one week before she left this planet to return home, back to Godhead


gurukuli.com <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#cccccc><TD vAlign=top align=right>0.66</TD><TD vAlign=top>LiLa (vrindavan)</TD><TD vAlign=top align=right>17</TD><TD vAlign=top>LiLa (vrindavan) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>




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If death takes place, let it take here. There is nothing to be said now.

Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to

understand it and continue your endeavor.


Whether I am present or not

present, it doesn’t matter. As Krishna is living eternally, similarly,

living being also lives eternally.


But ”One who has done service to the Lord

lives forever.” So you have been taught to serve Krishna, and with Krishna

we’ll live eternally. Our life is eternal.


A temporary disappearance of this

body doesn’t matter. Body is meant for disappearance. So live forever by


serving Krishna -.:pray:


Srila Prabhupada

Vrindavan, May 17, 1977.


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<!-- end .post-top --><!-- the main section of the post goes here -->





Dearest Mother Lila, Eternal Servant of Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar Hare Krishna, Mother Lila. Please accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.


Although I never met you personally, I read the loving words of your dear Mother Subhangi, and my heart was moved and touched to no end.


You are obviously a very sweet devotee of Their Lorships Sri Sri Radha-Shyamasundar, Who were personally installed by Srila Prabhupada himself in the holy land of Sri Vrindavan Dhama, your worshipable residence and home.


Therefore it goes without saying that you are an eternal resident of the holy dhama, and that you are very very dear to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha-Shyamasundar. Please kindly accept my humble dandavats at your lotus feet. Your glories are unlimited and we all worship and honor you with all our hearts.


Please rest assured that Srila Prabhupada himself declares in The Nectar of Devotion:


“Out of many kinds of devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the one who is attracted to the original form of the Lord, Krishna in Vrindavana, is to be considered the foremost, first-class devotee.


Such a devotee is never attracted by the opulence of Vaikuntha nor even of Dvaraka, the royal city where Krishna ruled. The conclusion is that the devotees who are attracted by the pastimes of the Lord in Gokula or Vrindavana, are the topmost devotees.”


(Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 4)


Therefore you have undoubtedly entered the eternal pastimes in association with your dearmost beloved Lordships, Sri Sri Radha-Shyamasundar.

In addition, our hearts and love go out to all your family members and friends.


May Lord Krishna and Srila Prabhupada please bless you all.

All glories to you, Mother Lila. Thank you for blessing this world and our lives with your holy presence. You’ll always be remembered and honored with the deepest respect and love from all the devotees of Krishna worldwide.


Hare Krishna. By Padmapani das

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From http://www.gopala.org/node/174


I received this today from Yaso Prabhu here in Australia. He's the uncle of Lila Salter recently left this world in Vrindavana.

"Jamalarjuna maintained a bedside vigil with Lila for the entire time she was in a coma. Just before Lila left the room was full of devotees having a "blazing kirtan". Jamal said that he felt something lightly touch his arm from behind and when he turned around he saw Srila Prabhupada standing there fully manifest as we would see each other. Jamal told her that Srila Prabhupada looked deep into his eyes to his very soul and simply nodded at him gravely. What happened next is still a source of amazement for Jamal as Srila Prabhupada walked past him to where Lila was lying and he picked her up. At that very second Lila left her body and Jamal personally saw Srila Prabhupada take her back to Godhead in His arms.


We have heard in the past where Srila Prabhupada has come to deliver his disciples and where he has said that "Bhaktivinode will personally come to take you back to Godhead". Let there be no doubt that this is entirely possible and that this exact thing has happened to a child who was one of Srila Prabhupada's grandchildren. It is quite clear now that if anyone has any love and devotion for Srila Prabhupada and this Krishna Consciousness movement they will be personally delivered back to Krishna by His Divine Grace. For Srila Prabhupada this is no big thing.


As far as a recap of events is concerned, this has already been discussed in the wider press. However, the exact relationship between Lila and the boy who murdered her is not clear and so I am unable to comment on that. Somehow he had access to a gun and formed the intention to kill Lila and himself. We can never understand how these things happen and what part the Lord plays in these events in the holy Dhama. We have the aphorism "rake krsna mare ke, mare krsna rake ke" (If Krishna wants to take someone no-one can save them, and if Krishna wants to save someone no-one can take them). How can we possibly understand the plan of the Lord in these circumstances, which are made all the more poingant because He has delivered a young woman who appeared to have a promising Krishna conscious life ahead of her. One thing I know is that there were no deaths for the cowherd men and women and children at the hands of the demons who came into Vrindaban to threaten the devotees when Krishna was present on earth. From this we can understand that someone reasons ill who thinks that Lila has "died". She is now living in the same Vrindaban in Goloka where there are no demons to harass her.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!"

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Just before Lila left the room was full of devotees having a "blazing kirtan".




Jamal said that he felt something lightly touch his arm from behind and when he turned around he saw Srila Prabhupada standing there fully manifest as we would see each other.





Jamal told her that Srila Prabhupada looked deep into his eyes to his very soul and simply nodded at him gravely. What happened next is still a source of amazement for Jamal as Srila Prabhupada walked past him to where Lila was lying and he picked her up.





At that very second Lila left her body and Jamal personally saw Srila Prabhupada take her back to Godhead in His arms.





We have heard in the past where Srila Prabhupada has come to deliver his disciples and where he has said that "Bhaktivinode will personally come to take you back to Godhead".





Let there be no doubt that this is entirely possible and that this exact thing has happened to a child who was one of Srila Prabhupada's grandchildren.



It is quite clear now that if anyone has any love and devotion for Srila Prabhupada and this Krishna Consciousness movement they will be personally delivered back to Krishna by His Divine Grace.


For Srila Prabhupada this is no big thing.


We can never understand how these things happen and what part the Lord plays in these events in the holy Dhama. We have the aphorism "rake krsna mare ke, mare krsna rake ke" (If Krishna wants to take someone no-one can save them, and if Krishna wants to save someone no-one can take them).


How can we possibly understand the plan of the Lord in these circumstances, which are made all the more poingant because He has delivered a young woman who appeared to have a promising Krishna conscious life ahead of her.


One thing I know is that there were no deaths for the cowherd men and women and children at the hands of the demons who came into Vrindaban to threaten the devotees when Krishna was present on earth.


From this we can understand that someone reasons ill who thinks that Lila has "died". She is now living in the same Vrindaban in Goloka where there are no demons to harass her. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!"



One can read and see how attached to Srila Prabhupada LILA is in her last posting at Gurukuli.com which makes the above easier to understand, IT READS AS FOLLOWS

On the 29th Jan 2008, just a week before her passing


LILA writes -



"Just read this (BELOW by Srila Prabhupada on may 17 1977) and it makes me think 'yes Prabhupad is still here and I know it, I always have '.

Srila Prabhupada says- "If death takes place, let it take here. There is nothing to be said now. Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to

understand it and continue your endeavor.

Whether I am present or not present, it doesn’t matter. As Krishna is living eternally, similarly, living being also lives eternally.

But ”One who has done service to the Lord lives forever.” So you have been taught to serve Krishna, and with Krishna we’ll live eternally. Our life is eternal.

A temporary disappearance of this body doesn’t matter. Body is meant for disappearance. So live forever by serving Krishna -.Vrindavan, May 17, 1977.





By Lila (29th January 2008)


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Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Lila...in our thoughts and prayers





Like so many devotees around the world I have been following what has happened in Vrindavana to Lila. I don't know her very well, but she has become a familiar face from all my trips to India and Vrindavana more specifically. A smile and haribol when we passed each other - nothing more, but enough to leave an impression in my mind.

Initally when I heard what had happened I found it hard to digest that something like this could happen to someone I know, however vaguely, and that it could happen in Vrindavana of all places.


Now that I've learnt that Lila has infact left her body, amidst a wonderful kirtan, surrounded by devotees, so many important things come to mind.


Lila loved Vrindavana. That on its own is an amazing thing. The Vedas urge us to take shelter of Vrindavana and develop love for this place, which is so dear to Krsna. In his Vrindavana Mahimamrta, Prabhodananda Saraswati Thakur says, "May I love Vrindavan, where at the base of a kadamba tree on the cool shore of the Yamuna a dark complexioned, amorous, divine youth dressed in yellow garments plays a flute as He glances at Radha's lotus face."


Just to be allowed to enter into Vrindavana means that one has the blessings of Srimati Vrinda-devi and Srimati Vrindavanesvari, the Queen of Vrindavana. What to speak of living there, for years and years? Some of us hope and pray to be able to go to Vrindavana for Kartik every few years, but Lila was fortunate enough to have lived there most of her life there.


"Vrindavan is like the incomparable essence of the ocean of pure love of Krishna, or it is like the sweetest island-bracelet decorating that ocean of love, I pray this land of Vrindavan, which the great sages experience sweet as nectar, give me shelter until the moment I leave this body."


It is so, so unfortunate that this had happened in the first place, but how amazing is it, at the same time, that Lila has left this world in Sri Vraja Dhama? The sastras state that one who leaves his body in Vrajabhumi Vrindavana returns immediately to Vrindavana in the spiritual world. So Lila has left earthly Vrindavana and returned to Radha Shyamasundar. Devotees hanker to be in Vraja at the time of their deaths, and Lila achieved that.


Actually, on her Gurukuli profile, one of the last things Lila said was:


....just read this and it makes me think 'yes prabhupad is still here and i know it i always have ..'


May 17 : Note this was at a situation when Srila Prabhupada was critically ill and actually he passed away five months from then.


If death takes place, let it take here. There is nothing to be said now. Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to understand it and continue your endeavor. Whether I am present or not present, it doesn’t matter. As Krishna is living eternally, similarly, living being also lives eternally. But ”One who has done service to the Lord lives forever.” So you have been taught to serve Krishna, and with Krishna we’ll live eternally. Our life is eternal. A temporary disappearance of this body doesn’t matter. Body is meant for disappearance. So live forever by serving Krishna .

srila prabhupada Vrindavan, May 17, 1977.


I don't understand why a 17 year old girl's life was ended so suddenly, but I understand that she had a most auspicious life and death, in the land of Vrindavana, surrounded by devotees and Krsna's sweet holy name.


I pray that Krsna gives her family strength during this time.


All glories to Lila!!

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An amazing event that happened on the 29th of Jan 2008









She writes on the 29th Jan 2008 just a week before her passing -


"pranam fellow kuli's..


I am back in the icecube of vrindavan and mann is it freeeezing....but i am enjoying it anyways.. all is well just waiting to head to aus soon (end of feb sumtime)....so lets see..


Hope all are in good health. Love to all.. Bolo radhee!!!!!!! Just read this (BELOW) and it makes me think 'yes prabhupad is still here and I know it, I always have '.


May 17: Note this was at a situation when Srila Prabhupada was critically

ill and actually he passed away five months from then.




If death takes place, let it take here. There is nothing to be said now.

Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to

understand it and continue your endeavor.




Whether I am present or not

present, it doesn’t matter. As Krishna is living eternally, similarly,

living being also lives eternally.




But ”One who has done service to the Lord

lives forever.” So you have been taught to serve Krishna, and with Krishna

we’ll live eternally. Our life is eternal.




A temporary disappearance of this

body doesn’t matter. Body is meant for disappearance. So live forever by




serving Krishna -.




Srila prabhupada

Vrindavan, May 17, 1977.





















Written by LILA (Vrindavan) AKA -lili pili.....lili....bubby..vrinda ;-) lily of the pily variety, on the 29th January 2008, one week before she left this planet to return home, back to Godhead


gurukuli.com <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td align="right" valign="top">0.66</td><td valign="top">LiLa (vrindavan)</td><td align="right" valign="top">17</td><td valign="top">LiLa (vrindavan) </td></tr></tbody></table>

Jay Lila Mata, Jay Sirla Prabhupada:pray:. What an amazing personality!!!


Thank You Lila Mata for reminding us the words that Sirla Prabhupada has left us with.


Always remain attached to his Lotus Feet no matter what happens for they are the only salvation by serving Guru parampara - Serving Lord Krsna. Thus Sirla Prabhupada will take us and guide us personally back home.





No matter what happens in the society/world Sirla Prabhupada has given us assurance so hold on to his Lotus Feet and do not let go.




Srimati Lila Mata Lives forever serving Sirla Prabhupada and Lord Krsna:pray:




My humble obeisances.:pray:





Vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca krpa-sindubhya eva cha, patitanam pavenebhyo vaisnavebyo namo nama:pray:




Hare Krsna Lila Mata



Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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In memories of LILA - 02/06/2008


From Gurukuli.com


Dear Lord




U took away a wonderful person from us. I’m not going to ask why because u must be having a good reason to take her and you gave her a chance to leave the body in Vrindavan,



hearing and chanting the name of Hari and in the association of devotees.

How fortunate is that...in such a young age you delivered a soul who was learning to know life, experiencing new things but u realized that her destination is not in this planet...





we with our material eyes cannot understand this fact and might b in dilemma but as u say we’re not this body cause the body is still lying there on the bed and she is the same person


but now we’re crying and lamenting saying she is gone.

Yes real eternal immortal her is gone she is not dead she will stay with us forever till we leave this planet,


she will stay within our heart cause she was a good person. And in today’s world the amount of good person r just handful so I pray where ever she may b she be in ur shelter my lord...


We’re indeed heartbroken and soul shaken with this incident but life tells us to move and it makes us realize death is close to us its like our shadow and we forget this during of engagements in this material world but how can we forget the reality...



I got a big shock same like all of you and for the past 2 days Lila’s thoughts r all over my mind


its hard when a person whom you know for so long just leaves u one day when you least expected something like this can ever happen...




Give us Strength oh mighty lord so that we can understand this mayajal the web of Maya and come out without any trouble and give us strength so that we can fight the followers of kali...





Thinking of Lila i realized she is such a strong girl even though shot at twice she didn't give up she was hoping for some survival and while in coma she could feel the energy's of people who were so concerned about her.


Lila your are a brave person because ur alive through your memories within our minds and heart. You always wanted to b in Vrindavan and now you will reside in Vrindavan...in Goloka Vrindavan.


i just have to say within my heart a sweet adorable person will reside and she will realize that how much every one loved her so much this will surely bring some joy to her...





Thank you very much...

in your service

krsna ashish das gurukuli.com

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