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Merry Krishna and a happy Hare Rama!

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Since ISKCON is a unique product of the vision of one individual, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, its founder, we must examine his position on this issue. Central to the difficulties that commentators have had in coming to any sort of decision are the seemingly ambiguous comments and decisions that the founder made with regards to Hinduism and his Society.



Actually, it is not only ISKCON that tries to dissociate itself from the label of "Hinduism" in the West. If you see other institutions rooted in the Vedic scriptures but attempting to propogate in foreign countries, the same tendency is there. Examples include the Ramakrishna Mission and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Art of Living Foundation. Don't forget they are trying to preach a universal philosophy of "Vedanta" to audiences primarily Christian. And a "universal" philosophy can stand without emphasis of time, place and origin, for only God is the center.


But whether said or not, the roots are the same Vedas to which adhere the other traditions of India and united among themselves as "Hindus" or the followers of Sanatana dharma. As I said in the other thread, this unity-in-name is in regard to a world of non-Vedic religions. Such a name was not considered necessary to those who established the various sampradayas, for their affinities in the scriptural sources and social cultures was itself the uniting factor. We did not have to further label ourselves "Hindus"; today's story is different with religions like Islam and Christianity and a world of non-Vedic traditions.


Choose your name but know the family.

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JayaMahaDevi:There's a reason why the universe through God's Shakti is manifested in a multitude of forms, because clearly God enjoys the Lila of being manifested in various forms, including forms of life, and forms of divinity...


I whole-heartedly agree. What is called "Krishna Consciousness" can just as easily be Kali Consciousness, Mary Consciousness, Guan Yin Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, or Jesus Consciousness.... it's all God, just in different forms. The Rig Veda says, "God is one, but is called by many names." Some days I'm more Mary Conscious, others, more Kali Conscious, and still others more Buddha or Krishna Conscious. Good for you for choosing an Ishta Devata you can feel so close to :)

Aum Jai Jagadambe! Aum Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Viche Namaha! All praise and glory be unto Kali Mata, the Bride of Shiva Ji and Mother of Ganesha!

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The only evil that exists is in the mind of humans. The only fault is in the mind of humans. When you have evil and fault in your own mind then you see evil and fault in everything that is not your own. We live in an age of darkness, the Kali Yuga, whether you like it or not. I personally feel that the reason for all the strife and discord and terror is because we are ever closer to dissolution. God's will, in action. When entire galaxies are sucked up into black holes that may seem violent and terrible too, but it happens. The negative aspects of creation are just as much part of God as all the positive. I see no distinction.



This is faulty logic, I am afraid. One can also argue, If God only wanted peace in this world, wouldn't it be that way? And because there's so much violence, bigotry, and terrorism, God must've wanted it that way. So let's not strive for a peaceful world, it's very scary if there is only going to be peace without any diversity like violence, terrorism, murder etc.;) Point being, just because these things exist, it doesn't mean it's God's will, and just because there are a zillion religions, it doesn't mean God approves all of them, or that all religions are true.
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Well we may disagree somewhat here. It might be because I accept variety in the spiritual world as well as the material world and perhaps you do not.


In one sense Krsna consciousness encompasses everything, all genuine forms of God consciousness and at the same time Krsna consciousness refers to a particular form of the Lord that exhibts and enjoys rasa's with other living beings in ways unique to that Krsna form.


We can disagree all we want. You may believe that Krishna is the ultimate reality while I believe Maa is the divine reality. The fact still remains we are both god's children regardless of our distinctions of path. Call it what you will.

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We can disagree all we want. You may believe that Krishna is the ultimate reality while I believe Maa is the divine reality. The fact still remains we are both god's children regardless of our distinctions of path. Call it what you will.


Yes of course we are all God's children. Even the atheist is our brother.

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And let's not forget some are our sisters too :P hehehe.


I like your sense of humor, now that made me laugh. Theist like many on these threads, are from the old school of Western conditioning where women where mostly ignored. He never meant to leave out the word 'sister, he just sees the word 'brother' as all inclusive,' Most history books before the 1970's also used 'the advancement of man' where today the word 'man' has been changed to 'human race.' Anyay JayaMahaDevi where did you learn all you knowledge. Can you not see Krishna Caitanya as the beautiful Supreme Lord meant for all of us to discover in this PARTICULAR rare age of the Kali-yugas? Krishna-Caitanya does not appear in every Kali-yuga. All of us have been given the greatest opportunity to discover our devotional God Consciousness and enter the imperishable always devotionally active abode of Goloka.

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The only evil that exists is in the mind of humans. The only fault is in the mind of humans. When you have evil and fault in your own mind then you see evil and fault in everything that is not your own. We live in an age of darkness, the Kali Yuga, whether you like it or not. I personally feel that the reason for all the strife and discord and terror is because we are ever closer to dissolution. God's will, in action. When entire galaxies are sucked up into black holes that may seem violent and terrible too, but it happens. The negative aspects of creation are just as much part of God as all the positive. I see no distinction.


If you see no distinction, you wouldn't mind writing your property in my name, then, would you?;) Seriously, though, what you suggest is illogical. Whether or not you have evil in your mind, evil DOES exist in this world. Murder, rape, terrorism, war etc. are not mental projections, they're concrete facts. All this talk about our evil minds projecting evil is fine, as long as your loved ones don't suffer. If your mom or bro or someone close to you dies in war or terrorism, then we'll see whether or not you stick to the same views.:eek:

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Actually I have lost relatives in that manner. I also had a sister who was subject to molestation. It was her Karma to have to endure that I am sure. Yes it angered me when I was younger and I sought to curse the head of the person who did it, but then I remembered all things are in gods hands. I do live in America and my country is fighting a ridiculous war so I have lost people to terror and war. But it's all part of the Kali Yuga, I simply do not see these happenings as "evil" per se, I see them as a nessecary step of life, the world, human evolution, and god's plan. I do not see it as evil things. People do *bad* things and people receive *bad* happenings but that is Karma is it not? If it's part of what they have to endure for them to reach a higher state of consciousness then I see it not as an evil but NECESSARY. And if our world has to endure war, terror, and final dissolution then what is this but god's plan? My mind is filled with the love of God so I do not see evil in anything. I cannot see evil. It's a higher state of consciousness that has dawned upon me by my devotion to Maa. And if I had any property to sign away to you, maybe I would, but I don't own much. However I am not talking about normal distinctions that make life work, etc. Clearly you must see that. I don't hardly see people's gender anymore except on an outward physical basis. It has caused a great alleviation of suffering.



If you see no distinction, you wouldn't mind writing your property in my name, then, would you?;) Seriously, though, what you suggest is illogical. Whether or not you have evil in your mind, evil DOES exist in this world. Murder, rape, terrorism, war etc. are not mental projections, they're concrete facts. All this talk about our evil minds projecting evil is fine, as long as your loved ones don't suffer. If your mom or bro or someone close to you dies in war or terrorism, then we'll see whether or not you stick to the same views.:eek:
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I like your sense of humor, now that made me laugh. Theist like many on these threads, are from the old school of Western conditioning where women where mostly ignored. He never meant to leave out the word 'sister, he just sees the word 'brother' as all inclusive,' Most history books before the 1970's also used 'the advancement of man' where today the word 'man' has been changed to 'human race.' Anyay JayaMahaDevi where did you learn all you knowledge. Can you not see Krishna Caitanya as the beautiful Supreme Lord meant for all of us to discover in this PARTICULAR rare age of the Kali-yugas? Krishna-Caitanya does not appear in every Kali-yuga. All of us have been given the greatest opportunity to discover our devotional God Consciousness and enter the imperishable always devotionally active abode of Goloka.


Thanks, I am glad that you guys all have a sense of humor and can egage in play and fun with me in seriousness. I realize what you are saying about the old school and such, it does not really bother me, I just see it as a mode of thought from a particular age. AS far as my knowledge, the majority of it dawned on me like a light through worshipping Maa. I sit in her lap every day, and anything I need, she gives. Whenever I wish to know something I ask her and she tells me. We play about, and talk, and she teaches me throughout the day... Comforting me in my times of frustration, and suckling me to her breast like a wee child in times that I am in need of spiritual nourishment. All the things she has taught me has been most liberating... It amazes me everyday the things I learn from her. It makes me weep with bliss and joy to even think about it, I love my maa so much. :crying2:


But I dare not say I am any great spiritual aspirant by any means because of this. My Maa is solely responsible for it all. She is the one with the knowledge not me!


And as far as Goloka is concerned, I do not have any desire for any heavens or such incarnations in the heavenly realms. It is my wish that if she is so ever graceful enough to give me the knowledge and shakti to help others, then I will stay guiding those who she has chosen for me to help. I desire no heavenly rewards, or heavenly births... For once you lose merit you have to incarnate again! It's still a form of Samsara to be born in the heavenly regions, so when I am through with being born in various realms I wish only to merge with Maa. So this is why I do not follow practices that reward one with "heaven", however of course if Maa says that I must incarnate there then I shall...

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Cmon, Im old school, yet me luv me sistahs. By love, I mean recognition of goddess status. Please listen while you write:




I like the list, but the personality of SOPHIA is omitted. Sophia is the personality of WISDOM, carried by Srimati Sraddha, the goddess of self realization, and the offspring of the Son and the Queen of Magdalia. The wife of our original spiritual master, Lord Brahma, is a partial incarnation of Sraddha, and is known as the goddess of understanding of the self, Srimati Saraswati.


Hare mary mass. ys, mahaksadasa

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Hahaha, you know that I am mostly playing and teasing with you dearest. :)

Yes of course. And I like to play even than more discuss philosophy.:D


That is why I love the way God is in the Krsna-lila. He (sorry;)) is interested in playing in the forest with His friends, late night dancing with villiage girls and entrancing everyone with the play of His flute.


I want to play forever. In fact Krsna consciousness at it's highest levels is about learning how to play with the Lord in perfect love.


You strike me as a villiage girl. I can easily picture you dancing with Krsna, deep in the forest, deep in ecstasy on a moonlit night.


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Yes of course. And I like to play even than more discuss philosophy.:D


That is why I love the way God is in the Krsna-lila. He (sorry;)) is interested in playing in the forest with His friends, late night dancing with villiage girls and entrancing everyone with the play of His flute.


I want to play forever. In fact Krsna consciousness at it's highest levels is about learning how to play with the Lord in perfect love.


You strike me as a villiage girl. I can easily picture you dancing with Krsna, deep in the forest, deep in ecstasy on a moonlit night.




My outer form is that of a Gopi, however my true form is a fierce Yogini attendant of Kali Maa. I like to play about with people, with outer appearances, with words, dance, etc. just like my Maa's Lila of Maya ;-)

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I think your great devotion to the Church and to the Blessed Mother is beautiful. I still believe all the dogmas about the Holy Virgin, I just have lost faith in Catholicism (possibly b/c of the priest that I expressed myself to). I still like to go to mass on Christmas, though. Do you also think that Jesus and Mary have lived multiple lives on earth (e.g., as Sita-Ram, Radha-Krishna, Maya-Buddha, etc...)? I absolutely love Mary. I pray the rosary almost every night. You should see my house! The Holy Family of Jesus next to the Holy Family of Shiva, Kali stands next to Mary, both reigning in their glory. Guan Yin (a Bodhisattva and great follower of the Buddha) sits in meditation next to the Mother of Guadalupe. Our Lady of Grace and the Sacred Heart have a place right next to Sri Radha-Krishna. Ganesh and Lakshmi are framed right next to a picture of Mary and St. Anne. My Rudraksha mala lays in the same bead bag as my Jerusalem rosary.

Jai Radhe-Maria! Jai Sri Yeshu-Krishna! :)

P.S.: Have you ever heard of the visions in Medjugorje? Our Lady teaches what I think Catholicism should be when she says: "In God, there are no 'divisions' or 'religions'. It is you on the earth who have created divisions where they didn't exist before."


I fully understand that Catholicism is "not working" for many of us, particularly in the industrialized nations. However, it is thriving in Africa, India and in non industrialized nations.




I am an eastern Rite catholic and I have association with Catholic monks who are also Sannyasi. One such sannyasi is a Vaisnava in the line of Srila Prabhupada AND a Catholic hermit, and has also taken the Boddhisattva vow.


We consider it acceptable to read and study BG, SB and other Vaisnava literatures.


Regarding Mary and her appearances all over the world, I say that this is self explanatory. If Divine Mother chooses to reveal herself Ma Durga, who am I to have any objection.


But since you have affection for Mary, you can contact her ecstatic Joy in rememberence of the mysteries of Jesus lila. For example, please remember Mary's mood as she conceived the Christ child within her. She is rapt in ecstatic loving exchange.


By her relation with Jesus we can understand Him. And by Him, we can obtain the Mercy of Krsna.


I've said time and time again, in order to really experience Madhurya rasa (Mary's bridal chamber), one must fall into the kind of transcendental ecstacy displayed by Sri Chaitanya upon entering Jaganath Puri. In other words, the pastime of conjugal love is beyond the spiritual sky. This is almost impossible for anyone on the planet, and certainly far above me.


This also why Mary's mystery of Coronation or Queenship, is the final Glorious Mystery of the rosary. This lila takes place in Heaven, .. we can't be witness very easily while living with "one foot" in this material world. Only the most pure saint will be given her grace to enter there.


I am a catholic, but a vaisnava kind, expressing my bhakti in the eastern tradition (st. thomas) of Jesus Parampara / Sampradaya.


Sending warmest wishes and blissful love.


HerServant and yours.

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I fully understand that Catholicism is "not working" for many of us, particularly in the industrialized nations. However, it is thriving in Africa, India and in non industrialized nations.



Not because Indians and Africans are interested in Catholicism, lol. :rolleyes:


The only reason it's thriving in these nations is because these nations are poor, and are being exploited by missionaries, give them bread and ask them to convert, big deal.

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And as far as Goloka is concerned, I do not have any desire for any heavens or such incarnations in the heavenly realms. It is my wish that if she is so ever graceful enough to give me the knowledge and shakti to help others, then I will stay guiding those who she has chosen for me to help. I desire no heavenly rewards, or heavenly births... For once you lose merit you have to incarnate again! It's still a form of Samsara to be born in the heavenly regions, so when I am through with being born in various realms I wish only to merge with Maa. So this is why I do not follow practices that reward one with "heaven", however of course if Maa says that I must incarnate there then I shall...


Having no desire except to serve others is very honourable JajaMahaDevi; therefore can you also understand there is a world beyond the reaches Samsara takes you (the embodied soul) within the heavenly, earthly and Hellish planets of the three material worlds?


Vaishnava’s or devotee's of Krishna and Vishnu also having no interest in the heavenly planets in this material creation which are all under the control of past, present and future.


Goloka and Vaikuntha on the other hand are beyond the 'heavenly' planets attained by Samsara and karma. In other words the 'heavenly' worlds are also material while Goloka and Vaikuntha are purely spiritual and exist within the perpetual 'present' as the anti-matter creation of Krishna.


Many of us believe we are eternal devotees of Krishna or one of His Vishnu expansions (Who have more names according to pastime than all the grains of sand in all the oceans of the world) but have presently forgot that due to our long association with matter or the material bodies we keep creating with our good and bad karma that takes us on a cosmic ride from the material 'heavenly' planets to the hellish planets and back again (the meaning of Samsara)


This painting Theist has presented is of a world beyond the 'heavenly' worlds in the material universe. In this world of Goloka one does not have a material body but rather a spiritual body that is eternal and never experiences birth, disease, old age or death. The ultimate reality is personalism and not trying to end one’s existence in some impersonal light of oneness. Goloka is vessel free because the the jiva's real eternal spirtitual bodily form is who one is eternally


That perfection of ones full potential as a spiritual being is found in the eternal ‘present’ of Goloka, beyond the ‘heavenly’ worlds of being contained in ethereal vessels we are so used too in this material perishable creation.



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by theist


That is why I love the way God is in the Krsna-lila. He (sorry;)) is interested in playing in the forest with His friends, late night dancing with villiage girls and entrancing everyone with the play of His flute.


I want to play forever. In fact Krsna consciousness at it's highest levels is about learning how to play with the Lord in perfect love.


You strike me as a villiage girl. I can easily picture you dancing with Krsna, deep in the forest, deep in ecstasy on a moonlit night.




Above is the imperishable world of Goloka beyond the 'heaven' worlds of the perishable material creation known as the temporay mahat-tattva

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I fully understand that Catholicism is "not working" for many of us, particularly in the industrialized nations. However, it is thriving in Africa, India and in non industrialized nations.




I am an eastern Rite catholic and I have association with Catholic monks who are also Sannyasi. One such sannyasi is a Vaisnava in the line of Srila Prabhupada AND a Catholic hermit, and has also taken the Boddhisattva vow.


We consider it acceptable to read and study BG, SB and other Vaisnava literatures.


Regarding Mary and her appearances all over the world, I say that this is self explanatory. If Divine Mother chooses to reveal herself Ma Durga, who am I to have any objection.


But since you have affection for Mary, you can contact her ecstatic Joy in rememberence of the mysteries of Jesus lila. For example, please remember Mary's mood as she conceived the Christ child within her. She is rapt in ecstatic loving exchange.


By her relation with Jesus we can understand Him. And by Him, we can obtain the Mercy of Krsna.


I've said time and time again, in order to really experience Madhurya rasa (Mary's bridal chamber), one must fall into the kind of transcendental ecstacy displayed by Sri Chaitanya upon entering Jaganath Puri. In other words, the pastime of conjugal love is beyond the spiritual sky. This is almost impossible for anyone on the planet, and certainly far above me.


This also why Mary's mystery of Coronation or Queenship, is the final Glorious Mystery of the rosary. This lila takes place in Heaven, .. we can't be witness very easily while living with "one foot" in this material world. Only the most pure saint will be given her grace to enter there.


I am a catholic, but a vaisnava kind, expressing my bhakti in the eastern tradition (st. thomas) of Jesus Parampara / Sampradaya.


Sending warmest wishes and blissful love.


HerServant and yours.


That is amazing. In Western Catholicism, it's very different. Esp. in the United States. It's very dogmatic, not at all like the Catholicism you describe. It's not at all like the Catholicism you describe. If I were to tell a priest in America that I thought Mary truly was Durga, Radha, Saraswati and Kali, he'd probably excommunicate me (if I hadn't already excommunicated myself). Your Catholicim sounds very much like how Hinduism is treated in the Sri Ramakrishna Math... Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Mary, Radha, Guan Yin, etc... are all shown equal love and affection. I once read that in Goa, India, it's very common to find pictures of Shanti Durga Mata in Catholic homes and even churches.... I didn't know how true it was until I started talking to you. I'm absolutely amazed by your immense wisdom regarding both spiritual traditions. Is the Catholic monk/sanyassi/bodhisattva something of a guru to you? He sounds like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, who was a priest of Kali Mata, but converted to Islam (and had a vision of Mohammed entering the name of Allah, which then entered the name Brahman along with the names of thousands of other gods), then he converted to Christianity (while still fulfilling his role as priest in the Kali temple) and had a vision, while praying the rosary, of Jesus Christ entering the temple, turning into pure light, and then entering his heart. You are very lucky to have such holy men and women in your life. I hope Mother Radhe-Maria shows you all of the love and affection She shows all of Her faithful children!

Jai Sri Radhe-Maria! Jai Sri Yeshu-Krishna ki jai!

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The prayer of a pure devotee of Krishna



The following is a poem called "Prayer to the Lotus Feet of Krsna" written by Srila Prabhupada on boad the ship Jaladuta, September 13, 1965.


"I emphatically say to you, O brothers, you will obtain your good fortune from the Supreme Lord Krsna only when Srimati Radharani becomes pleased with you.


Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, who is very dear to Lord Gauranga, the son of mother Saci, is unparalled in his service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna. He is that great saintly spiritual master who bestows intense devotion to Krsna at different places throughout the world.


By his strong desire, the holy name of Lord Gauranga will spread throughout all the countries of the Western world. In all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, from all the oceans, seas, rivers, and streams, everyone will chant the holy name of Krsna.


As the vast mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu conquers all directions, a flood of transcendental ecstasy will certainly cover the land. When all the sinful, miserable living entities become happy, the Vaisnavas's desire is then fulfilled.


Although my Guru Maharaja ordered me to accomplish this mission, I am not worthy or fit to do it. I am very fallen and insignificant. Therefore, O Lord, now I am begging for Your mercy so that I may become worthy, for You are the wisest and most experienced of all.


If You bestow Your power, by serving the spiritual master one attains the Absolute Truth -one's life becomes successful. If that service is obtained, then one becomes happy and gets Your association due to good fortune.


My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, because of my association with material desires, one after another, I was gradually falling into a blind well full of snakes, following the general populace. But Your servant Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my first duty is to serve him. How could I leave his service? (Prahlada Maharaja to Lord Nrsimhadeva, Bhag. 7.9.28)


O Lord Krsna, You are my eternal companion. Forgetting You, I have suffered the kicks of maya birth after birth. If today the chance to meet You occurs again, then I will surely be able to rejoin You.[Note: Srila Prabhupada suffered several heart attacks during his journey on board the Jaladuta]


O dear friend, in Your company I experience great joy once again. In the early morning I will wonder the cowherd pastures and fields. Running and frolicking in the many forests of Vraja, I will roll on the ground in spiritual ecstasy. Oh when will that day be mine?


Today that remembrance of You came to me in a very nice way. Because I have a great longing I called to You. I am Your eternal servant and therefore I desire Your association so much. O Lord Krsna, except for You there is no other means of success"


A. B. Bhaktivedanta Swami





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I've said time and time again, in order to really experience Madhurya rasa (Mary's bridal chamber), one must fall into the kind of transcendental ecstacy displayed by Sri Chaitanya upon entering Jaganath Puri. In other words, the pastime of conjugal love is beyond the spiritual sky. This is almost impossible for anyone on the planet, and certainly far above me.



Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja:


The goal of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja's preaching and my preaching is the same. I am not telling you anything different from him. Someone may propagate that our preaching is different, but I think we are the same. He came to Western countries and tried to clear away the jungles of so many unwanted philosophies and activities. He kept a field for me and said, “On this field you can plant bhakti to Krsna like that of the gopis. Though he generally did not preach openly that this is our aim and object, he wrote about it in his books and it is his inner mood. Otherwise why would all his songs and prayers be in that mood, like “Radhe, Jaya Jaya Madhava Dayite” and “Jaya Radha Madhava, Jaya Kunja-vihari”?

Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja prayed and taught his disciples:

cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-

laksavrtesu surabhir abhipalayantam


govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami

(Sri Brahma Samhita 5.29)

“I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor, who is tending the cows, yielding all desires, in abodes built with spiritual gems and surrounded by millions of purpose trees. He is always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds and thousands of goddesses of fortune.”

The innumerable Laxmis (goddesses of fortune) are none other then the gopis, and the main gopi is Srimati Radhika. Why was Srila Swami Maharaja preaching about this? The goal of our preaching is the same – what was taught by Srila Rupa Gosvami:

anarpita-carim cirat karunayavatirnah kalau

samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam

harih purata-sundara-dyuti-kadamba-sandipitah

sada hrdaya-kandare sphuratu vah saci-nandanah

[“May the Supreme Lord who is known as the son of Srimati Saci-devi be transcendentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart. Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold, He has appeared in the Age of Kali by His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation has ever offered before: the most sublime and radiant mellow of devotional service, the mellow of conjugal love.” (Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-lila 1.4)]

What was Srila Rupa Gosvami teaching? What is the aim and object of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s coming to this world? Karunaya – by His mercy, Lord Krsna has taken the intrinsic mood and beauty of Srimati Radhika, and come to this world.

Only Srimati Radhika has madanakya-bhava. Krsna does not have it. He wanted to enjoy this mood, and that is why He came in the form of Sacinandana, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He gave unnatojjvala-rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam, the highest mood, the mood of the gopis in madhurya-rasa. Among the gopis, the mood of Srimati Radhika is the topmost, but Her mood cannot be given, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not come to give that mood. He came to give sriyam – unnatojjvala-rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam. Sva means Srimati Radhika’s bhakti to Lord Krsna, from prema, to sneha, maan, pranaya raga, anuraga, bhava, mahabhava, rudha, adhiruddha, mohan, modan and then madana. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to give the beauty of unnatojjvala-rasa.

What is the beauty of unnatojjvala-rasa? We can compare it with a plant, like the tulasi plant. If there are no leaves or manjaris, what is the beauty of that plant? There is no beauty – it is dry. The beauty of a plant is in its being full with leaves, fruits and flowers. It is especially beautiful if there are manjaris on the top of the plant and with heartfelt happiness those manjaris blow and sway this way and that. That manjari is the beauty of the plant.

Similarly when Krsna approaches a manjari (maidservant of Srimati Radhika) to personally enjoy pastimes with her, she waves her hand, indicating, “No, no. Absolutely not.” This is the mood of the manjaris headed by Rupa Manjari, Lavanga Manjari, Rati Manjari and others.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to give this mood – through nama-sankirtana. You should not think that what we are doing is nama-sankirtana. Rather it is the beginning stage of nama-sankirtana. When our chanting will mix with the mood of the manjaris, then it will be real sankirtana. I have come to clarify this point. Srila Swami Maharaja explained this in his books, but he did not elaborate on it in his general preaching. The world, and also the world of devotees, was full of jungles of philosophical misconceptions and anarthas; so how could explanations of manjari bhava be heard?

His Gurudeva, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Takura has said, “I have come to give this mood:

sri caitanya-mano ’bhistam sthapitam yena bhutale

svayam rupah kada mahyam dadati sva-padantikam

[“When will Sri Rupa Gosvami give me the shelter of his lotus feet? Because he understood the innermost desire of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he was able to establish His mission in this world and is very dear to the Lord. (Sri Prema-bhakti-candrika, Narottama dasa Thakura)”]

adadanas trnam dantair idam yace punah punah

srimad rupa-padambhoja-dhulih syam janma-janmani

[“Clasping a straw between my teeth, I repeatedly beg to attain the dust of the lotus feet of Srimad Rupa Gosvami birth after birth.” (Sri Mukta-carita, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami)]

Srila Rupa Gosvami was the first to declare that Sri Sacinandana is Krsna. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard this from Rupa Gosvami’s lips, He became shy and said, “Don’t tell this.” The mission of Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was only to give this manjari mood, but we cannot give it to ordinary devotees because they cannot understand its value. In fact, some hate it.

At first, Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura also cut the jungles of mayavada, sahajiya, sakhi-beki and other philosophical misconceptions. Later, however, when he was at Radha-kunda with thousands of devotees during Vraja-mandala parikrama, he said, “Don’t think that our final aim and object in bhakti is what I am telling you now. It is not this. Our goal is Radha-kunda and the service of the gopis to the divine couple Sri Sri Radha-Krsna. You should always remember this, otherwise you will only be a karmi.”

So our mission is the same. I have come to help you; to remind you of the mission of Srila Swami Maharaja, Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

After Srila Swami Maharaja departed from this world, some of his sannyasis and other devotees became weak. So many sannyasis married. I think at that time all of you here who are his disciples were brahmacaris, and now you are all are married – only due to weakness. If he were physically present now, this would not be. So I thought it best to come and help you – to fulfill the order of my siksa-guru. That is why I have come.

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Srila Sridhar Maharaj,


...The flute-song of Sri Krsna, expressed as the gayatri mantra, is reminding us and engaging us in our service. And what is our service? Our service must be to surrender ourselves in the service of Srimati Radharani-to accept the suggestion of Radharani. The gayatri mantra will excite us to be mindful about Srimati Radharani's lotus feet, to obey her orders. She is mainly representing the whole service area. So to try to engage ourselves in her service, under her order- to accept her direction and to obey her- that is the service of Sri Radha. In this way, the meaning of the gayatri mantra has been drawn to radha-dasyam, self-determination (svarupena vyavasthitih ).

In the meantime, the partial representations in vatsalya and sakhya rasa are also part and parcel of the original mellow of conjugal love, madhura rasa. The vatsalya rasa devotees will serve Nanda and Yasoda, the sakhya rasa devotee will serve Sridama and Sudama, but ultimately, the whole system in one conception is included in Radharani.

Radha-dasyam,dot_clear.gif the service of Srimati Radharani, is the ultimate meaning to be extracted from the gayatri mantra. That is the supreme end of our life. It cannot but be so. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the ultimate or full-fledged theism to be extracted from the Vedas, Upanisads, and so many scriptures. All the revealed truth rises to its acme, to its highest position, in the conception given by Srimad-Bhagavatam. And Srimad-Bhagavatam teaches us that the highest realization, self-determination, is the service of Srimati Radharani-that under her guidance we may serve Sri Krsna. We aspire for a direct connection with her service.

What, then, is the inner meaning or purport of the word bhargo? Bhargo means the sum, or "who shows us by light." Radharani is the daughter of Vrsabhanu. I have selected the word bhanu. To represent her personal extended self, I have given the word vaibhava. Vaibhava means, "what comes out," or "extended self." Prabhava is the central representation and vaibhava is the outer extension. The very gist of svarupa-sakti is Srimati Radharani, and the whole svarupa-sakti is her extended self. The town of her beautiful service is the whole svarupa-sakti.

Just as rays of light extend from the sun, the whole internal potency is an extension of Mahabhava, Sri Radhika. She has developed herself into such a beautiful area of brilliance, of internal energy, and thereby she serves her Lord. All these necessary things have sprung from her. To help her in serving her Lord, they all come out. When the entire internal energy is condensed in a concise form, it is Mahabhava, Radharani. And when Radharani wants to serve, she extends herself in limitless different ways. And with some contribution from Baladeva and Yogamaya, the whole spiritual world, including Vrndavana, Mathura, and Vaikuntha, evolves to assist Srimati Radharani in the service of Sri Krsna.

In this way, I have drawn out radha-dasyam,dot_clear.gif the service of Srimati Radharani as the meaning of the gayatri mantra and have tried to represent it in the above Sanskrit verse.

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Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja:



Srila Rupa Gosvami was the first to declare that Sri Sacinandana is Krsna. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard this from Rupa Gosvami’s lips, He became shy and said, “Don’t tell this.” The mission of Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was only to give this manjari mood, but we cannot give it to ordinary devotees because they cannot understand its value. In fact, some hate it.



Dear Beggar,


Thanks for your nice and informative post. Did all of Sri Caitanya's associates receive this mood or only Srila Rupa Gosvami?


Warmest wishes,

Her Servant and yours.

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