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Why do men have nipples?

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Ananta Sesa

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I think this question is in response to the idea the put forward by the Christians that God made man and woman perfect and started them off fresh on this earth planet.


I am one of those that believes humans are a genetic modification produced by off planet beings possibly using apes and crossing them with some other life form or genetic material from a higher life form to produce mankind.


So now I guess the question the atheists will pose if why do Silverbacks have nipples?

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I think this question is in response to the idea the put forward by the Christians that God made man and woman perfect and started them off fresh on this earth planet.


I am one of those that believes humans are a genetic modification produced by off planet beings possibly using apes and crossing them with some other life form or genetic material from a higher life form to produce mankind.


So now I guess the question the atheists will pose if why do Silverbacks have nipples?

I see my attempted answer was too brief to mean anything. I'll try again. The point I was trying to make is that I believe these beings who are charged with species construction and planetary maintence through genetic manipulation needn't design every species and gender within a species from scratch. Rather they design a protype human and then with a few modifications of hormones or whatever else needed changes take place automatically within the womb. So this accounts for similarities.


Even from one species to another there can be just a few modifications in DNA coding to arrive at a seemingly wholely different creation.


Also strict utility for survival only purposes is a Darwinian idea and Darwin himself was perplexed over why there are beautiful eyes painted on the feathers of a peacock for example.


The idea being that beauty expressed for beauties sake alone would necessitate a Supreme Artist choosing to do so for a reason unto Himself and the atheists cannot tolerate that idea


Arjuna called Krsna the all-pervading beauty. This is how God is and it is not a human idea imposed on an imagined God.

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I kinda like the story of the original and eternal humans who had no gender, were like tinkerbells with wings, valakhilyas, and lived on air and never touched the surface of the earth. Then they were attracted to the honey from the surface, then landed, got drunk and started desiring one another. Then some became women, and they procreated, then Lord Brahma was summoned by Bhumi about the great burden of humans, never dying, but procreating like gerbils. Brahma got mad and was threatening to end all humans, but Lord Siva intervened, telling Brahma he was in Siva territory and to end his anger.


So brahma calmed down, then death was born, then the bi-product, war pestulence, famine, all the causes of death, made the humans no more eternal.


So, those out there stuck on genderism, humans are the same species. Have the same organs, but the above situation caused slight genetic alteration. Maybe in the future, if we make brahma mad again by our attraction to matter, hell give us a use for our nipples, well be nursing our babies.


Haribol, mahaksadasa

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Nice tale for the campfire at night. Like Brahma is going to get all upset and angry over an overpopulated earth considering the size of the rest of the universe.:D



Maybe in the future, if we make brahma mad again by our attraction to matter, hell give us a use for our nipples, well be nursing our babies.


That process is already happening so I guess we made Brahma mad again. I just saw a piece on CNN a couple days ago about the sharp rise in males developing female breast tissue or gynocomastia.


This happenings when there is an over abundance of estrogen (estradiol )in the male system. Bodybuilders who use large amounts of exogenous testosterone have lots of that testosterone converted to estrogen vis the aromatase enzyme and this causes female breast tissue to grow. They refer to this by the pleasant phrase of "bitch tits".


Many of the chemicals used as pesticides and other uses in our society are estrogenic in effect in the human body causing the males to grow female breast tissue even without playing with steroids.


A conspiracy theorist might conclude that there is a plot to castrate the males in society to make them easier to control. I don't know about that but it is a fact that it is happening conspiracy or not.


Gird up your loins and protect your testosterone gentleman.

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Nice tale for the campfire at night. Like Brahma is going to get all upset and angry over an overpopulated earth considering the size of the rest of the universe.:D




That process is already happening so I guess we made Brahma mad again. I just saw a piece on CNN a couple days ago about the sharp rise in males developing female breast tissue or gynocomastia.


This happenings when there is an over abundance of estrogen (estradiol )in the male system. Bodybuilders who use large amounts of exogenous testosterone have lots of that testosterone converted to estrogen vis the aromatase enzyme and this causes female breast tissue to grow. They refer to this by the pleasant phrase of "bitch tits".


Many of the chemicals used as pesticides and other uses in our society are estrogenic in effect in the human body causing the males to grow female breast tissue even without playing with steroids.


A conspiracy theorist might conclude that there is a plot to castrate the males in society to make them easier to control. I don't know about that but it is a fact that it is happening conspiracy or not.


Gird up your loins and protect your testosterone gentleman.


Thanks much for tour great compliment, theist, as my stories are actually designed for a time where all our energy comes from the campfire, where there is no large centers of spiritual foundational operations. Just survivors coming upon a campfire in the middle of the rubble.


However, there is truth to the story. Even though Brahma has a big operation, when mother earth (bhumidevi) approaches him with tears in her eyes, he takes action. In this case, the issue was handled with him gathering the troops to go to Swetadvip, to the oceaqn of milk to ask Lord Narayana to intervene in a matter that he cannot handle, as he did when Bhumi came to him on the Hiranyaksa Matter, where she was being raped and stripped of all her resources and thus sinking in the causal ocean. Then, Lord Narayana appeared as Lord Varaha, to pull mother Bhumi out of the mire of the causal ocean. In the story, it was Lord Siva who convinced Lord Brahma that his duty was creation and not annihilation, so Lord Brahma came up with the solution, his exhibition of the opulence of renunciation, meaning that humans made their own mess, and that Bhumi was protected by the creation of death.


Tellin stories, this is our job, now, and at the time of our demise as well. This is how parampara survives.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Tellin stories, this is our job, now, and at the time of our demise as well. This is how parampara survives.


There was a time when such tales from the campfires were usefull. The present is not such a time in IMO. People today are not (except for a few) held in rapt attemtion over such stories. Reason dominates of the need for suspention of reason.


Transcendental truth is not dependent on stories and myths. Transcendental truth is independent eternal reality and can like water can flow throughnany form or channel without undergoing change to it's nature.


As I have said innumerqble times before I believe demigods and all manner of universal superintendents big and small like nature spirits in the forest etc, That does not mean I believe in every story or ancient account ascribing activities to them to be real.


Just as God is real and still anthropomorphised by humans so it is with demigods and all manner of things unseen. Every ancient culture thought their stories were the factual ones and they faithful passed them on over the campfires to their young.


I for one do not fear myths giving way to facts when appropriate for I know the facts themselves point to God. And that my friend is the purpose of the parampara... to point out God.

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