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ISKCON guru chastised and disciplined!

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Narayana Maharaja went to war with the ritviks.

They faught back.

They are still fighting back.


If Narayana Maharaja hadn't started the war, there would be no war with Narayana Maharaja.


You can't blame the enemy if YOU start a war with them.


the best thing would have just been to let others believe what they believe.

attacking the beliefs of the ritviks was just begging for war and he got one.


Nobody told him he had to be a ritvik.


What were they supposed to do?

Lay down and take it?

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but, if it weren't for ISKCON and it's thugs Narayana Maharaja wouldn't be jagat-guru now.

so, Narayana Maharaja owes ISKCON and it's thugs a big debt of gratitude.



Yes, if it was not for the screwups and thugs in it's ranks, Iskcon could have retained more than about 2% of its members it does retain now. There is a very basic design flaw in a religious order which loses vast majority of it's members.


Thank God there are other missions these people can find shelter in, like NM sanga.

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:outta:Finally wising up....."This ain't ever gonna be resolved."


The real resolution is that the readers will be able to hear both sides and decide for themselves. But lately I have been meeting a lot of ex-ritviks here in the States (in Europe they are all but absent, except for a few cases in England). Perhaps it is not all in vain.

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Ìn Chaitanya Charitamrta there is mention about so many branches (Shakha) and sub-branches (Upashakhas) of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's followers.


And finally the message is to chant "Hare Krishna" Mahamantra. Then why do we want to engage in unneccessary comparisons???

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Well folks, the followers of Narayan Maharaja consistently come on the forums and attempt to "debunk" ritvik or assault ritvik or decry the ritviks.


They simply refuse to leave ritviks alone.

They want everyone to follow Narayana Maharaja.


They say that if ISKCON and the whole Krishna consciousness movement doesn't bow to the supremecy of Narayan Maharaja that ISKCON will never amount to anything.


So, they keep the ritvik battle going.


When they learn to respect the faith of others then maybe there can be peace.


As long as they come on the forums and say ritvik is bogus and Narayana Maharaja is the ONLY WAY, then of course they are just begging for a fight.


then, of course, they want to blame the whole situation on the ritvik proponents.


they are of course deluded by their own arrogance.


live and let live.

But, they refuse to accept that.


as such................ the war rages on.


see, the ritvik system is an obstacle to the goals of Narayana Maharaja and his followers to take over the Krishna consciousness movement.


As long as there is an alternative to the fallen guru system of ISKCON, these anti-ritviks aren't happy because they don't want there to be any alternative to the ISKCON fallen guru system except of course their Narayana Maharaja.


as such, they are very much against the ritvik system and allowing another generation of devotees to accept Srila Prabhupada as spiritual master.


they insist that the next generation of devotees must follow Narayana Maharaja because they all think they are better than everyone else.


they are not.

it's just false ago.

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I don't understand why SDG still insists of being treated and respected as a sannyasi - take a group of young brahmacaries, would they be inspired to be trained by such a sannyasi? The problem probably is that he waited too long to change ashram and now he feels embarrassed to admit that he wants to live with a wife although at the age of 65?



<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="3" valign="top">Krsna's Visionary Garden:

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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2" width="400"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center" width="25"> </td> <td colspan="2" align="center">s003.jpg</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f2f2f2">Photo 4

Another view of Satsvarupa Maharaja's sculpture with Satsvarupa Maharaja's house in the background.</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>http://markswright.brinkster.net/SDGOnline/albums.asp?album_id=107&index=2


<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="3" valign="top">Krsna's Visionary Garden

</td> </tr> <tr> <td background="/images/dotted_line.gif" height="1" valign="top">

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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2" width="400"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center" width="25"> </td> <td colspan="2" align="center">s002.jpg</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f2f2f2">Photo 3

This large sculpture near the entry point of the garden is a collage of found objects and individually painted pieces. There are bicycles and stuff animals entangled with numerous African-mask like faces. Most of the faces in the garden are meant to represent Vaisnava devotees. This sculpture may represent the complexity of mixing material life with religious life - a concept most who are on a spiritual path can identify with. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>

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Concerning Satsvarupa Maharaja

Posted May 11, 2004


GBC Executive Committee Statement


Dear Devotees,


Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


The following statement from the GBC Executive Committee represents ISKCON's official position on the subject at hand.


At the end of this posting you will find a candid letter from Satsvarupa dasa Goswami about a falldown that occurred in his spiritual life about a year and a half ago. This took place within the context of his ongoing endeavors to serve while struggling with debilitated health.


The GBC Executive Committee would first like to express its deep gratitude toward Satsvarupa das Goswami, a much loved devotee in the Hare Krsna movement, and acknowledge his career of dedicated devotional service, exemplary sadhana, and inspired literary preaching on behalf of Srila Prabhupada.


As a GBC Emeritus, Satsvarupa Maharaja holds no official position in the management of ISKCON and is unlikely ever to do so.


In consultation with the GBC EC, he has agreed to retire from initiating; he will not initiate any more disciples.


His present disciples are encouraged to go on steadily in their devotional service to ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada, and he will continue to offer guidance and care as they so desire.


As Srila Prabhupada writes in Bhagavad-gita (9.30): "Sometimes. . . it may be seen that a person in Krsna consciousness commits some act which may be taken as most abominable socially or politically. But such a temporary falldown does not disqualify him. The material contamination is so strong that even a yogi fully engaged in the service of the Lord sometimes becomes ensnared; but Krsna consciousness is so strong that such an occasional falldown is at once rectified. Therefore the process of devotional service is always a success."


Satsvarupa Maharaja has re-dedicated himself to his vows and asrama and is committed to his full recovery and service to Srila Prabhupada. We offer him our wholehearted affection, encouragement, and support.


Out of respect for Satsvarupa Maharaja, we request all devotees to give him the time, space and privacy he requires to recover fully. Out of respect and honour for the sacrifices he has made on behalf of Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON these many years, we encourage devotees everywhere to offer him their support, prayers, and good wishes.


Thanks and appreciation from dipika.org to our sponsor and host,



Your servants,


GBC Executive Committee




Letter From Satsvarupa Maharaja


May 1, 2004


Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


There has been gathering exposure that I, Satsvarupa Maharaja, and a female therapist had a short-lived romantic involvement about one and a half years ago. As many of you may know, I have tried many therapies over the years to try and cure what is a severe case of "anxiety disorder anticipatory migraine." In one such effort a Godsister was helping me as a counselor, and regrettably I held sessions alone with her. And so the relationship developed.


I certainly committed a mistake, and I felt relieved when I wrote a letter of confession to the ISKCON sannyasa minister. He asked me if she and I had sexual intercourse, and I honestly said "no." Krsna saved us from that.


I feel like I want to explain what steps I've taken to protect myself from further problems. The saying "once burnt, twice shy" certainly applies to me. In addition to any consequences endorsed by the GBC, I feel great personal shame. On the other hand, this has increased my intimacy with Krsna in prayer. I know, for example, that a sannyasi should never be alone with a woman. I am suffering third-degree burns by disobeying this simple first instruction for sannyasis. I'm determined to never make that same mistake again. I am praying constantly to Prabhupada and associating with my Godbrothers in a humble mood.


My health is not good, but I don't wish to dwell on it here. I'm under the care of an expert psychiatrist MD and an authorized counsellor who is helping me with my anxiety issues. I consider my status to be semi-retired. I will not be initiating any new devotees. I am serving the devotee community by writing books and also answering letters. I served in an active capacity for almost 40 years and I can't keep it up. I am not avoiding the society of devotees. I simply can't travel in cars or planes to go to temples or festivals, to sing or dance or give lectures. Maybe each of you will reach that stage sooner or later.


I am profoundly sorry that I slipped and fell on the road this way, a 64-year-old sannyasi who had no other brush with a woman. I thought for sure I'd get through to the end with a perfect record. Krsna must have seen I was proud. I pray He allows me to remain in ISKCON and follow the rules and regulations to my dying day. I heard that Sridhara Swami told a Godbrother just before he passed away, "Be who you are and make a contribution." I think I have written this same sentence in my books. I fall at the feet of all devotees and ask their forgiveness.


Yours in the service of Prabhupada,

Satsvarupa das Goswami

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Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami: My Sannyas Report 2006-2007

At the beginning of 2006 I had to stay in Philo, California, because I had many dental appointments. I was undergoing treatment for complete replacement of all of my teeth in surgery and replacement of new dentures. This required traveling from my home to two different dentists three hours away. We had to go see them sometimes twice a week. What with surgery and healing and casting of new teeth, etc., it took months, and I was not able to travel or even eat properly.

Nevertheless, I spent the winter writing and performing my sadhana. My migraine condition has come under control with preventative allopathic medicine, so headaches are now infrequent.

With the dental work completed in the spring and with my health strong enough, I ventured to do some traveling. I attended the New Vrndavan Festival of Inspiration. Indeed, it was a great inspiration for me. I was very well received there by all the devotees in a very heartwarming way. In addition to two long question-and-answer sessions, which I held in the temple room, I gave very short talks — one during a session honoring Bhakti-tirtha Swami and one on another occasion. I had private talks with Bhakti-caru Swami, Radhanatha Swami, and Hrdayananda Goswami. I also attended a seminar held by Hrdayananda Goswami.

Some weeks later I attended the New York City Ratha-yatra. I attended the whole Ratha-yatra Festival, starting with the parade beginning at Columbus Circle. After the parade I spent the whole afternoon with the crowds at Washington Square, Park talking to people constantly until 7:00 pm, when the park closed.

The day after Ratha-yatra I gave a lecture at 26 Second Avenue, where I reminisced about Srila Prabhupada when he spent the summer and fall there in 1966. I spent a couple more days in New York City, meeting with Gunagrahi Maharaja and Jayadvaita Maharaja, visiting Dayananda Prabhu's house, and seeing a play by his wife Nandi-mukhi. I also visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in Manhattan.

After my Manhattan stay we drove to Gita-Nagari, where we stayed for several days and I gave several talks. For the benefit of Bhakti-tirtha Swami's disciples I gave a lecture on his excellent qualities, drawing from my own book “Prabhupada Meditations” and dovetailing it to the qualities of Bhakti-tirtha Swami. The next morning I gave a Srimad-Bhagavatam class and again dovetailed it to the disciples of Bhakti-tirtha Swami and how they are now responsible for carrying on his work. That afternoon was the ground-breaking for Bhakti-tirtha Swami's puspa-samadhi, which was attended by many ISKCON dignitaries. I gave a lecture, as did my godbrothers Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu, Jayadvaita Swami, Malati Prabhu, and many others. During this time away from California I also visited my doctor and disciple Nitai-Gaurasundara in Tennessee, where I gave the Friday night lecture at a program he has every week in his home. I also gave a lecture at the home of a householder couple, Acarya and Sudevi, who live near Gita-nagari. I also visited another householder family on our way from Gita-Nagari. Fortunately, my health held up during this program of traveling and preaching, which for me was the most strenuous program I had done in several years.

I returned to California and rested for a while, but soon I received a guest, Jayadvaita Swami, who stayed for a week. On July 4th, a couple of days after he left, I left Philo again and visited Giriraja Swami at his home, staying for a week. I then went back to my home, but shortly thereafter traveled again to visit with Saci-suta in upstate New York. At that time I also visited with Kirtana-rasa in Saratoga, New York. Then I visited with my disciple Sastra Dasa in Rehoboth, Delaware. I also attended the Philadelphia Ratha-yatra and then went on to Washington, D.C., to attend a five-day japa retreat facilitated by Sacinandana Maharaja.

After this I left the United States and flew to Mexico, which is to become my new home. I arrived in Leon Airport and traveled to a place called The Hacienda, where about twenty devotees have gathered to form a project. This is where I am now living. We are establishing a health-care project there and a home for Gita-Nagari Press. We intend to turn it into a place for people to visit and serve in Krsna consciousness. I recently held my Vyasa-puja there on December 1st, and thirty devotees visited. The Vyasa-puja was held on a kind of emergency-preparation basis, but the people who came enjoyed it.

The project in Mexico is still a bit like a construction site, but every day it gets more and more like a finished project. In the future we hope we can invite distinguished guests also. Part of the program is to make it a place for godbrothers to come when they are feeling sick; they will be taken care of by caretakers, as I am being taken care of. We are going to build a guesthouse for VIPs to come and rest. We have not completely developed these ideas of how we want to use this place, but it is all part of a vision and part of an ethos that we are developing. This year I have also begun a weekly “radio show,” where by conference call I speak to my disciples for one hour on varied topics of Krsna consciousness.

That is my report for 2006.

For 2007 I have on the top of my list visiting Trinidad in February to celebrate their 25th anniversary of the installation of their Deities, Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha. In the spring I intend to repeat my visit to the US northeast and go to many of the same places. But now I have a home base in Mexico, and so I will be coming back here. I hope my health keeps up so I can do all these things as planned.


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The ISKCON leadership just doesn't understand guru-tattva or they would not be requesting ISKCON gurus to submit annual reports.

It's a damn shame they had to butcher the Gaudiya parampara system with these rubber stamp gurus that have to get yearly approval by the GBC committee.

Those people on the inside of ISKCON fighting for positions in the organization have no idea how ridiculous they all look from impartial outside observers.


It would be funny if it wasn't so harmful to the mission of Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada.


It's not really funny.

It's just down right ridiculous.

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Guest guest

Guruvani pr ... do you even sleep at night? You are maybe the most bitter person I have encountered on the internet.


Please don't let that spoil your peace. At the time of death, the meditations of our life will distract us from the goal.



The ISKCON leadership just doesn't understand guru-tattva or they would not be requesting ISKCON gurus to submit annual reports.

It's a damn shame they had to butcher the Gaudiya parampara system with these rubber stamp gurus that have to get yearly approval by the GBC committee.

Those people on the inside of ISKCON fighting for positions in the organization have no idea how ridiculous they all look from impartial outside observers.


It would be funny if it wasn't so harmful to the mission of Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada.


It's not really funny.

It's just down right ridiculous.

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From the quote you posted guest I have to agree with Guruvani. It's time to stop all the pretense and rear end kissing for old time iskcon leaders when they go so far astray. A fall down by anyone followed by honesty and remorse and repentace is not a cause for ridicule but flagerant abuse of Srila Prabhupada's mission along with abuse of new devotees should be called what it is in a straight forward way for the benefit of others.


Don't want to be subject to ridicule. Then don't pretend to be what you are not and rip off so many. Jesus Christ spoke harshly against those that stood in the doorway to the Kingdom of God and did not enter but only blocked the path for others. Phony gurus certainly fit that description and they need to be pushed aside so others can enter.

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GBC is system of sadhu, without it the organization is defective, it will be the concept of materialistic religion where there is no cooperation because there is no advanced understanding.

Such materialistic cult will safely move to disorder because it is not maintained by scriptures. That that is not based on a scripture - is not viable

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Guruvani pr ... do you even sleep at night? You are maybe the most bitter person I have encountered on the internet.


Please don't let that spoil your peace. At the time of death, the meditations of our life will distract us from the goal.


don't worry about me chumly.

I am quite sure I do more spiritual meditation than you.


On average I spend at least 4 hours a day meditating on shastra.

If I have time I will spend at least 8 hours or 10 hours studying the shastra.


I doubt there is anyone on this forum that meditates on shastra as much as I do.


Last night I was dreaming about Karanadakshayi Vishnu, Garbhodakshayi Vishnu and Ksirodakashayi Vishnu- all three.


so, don't worry about me.

my mind is well focused on spiritual thoughts.:D

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GBC is system of sadhu, without it the organization is defective, it will be the concept of materialistic religion where there is no cooperation because there is no advanced understanding.

The GBC understanding is not very advanced.

Most of them have a neophyte understanding of shastra and siddhanta.


Most of them don't even read Srila Prabhupada's books anymore.

They are just all absorbed in politics and political intrigue.


A pack of neophytes can't do anything except make a mess out of everything.

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GBC is instruction of scriptures, rittvik system so in maya, kanistha, and if still there is no collective nature - their position is even worse

Where in shastra is a GBC mandated? I've read the Gita, the first two Cantos of the Bhagavatam, Sri Isopanisad, Nectar of Devotion, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, heard dozens of lectures by Srila Prabhpada and not once did I hear that GBC was required...or else.

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GBC is system of sadhu, without it the organization is defective, it will be the concept of materialistic religion where there is no cooperation because there is no advanced understanding.

Such materialistic cult will safely move to disorder because it is not maintained by scriptures. That that is not based on a scripture - is not viable

You have the idea confused with the reality. The concept of an administrative body organized to hold a standards and lead collectively is quite different from the reality of the totalitarian despotism the GBC has turned into.

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Srila Prabhupada:

"So Vidura was Yamaräja. Not only he was Yamaräja, ordinary, but he is one of the great authorities. There are twelve authorities mentioned in the çästra. One of them is Yamaräja. Balir vaiyäsakir vayam. This is stated in the Çrémad-Bhägavatam. Yamaräja is one of the GBC of Kåñëa. Yes. As we have got twelve GBC’s, similarly Kåñëa has got GBC’s. Now,

svayambhür näradaù çambhuù

kumäraù kapilo manuù

prahlädo janako bhéñmo

balir vaiyäsakir vayam

That twelve men are authorized to preach Kåñëa consciousness. So we have to follow. Mahäjano yena gataù sa panthäù. Therefore we have created these GBC. So they should be very responsible men. Otherwise, they will be punished. They will be punished to become a çüdra. Although Yamaräja is a GBC, but he made a little mistake".


Essence in that all creation is organized and the spiritual world also, the God has Own GBC everywhere. And GBC is a system of sadhu, without GBC all will be tumbled down. That GBC sometimes falls, it not disqualification of the system, GBC of Krishna sometimes falls. It is a part of greatness of the Lord, GBC is not the God, therefore it falls. To become faultless is as a matter of fact aspiration to become the God, mayavada, it not our idea. Our idea - that we fall whether or not - all of us equally serve, because this our eternal applicability. Shrila Prabhupada spoke simply to replace member GBC in case of problems and ok

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That GBC sometimes falls, it not disqualification of the system, GBC of Krishna sometimes falls. It is a part of greatness of the Lord, GBC is not the God, therefore it falls.

The GBC only makes sense when, as originally set by Prabhupada, is newly elected every three years. The present installed life-long GBC system or so called supervisory board is a system which easily leads to cronyism, has no transparency and thus rather became a dictatorship than a tool to help the devotees.

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Srila Prabhupada:

"So Vidura was Yamaräja. Not only he was Yamaräja, ordinary, but he is one of the great authorities. There are twelve authorities mentioned in the çästra. One of them is Yamaräja. Balir vaiyäsakir vayam. This is stated in the Çrémad-Bhägavatam. Yamaräja is one of the GBC of Kåñëa. Yes. As we have got twelve GBC’s, similarly Kåñëa has got GBC’s. Now,

svayambhür näradaù çambhuù

kumäraù kapilo manuù

prahlädo janako bhéñmo

balir vaiyäsakir vayam

That twelve men are authorized to preach Kåñëa consciousness. So we have to follow. Mahäjano yena gataù sa panthäù. Therefore we have created these GBC. So they should be very responsible men. Otherwise, they will be punished. They will be punished to become a çüdra. Although Yamaräja is a GBC, but he made a little mistake".


Essence in that all creation is organized and the spiritual world also, the God has Own GBC everywhere. And GBC is a system of sadhu, without GBC all will be tumbled down. That GBC sometimes falls, it not disqualification of the system, GBC of Krishna sometimes falls. It is a part of greatness of the Lord, GBC is not the God, therefore it falls. To become faultless is as a matter of fact aspiration to become the God, mayavada, it not our idea. Our idea - that we fall whether or not - all of us equally serve, because this our eternal applicability. Shrila Prabhupada spoke simply to replace member GBC in case of problems and ok

Prabhupada's GBC. the one he actually elected fell down - the zonal acarya fiasco. Subsequently there really wasn't a GBC to speak of. Where did it come from? It was self-appointed. That is not the system. It is not sastra for GBC to elect gurus. Where in the history of the sampradaya was that done.

Where does guru answer to a GBC? No it is not bona fide. The currrent GBC is bogus.

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