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Found 24 results

  1. Dear members, Could anyone please for Love of God provide me or atleast guide me to getting 15 Khadgamala Mantras in english or sanskrit or malayalam? When I searched in the forums I found a page with the title 15 khadgamalas and some members had translated and posted it in the following thread. but I cannot find the file or any links to download it and that thread is a bit old. Does anybody have this 15 khadgamala mantras file? Moderators if you have it in your computers please could you kindly upload it again. Thank you for reading. Hope someone helps. Take care.
  2. Pranams, Does anyone have the audio and the script of Mrityunjaya Sahasranama (English Trans or Sanskrit). Would be extremely grateful if you can provide the Nyasam, Dhyana Sloka, PhalaShruti and the Meaning in English also (only if possible) Thank You
  3. I am searching for Shiva’s Saptakshari (Seven Worded) Beeja Mantra. I have tried to search this special mantra a lot but unfortunately have not been able to find any success. I would be ever grateful if anyone would be able to let me know the mantra or at least where can I look for. This mantra is rather rare and chanted by Sadhus, Sadhikas and other holy persons who generally worship and practice tantra at the Omkareshwar Temple in Narmada. The common Beeja mantras are less than seven words and rather well known, this mantra is quite rare and hence very difficult to be found on websites with mantras. I would really appreciate if you would be able to help me in this regard. I really need this mantra urgently.
  4. Greetings ! I wanted to write this for a long time, that is ever since I came back on a pilgrimage to see a holy man in the mountain of Tiruvannamalai. Tiruvannamalai is a holy place (the town was the residence of the Maharishi Ramana) where Lord Shiva is present in the form of "Fire". I will try to tell you all that happened right from the time (one of) my Guru (spiritual guide) called me up and said he is visiting Tiruvannamalai to pay obeisance to a sage there on top of the mountain. It was on Saturday morning that my guru called me to say that he is intending to pay a visit. And whether I was interested to go with him. I wanted very much to accompany him but it seemed that I would not be in a position to go since at that time I had a lot of work to do at office (or so it seemed). But I told him that I will also go and that I will call later and confirm (I was doubtful, not very sure if I could make it) He told me that they (he and two others) will be starting by about 3pm from Madras. And he told me to be there (@ the bus terminus). Later I called him up at his residence and told him that I may not be able to accompany them in the journey and that I will start later and meet them at our destination. It so happened that they had a delayed start (after 5 in the evening) and it seemed the work had been taken care of (they either got solved or the work got postponed) and I was able to go home and start by about 5:30. I took an auto-rickshaw to the nearest bus stand (that is Guindy). And got a bus by about 6pm. It was a point-to-point service (Route number 122PP, a bus that stops only at one or two places, almost nonstop) [the travel time is about three and half hours, the distance about 170 kilometers]. I didn't get a seat to sit and had to stand all through the journey. The bus took the Villupuram Highway (took a right at Tindivanam, towards Gingee. Tiruvannamalai comes after Gingee). The journey took about 4 hours and I was at Tiruvannamalai when it was nearing 10 in the night. After I got down from the bus, I went to the nearest telephone center, called home and told mom that I had reached safely :-). I then enquired at the telephone center (which also had a small eatery, where they gave you hot dosai, parotta etc. I was feeling hungry but the agenda was to find the other three who had already arrived) as to the whereabouts of the temple. They told me to follow the main road and that would take me to the temple. I started walking and on the way I asked an elderly man who was going that way directions to the temple. And guess what he did? He came along with me to show me the temple. When the temple was in sight, he left me. I thanked him and proceeded towards the temple. I had crossed one barrier, which was finding the temple. Now that I had the temple in my sight, I had to find out where the "Mandapam" is located, which is where my guruji told me they could be found. I asked three people who were coming from the temple as to where the "Mandapam" is. They showed me a structure being constructed (the original mandapam was destroyed in a fire and this new one was being constructed in its place. I knew it couldn't be this since it didn't have a roof). I went around the Mandapam (in construction) and tried to locate them. There was a religious speech going on by the side of the mandapam-in-construction. I went around once and couldn't find them. And I went around again (now I was beginning to get worried, what if I couldn't locate them? I consoled myself by saying if I couldn't locate them, I will visit the temple in the morning and go back to Madras). But I also invoked the blessings of the Guruji in my mind and (you wont believe it), when I looked up again my eyes went to a small mandapam (which I had missed on my first round) and I immediately knew that I had found them. And when I went in, there they were sitting on the granite floor of the mandapam. (My Guruji told me, "You are a lucky man". I smiled at him. I was happy to see them, no doubt.) Since I did not have my dinner and was feeling like I could eat an elephant (wrong example, I am a vegetarian), me and Guruji went to a nearby restaurant. Guruji stayed outside to smoke a cigarrette and I went in and ordered "Rava Idli" and then a "Dosai". In the mean time Guruji came in and we talked about things in general. I asked the waiter to give me two bottles of drinking water. (Water they provide in restaurants is usually good, but when we are travelling, we don't take the risk and consume only bottled sterilised water. If you are visiting India, I would advice you do the same.) After I finished dinner, we went back to the mandapam, and were in conversation for about an hour and then went to sleep. There was this problem of mosquitoes (real beeeeeg ones) which was taken care of (to an extent) by burning a "mosquito coil". The next day morning we woke up a little after 4am and one by one finished our morning ablutions in the temple bathroom, and were ready for our trek by 5:30am. We then went into the temple for the morning dharshan of the Lord Annamalai, and other minor and major deities inside the temple. (It is said that there are 330,000,000 devas in the universe) And we started the trek to have the dharshan of the sage. Right from the beginning, we found that it was not going to be easy. The mountain is rocky with a few shrubs here and there. The other two in our group found it easy, because they were stuntmen in films and were very fit people. They just breezed ahead of us, stopping once in a while so that we didn't lose sight of them. The going was rough, we were walking barefoot, and the sharp stones were hurting our feet. After a stage, my guruji felt very tired [he also has a breathing problem, he has a spray (which he inhales thru the mouth) always with him that helps him breathe easily] It was then we noticed a young boy ahead of us slowing down, asked us whether we were going up for the first time and all that. He kept saying encouraging words like "We have almost reached there", "You see that big rock over there, our destination is just a little ahead of that" and so on. He showed us a plant whose leaves which when chewed prevented you from feeling thirsty. I don't recollect the name of the plant now, though. He was with us until we reached the top (the trek had taken us almost 3 and 1/2 hours). It was puja time there. The disciples of the Swami (sage) were performing the puja ceremony and we were given herbal tea as prasadam. Then the Swami's disciples performed puja on the "Lord Arunachaleswara's Feet" which is a big impression of a pair of footprints on a rock at the top of the mountain. We stayed on for another hour and meditated. Then it was time to go back. Everyone of us except the Swami, started trekking down the mountain (The Swami will stay alone at the mountain top until the disciples go back the next day morning) The climb down was really hard (since our feet had become soft after the trek up and the stones were hurting much more than they had on our way up). We were left behind (faaaaaar behind in fact). I and my Guruji were the only people on the mountain at one time. It took us more time than it had taken us to climb up. [ All time we were praying inside, the route was a treacherous one and we didnt have any protective gear, we were at the mercy of the Lord ]. When we were nearing the base of the mountain, I excused myself from Guruji and went ahead to get some cool drinks and brought them back (by the time I went back with the drinks, they were all at the base, including the two stuntmen [who had reached the base a good two hours before us. In fact, they were having a nap when I found them]) We were all thirsty (and hungry too, but we wanted to only drink and quench our thirst) And then went straight to the bus stand, and caught the next bus to Madras. GOD BLESS ! Peace & Love ======= Glossary ======= Auto-Rickshaw = a three-wheeled motor driven contraption that has the driver in front and space for three passengers at the back. (also called tuk-tuk, tuctuc, trishaw, auto, rickshaw, autorick, bajaj, rick, tricycle, mototaxi, or baby taxi) Rishi = Sage/ Holy Man Maha = Great Guindy = Part of Madras city, uptown. Tindivanam = A small town about 15 kilometers from Villupuram Gingee = [Pronounced Senjee] Gingee is known for its famous fort, build by its King Desingu. Beautifully built fort. You can see it from the road. I believe it has a museum inside that has old artefacts. Dosai = Flat pan cake made out of liquid rice flour (cooked on a hot plate) Parotta = Flat pan cake made out of wheat flour [dough] Guru = spiritual guide Guruji = "ji" is added to "Guru" as a mark of respect Mandapam = Structures usually built of granite with pillars (at the four corners) to support the roof, do not have doors, windows etc, open from all sides usually. For the benefit of travellers, to stay in the night, take rest etc Dharshan = To see Deva = Divine being (Angel!?) (at a much more evolved stage than the human, usually without form) Prasadam = Offering made to God and then taken by the devotee with respect. If it is edible then it is consumed, or if it is flowers , it is either worn on the head (women) or placed behind ears (men), if it is holy-ash it is applied (rubbed) on the forehead using your ring finger (where eye-brows meet) Arunachaleswara = Lord Shiva in one of his various forms at Tiruvannamalai Note: This is a reproduction of an essay written many years ago, during the last part of the 20th century.
  5. I work really late everyday and lately I started waking up after 12 in the afternoon. I have a shivling at home which I brought from my Guruji from India. When he gave it to me, he told me to do pooja everyday. Now I know my parents have told me in the past that you should not do any pooja after 12 but I was wondering if I can do the pooja of Shiva after 12 or not? Thanks.
  6. Dear All, Hello, Namaste, Susrikal, I am new here, good to know of this forum, a mom of four beautiful kids. Thank you. Please help me know more about a third eye sensation,intense direct pressure, physical movement or actual opening feeling. Five times this happened to me within the last five months, spontaneously in middle of the night - the last times were last night and about a week ago. Direct on the spot and intense and as if someone came there to massage, there was pressure and movement directly between eyebrows, very pleasant and welcome by me. I was pleasantly surprised. I hope to hear many details and perspectives in regards. No formal practice of yoga, yet just a deep natural unguided free love and devotion. I feel I've always have deep love for all, and for spiritual ways. I stopped eating animals (besides fish about once a month) beginning age 16 and easily abstained by age 19 (in a meat eating country). If anyone wants to hear about the visions of Shiva and the goddess possibly Shakti in the trees, outside my large windows (where my head rests on the pillow)...just ask, this was during the year of 2009. I was very surprised and comforted for these prolonged (months) visits, and I was involved in utter devotion. Prior to this in 2008 I spent my off days in nature, seeking beauty as refuge from years of painful marriage. Thanks for listening, truly hope to know more about the third eye spontaneous sensations. Sometimes I feel Sattwa guna is present. p.s. We've been to India 2x and the best part is being w/the family's in the villages, sitting/socializing on the charpoi/manja..preparing meals there..having tea 3xper day...sleeping under stars with family/kids; the cows and bulls nearby, fresh buffalo milk. Smiles of the cheerful people. Keep the beautiful culture alive!! Shukria. Sat Nam Namaste Blessings E. Heart SF Bay, Ca. U. S. A.
  7. Hello All, I'm from b'lore and I go to the Lord Shiva temple here almost every Monday and attend the aarti at 7:30 in the evening. One of the bhajans played..most of the times is 'Om Jai Shiv Omkara' - a male version and I learnt that it was sung by someone Babaji or Bawaji I'm not sure. The temple attendees say the bhajan is from 70s and is not available outside and I'm struggling hard to get that bhajan. I have tried several places but no use and I don't even have a clue who the singer is but this aarti bhajan is quite different from the usual one sung by a lady. The male version mesmerizes you...it's like some real god praising Lord Shiva. I would really appreciate if someone at least gives me the name of the singer. Please reply. Thanks alot in advance. Regards, realdemigod
  8. I have had many experience with dreams involving Gods. 1st Experience: 6 months ago I had a dream of a small white monkey in the form of Hanuman scratching my hand. 2nd Experience: 3 months ago. I had a dream in which I met ghosts in the form of humans. One of them said that I should pray the Shiva Lingam and the other one said that it was someone named Ivan who did it. At the time I didn't ask any questions. But when I told my parents, they were shocked and told me Ivan had family problems with us and may have cursed us. 3rd Experience : 1 month ago, I had a dream in which I went to go apply for a scholarship and Hanuman in the form of a Hanuman saint I know appeared and said to ask him what I want and he will grant it to me. 4th Experience: Last week, I had a dream in which I was on top of a building and as I chanted the mantra OM NAMO NARAYANAYA, Vishnu appeared in the clouds. Also that night I was chanting OM SRI SAI RAM to sleep. Would anyone please give me an interpretation of this dream or give me guidance as to which God I should worship and which mantra I should chant.
  9. Hello, i am an American and a devotee of Shiva. I feel that I worshipped Shiva and Kali in a past life, but now I am wondering: is it a punishment to have taken birth as a westerner? I am afraid that in my next life I might lose this connection to Mahadeva as a result of such a birth. In this life i feel a great sadness at the lack of opportunity for satsang and blessings of holy places. Thank you for any suggestions.
  10. Hello friends, Mahamrityunjaya mantra is the most powerful Shiva mantra. I want ask you some questions- Are you suffering from physical problems? Are bad powers troubling you? Are you afraid of conspiracies of your enemies? Are you getting afraid from incurable diseases? Do you or some of your close persons get frightened of untimely death? If your answer is yes then this is the right place for you. Mahamrityunjaya mantra’s practice is the right choice for you. This mantra is related to very aggressive form of Lord Shiva. That’s why its practice should be done very carefully or in supervision of some expert person (Guru or master). It improves your health; protect you from unfortunate happenings, victory on death. Mahamrityunjaya mantra is related to the mrityunjaya form of Lord Shiva. This form is different from his peaceful and calm form. That’s why you need to be very cautious while reciting this mantra. Here is mantra- ।। ॐ त्रयम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनं उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात।। “ Om tryambakaṃ yajāmahe sugandhiṃ puṣṭi-vardhanamurvārukam iva bandhanān mṛtyor mukṣīya māmṛtāt “ You should use this mantra carefully, if you do not know how to use this powerful mantra, how to chant, what caution you should care, you can find all information on my site, which land you on safe and effective way. Thank you.
  11. can someone please throw light on rare rudra mantras along with there experience with rudra mantras.
  12. Respected Members Please inform me about a few things regarding Shiva statue. Which one shiva statue is better - Granite or white marble ? What would be the best size of the statue for a home temple of a Brahmin family ? Please any knowledgeable person help me soon .
  13. Shiva Shankara Shambhu Bhajan (MP3) View File The bhajan Shiva Shankara Shambhu in MP3 format. At the highest level, Lord Shiva is regarded as limitless, transcendent, and unchanging. Shiva also has many benevolent and fearsome depictions. In benevolent aspects, he is depicted as an omniscient Yogi who lives an ascetic life on Mount Kailash, as well as a householder with wife Parvati and his two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya, and in fierce aspects, he is often depicted slaying demons. Shiva is also regarded as the patron god of yoga, meditation, and arts. The main iconographical attributes of Shiva are the third eye on his forehead, the snake Vasuki around his neck, the adorning crescent moon, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair, the trishula as his weapon and the damaru as his musical instrument. Shiva is usually worshiped in the aniconic form of Lingam. Submitter The Editor Submitted 07/31/2016 Category Bhajans, Kirtans, Mantras and Stotras in MP3
  14. 11,863 downloads

    You can download the bhajan Shiva Shankara Shambhu in MP3 format here. At the highest level, Lord Shiva is regarded as limitless, transcendent, and unchanging. Shiva also has many benevolent and fearsome depictions. In benevolent aspects, he is depicted as an omniscient Yogi who lives an ascetic life on Mount Kailash, as well as a householder with wife Parvati and his two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya, and in fierce aspects, he is often depicted slaying demons. Shiva is also regarded as the patron god of yoga, meditation, and arts. The main iconographical attributes of Shiva are the third eye on his forehead, the snake Vasuki around his neck, the adorning crescent moon, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair, the trishula as his weapon and the damaru as his musical instrument. Shiva is usually worshiped in the aniconic form of Lingam.
  15. 120,428 downloads

    Kala Bhairava Ashtakam chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format. Mantras for worshipping Lord Kala Bhairava.
  16. 7,834 downloads

    Kala Bhairava Ashtakam chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format. Mantras for worshipping Lord Kala Bhairava.
  17. 9,341 downloads

    Kala Bhairava Ashtakam chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format. Mantras for worshipping Lord Kala Bhairava.
  18. 81,372 downloads

    The complete Sri Shiva Sahasranama Stotra chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format.
  19. 16,379 downloads

    Shiva Panchakshara Stotram chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format. Mantras for worshipping Lord Shiva.
  20. 17,486 downloads

    Shiva Tandava Stotram chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format. Mantras for worshipping Lord Shiva.
  21. 119,262 downloads

    Sri Rudram mantras chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format. Vedic mantras for worshipping Lord Shiva.
  22. 4,502 downloads

    This is a Lord Siva ringtone for mobile phones. http://www.indiadivine.org/content/files/download/16-hara-hara-sivaney.mp3
  23. 5,361 downloads

    Ringtone of Om Shambhu Mahadeva for mobile phones. http://www.indiadivine.org/content/files/download/10-om-shambhu-mahadeva-ringtone.mp3
  24. I am pretty new to Hinduism and doing my best to learn on my own. This can be hard without the help of an enlightened Guru, especially when most of the time I end up turning to the internet for help. For instance, I was trying to learn about Maha Shivaratri as it is coming up soon but I came across an interesting article. The article was posted on About.com in regards to Shivaratri. The article can be found here: http://hinduism.about.com/od/lordshiva/p/shiva.htm The article states that: "Since Shiva is regarded as a mighty destructive power, to numb his negative potentials he is fed with opium and is also termed as 'Bhole Shankar', one who is oblivious of the world." I have never heard this before. Is this true? Does Shiva need to take mind-altering substances in order to maintain his temper? Also, I read that some people take mind altering substances on Shivaratri. Is this true? I would welcome any comments or additional information on this subject. Thanks. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA!
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