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Found 1 result

  1. Dear All, Hello, Namaste, Susrikal, I am new here, good to know of this forum, a mom of four beautiful kids. Thank you. Please help me know more about a third eye sensation,intense direct pressure, physical movement or actual opening feeling. Five times this happened to me within the last five months, spontaneously in middle of the night - the last times were last night and about a week ago. Direct on the spot and intense and as if someone came there to massage, there was pressure and movement directly between eyebrows, very pleasant and welcome by me. I was pleasantly surprised. I hope to hear many details and perspectives in regards. No formal practice of yoga, yet just a deep natural unguided free love and devotion. I feel I've always have deep love for all, and for spiritual ways. I stopped eating animals (besides fish about once a month) beginning age 16 and easily abstained by age 19 (in a meat eating country). If anyone wants to hear about the visions of Shiva and the goddess possibly Shakti in the trees, outside my large windows (where my head rests on the pillow)...just ask, this was during the year of 2009. I was very surprised and comforted for these prolonged (months) visits, and I was involved in utter devotion. Prior to this in 2008 I spent my off days in nature, seeking beauty as refuge from years of painful marriage. Thanks for listening, truly hope to know more about the third eye spontaneous sensations. Sometimes I feel Sattwa guna is present. p.s. We've been to India 2x and the best part is being w/the family's in the villages, sitting/socializing on the charpoi/manja..preparing meals there..having tea 3xper day...sleeping under stars with family/kids; the cows and bulls nearby, fresh buffalo milk. Smiles of the cheerful people. Keep the beautiful culture alive!! Shukria. Sat Nam Namaste Blessings E. Heart SF Bay, Ca. U. S. A.
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