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  1. I want to practice this Mantra = "Om Kleem"........What are the requirements, steps and effects? Thank you......
  2. jai shri krishna, hi to all, i am having weak venus or say bad venus in my chart, i want to permanently improve it, the mantra for shukra will be "Om Klim Shum Shukraya Namah" or "Om draam dreem draum sah shukraya namah" these mantras improve shukra for sure, but they also boost or increase power in the gotra like if i repeat the mantra for few hours, all my family, uncles, aunts, all get a boost of venus power, i dont want to do that, can any one suggest a better way, so that i can develop shukra without affecting the gotra. thank you.
  3. I completed my degree by 2008 Dec in IT(B.Sc IT).. Since I started my final year, that is by 2007 I was looking for a suitable job.. But upto now,I didn't a single one... As I turned 23 in 2009, my parents were looking for alliance for me and ended up in family fights. I didn't find the right guy for me.. .. Please tell me a manta/yantra to get a good job for a good salary...I am really in need of a good job.. My Mum has taken my horoscope to many soothsayers and all have said that, as there aren't any planets in the 10th box of my horoscope, it is very difficult for me to get a job.. Now I have full faith and trust only in SHirdi Sai Baba and worshiping him only by lighting 2 diyas and recite slokas and mantras in order for Sai Baba to give me a good job. At the same time, I worship god Ganesh and tell small slokas and recite " Om Gan Ganapathayae Namah" 108 times to God Ganesh and I do recite " Om Sai Ram" to Shirdi Sai Baba 108 times. Is/Are there any other mantras or poojas to get a good job. please tell as I am in need of good job.... D.O.B : June 3, 1986 Time of Birth : 8.15pm Place of Birth : Sri Lanka(country) , Colombo(town)
  4. Dear gurujis and learned persons I am a male freelancer working from home, online doing jobs like writing, transcribing, editing, translating, etc. I started this type of freelancing in June 2008 and had been receiving plentiful income till February next year in 2009 and then I was totally without a job till July 2009 same year as no jobs were coming as well as not being assigned to me by clients. Income was good from August 2009 till January 2010. Ever since January 2010, I have been in a state of financial apathy with no sign of good projects and no income at all. Overall, my financial condition has gone to the dogs. I have noooo money. I am depending on my father for monthly expenses. I don't know what to do as I have to get married and have children and provide for them and I am already 29 about to turn 30. Annnnny learned input about my worst condition and appropriate remedies in the form of gems or/and mantras would be most welcome. Please help me understand my astrological profile better so that I will be able to sustain myself and my future family. I will now post my birth details. Thanks a lotttt! DOB: 8th march 1981 TOB: 14:40 hrs/2:40 pm POB: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  5. Classic old-time 20 min Silent Meditation: 1 - Sit alone quietly, eyes closed, wait a moment . . . then 2 - Silently repeat a short mantra(mono-syllabic is Okay) or prayer-mantra. 3 - Repeat step #2 for 20 minutes*. 4 - At finish, direct attention to any points of discomfort in the body. End. *During step #2-3, the mind will wander away from the task of the mantra repeatition. When that happens, simple return to repeating the mantra.
  6. I have opened this discussion in Spiritual Discussions because it does not really fit the category of Mantra/Tantra which is full of attaining only Karya Siddhi. That is in plain English, achievement of a particular material objective. According to the Tantric texts, to attain Mantra Siddhi you have to 1. Repeat the Mantra a specified number of times. Normally the number of letters in the Mantra multiplied by lakhs. For example for Navakshari (Navarna) Mantra it is 9,00,000 times. 2. Perform a Purascharana homa. The number of Ahudhis should be 1/10th of the repetitions. For Navakshari it is 90,000. 3. Tharpana of 1/10th of Ahudhis. Thus for Navakshari it is 9,000. 4. Feed number of Brahmins 1/10th of Tharpana. For Navakshari it is 900. If you have done all this you will get the Mantra Siddhi. Mantra Siddhi is important in the case of Krama Deekshas where you have to get the Mantra Siddhi of one Mantra before proceeding to the higher one. But then let me raise a question which may seem basic, but which is not answered. There is no book which defines Mantra Siddhi. 1. What do you think is Mantra Siddhi? 2. What do expect when you get Mantra Siddhi? Fly through Air? Attain Ashtama Siddhi? Have Dharshan of the Mantra Devata? Some might talk about Kundalini reaching the Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra. Then what happens? Are we aiming for something about which we know nothing? Is Mantra Siddhi necessary for spiritual advancement? Jai MAA KAALI !!! Note: Some of you may have seen my postings under the name sankarrukku.
  7. Come and Share Our Feelings and Let us Pray to Guruji to Make Our Life Completely Spiritual Guru Mantra: Om Param Tatvaay Narayanaay Gurubhyo Naham Chanting this Mantra gives You Power and Energy which Helps in being Spiritually Strong By Power and Energy I Don't Mean Physicality, but Strength Inside. More and Every Detail about Guruji Can be found at- Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan : Rejuvenating Ancient Indian Spiritual Sciences Details on the left hand side of this above Site will Help More
  8. It has been said that the Supreme has innumerable names. The Supreme is infinite and he cannot be fully comprehended even by the Devas, much less human beings. This unlimitedness does not apply only to names but to his forms, qualities, pastimes, knowledge and power. However people love to speculate about his names. "His name is this.His name is also that." That is how people speak. Often people want to attribute names to the Supreme that are excerpted from non-Vedic literature while denying the very gist of those teachings. This is not valid. It is like extracting the name Vasudev Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita and then dismissing the rest of the text. Due to his causeless mercy the Supreme hears the prayers of all regardless of the name used. However names carry connotations. Therefore he has given us one thousand names with which to worship him. They are the best names to use because they remind us of his forms, qualities, pastimes, knowledge and power. Chanting those names is a very auspicious form of worship. Those who have devoted themselves to non-Vedic literature will of course choose to worship with the names stipulated in those writings. A Sanatan should not disturb or criticize them but he should encourage his fellow Sanatans to follow the path laid out by our scriptures. LEARN AND CHANT THE 1,000 NAMES OF SRI VISHNU BEFORE SPECULATING ABOUT OTHER NAMES!! Vishnu Sahasranama Mantra From Padma Purana This mantra contains powerful Bija Mantras. - Dr. J. Ramkumar
  9. It has been said that the Supreme has innumerable names. The Supreme is infinite and he cannot be fully comprehended even by the Devas, much less human beings. This unlimitedness does not apply only to names but to his forms, qualities, pastimes, knowledge and power. However people love to speculate about his names. "His name is this.His name is also that." That is how people speak. Often people want to attribute names to the Supreme that are excerpted from non-Vedic literature while denying the very gist of those teachings. This is not valid. It is like extracting the name Vasudev Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita and then dismissing the rest of the text. Due to his causeless mercy the Supreme hears the prayers of all regardless of the name used. However names carry connotations. Therefore he has given us one thousand names with which to worship him. They are the best names to use because they remind us of his forms, qualities, pastimes, knowledge and power. Chanting those names is a very auspicious form of worship. Those who have devoted themselves to non-Vedic literature will of course choose to worship with the names stipulated in those writings. A Sanatan should not disturb or criticize them but he should encourage his fellow Sanatans to follow the path laid out by our scriptures. LEARN AND CHANT THE 1,000 NAMES OF SRI VISHNU BEFORE SPECULATING ABOUT OTHER NAMES!! Vishnu Sahasranama Mantra From Padma Purana This mantra contains powerful Bija Mantras. - Dr. J. Ramkumar
  10. now plz dont laugh at my question i know its a silly one but its a serious matter for me. i like a girl and she also likes me now i wanted to marry tat girl there is still time because we both are pursuing our PG studies but can anyone tell me any mantra or any vratas tat i can keep so tat i can marry her wat i meant to say is tat is tere any vratas or mantras tat can help me on getting married to her.
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