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Found 2 results

  1. I have opened this discussion in Spiritual Discussions because it does not really fit the category of Mantra/Tantra which is full of attaining only Karya Siddhi. That is in plain English, achievement of a particular material objective. According to the Tantric texts, to attain Mantra Siddhi you have to 1. Repeat the Mantra a specified number of times. Normally the number of letters in the Mantra multiplied by lakhs. For example for Navakshari (Navarna) Mantra it is 9,00,000 times. 2. Perform a Purascharana homa. The number of Ahudhis should be 1/10th of the repetitions. For Navakshari it is 90,000. 3. Tharpana of 1/10th of Ahudhis. Thus for Navakshari it is 9,000. 4. Feed number of Brahmins 1/10th of Tharpana. For Navakshari it is 900. If you have done all this you will get the Mantra Siddhi. Mantra Siddhi is important in the case of Krama Deekshas where you have to get the Mantra Siddhi of one Mantra before proceeding to the higher one. But then let me raise a question which may seem basic, but which is not answered. There is no book which defines Mantra Siddhi. 1. What do you think is Mantra Siddhi? 2. What do expect when you get Mantra Siddhi? Fly through Air? Attain Ashtama Siddhi? Have Dharshan of the Mantra Devata? Some might talk about Kundalini reaching the Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra. Then what happens? Are we aiming for something about which we know nothing? Is Mantra Siddhi necessary for spiritual advancement? Jai MAA KAALI !!! Note: Some of you may have seen my postings under the name sankarrukku.
  2. Hari Om I have recently started doing a purascharana of the mantra Om Namo Narayanaya. I am doing it for spiritual progress to attain Darshan of Lord Narayana. Swami Sivananda (of Rishikesh) wrote a wonderful article on Japa yoga that inspired me to begin this sadhana. I am doing this under the guidance of Swami Sivananda's disciple in Rishikesh. Just wondering, is there anyone who is currently undertaking a purascharana of this or any other mantra? Just thought it would be nice to stay in touch via this forum and keep each other motivated. It will take me around 2 years to complete this (I work full time and do 11 malas a day) but feel it is well worth it. I already feel the mantra is making me a more positive and hopefully better person. I will probably need to do many purascharanas before I attain the Darshan I seek, but I feel glad I've made a start.
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