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Everything posted by mahak

  1. mahak

    vulcan alert

    As jack lemmon said in syndrome movie, "i feel a vibratrion" Well, did mudmon feel one, too, and it may be a yellow stone, some large demigods in mexico or off the coast of Oregon, cannot pinpoint, but da feeling is still there. Hold on, bay area, youse always in trouble, and my seattle vicinity aint too stable either. After the tenth, take a deep breath, but get ready again on Sept 27-October 6. mad mahax
  2. Hey, I got an idea. Forget the tattoos. How about a beautiful pendant, very ornamental, that can be hung from various body piercings. Hung from eyebrows, ears, the nose, and they are easily removed when going to the "room of ill repute". But make sure they can be attached to a ring or stud already in place, because too much in and out on body piercings have a way of ruining the body hole. If one is insistant on tattoos, try just ornamental designs. Then one could be the "temple room" rather than make the "Supreme Lord" part of the perishable body. If one has nice designs and flowers on the back or chest, then one could wear a medal or pendant depicting the Supreme Lord and His Associates atop the designs and have a 3-D effect. You know what they say about tattoos. One could have "Maggie" tattooed on the chest and have great trouble years from now when his new bride, Melissa, sees it. Imagine the explanation one would have in twenty years when his born again christian wife sees Lord Nrsimha for the first time. A honeymoon of "premature exorcism", I am sure. haribol, ys, mahaksadasa
  3. Hey, and haribol, folks. Bleedin heart liberal, mad mahax here, praising George W. Bush, for a stand he has taken on an issue I was very concerned about. In the past, I have been wary of the right, not for their professed love of the constitution which I share, but for their seeming disregard to it in regard to personal freedoms. Too many "law and order" types have the innocent volunteering to give up their rights in order to hold onto a controlled society. But guess this is not a left or right thing, because many of my leftist types trick us into doing the same thing (which makes me wonder how different the so-called left and right really are). Well, Dubya surely has pleased me by his position on the "Secrecy" attachment to the Intelligence appropriations bill now before congress. Hes agin it (as his daddy would say, "wouldnt be prudent"), and wont sign any type of law like that, which is what Clinton stood for as well. Sure, it is calamitous to have a nations secrets compromised by unscrupulous rascals who would sell their mothers for chump change. I dont call them benedict arnolds, they are more like the brothers of Joseph. But to make a law like the one proposed and now before congress is tantamount to having anyone arrested for any thing at all, not unlike the anti-terrorism laws of Great Britain in the 70's and 80's which caused much pain to innocent people. Under the legislation, one becomes a criminal if they say the Navy has discharged chromium into the ocean, one can go to prison as a spy if they make lawful disclosures to authorized recepticals for such disclosure, and this legislation is the most heinous and Orwellian garbage that has ever been thought up. Anyway, kudos to dubya, keep it up and Ill not only vote for ya, Ill get ten of my left winger friends to also vote for ya. (Not to mention that your veto of this bill will enable me to publish my memoirs after the Navy gets rid of me from a foggy beach at the end of the road rather than spend my life in prison for mere possession of my daily log books).
  4. cmon, all that writin, and only one response? What about that stuff Lord Jesus says about who to hear from??? Oh well, long articles are kinda hard, so I guess they are equally difficult to comment on as well. hare Krsna, yer surf ant. PS goin surfin, so ill see you fellow ships in a couple of weeks. mahak
  5. Haribol, I really appreciate the desire to create a "community" atmosphere, and see the desperate neeed, but if successful, there will be trouble as well. One should study the history of the MOVE group in Philadelphia, which was bombed out by the cops. Their crime was a compost pile for their vegetarian truck farm project in the row house, and the community complained about their "unique" lifestyles (vegans, loved to sing and dance, home schooled their children, worshipped god, oh yeah, they were black and wore their hair in dreadlocks and did not have much in common with their neighbors). Sixty homes were destroyed when the bombs fell, all MOVE members, including women and children, were killed, the one survivor, Ramona Afrika, was kept in jail for over six years, force fed drugs and meat because she refused to give another name. How bout Branch Davidians, now there is another wonderful religious community of vegetarians who were most intelligent, but damn their independance and their unwillingness to fit in with the surrounding McWaco world. Result? Women and children Bombed to the cheers of millions of freedom lovin amerikkkans by the beloved "Justice Department". Perhaps it is not the time to gather together, rather it may be a better thing to hide in the cracks and take this to a guerilla type situation. Its sad, it would be nice, this togetherness desire, but the hebrews and the gypsies know too well what is on down the highway. mad mahax
  6. Mela been veddy veddy good to me, I just hope that folks can still have access to read the mela and that spontaneous replies are still somehow possible. I guess walls will keep some good things out, as well. Veddy veddy sad that freedoms are jeopardized by those who abuse the very freedoms that have been afforded them. This is why, in my other life that is not exposed much here, I never speak of "rights" in isolation, because there is no such thing, it is just another word for anarchy. Only "rights and responsibilities", inseparable, can bring about real freedom. All glories to the Dharma Mela, and the Audarya Fellowship is quite glorious too. In the few short weeks I have been here, I must commend the responsible moderation without sacrificing the edge witnessed herein. Great Job, JNdas, ys in cooperation, mahaksadasa
  7. Weapons are such as that. If one flies, they will all fly. Clinton signed an executive order of restraint, but the generals and admirals will not comply (and I believe Bush has another counter-proposal in the works). India and Pakistan are certainly scary, but no more than N. Korea, who just have one warhead, and will wire it to an old scud and blast Japan, which will make US fire a few, and then China will let go, then india, then Paki. And the last people still at war will be jews and arabs fighting with sticks on the wasteland called armageddon above the golan heights. But Spain scares the hell out of me, personally, because the real culprits of this demoniac war (three feet above the ground, in another dimension) reside there. Nixon was correct. World War III began in 1974 with the Arab Oil embargo. The Shah was unchained, France released the ayatollah on persia, Khadaffi and Saddam were supplied nukes and biological and chemical weaponry, all while the controllers just smiled and watched. The chemicals are filling our lungs right now, dropped nightly upon us. The pestilence is rampant. the sixth seal is broken (which is why Koresh was offed, he knew and was about to reveal). Done deal, but not the end, just a manipulation that was deemed by the controllers as necessary. Spain was the site of those who watched as their boy Pol Pot carried out the experiment of moving the folks out of the metropolis. Spain is also the site where the controllers watched while the US helped Saddam remove a quarter million from his realm without great blame to the great applause of 200,000,000 amerikkkans. Oh well, better shut up now, but it is a done deal, it is not if, it is when. mad mahax Im more scared about the nukes I deal with. Ive tried to keep the wires from rustin for 20 years now, but there is no way. Im more worried about the drunken admirals with their fingers on the detonators. At least the indians and pakis are fanatically offering up the results of their proposed holocaust to allah and Visnu, the west cultists are accurately depicted in Kubrik's Strangelove. I see the Seller's character every day, but the devotee Sellers depicted him quite mildly, the real dude is really insane. There are only two people who could verify my read on all of this, and they are both dead. One is Dwight David Eisenhower, and the other is Admiral Hyman Rickover, the most hated person ever to walk among the Joint Chiefs of Staff. de braddah be me hero.
  8. Haribol, I often thought of the deepest meaning of this "Inevitable Nuclear War" discussion. As a worker for the great war machine, I know for a fact that a weapon has never been created that will not be used. The Trident Missiles were created as a deterrent to nuclear war, and this has worked marvelously, preventing the third bomb from being hurled in anger, and this success of this system has made it possible for me to work on this system regardless of the protests of many of my fellow left-wing friends. That said, there is a hideous underside of this system. It works, and because it works, it will be used, every warhead will be released if the time comes that we have nothing left to throw at the enemy. So the big exchange takes place, probably because someone misreads a coroneal ejecta for enemy incoming, and as my favorite music group, Publig Image LTD, sings, there will be "Mushrooms on the Horizon". It this the end of the world? Not possible. Lord Siva's dance ends the world, and all the weapons ever created by KaliYuga Pygmie minds do not have the fraction of the power of the toe of Sri Nataraja. But the end of the world as we know it (Cmon bb, name the group) can be produced by such a weapon exchange. Which means survival camps of diseased and emotionally scarred folks (the good ones), families that had the sense of future vision to supply their bunkers (Hey, nother song, "Livin in the Bunkers" by the Vapors, maybe this article should be in the music section, eh), or the bands of dacoits living on fresh human flesh (yeah, cannibalism, nice thought, eh? But why do you think this is called Kali Yuga). "What to do, what to do?", rami the swami (with his teenage mommy) cries. "Chant Hare Krsna" is the answer from Srila Prabhupada. The folks in the survival camps eating pond scum and earthworms will be very open to the Hare Krsna Movement, as will those livin in the bunkers. The cannibals? Well, there has to be opposition, otherwise where is the evidence that a hard heart can be softened by the process delivered by the representatives of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Not over, just different. Inevitable. ys, mahak (I keep them bombs from going off prematurely, which is a noble profession)
  9. Haribol, Gaurachandra. If I were to tell you who I regarded as the most genuinely funny person I have ever met, Sriman Siddhaswarupananda would top the list. He is expert on taking the edge off any situation. And he may go from this levity to the seriousness of the dread of what we are all facing at the drop of a hat, but the entire emotional range of how this Krsna Consciousness reaches the very depths of the self is always communicated quite well. I became unaffiliated 22 years ago, and had the fortune of meeting folks who I could talk to without fear of reprisal. Though not affiliated with his mission in any way, I was very interested in keeping up with his teachings by purchasing his audio lectures and even a couple of VCRs. Because these friends wanted to know more and more about what I was into, I started to share these tapes with them, and by these tapes alone, many became devotees, adopted the chanting process, became quite interested in Srila Prabhupada's writings, etc. I directly witnessed his effect to those without previous experiance with ISKCON or Srila Prabhupada's affiliated disciples. This effect made me come to accept Siddhaswarupananda as a preceptor, even more so than when I had direct association with him. I had made grievous mistakes while in his ashrama, and deliberately tried to discredit his mission (as many have done for many years), but upon coning to my senses years later, I asked him to view my offenses as insignificant blunders of infancy. His acceptance of my apology was unlike anything I have ever experianced, and thus, without getting overly sentimental, showed rare and selfless Vaisnava Character only hoped for by this writer if I refrain from stupid behavior for a few hundred more lifetimes. Sometimes we get complacent in our self-assessment of our devotional lives. A good way to snap out of this dangerous pride is to view how the newly exposed folks are accepting the teachings of the vaisnava with sincere and rapt attention. This was my inspiration and I owe any attraction to Krsna to this alone. Some may scoff, but I also witnessed this character in Srila Prabhupada as well. He was thanking his disciples for taking to this movement, and he became quite choked up, crying profusely, thanking them for allowing him to perform devotional service. The main symptom of a spiritual master is that he firmly believes that his disciple is more devoted than himself, that his inspiration for serving the Lord comes from the disciple. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa
  10. thanks for present, dear friend, ys, mahaksadasa
  11. Haribol, Gaurachandra and others. You have brought up this topic, and I decided to watch an old VCR of Sriman Siddhaswarupananda's earlier lectures this last weekend, and was greatly impressed. Not that He was delivering anything new, this 1985 VCR had been seen hundreds of times, but not for many years, yet the ideas presented were fresh, the delivery was entertaining, and the benefit was surely mine. The subject of the 30 minute lecture and 30 minute Q&A session is "Placing one's love on the Supreme Person", and covered the wide range of loves that "happen" to all of us. The lecture focuses on the fact that loves of the names and forms of this world will end in frustration because the situation always changes, either by disturbance or by the greatest disturbance of them all, leaving of the body of either the lover or the beloved. This makes this kind of love a deeep source of misery and binds one to the world of misery. The alternative was given to place one's love on the Supreme Lord. Great emphasis was given to the dual "greatest commandment" of Lord Jesus Christ, that we unreservedly give love, heart, body, mind, and entire being, to God and thus we "automatically give love to our fellow being to the extent that we love our own selves. This prioritizing of our natural loving propensity does not leave us empty, loving no one except an imagination of an unknown God figure, rather gives new meaning to the actual love we continue to give to those we are in contact with, family, friends, countrymen, etc. With Love of God as the center, the love we can express with these other beings is thus purified to remove all the miserable consequence of leaving God out of the equasion... Any, great lecture, and I offer humble thanks for the one starting this topic for inspiring me to unfold the treasures gathering dust in my attic. A teacher of the "TRUTH" is not topical, what he teaches is true at all times, as it was in 1985, as it is in 2001, as it will be 100 years from now. Bdas makes a great point that is often cited by the great teachers of Vaisnavism, and this was also cited in the humble presentation of Sriman Siddhaswarupananda that I just revisited. He stated that he has the ability to speak, and to present lectures in a way that interests the listeners. He uses this ability in the service of Krsna to try to spread the mission of Krsna Consciousness. This is not done in an over lording way, as he clearly states in context that this "service" is beneficial to his very own advancement in Krsna Consciousness, as it is the service given to him by His spiritual master. The best part of his lectures, especially the older ones (I cannot comment on the newer ones that I have not yet seen), is the way he carries himself, not as a great leader, but as a very humble and gentle person. Again, thanks to the writers here for reminding me of the glorious position of the one who singlehandedly inspired me to become a devotee way back in 1970, and who keeps inspiring me to this day. For anyone who cannot access his show, his nice commentary on Sri Isopanisad, "18 Pearls of Vedic Wisdom" can be accessed here. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa
  12. mahak


    Haribol. Didymous Thomas, the elder brother of Lord Jesus Christ, famous as the one who did not artificially accept that His brother survived the assassination attempt, was commissioned by Lord Jesus Christ to spread the "good news" eastward, and in doing so, established a center on the Malibar Coast of India (Goa). When the Portugese slave traders "discovered" India and attemptede to "Christianize" the place, they were surprised to discover that a large Christian Community already existed there, intact, for over 1500 years from the time of St. Thomas. All hindu traditian was present in the Christian Community, arotika ceremonies and other customary worship stylings, but the centerpiece of the community was Lord Jesus, Mother Mary, The Supreme Father (He Who sent Him), St. Thomas, and various written as well as spoken tradition. Xavier came with the Portugese, I believe, and was equally astounded by the discovery of the prieviously unknown Christian Tradition. Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa PS I agree that Srimati Jayaradhe didi's site is a very inspiring section of this here innernet.
  13. He operates on the premise that Love of God is a personal and free choice, so any who want to cast aspersions will not be force fed anything. Some may say he is this or that but only those who hear from him will be able to make sound decision as to whether his teachings are valid, and then only after checking the teachings in accordance with the criteria of guru-shastra-sadhu. I have heard the teachuings of this person for well over twenty-five years and have yet to see anything that counters the teachings of his Guru Maharaja, Srila Prabhupada, the authorized shastra, the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ, or the past sadhus and acaryas. So, if you ask me if he is a perfect bhakta (siddha bhakta), I say he is, in the sense that he delivers, "intact", what he has been kindly given by Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga. So go ahead and watch the show, but your decision will be to be a bee landing on honey or a fly gravitating toward foul things, any other adverse commentary without citing evidence of malfeasance is seen by the sane as nonsense party spirit and dangerous envy toward one who is actively spreading this movement on behalf of Guru and Gauranga. (not to mention a very old and worn out controversy). Hare Krsna, mahaksadasa Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa
  14. Mistakes?? Again, as He is, He clearly states "I am an old man, I am not perfect, but the message I bring from Krsna through My Guru Maharaja IS perfect, and this is my perfection." Hard to see reality if we try to make Gods out of Gurus, and after all the emphasis that Srila Prabhupada placed on this fact. All the gurus of His day were all saying or letting their disciples say that they are SUPREME. Srila Prabhupada decried all of this garbage and He4 stood out is such defiance of this "I aaaaaaam God" philosophy, but all the new Paulist Lord Prabhupadists are doing what was done to Lord Jesus Christ, artificial deification. I sure thank my Guru Maharaja for standing alone in admitting non-divinity. He nicely explained that acintya bheda bheda tattwa afforded Him recognition as Divine Grace of God, not the Grantor of such Grace. Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa
  15. Haribol, Ill call it a lahar for now. Glaciers are difficult to melt from the top down, as in a hot year, but if the ground temp increases, it makes a slide, and the glacier loses friction. Mexico is doing this, too. Northeast of Popocateptyl, the temp of the ground is often much warmer than the air temp, meaning that magma is very near the surface. This is also the case from alaska to jellystone to the sierras. No quakes prominant enough to be associated with magma movement on Rainier, however, very little movement will be felt at the depth of the problem (30+ miles below the surface.) The media changing of the story indicates that someone is indeed worried. Keep the eye on adams, hood, glacier, even three sisters to the south. If they have stable glaciers, then the present "melt-off" theory is bogus. Glaciers on all the cascades are similar, and the drought is the same all around, so "all" should be having similar problems. Have fun, the vulcans are with you, Im goin to the beach, French Beach, B.C. Wish me waves, ys, mahak
  16. mahak

    vulcan flood alert

    Haribol, Ill call it a lahar for now. Glaciers are difficult to melt from the top down, as in a hot year, but if the ground temp increases, it makes a slide, and the glacier loses friction. Mexico is doing this, too. Northeast of Popocateptyl, the temp of the ground is often much warmer than the air temp, meaning that magma is very near the surface. This is also the case from alaska to jellystone to the sierras. No quakes prominant enough to be associated with magma movement on Rainier, however, very little movement will be felt at the depth of the problem (30+ miles below the surface.) The media changing of the story indicates that someone is indeed worried. Keep the eye on adams, hood, glacier, even three sisters to the south. If they have stable glaciers, then the present "melt-off" theory is bogus. Glaciers on all the cascades are similar, and the drought is the same all around, so "all" should be having similar problems. Have fun, the vulcans are with you, Im goin to the beach, French Beach, B.C. Wish me waves, ys, mahak
  17. Mercy Ship c.1993, mahaksadasa You came into my life from oh so far, Riding through my mind in Subhadra's car, Without a single purpose but to save the world. Your Song has mor power than all the missles they have hurled. All the holy men came to show the way. Many people listened to what they had to say. Some of them insane, some just went to other things, Not knowing the difference between soldiers and Kings. They wanted to steal my mind, take away my land, A trade for a philosophy no one can understand. They prey on people' greed, take advantage of their fear. They say anything the people want to hear. Tricks, treachery, cheap words, and smiling nods, Are needed to convince the ignorant they are gods. Crime, poverty, death, gods exposed as fools, Tossed around like ants into giant whirlpools. But You did not come to advertize Your name. You had no pressing needs to strive for selfish fame. You have what you are given, and to me You bring, Matchless Gifts, if I would only dance and sing. You have gone back to Vrndavana, left me all alone, On these streets of Armageddon, weary to the bone. Yet You leave Your loving Lifeline, waiting for my grip. Through these dreadful waters, You guide the Mercy Ship.
  18. MONSOON mahaksadasa c.1995 The dirt is cracked, flowers will not grow How will we ever reap fruit that we cannot sow Mercy is coming, the clouds from North Winds blow To drench mata aina, the thirst is soon to go Welcome to the Monsoon Dark Cloud, The Shelter Giver of all life, Spring as if the Dawn Welcome to the Monsoon River turning brown, raging to the sea Many things will drown, no one can even see Thunder keeps on cracking, uprooting mighty trees Powerful astringent, rinse this good land free Welcome to the Monsoon Dark Cloud, The Shelter Giver of all life, Spring as if the Dawn Welcome to the Monsoon Some are filled with terror and criticize Your way Not understanding bills that must be paid Without Your mercy, Fires burn all away Your works are for wonder and Your children always pray Welcome to the Monsoon Dark Cloud, The Shelter Giver of all life, Spring as if the Dawn Welcome to the Monsoon
  19. Im not overly upset about his "compromise". There is wiggle room in all of this, but my stance is the same. give it up. This is witchcraft and vampire practice. This installation of body parts and blood and all this stuff will lead to a bigger problem. It already has, the more "advances" of modern medicine, the more profound the plague is upon us. How many cases of cancer were there when the American Cancer Society was foundede. How much cancer is there now, after sucking trillions of research dollars out of do-gooder and taxpayer pockets? Show me a little progress in anything, and I give ya credibility, but to make a 75 year old live until he is 80 at the expense of the human toll of having the "self" seen as "biomass" to be used here and there to keep these "ghostless" machines runnin, I say cut them all off, and give us the herbal remedies back. Sidenote, do any of yall know how much the AMA, ACS, Pharmaceutical Conglomerates, etc spends annually to prevent herbal use and homopathic practitioners from gaining credibility with the public. A good chunk of the Combined Federal Campaign and United Way stipends, ill bet.
  20. Haribol. It does get to be a bit much, all this justification of perversion and amplified "I am the body" philosophy. This is not about gay rights or the equally disgusting gay bashing, it is about once and for all transcendence of bodily identification. I would show equal disturbance at "mexicanwomanmacho manblackindian" alliances and blocs given credibility in a movement that requires giving up all this false identification of the body as the "self" as even a pre-requisite to even beginning of Bhagavad Gita study. It is ludicrous to be free on one hand and stitched on another. Im not anti-gay in the sense that my very best all time devotee friend was from that community, and openly admitted his plight. Sudama told me early on that he was a perverted reflection of the perverted reflection, and this sums it up. I hate the writings of the guy who always says "homosexual guru lineage" and this and that garbage, because my only question to this person who is so enraptured by gay hate that one must wonder (after all, there is insignificant difference in attraction by lust and attraction by anger), would you approve of a "heterosexual guru lineage". This is silly, leave your biological problems out of spiritual discussion and practice. It is garbage and not much different than me talking publically about my fingers journey to the booger up my nose. Its my biological problem, not something to broadcast. But, there is political agenda in the gay movement as well, this is why AIDS is not called what it was called originally (GRIDS-gay related immunity deficiency syndrome). Gays must be seen as just swell and accepted and will invade all life systems with their propaganda. It has never been about "coming out of the closet", it is all about being manipulated by those who care nothing about either your or my perversions. haribol, ys, mahaksadasa
  21. mahak

    vulcan alert

    zat, mammoth, bro?
  22. mahak

    vulcan alert

    zat, mammoth, bro?
  23. God, I wish I had the guitar part, my spine is tingling thinkin about the instrumentation that goes with this song. Thanks much, Jij, you be di bes.
  24. Stem cell research is being advertized as such a great boon, and there is immense pressure from the money lords that this is needed lest we become primitives again, but really, enough is enough. Brother dubya, tis nothing but obeyah business, witchcraft, with a disguise of science. Let em know, enough is enough, or else the chinese will certainly provide all the stems money can buy.
  25. Haribol, if jijaji reads here, i bet he knows the words to one of georges best songs, the ending of the cartoon "yellow submarine", titled "It's All Too Much". Not only does it show the superb talent of George, the guitarist, who even Clapton cannot approach, but the lyrics is a discussion with the Guru who never leaves the interior of any of us, if we would only remember. "Life is just a birthday cake, take a piece, but not too much."
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