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Everything posted by sreeram

  1. What is wrong if Rama ate meet. He was a khatriya and normally they eat meet. Even he was an avtar or Vishnu he lived like a human with all human emotions.
  2. There is no back magic and white magic. When people started doing sidhis for self benefits or doing harm to anybody, the term back magic some into picture. As stated by amritansur no able guru would give vashikaran without a valid reason. I don’t understand why people want to do such tings. They are ready to waste time for such things but not in the right direction
  3. When Maa kali or a yakhsini did started wearing salavar. These all dreams are coming from you imagination. May be subconscious mind which you are not aware. Normally when we have such problems we use to connect it with spiritual thing and some times one can get relief by doing poojas. If you want to go in that way I mean spiritual path you can find a guru or a reliable tantrik/Jyotshi who can help you.
  4. Bhima is my fav charactor. Yudhishtira he lost everything in gambling and even he hocked panjali where she was not only his own. Arjuna there was krishna who helped him always. But bhima he struggled a lot since biggining. It is my openion only my openion
  5. You can send to me. nsreeram1@.co.in
  6. http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20090118-LIFE-901180316 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_hitech.htm Also read my post on anciant Indian technology.
  7. Lord Narasimha was an avtar of mahavishnu. Lord siva and mahavishnu are deferent as it mentioned several times, several places in puranas. Maha mrityunjaya mantra is offerd to siva that is un questionable.
  8. mass slaughter was happend during kurukshethara war too. But this one is the OIL GOD. Yes Oil is the god for him.
  9. One can not change things immediately. But things are changing. At some places there the discrimination on lower cast is still going on. In some developed countries at some places discrimination on black is still there. So this Is India a place of very old belief and tradition. So be happy and think what was the past and how things got changed from past. Have a look at this link. Old one but.. http://www.ur.umich.edu/0304/Jan26_04/14.shtml
  10. Rather than donating to some Temples donate to some good Orphanage where the orphan childs can get some benefilt.
  11. His devotees claim that he is god or he is an avatar. And he has some power. Power to over come your problems. Some of my cousins are his devotees and they are offering poojas to his image. I have not visited him nor attracted to such persons. I don’t know how to educate these people and it’s a really shame to this world.
  12. Story of his sexual abuse came in India today (a famous weekly in india) in year 2000. They have quoted some example from some ex devotees.
  13. How does it matters, whether he was balck or white.
  14. Why you people are going for such mantras. It is not going to help you out. For such thing you should have sidhi. other wise these mantras are just some words. If you realy love some one you dont need such thngs. If you love love like Ratha.
  15. It is not only in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com<st1:place>Trinidad</st1:place> I have seen people are offering ganja and beedies (cigrates) to god or so called idols. I have seen such incidents among tribes or low casts. That is their tradition and they are following their tradition. In some of the north Indian states bang (a type of narcotic drug) is offered to loard shiva on shivrathri. Is this means all these people are wrong. No. Let them do what they want to do.
  16. May be u can try banaras hindu university. Google it. You may get more details.
  17. Not only in Hinduism, there are such things in every religion and every corner of world. It is you who determine which way you want to go. Let them do what they do. And Hinduism one of the religion which faced repeat distraction from the external forces. from the magnolias, some mulim worriers, mugals, Portuguese. Dutch. British and still it is under attack from external and internal impact. But still it is there and we can feel that. Proud to be a Hindu.
  18. http://www.flex.com/~jai/satyamevajayate/tejo.html Have a look at this link. It was a shiva temple. Tejo mahalaya.
  19. I agree with you. The cast system has caused the major impact on conversion. The other thing is money. They are paying money for conversion. Which is not good. Most of the gurus are fighting each other for power and money. They don’t have time to look into the situation. Main thing is there is no leader who can be followed blindly. Every one is working for money.
  20. Dont forget there are fake saints too. last week one caught by cambodia police if I remember correctly.
  21. He is a human with some magic trick and knowledge. There was an article in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region> today in later 2000 that he some people raised complaint against him that he was involved in some sexual harassment. May be true may not be true, but those who call himself as god and asking others to call him as god and asking others to praise him like got are fake and stupid. I feel pity on those who compare him with god or Vishnu. He normally shows the tricks like taking vibhhothi from the air. That can be done by any magicians nothing great on that.
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