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Everything posted by sreeram

  1. Agree with this. you are not taking the point of vedas. vedas are the basics of hinduism. Krishna was an avtara not a god. In a lot of ancient temples they are not doing the rituals and mantras for krishna, but they are doing it for loard vishnu. never forgot about omkara and trimoortis.
  2. I agree with you, but you cannot prove anything new from this. It was already ststed in mahabharata about gandhara desa ( county of gandhari) which is in afganisthan today. It shows that afganisthan was a hiundu country. evidence are the old temples which recently damaged by taliban. In fact hinduism and sanskrit was the rerlegion and language of a large part of globe. But arabic language was derived from parsi. Better to co relate sankrit with parsi. also there is similarity between german and sanskrit.
  3. The great Adi Sankaracharya traveld along indaia a number of times. That is from kanyakumari to himalaya. As per me it is a difficult task considering his period as 32 years. I came to know from some old Malayalam writings that he was able to travel through air with the use of his yogavidya. Any one knows about this. I think a study on this will help us to know about the mysterious secretes of Hinduism and yoga. Because he lived three hundred years ago I suppose.
  4. Can any one tell the exact meaning of maha mrityunjaya mantra. I was happened to here one speech. In which the speaker told that “like a cucumber falling itself from the plant on ripening, provide me moksha. That is asking for a calm and quite or a natural easy death”. I was heard from my childhood days that this mantra and maha mrityunjaya homa(havan ) is used escape from death. I just want to know whether these holy speakers are twisting the meaning of mantra. Or they are trying to fool the followers. I am sending this message with such commitment and curiosity that. There are lot of such swamis (they are asking their devotees to call them swamis) are trying this and they are able to convince some uneducated or some innocent people. I want to oppose such persons to utilizing the innocence of public.. Pl, cooperate.
  5. Stop even thinking of these match fixing devils I head about this match fixing in cricket a few years back when Hansi Cronie, Azharuddin, Jadeja and mongia were suspected and caught in the scam but I never believed the same being and Indian and a true cricket fan. On analyzing the latter matches and the body language of the cricketers on loosing big games such as that to Bangladesh in world cup, I have come to a conclusion that these a players are nothing but a bunch of basterd actors who can even get themselves fucked for money. We put our faith and emotional trust in these actors who can win or loose for money. These devils of the advertisement world rule our hearts for the sake of success that they and their brands attain from the money that is wet with our sweat and blood. It’s we who make them heroes and its them who betray us for money. Match fixing started in 1983 world cup in which India winning the world cup was a plan of the multinationals who targeted the huge Indian market. They made cricket more popular with India’s win. This was the trend that continued with Aishwarya and Sushmita getting the Miss Universe and miss world crowns. The money jockeys took the Indian customers with these Idols. The money that we spend on worshiping these Indian Idols lands into the pockets of their brands. While the Pakistanis lost to Ireland and India lost to Bangladesh, what came as a surprise was their body language. None of these teams were playing for a win. They had already won their world cup in the Fix. A coach was killed and the other refused to take nay responsibility of Loss. One captain resigned and the other stands firm with no shames what so ever. My advice to the cricket worshipers who were performing homas and poojas for the devils of the cricket world is that they should do the same for Dawood Ibrahim to change his mind and let India win. I strongly believe that BCCI and ICCI are involved to their necks in the fixing. As a Indian patriot I have stopped watching any Indian Match or buy any product endorsed by the Indian cricket team or player. I think it will bring a big change if every Indian cricket fan does so. In the name of patriotism and Indian blood, I appeal all of you cricket fans to quit watching the matches till they stop playing for money. <!-- / message -->
  6. It's a good thing the coach Greg chappell is gone. He was a useless coach. DO you think <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region> and <st1:country-region w:st="on">Pakistan</st1:country-region> are inferior to <st1:country-region w:st="on">Bangladesh</st1:country-region> and <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Ireland</st1:place></st1:country-region>? By watching these matches closely the postures and body language of both teams’ shows they never played for a victory. And why they played to lose a match? Because it was already fixed. Jab miyya biwi raji hei to kya karega zamana. When players, management, local control bords and ICCI are involved in this, then kya karega chappel. SO My Humble request is As a Indian patriot I have stopped watching any Indian Match or buy any product endorsed by the Indian cricket team or player. I think it will bring a big change if every Indian cricket fan does so. In the name of patriotism and Indian blood, I appeal all of you cricket fans to quit watching the matches till they stop playing for money
  7. This was clearly written in the India today I think it was in year 2000. Now the question is why it was not escalated in any court, answer is simple. Here in india a hundreds of thousands on crimes are suppressed with some thousands of money and this man Mr sai baba is having billions of dollers with him. Now an average LKG student can tell why he was not arrested or why there was no reports on this. Here the natives are not getting justice then how can foreigners????
  8. This was clearly written in the India today I think it was in year 2000. Now the question is why it was not escalated in any court, answer is simple. Here in india a hundreds of thousands on crimes are suppressed with some thousands of money and this man Mr sai baba is having billions of dollers with him. Now an average LKG student can tell why he was not arrested or why there was no reports on this. Here the natives are not getting justice then how can foreigners????
  9. He is not an avtar. I feel pity to those who treating some saints as god. They are not god nor any avtara. It was mentioned clear in bhagavatam about avtars. there is only one avtar left in this yuga. it is khaki.
  10. Who created taliban. Who gave power to Pakistan and iran? Answer known to everybody. US. Now child’s thinking that they grown bigger than father. This is a problem of their family. No need to interfere in this. Of course all Americans should think of this.
  11. I head about this match fixing in cricket a few years back when Hansi Cronie, Azharuddin, Jadeja and mongia were suspected and caught in the scam but I never believed the same being and Indian and a true cricket fan. On analyzing the latter matches and the body language of the cricketers on loosing big games such as that to Bangladesh in world cup, I have come to a conclusion that these a players are nothing but a bunch of basterd actors who can even get themselves fucked for money. We put our faith and emotional trust in these actors who can win or loose for money. These devils of the advertisement world rule our hearts for the sake of success that they and their brands attain from the money that is wet with our sweat and blood. It’s we who make them heroes and its them who betray us for money. Match fixing started in 1983 world cup in which India winning the world cup was a plan of the multinationals who targeted the huge Indian market. They made cricket more popular with India’s win. This was the trend that continued with Aishwarya and Sushmita getting the Miss Universe and miss world crowns. The money jockeys took the Indian customers with these Idols. The money that we spend on worshiping these Indian Idols lands into the pockets of their brands. While the Pakistanis lost to Ireland and India lost to Bangladesh, what came as a surprise was their body language. None of these teams were playing for a win. They had already won their world cup in the Fix. A coach was killed and the other refused to take nay responsibility of Loss. One captain resigned and the other stands firm with no shames what so ever. My advice to the cricket worshipers who were performing homas and poojas for the devils of the cricket world is that they should do the same for Dawood Ibrahim to change his mind and let India win. I strongly believe that BCCI and ICCI are involved to their necks in the fixing. As a Indian patriot I have stopped watching any Indian Match or buy any product endorsed by the Indian cricket team or player. I think it will bring a big change if every Indian cricket fan does so. In the name of patriotism and Indian blood, I appeal all of you cricket fans to quit watching the matches till they stop playing for money.
  12. Such after effects are applicable for every thing we eat. Even for fruits and vegetables. The insecticides and chemicals using in the cultivation is the main cause for this
  13. There some protocols to be followed while dealing with national flag. What ever may be the reason, you cannot put national flag in your feet.
  14. Uploaded. Not ony for indians. such disrespect for any countries flags are not tolerable.
  15. Hello Everyone, These pictures I am sending you all shows the gross disrespect andinsult to the Indian National flag by this so called "spiritual leader" and self proclaimed "GOD" Mataji Nirmala Devi. This disrespect to our country's flag shows that she has definately no respect or love for the country that gave her so much and her husband who was an IAS officer and chief of the SCI (he is seated next to her in the pics). Such a shame. It is requested that all true Indians who love their country forward the photos to as many people as possible so that it does catch the eye of someone higher up in the Indian Govt who can really take some action against this cult. Please forward this to all ur friends....and spread itlike fire!!!!!!!!
  16. Now a days in Hinduism gurus are more than gods and these gurus asking the followers to treat them as god do artis on their photo. People should recognize who is god and who is human. This is happening because of the liberal mentality of Hinduism. Here every one is free for doing such foolish things and the interesting thing is that you get followers too.
  17. The re may be similiraity in some concept between vaisnavas and Christianity, but you cannot say Christians are vaisnavas. Christianity is a deferent religion and vaisnava is a branch of Hindu religion. The main thing to compare a religion is the culture and the way of living.
  18. If you look into the deferent forms of jyothisham, you can find predictions are some time true. This depends up on the reader and the circumstances. Many of jyithishis and good sadhakas and good psychologist. They can read many things from your mind. I had been to a nadi jyothishi a couple of months back. I was convinced by that. What the using is they asked several questions, but the aim is to find out your birth time. Once they get the birth date, time and year they find out your planetary positions. All predictions are depends on that. There is some leaf which matches you planetary position. The interesting thing is that. In a small palm leaf it is not possible to write your whole life. So predictions may correct whether it is nadi or other form of jyotisha. But depends on the reader. I know some jyotishies in kerala and their predictions are absolutely correct, but they never use any advertisement for them self. Because the people who knows them are their advertisement. So if a jyotishi is really good, there will not be any advertisement for him So if you want to know about your future or problem take some once advice and go.
  19. In ramayan als it is mentioned about jadayu and sambadi. they aere big birds. Regarding the size of humand beings. some where in mahabharata loard krishna shows Bhiama one big ring ( even Bhima can go through that) and told this was a finger ring of people from early yuga. I dont remember in which chapter it was written, But I am sure it is there.
  20. Cast system is not a problem of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region>. It’s a global problem. There are deferent casts in Muslim (Eg. Shiya and sunni) Christianity (RC.LC. protestants. Orthodox etc). Then why you are criticizing only Hinduism. Hinduism is one of the most liberal religions in this world. After some years the future generation is going to say similar words on us that we were week to oppose <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">America</st1:country-region></st1:place>’s monopoly. Our ancestors did the same thing what we are doing now. Fearing and obeying the power. Why you are trying to find the faults of our ancestors. Correct yours self first and then curtsies.
  21. At one point of time budhisam and Jainism were most popular in India. A lot of Hindu temples get converted into Jain and budha temple. At this point of time great Adi Shankaracharya came with his philosophy and reinforced Hinduism and recovered many temple all over India. This is true. But the point is can these religions are considered as Hindus?. I stick to my point. These religions are developed in Indus valley so if anyone want, they can be called a Hindus.
  22. Its an alloy of copper and tin. If you want more details I can get the same. But give me some time
  23. I suggest you to chunt Mahasudarshana mantra along with the mantras suggested by our friend. Also light diya particularly in the evening time. Also visit any temple whenever possible. Try to avoid no veg (if you are a non vegitarian) for some time avoid alcohol.
  24. Dear Anil, Give you date of birth with year and time and birth place. It is not recomended to use mantras for personal gains. So dont use anything like that. If she is made for you, you will get.
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