It is not matter of differentiation or partiality. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Temples</st1:place></st1:City> are a source of Positive energy. This is why while going to a temple we are felling peace of mind and happiness. Some acts like visiting a a temple without bathing. Going to a temple after eating meat of othe non vegetarian food. Throwing hair or nails, spitting in side the temple etc.
Anciant people want to avoid the same. The best way was to restrict non Hindus who doesn’t believe in all these. And they were not wrong. In the present scenario people are not ready to accept these facts and they are following the old tradition.
We need to change this slowly and steadily. And it will take time. It’s a tradition of hundreds of thousands of years.
You can see in some of the temples in north <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place> there is no restriction for non Hindus. Also the big example for this is the <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:PlaceType w:st="on">Temple</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Shri Dharma Shashta</st1:PlaceName></st1:place> at Shabarimala at Kerala.