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Posts posted by Tirisilex

  1. I just recently finished college as a Fine Arts major.. And after reading this original post it got me thinking.. I can draw Krishna fairly well.. Why dont I draw a bunch of Different pics of Krishna and make T-Shirts out of them??


    I'm also an electronic musician.. I'm also thinking about maybe doing some devotional.. Inspirational.. Hare Krishna techno music.. I've been listening to my old Christian inspirational music and I kept saying.. I wish they had music like this for Krishna.. And then I was like.. Hey.. I can make it!!

  2. Schizophrenia is in no way related to how clean one is. Schizophrenia has been seen to be caused by genetics.. and drug abuse.. I could be as clean as a boy in a bubble and I still would have ended up with the disease.


    Trying to metaphysicaly explain the disease I find can be a nightmare in itself.. I've been a Schizophrenic since 1992 and I have had so many different experiences from religious experience to down right strange and unusual. Trying to put a metaphysical label unto it could just end up confusing the person who suffers from the disease which may cause them to seek for help outside the mental health field.. I've seen it happen.. They think they are helping but in reality they are just reinforcing the delusions the person may be having.

  3. I've been searching for a system for Schizphrenic therapy that all can practice regardless of race or religious choice. I find most of these posts for help helpful but only within the belief structure of this religion at hand. I know of lots of Schizophrenics who are devote Christians and would just as soon as spit in your face than accept practices of other religions. Hence my post "Selfish??" I have read doing Meditations with visualizations are not good for a Schizophrenic but I cant see why.. I do find that meditating on the idea that the "delusions" and "hallucinations" symptoms all together are but mere illusions springing forth from the unconscious mind much like a dream is assembled at night. Reminding myself constantly that it is illusion. Ive learned over the years to never trust a "voice" because they lead to bad things even if they seem authentic at first. I usualy turn to trusted people to help me discern what is authentic and what is not. I have also found that they cannot be reasoned with.. Ive tried to turn my voices around by discussing with them but they always go back to their former tactics of "torture"..


    I hope this helps..

    Beleive me when I say.. Your not alone.. There are many who suffer as you do. I guess I'm just saying.. Dont give up your searching.. Seek and you will find.. (But when?? Be patient) You can learn alot from this disease.. It gives you a unique perspective.

  4. Is there a specific direction I should be facing while chanting and meditating? I was going to put a picture of Krishna on my wall and it faces east.. I ask because someone told me I needed to face north when doing The Narayana Kavacha Shield... so this made me wonder if I should do that with all my practice??

  5. He looked like Krishna in teenage form. Just like the ones Ive seen in pictures. He told me he was the being who asked me the question from way back in my childhood. I had wondered for a long time who it was that presented me with this "trial" within my life. Jehovah had had his chance to claim.. Allah had his chance.. The Buddha even.. No.. it was none of them.. Krishna was the one who revealed himself to me.. noone else..:pray:

  6. Yes I knew who he was.. I was looking in to Hinduism even while I was a Buddhist. My thought was.. The Buddha learned in the beginning from Vedic Believing people so I thought about starting where he started.. So I looked a bit into Hinduism.. He learned under Brahmans I believe and then got the realization for a new system favorable to his search.

  7. Do I believe if they are real? Well.. lets see if I can explain this correctly. Being a Schizophrenic I deal with experiences that to others may seem paranormal. I see all of my Schizo experiences as illusion.. but yet a possibility that it is authentic. "Illusion first.. ask questions later" How do I know the difference? Experience for one.. How many times can a particular voice lie to me untill I get the picture that its full of decete? If I have an experience that I may suspect to be authentic I clear it with 3 people.. If they all agree that it is authentic then I treat it as such. But always see it as illusion first.. If it cant be observed or proven as truth within the context of which it presented itself how can it be real?


    An example is how I became a Hindu.. I had a very powerful vision of Krishna which cause me to convert from Buddhism. I didnt accept the vision was authentic untill I told my experience to several ISCKON members.

    When I explained what happened they confirmed its autheticity for me..

    One of the things with this disease as well as you need to learn to trust when people tell you and not let your mind wander and come up with its own ideas and reasons of why something happens.



    Christianize it, maybe for others? See if that works still? After all, there are people out there who change Yoga to fit their belief systems, so why not do a similar thing?


    Also, just curious, but do you believe that what you see and hear are real? And if not, why not? What makes schizophrenics different from psychics, clairvoyants, etc? Besides the possible onslaught of visions and auditory experiences? Maybe these are a result of a messed up kundalini awakening? Have you considered this?

  8. I had stated in the past that I am diagnosed Paranoid Schizophrenic. The mental health facility considers me a recovered Schizo. But that sounds better than it really is.. All it means is I can handle my Schizo experiences better than I could in the past. So.. I still hear voices, feel things that arent there, and see things on occasion. I am still currently on medication as well.


    My aim is (as is for most Schizos) is to get rid of the hallucinations and delusions that plagues me.


    I titled this post "Selfish?" because I have been keeping a record and have devised a system so far that is pretty much universal in the sense that any Schizophrenic belonging to any creed or religion or belief would find it in themselves to practice what I present to them. I recieved an eMail from a reputable source that suggested I do the "Narayana Kavacha Shield" practice. I want to practice it to see if it works but I feel that it would be selfish of me because if it were to work it would only benefit those of a Hindu nature and not outside of this following. I believe if I am to do a practice to heal myself it must be able to heal others as well.. I know that no Schizophrenic Christian will even consider doing the Narayana Kavacha Shield.


    So.. what shoudl I do?

  9. I've been listening to Hare Krishna Radio online. They were saying "If you like to cook. Cook for Krishna. If you like to do business. Do business for Krishna."


    When I was a Buddhist I was taught that I can help people, heal people,teach people.. for the Buddha but I dont have to preach the Buddha to do it.


    Is this same with Krishna?

  10. Sometimes at night I actualy leave my body and can walk around the world in a "spirit" body." I see this as a great time to take advantage of so I can practice even while in sleep.


    I had a dream once of being in this place called the great hall. It was this HUGE hallway that had a 2 lane road going down the center. There was 1000's of people and it sounded like you were in a large Mall. The buildings had no alley ways and went up about 12 stories and then arched and connected to each side. It has the feel like the movie "What Dreams may Come" with the people flying and stuff. I dreamed of someone giving me a place to live.


    Now I long to go back to that place.. And have that my nightime home where I can practice.


    I know Tibetan Buddhists have Dream Yoga.. I'm wondering if Hindus have something similar??

  11. Every Summer I go camping deep in the woods to do what I call a spiritual quest. I smoke a small anount of marajuana and I get an experience that is usualy positive.. Its hard to explain.. It motivates me to go and do things spiritualy.. From making right moral desicions to meditating, chanting, and studying scriptures.. It gives me the drive to do the right thing. But when I do this I get into a conflict.. Smoking isnt a good thing.. But yet it makes me want to do the right thimg.. Thats why I do it only once a year... Is this a bad thing to do??

  12. Ive asked this question before a while back but I didnt get much information. I thought maybe I might a better response If I try again.


    How do you practice with a sri yantra medallion? I've looked online for info and all I have found is that you need to do some kind of meditation to charge a medallion. I have a sri yantra medallion but I dont know what to do with it.

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