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Posts posted by Tirisilex

  1. I messed up big time. I ignored most of the advise I recieved from this forum. I'm speaking about when I asked questions about Kama and Rati. I was told that I was focusing on the wrong thing. Now I know I was focusing on the wrong thing. I should never have worshipped these 2 demi gods. I feel as if my life is ruined because of my worship of them. Now I'm wondering if you know of any way to remedy my problem. Because now that I realize that I was wrong in worshiping them they are upset and are trying to make me stumble. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I have a mental image of Krishna and lately Ive been wondering whether or not my Idea of what Kirshna is is wrong.


    I see Krishna as Unconditional Love.. Patient... and forgiving. When I compare him to Jehovah I find Krishna greater. I have a story I use to compare the 2.


    There are 2 great kings in the land.

    One King proclaims.. Live within my Kingdom, live my rules.. Do not have anything to do with the other kings of the land.. I will protect you.. If you follow me I will not destroy you when I bring my war to take the world for my own. All those who oppose me no matter how good a person they are.. I will throw in my dungeons and will torture them for all the days of their lives.


    The Other King proclaims.. Live within my Kingdom, Live my rules.. If you have a difficult time living my rules It is fine if you choose to be with another king. I will love all the peoples of all the land and will sned my Aid to all those in need no matter what kingdom they are within. I welcome all to my kingdom and wish for peace among all kingdoms.


    I dont know if you can see what I am getting at..

    But I'm wondering if I'm correct.. Does he have Unconditional Love? Christians sometimes claim Jehovah is Unconditional Love but thats false.. If it was Unconditional why Is unbelief a Sin? Those who don't believe are sent to hell. Thats conditional..


    Can someone enlighten me on this...

  3. Ive been looking for a long time now on how to practice or use a Sri Yantra Medallion. I have found nothing on how to use one. I know that there is some sort of meditational practice for it but I am unable to find any documentation on how to do it


    Any help out there?

  4. Bodhicitta,



    I havent been here for awhile and I stumbled on this post again tonight.


    You were talking about a concert festival thing?

    I'm very much still in my Development phase. I'm currently in college and I am in a small apartment which really hinders my development in my performance art idea. I need more free time and a home studio to have be able have an act together.

    I'd say in 2 years I'll finaly be producing something.

    I need a studio for the development of my puppets and room to work. I'm in a 2 room apartment right now.

    But I am willing to discuss anything if you wish to.

  5. You have 2 rocks. One is large and round. The other is small and square. If you put them side by side you can compare them and say that the smaller square rock is the opposite of the large round rock. But If for instance you take the smaller square rock away does it CHANGE the QUALITIES of the larger round rock?

    You do not need evil to EXPERIENCE or KNOW good. Just as you do not need to see the smaller square rock for an understanding of the larger round rock.

  6. I thought about your answer for awhile last night and I believe you are wrong.

    If your answer was true then that means it justifies one for being a Murderer. If one who acts to save lives must have another to destroy lives.. Then I decide that well If I want someone to save people I must take the roll of one to destroy them? Thus creating a hero by being a villain. This doesnt make sense.

  7. Buddhism is a Religion / Philosophy developed by Gautama Siddhartha.. aka The Buddha.

    The word Buddha means the awakened one.

    Gautama was a prince in Northern India. His father the King sheltered Gautama to the point that he never experienced suffering. However later in life the kings efforts to shelter his son away from the idea of suffering became futile and Guatama learned about suffering, sickness, old age and death. When he discovered these things he gave up his princehood.. his wife and children and all royal luxury in the pursuit to end suffering in the world. After years of ascetic practices and meditations he became the Buddha. Buddhism is all about the relief of suffering.. It can be applied in any religion or philosophy because it seeks only to relieve suffering and nothing more.


    I hope this helps.

  8. I have thought about this from time to time and I wanted to see what other people take this as.

    Dualism is having opposites right? If there is Love there is Hate and so forth.. Male - Female, Happy -Sad..

    Now if there is this dualistic existance does this mean you cannot have one without the other? I visualize emotions such as love and hate to exist like a scale.

    Every being is comprised of a complex system of scales. For example one side holds love and the other side holds hate. Now the scale represents potential it's up to the individual to choose where to tip the scale. So a person who loves, the love side of the scale is weighed down and the hate side is lifted. The person has the potential to hate but does not.

    But I then think on a different scale.. Is dualism always a balance of existance? Say for example.. For every being that is happy a sad one must exist? For every being in bliss there is one in pain? For every one who is responsible there is one who is not. This idea disturbs me because I then feel like that I'm causing suffering becuase of my good health. That whenever I tell the truth I cause another to lie. This makes for a miserable existence and I try not to believe in it.. But I do think about it from time to time.

    I was wondering how others look at this.

  9. It is my understanding that Buddhism believes that the Universe was always here.. There was never a Beginning but this eternal cycle of Birth and Death.

    The music group of Enigma put it as: "We came out of the deep. To help and understand but not to kill.. It takes MANY lives untill we succeed.. To clear the debts of many, many hundred years." The Buddhists see it pretty much the same way. They teach that it will take and it has taken a very long time untill this cycle stops.


    How does Hinduism look at this? Was there a beginning? Or does Hinduism see it in some different understanding altogether?

  10. I've had dreams come true.. This put me in a desperate search in a deep philosophical pursuit to understand free will verses destiny. I finaly came to the conclusion to no longer worry about this. This is the nature of Samsara. A huge complex kaleidoscope of causes and conditions. All one can do within this trap is to try to do the best they can. I also came to the conclusion to not worry about the purpose behind my dreams and why I had dreamed about such things and in this conext. Again I give the same advice as with the vision. Take it for what it is. Just a dream that came true. nothin more.. nothin less.


    I'm happy to discuss whatever you want if you like..

    Here or through eMails.. whatever..


    Good luck

  11. I'm not a Hindu but a Buddhist. So I can't really answer in a Hindu point of view.

    What I have been taught about such visions and occurances is that you need to take it for what it is. It's a vision. Nothing more nothing less. I have always been advised to take such things as illusions. This is not to say that it has no significance.. Just don't get yourself to attatched to it. If it TRUELY has significance it will appear again perhaps supplying more information.

    I remember reading in the Mahabarata somewhere about those who recieve prophecies. If you recieve a prophecy don't let it goto your head and become lazy thinking "I'm destined to do this." If you sit around and say this and don't do anything.. It will not come to pass.


    I'd like to add to it.. looking at this at a different point of view instead of being lazy.. But overconfidence this can cause you to be prideful but then to find that this "prophecy" will not come to pass and you fooled yourself the whole time thinking it would.


    Just keep level headed about it.. Thats all I can say.

    Maybe someone here can give you a better answer within a Hindu conext.

  12. << knowledge of truth cannot be acquied without some faith. >>


    I agree.. I am a Buddhist and my beliefs are different than yours. If I were to proclaim to you that there is no soul and this is a fact. Would you agree?

    Although I may agree with this Buddhist idea I would never proclaim it to be a fact. And this is Buddha Dharma not science. What I am trying to say is that you are proclaiming things as a fact when in actuality it is something you believe to be true. I'm not saying that you are wrong nor am I telling you that you are right in your beliefs. What I'm trying to point out to you is that you say things are fact when they are truely just what you choose to believe in.

  13. Bodhichitta,


    I'm located in the Lakes region of New Hampshire.

    My Lama has given me 2 different practices of the Medicing Buddha. One is long where the other is short.

    I wrote a letter to him last night and am waiting for a response. My Lama lives over 60 miles away from me at the moment because I moved to goto college.

  14. Well.. It's been awhile since I posted on this topic and I decided I would post on how I've been doing.


    There is alot for me to get into so I will try to narrow it down.

    As I had said in a much earlier post I was diagnosed as a Paranoid Schizophrenic.

    I hear voices of many people Gods, Ghosts and many other things but as of the last 2 years I had been hearing a voice claiming to be my Lama (A Tibetan Buddhist Teacher).

    I had spoken to my Lama on numerous occaisions abot this voice that claims to be him. The voice that claimed to be my Lama would say things like "I'm your Lama and have a much greater understanding of the mind than you.. This is why I can communicate telepathicly with you. " it also would say things like, "I made a promise when I was ordained that I cannot tell people I have such a power."

    Because such things were said it was hard to know which was really lying.. My Lama or the voice who claimed to be my Lama. After much thought I made the decision that the voice I hear is the one that was lying to me. And I realized that it's agenda was 2 fold. It's first agenda was to make me suffer. It's second agenda was to try to make me fear and distrust the very person who could help me.

    I must say it failed miserably. Because I now am able to catch it in it's lies and attempts in trying to make me suffer. It will roar up a storm and make threats. It's losing it's battle. Everytime I see past it's schemes it gets upset and makes a fit. It's quite comforting to see it do this because it only comfirms to me that I'm right that it is just a demon trying to torment me and nothing more.

    I wish I could share the experience seeing it only comfirm my suspiscions that it is a demon. I find it kind of fascinating.


  15. I'm sorry I'm not trying to deny you of your beliefs here.

    But in the way I see you saying that your views are fact because it is truth is honestly a weak arguement.

    A Christian will unshakably declare that their view is fact and it is truth.

    A Muslim will unshakably declare that their view is fact and it is truth.

    A Taoist will unshakably declare that their view is fact and it is truth.

    A Buddhist will unshakably declare that their view is fact and it is truth.

    Just because you say it is truth doesnt really mean that it is. Can you provide proof in texts outside your own path? Like, say, a reputable science book. Philosophy can be a very subjective subject and to say something is fact without providing facts is "junk science."

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