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Posts posted by Tirisilex

  1. **they want law and order where they live, but do not **want to take the responsibility of doing violence.



    I do not know why you would look down on such idea's..

    One can enforce law without violence.. Drugged dart guns and Gas grenades designed to render a violent criminal unconscious is a very simple task. One does not need to stoop to be violent to take care of violence.


    There are many martial art forms one can use to incompacitate a violent person without killing them.


    I find Jainist Ahimsa a beautiful practice and it is a shame that you find that Gandhi is a lesser man for believeing in Ahimsa.

  2. When I play a Video game that contains violence it is just a game to me.. a fantasy setting no different than watching a movie with violence.. It's what is in my heart that matters. Do I wish harm on Living things? Certainly not! I play such games yet I won't even kill a mosquito. I believe in Ahimsa.. That which is violent in a game isnt suffering.. There is no pain.. No blood.. It's all no less than a story being told..

  3. How or where can I find information on how to practice with yantra medallions?


    Sri Yantra in particular. I had bought one because the package said this was used for creativity but for what I have researched it seems sri yantras are not about creativity or am I wrong?

  4. I dont know much about Aztec/Maya/Inca to say wether or not they have a similar book of the dead. I dont think they believed in reincarnation and so their books of the dead would be very different. I do know that the Egyptians have a Book of the Dead but it's about going to the next life and not so much a reincarnation but an entering to a next stage still retaining your former self knowledge.

  5. The book teaches what happens after you die..

    You go through a number of "Bardo's" each with definitive characteristics.. The last of which determines where your next birth will take place.


    It describes everything that one goes through between the time of death to the time of birth.

  6. Say I started a cult.. and I said that I AM THE TRUTH.

    I then state I shall appoint a time years from now where my most trusted members shall strike out at the world

    and make those who have not joined shall suffer horribly. Those who have joined with me will not be harmed.


    Christianity has a simialr logic.. And they say that their God is LOVE.


    Galatians 5:22,23 Lists the attributes of God

    Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Kindness,Gentleness, Trust and Self control.


    Galatians also lists attributes of evil.. One of these is Wrath.


    This God throws out all that defines himself and adopts what he claims to be evil in the name of Judgement.


    Christianity makes no sense and whats worst is that they praise this crazy idea becuase they are taught to lean not unto their own understanding.. Faith is what saves them even if this faith defies logic. How can one follow a God who rejects his own spirit?


    Oh I forgot.. Men like me are fools because I question the Logic of this God..



  7. Spouting words like you do here will bring you the opposite of results your looking for..


    You come and preach your word but they will not listen..

    Exactly it is for you when (IF) they preached to you and you refuse to listen.


    I hate Ignorant Blind followers who spout words simply reciting what they have read.. No true deep understanding in their hearts so they must recite.


    I'm on the Hindu's side in this matter.

  8. My post is about finding "miracles" in other religions..

    Are such reports of healing only isolated in Christianity or do other world religions heal as well?


    You peoples posts seem to suggest you think I'm trying to discredit Hinduism.. On the contrary.. I was to see if Hinduism heals.. I want to see if Buddhism heals...

    I want to see if Taoism and others heal as well.

  9. ** but do not think of converting to the hindus. **


    That is the LAST thing I would expect to hear. I like to study religions. Thats what I do.. Whether I choose Xianity.. Islam.. Taoism or whatever is my business.

    I'm still simply seeking.. Is that so BAD?


    Why do you give such advice?

  10. I've been going to a Christian Church lately and on Wednesday nights they play films on how Christianity saved peoples lives even so far as miracles.

    Things like people with AIDS being cured or Cancer.

    These are cases with documented proofs where the doctors cant explain it.


    These miracles were done in Christs Name.

    There is even a story about a young girl who had some strange swelling in her eyes. Her family was Hindu when her family decided to turn to Christ instead of Hinduism in prayer her eyes became healed and she converted to Christianity.


    After seeing this I got the desire to attend other religous establishments and see if they have similar reports..

    We have a synagogue in my area and I know of 3 Buddhist Centers but as for Hindu.. I can't find anything.


    I study many religions and I would like to attend a Hindu gathering but I dont have access to any.


    Are there web sites that report like Christians about Healing Prayers comming true?


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