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Posts posted by theist

  1. Here is a factoid, an informational tid bit that kind of relates.


    Those experienced in mere astral travel describe sex there also.But it can be experienced just by purposeful contact.The erotic componet is due to the intention of the two involved.


    So what to speak of that 12 dimensional reality.Beyond our imagination.I don't think we really have a clue.


    But for sure if you want to enjoy sex with a physical body a physical body you will get.


    Krsna is so kind.

  2. Sorry, I thought you knew the history.Without getting in to it even though they were initiated by the same person they had very different ideas on preaching, and GP just couldn't tolerate it.He was also in Hawaii alot with his crew.Enough said.Nothing can be gained by rehashing it all.

  3. ramji, what I found strange about that verse is the description that he was left hanging upside down in the sky and we could even today see him there.


    SB blows my mind with some of these odd statements mixed in with the most beautiful descriptions of God and revelations of the nature of transcendence that I have found.


    I've decided to try an take the essence and just leave the rest hanging for now.

  4. Originally posted by Gauracandra:

    The Jehova Witnesses do however believe that they will physically rise up in these bodies when they go to heaven. Personally I don't like that idea because when I go to heaven I want to be better looking Posted Image

    Alot of Christians believe that.They call it the resurresction.They believe that when a "saved" Christian dies their soul goes to a place of slumber until Christ returns to judge the Earth.At that time the soul will awaken and be reunited with its earthly body in the air and reign with Christ for a thousand years and then I guess float off to heaven.


    They literaly believe that at that time graves will open and corpses will rise into the air.


    And Christians who haven't undergone physical death yet will float up out of their cars or whatever else they happen to be doing at the time.


    This opens the door for some interesting questions like: Which body do you leave with , the baby body or an older version?

    What about the fact that all those molecules are mixed with other's bodies, who gets what?

    Or why in the name of God would a saved soul come back to pick up a rotting corpse to try and drag it into heaven with him?


    But these devotees and mystics can change the nature of their form at will, which is where they get the idea.Elijah in the Old Testament.Christ Himself.The Pandavas.Didn't Arjuna spend some time in heaven fighting for Indra?



  5. Gauracandra,


    Okay we will cut you a little slack but only because you have the notes.


    Love of God as the central point.I have alot of his tapes and listen to them on occasion.That is true of ALL his lectures.Love for Krsna, from all angles.


    I saw this program on TV called Wai Lana Yoga.I think the name is correct.A hatha yoga show and I am sure I heard his voice singing Gauranga and haribol in the background, really softly almost subliminaly.There is this channel called The Wisdom Channel.Mostly all new age seminars etc. and it was playing on that.The instructor was an Asian woman.Very beautiful presentation.


    I wondered if that was his wife.Anyone see this show?

  6. The son of Tribandhana was Satyavrata, who is celebrated by the name Trishanku. Because he kidnapped the daughter of a brähmana when she was being married, his father cursed him to become a candäla, lower than a südra. Thereafter, by the influence of Visvämitra, he went to the higher planetary system, the heavenly planets, in his material body, but because of the prowess of the demigods he fell back downward. Nonetheless, by the power of Visvämitra, he did not fall all the way down; even today he can still be seen hanging in the sky, head downward.SB 9.7.6



    This has always struck me a strange verse.

    Can someone explain what is up with this?


    [This message has been edited by theist (edited 05-14-2002).]

  7. Hey Grumps,


    You said:Why did Siddha Swarup not also mention the ill effects of a sedentary lifestyle, which is hardly yogic. Seems that was a major oversight.


    He was trying to emphasize the inner hole that we carry around.The one that can only be filled by love of God.Not that he was giving a talk to help people lose weight.


    Finger for the Moon.Major oversight. Posted Image




  8. Wow! I love reading these Bhaktajoy.These experiences told in peoples own words I believe are having a great effect on people, in terms of accepting life after death as a reality.


    Some of our friends in India, where that understanding is common place, may be surprised that such a basic thing is a topic of contention in the West.


    Yes folks, we are that fallen.








    The homosexual issue here is secondary,I feel.It could have been a meateatter trying to force his Krsna school into allowing him to bring burgers to a school picnic.


    Where is the line that demarcates religious rights from state interference?


    I believe we should speak out against the violation of religious freedom no matter if its another group that is being oppressed or our own.Or whether it is in Toronto,Tampa Bay or Tibet.Small degree or large.




    Catholic School Must Allow Gay Student to Take Boyfriend to Prom


    By Rob Gillies

    Associated Press




    May 10, 2002


    TORONTO (AP)--A gay youth cannot be banned from taking his boyfriend to the prom at a Roman Catholic high school, a judge ruled Friday.


    Marc Hall, 17, was granted an injunction by the Superior Court of Justice allowing him to take his 21-year-old boyfriend to his prom Friday night at Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic high school in Oshawa, 50 kilometers (30 miles) east of Toronto. Hall's lawyer David Corbett said the ruling tells Catholic schools that they can't discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.

    ``You shouldn't be able to do that with anybody, but especially not young people in their care,'' Corbett said.


    Corbett said the judge's decision is only an interim ruling, but that the school board has said it wants to argue its position in a trial. Corbett said Hall is prepared to do the same.


    Durham District Cathlolic School Board lawyer Peter Lauwers has said the school board has the right under the Constitution to run its schools in accordance with Catholic teachings. Hall has the option of going to a public school, if he chooses, Lauwers said.


    Corbett argued the board violated the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Education Act and the provincial code of conduct, which all bar discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation.


    At a meeting last month, Hall asked school trustees to overturn a decision by the principal at Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic high school forbidding him from bringing his male date to next month's prom. The trustees turned him down. The school board has said it supports Hall's right to be a homosexual but it rejects ``a homosexual lifestyle,'' such as taking a gay date to the prom.






  10. syama,


    It sounds psychosomatic.Certain people trigger it so that means others don't.Saying it is generated by your mind doesn't mean it isn't real.


    I was in a relationship one time and this lady was just smothering me with so-called love.I actually experienced one time the inability to breath and started gasping for air.


    I ended that chapter, choosing breath over her.


    It works both ways of course.This other one blamed her inordinate amount of abdominal gas on my presence.


    I gave her some beano and moved on.


    People may be devotees and all but that doesn't mean that the modes that are still active in our lives will always match up well with other bhaktas.


    Sometimes a respectful distance can be healthy IMO.

  11. I keep checking this thread.Such a great topic for discussion.


    Bhaktivinode Thakur strikes me as a real spiritual adventurer.Not content with just taking in the thoughts of others on God's nature and his own, he wanted to personally explore that territory.


    He is inviting us to join him on that expedition. For myself I'm intrigued with the possibilities but hold back for some reason.Fear of the unknown perhaps.Feeling too comfortable with my present world view is probably also a factor.


    Hopefully dasanudasa and others will give comment and build on Rati's post above.


    dasanudasa it is.I assumed it was the same person so it good to have that clarified.


    [This message has been edited by theist (edited 05-12-2002).]

  12. A day of fresh veggie juice once a week?I can't do three days, I get too weak.Some classify a true fast as distilled water only, but my blood sugar gets so out of whack.So it may not meet the definition, nevertheless it is very helpful and close enough for me.


    A juice "fast" cleans out the body very well while providing energy.Add a couple oranges if you get too hungry.


    I know its a little wimpy but if practiced regularily it works wonders.


    [This message has been edited by theist (edited 05-12-2002).]

  13. On one day, in the midst of battle,Arjuna's horses became fatigued.Realizing this he and Krsna agreed they must be set free from the chariot and rested for awhile.The horses also were thirsty but there was no water close by.So Arjuna took one arrow and invoking Varuna shot it into the ground.Thus he brought forth a beautiful lake filled with sweet water.Water birds saw the lake and collect in the sky above.


    Krishna tended the horses with loving strokes, pacifying them, and saw that they drank their fill of the lakes sweet water.All this was down in an unhurried and relaxed manner.


    The Kauravas were entranced by activites of Krishna and Arjuna, and while watching Them lost all interest in fighting.


    That was right in the throes of battle so why not the same before the war had even started?

  14. Well it has really begun.Information biochips.Access for medical information.Sounds like a good thing on the surface.But where will it lead.


    How about for tracking the elderly or Alzheimer patients through the global satelite positioning systems.Wouldn't want to lose someone.


    How about children?Missing children is a big problem.This would fix that.A good thing for sure.But how do we know which ones will become lost.We don't of course, so we will have to place them in all by a certain age or shortly after birth.


    Let your imagination run wild on how a few will be able to control by that time 7 billion humans.


    It is like we a living in a science fiction flick.


    Florida Family Gets Medical Information Implants


    By Marianne Armshaw



    BOCA RATON, Fla. (May 10) - Doctors implanted microchips containing a way to access medical information in the arms of three members of a Florida family on Friday, making them the first people to get what the manufacturer hopes will become a standard way of retrieving such data in the future.


    But the scheme would need to be taken up enthusiastically and widely by hospitals and other medical bodies to work. And critics questioned whether it ever could become a useful or efficient way to obtain a patient's medical information.


    Jeffrey Jacobs, 48, his wife Leslie Jacobs, 46, and their son Derek Jacobs, 14, volunteered to become the first to be implanted with the VeriChip, made by Palm Beach-based Applied Digital Solutions Inc. They underwent the brief procedure at a Boca Raton medical clinic.


    The company said it envisioned that hospitals and emergency medical teams around the world would scan unconscious or uncommunicative patients for the chip, which would lead them to vital medical information about the patient.


    When scanned by an external scanner, the implanted chip -- slightly larger than a grain of rice -- emits a radio frequency signal that transmits an identification number. Medical personnel, using a computer or hand-held device, then can feed the number into a Web-based database maintained by the company that contains medical information supplied by the patient.


    The company says the tiny chips eventually could replace medical-alert bracelets and cards of the sort that alert emergency medical personnel to conditions such as allergies.


    So far, no institutions actually have the equipment to read the Jacobs' chips and access their medical information.


    MedicAlert, a nonprofit emergency medical information service founded by a doctor 45 years ago and widely known for its medical alert bracelets and neck chains, issued a critical statement on the chips, saying it doubted that such technology could be effective and questioning the need for it.




    ''While we applaud the focus on the need for medical identification services, we believe that the attention should move beyond the 'whiz bang technology' to the closer scrutiny of the VeriChip viability and infrastructure,'' MedicAlert said. ''Viability of the VeriChip device necessitates an unrealistic, universal infrastructure for both the individual wearing the chip and medical professionals.''


    But officials at Applied Digital Solutions said they hope the device eventually may strike a chord with the elderly and their caregivers. The company said it hoped the device would become widely accepted by the medical community and placed into broad usage within four years.


    ''This product saves lives,'' Applied Digital Solutions President Scott Silverman told reporters.


    ''This will become standard protocol,'' Silverman said. ''If you are found unconscious ... and taken to an emergency room, they certainly don't have access to your medical records. With VeriChip ... within milliseconds, they have access to who you are, where you are from, your pacemaker model, medications and entire medical records.''


    In Leslie Jacobs' case, the scanned chip leads to a warning in her medical information of a heart valve abnormality, while Derek Jacobs' data warns of allergies to common antibiotics.


    Leslie Jacobs said that worries about possible unintended harm caused by emergency-room doctors ignorant of her husband's medical background led to the family's decision to have the chips implanted. Jeffrey Jacobs, a former dentist, has a fused spine, history of cancer and other serious medical problems.


    A similar chip that is injected into animals such as pet cats has been marketed by the company for at least 15 years. This version of the chip has been marketed to help people positively identify lost animals.


    For the moment, no hospitals or emergency medicine technicians in the area where the Jacobs live have agreed to accept scanners, which the company is offering free to hospitals in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties, company spokesmen said.


    They said 13 of 14 Palm Beach hospitals approached have offered verbal agreements but not formal approval yet.


    The implantation at a Boca Raton clinic took less than 10 seconds a patient and was described as like an injection.


    The company said patients could expect to pay about $450 for the complete procedure. Access to the medical database, where patients enter information, runs $9.95 per month. So far only two medical offices in the United States offer the chip.


    Reut18:41 05-10-02



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