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Posts posted by theist

  1. Originally posted by shiva:

    what part ..exactly.. do you think was wrong.?



    Note the smilie icon.The real point is I don't want to get into that side of the discussion.Trying to work it out that all can become equal on the material platform is hopeless.My old body is not even equal to the one I had 10 years ago.


    It will just be I say Zulu's are taller and you will counter that pygmies are smaller.


    I had just noticed something in soul-pyschology that I thought was a little interesting, but didn't make it clear in my original post.


    In a similar way to our desire to be eternal which makes the idea of death feel so abhorrant and alien to us, I think I see a similar urge in our desire to see others as equals, noting that as it expresses itself in this material dimension it becomes perverted and confused.


    My post to you was just in jest.It is an interesting sociological topic though but perhaps for later.


    Hare Krsna brothersoul,




  2. Isn't Haridas Thakura an incarnation of Prahlada Maharaja? If so that means you are saying Prahlada Maharaja is Jesus.



    As abhi said below Haridas has been described as Lord Brahma and I believe Lord Caitanya said he was Prahlad.Others can offer more on how we are to hear Lord Caitanya's statements.


    I base my SPECULATIONS on:

    1) The similarities of their lives.(but similarities could just be similarities)


    2)Having heard of others who I respect say this was the case.Also Tarun once posted that Srila Prabhupada was asked this question and he replied"Maybe".So that is also my position, 70%= maybe.


    3)In the first chapter of the Book of John it clearly describes Christ as visarga, the secondary creator of all things.This is Brahmaji's position.


    Hare Krsna

  3. Originally posted by gHari:

    A man's worth is defined by his ability to play hockey. We Canadians treat all as equals desipte our obvious innate superiority. Yet deep down inside we see you all as inferior subhuman awkward creatures.



    Give up that warm weather envy, thaw out, and follow Gretzsky's example;move to LA.



  4. ramji,


    It is an interesting question for sure.But I wouldn't get into with any Christians.


    For one thing if he is returning to this globe anytime soon why try to refute it.Let's just be chanting when he arrives.He will be very pleased.


    If it is refutable it won't matter to them as they won't accept your views anyway.It is not a question of logic with some of these good folks, believe me.


    Here's one;I'm 70% convinced He came already as Haridas Thakur.Some are 100% convinced.But who knows.



  5. A short question from the peanut gallery if I may.


    Suppose someone has been given mantra in Sankara's line and chants it faithfully with the intention of attaining sayuja-mukti.Isn't his attainment limited to that goal by not having received proper siksa?If so does that not indicate siksa is predominant over mantra-diksa?


    Sorry if this is very elementary.Remember Christ said to "Suffer the children".

  6. This really pisses me off.It speaks for itself.From VNN:




    May 23, 2002 VNN7346


    Our Right To Preach The Holy Names








    His Grace Kratu Dasa

    Hare Krsna


    Please accept our humble obeisances. Ah glories to Srila Prabhupada.


    Dear Prabhuji.


    It has been brought to our attention that you or others are here in Trinidad Yatra and are proposing to start propagation of some kind of a preaching nature based on His Holiness Govinda Maharaj's teachings. If this information is factual, then we (ISKCON Trinidad and Tobago Executive) sternly disapprove such a development by you or others, which potentially has a disastrous implication to the humble efforts of the Members of our Society. That in Case of yon or others attempt to start some kind of preaching propaganda which is not in conformation with ISKCON approval, thenc we (ISKCON) shall seek legal action against such an attempt. Please be advised accordingly. Hari Bol.


    We remain yours in the eternal.


    Service of Srila Prabhupada

    Purusottama Dasa







    Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil


    We members of the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math - Rio red with a great pity the e-mail sent to our Godbrother Kratu Dasa Prabhu by Purusottama Dasa dated of 02/04/02.


    Is this letter representing Srila Prabhupada's desire?


    As far we are concerned one of the main teachings of His Divine Grace Swami Prabhupada is to avoid vaishnava aparadha (to get away from Srimati Radharani). In this case its writer failed absolutly forgetting the first offense to be avoided. It seems to us that he might try to study again all the vedic scriptures which deal with the offenses to the vaishnavas in order not to fall in mistake again. We should not fear the darkest and deepest hell, however we should fear the mere offensively thought to a vaishnava.


    He says "we (ISKCON) shall seek legal action against such an attempt. Please be advised accordingly." which demonstrates that our friend not just neglected one of the main teachings of Swami Prabhupada as the first offense, as also one of the principal rights of any developed society that is the religious freedom, when he tries to threat to submit a natural desire of a sincere practioner (preaching) to the court.


    In the Gita, chapter 18, verse 65, Lord Krsna says: "Allways think on Me and become My devotee. Offer your homages to Me. Thus you shall come to me inevitably. I promise this to you because you are My dearest friend." And in the verse 66: "Abandon all kinds of religion and just surrender to Me. I will free you of all sinful reactions. Do not fear."


    1) As it is written above based in what can he take us to the Court?


    2) Which country would start a judicial strugle to suffocate the sound of the voices of the seekers of The Supreme Personality of Godhead?


    3) If he was practicing his spritual life: chanting his japa, gayatri, studying, etc, he would not led the vaisnava community to assist such written lamentable episode, I would not be wasting my time having to answer to such a letter instead of getting absorbed in Krsna pastimes.


    My dandavats pranams


    Govardhana Dasa


    Member and founder of the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math - Rio and disciple of His Divine Grace Bhakti Sundar Govinda Maharaj



    This story URL: http://www.vnn.org/americas/AM0205/AM23-7346.html



  7. There was some flap in Australia a while back when iskcon threatened to sue Narayana's group for using the term Hare Krsna festival.Seems they obtained a copywrite or trade mark on the names Hare Krsna.


    Isn't trying to restrict the flow of the Holy Names something that the demon's do?


    I'm for temples on every corner and I could not care less which group of vaisnava's runs the mandir.


    Please grow up iskcon.


  8. Karthikji,


    No I didn't read the article.I've seen several documentaries on her life and have an opinion of her as a very renounced person, who sacrificed much for others.


    Faults can be found anywhere I suppose.But she lived a very simple life dedicated to God.


    Not that she dressed as a renounciant and spent time and fortune in a Bangkok brothel like some I could name, but won't.


    Criminal?No way.Way too strong.


    I remember an interview with some temple priest in Calcutta who considered her a saint.He was the same person that literally threw stones at her when she first started her mission there.


    Basically I will just bow out of this one.




    Originally posted by shiva:

    blacks don't play better basketball because they are black, it's because they play more as kids ,being more motivated by economic incentives, and they generally have less options of what to do for recreation, and it's a cultural thing.


    It's a cultural thing but that not's the whole story either.there are slow and fast twitch muscle fibers.Can't remember which does which but some are built to provide speed and the other is better for strength.Blacks have more of the fibers that provide speed which is why they do better in mst competetive sports where tiny fractions of speed provide just enough of an edge.Black bodies are among the tallest also.Can't discount genetics.


    If you have ever seen those world strongest men competitions on ESPN they are 100% dominated by white men and amongst them the scandinavians do best.Blond blue eyed.Different muscle fibers.Genetics.


    We simply get different machines according to our karma.

    Italians being better singers and musicians ?...i don't so. Again it's a cultural thing. Where are the italian groups or singers at the top of the charts?

    I don't see them.

    I do see a lot of blacks,latinos, brits etc.


    Popular may not be better.Pavarati and crew come to mind.


    What are you suggesting?

    We should start relegating people into preconcieved niche's due to their bodily heritage?


    Should we lable children and defeat their aspirations because of their body?


    Certainly not.These are just generalzations but why pretend these obvious differences don't exist as generalities?


    What is your point?


    My point was that there is this natural urge towards equality that works it way to the surface.But when it is not combined with real knowledge it gets expressed in all these confused social engineering attempts.



  10. Skeletons.They are walking around all over the place.Well disquised so they don't get noticed.


    What is really weird is we are living inside one and pretending that it is us.Another subject.


    Weight gain, muscle gain.I recently lost a lot of weight and have to gain it back.


    For general muscle toning and strengthening you might want to combine a stationary bike workout with light dumbells.This gives both anerobic and aerobic benefits.


    As you bike along you work the dumbells in a variety of ways to work the arm and shoulder muscles.


    This hits a lot of areas(but not all)in a short period of time.


    Easy meals for weight gain are ground nut smoothies.A little juice and some freshly powered sesame seeds or almonds and you'll be buffed in no time.



  11. Yeah that sounds familiar.Years back I was watching one on TV(good entertainment value) when he stopped working the audience in his auditorium and turned to the TV audience and invited them to place their heads on the TV screen as he put his hand up right in front of the camera to offer a mass healing.WOW what shakti!!!I didn't react in time but I'm pretty sure I saw some kind of celestial light coming through the screen. Posted Image


    These characters are con men, nothing more.

  12. This minority status sounds like this foolish affirmative action program that is in the US.


    I am still curious to know if these are Catholic institutions or not.It sounds like the invasion of our TV evangelists who have been cheating the American public for decades.

  13. bhaktajoy,


    Same as most.Met a sankirtana party, became attracted by the sound of Krsna's name,read some books.You?


    I wonder what those that oppose'conversions' think about the missionary activities of the sankirtana movement into areas where there is already an established religion.



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