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Posts posted by Maitreya

  1. The Dark side of science.


    Wednesday, July 11, 2001


    Va. Lab Harvests Human Stem Cells


    NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - Virginia scientists have become the

    first researchers to create human embryos in the lab for the

    sole purpose of harvesting their stem cells.


    Until now, scientists had derived stem cells only from excess

    embryos donated from infertility treatments. In this case, the

    scientists approached donors and informed them that their

    eggs and sperm would be used to develop embryos for

    stem-cell research.


    The work, conducted by researchers at the Jones Institute for

    Reproductive Medicine in Norfolk, drew criticism from

    religious conservatives opposed to embryo research.


    ``I think this is a cautionary tale against starting down the

    slope,'' Richard Doerflinger of the National Conference of

    Catholic Bishops told The Washington Post in Wednesday's



    ``It's still killing a human being,'' Mary Petchel, president of the

    Tidewater chapter of the Virginia Society for Human Life, told

    The Virginian-Pilot of Norfolk, Va.


    Scientists who conducted the work said several review panels

    had assessed the ethical implications and concluded that the

    approach was at least as ethical as using spare frozen



    The group extracted eggs from 12 women, who signed

    consent documents and were paid $1,500 to $2,000 each,

    according to William Gibbons, a reproductive endocrinologist

    who was not involved in the work.


    Of the 162 eggs collected and inseminated by donor sperm,

    50 embryos were successfully created. The researchers

    destroyed 40 of those to get the stem cells that resided inside.

    The work was done with private funds.


    The results appear in the July issue of the journal Fertility and

    Sterility, published Wednesday. The study began in 1997 and

    concluded last July.


    Interest in embryonic stem cells centers around their ability to

    generate other tissues of the body. Doctors hope using stem

    cells could possibly cure diseases as Alzheimer's, diabetes,

    cancer, Parkinson's, and spinal cord injuries.


    President Bush has said he will soon decide whether to allow

    taxpayer dollars to be used for research on embryonic stem

    cells. He is under pressure from patient groups that favor the

    research and opponents who feel the work is inherently



  2. Originally posted by Jagat:

    This last section is particularly important. Jiva is arguing that separation adds to the pleasures of lila, but only because it is followed by union. He is also saying that longterm separation is a condition only found in the prakata lila.


    The purpose of these arguments is to show that the lila has to end with union, not with separation, as is apparent in the BhP, etc.

    I haven't read the preceding so this observation may have been answered already above.


    But the phrase "lila has to end with union" caught my eye.


    Surely union follows separation, but doesn't separation then follow union again?And so on and on?



  3. Beyond just the bad smells that these shops of horrors produce, there is the sublter considerations.The ones we all perceive to varying degrees but don't often have specific words for.We often just say "bad vibes."But what does that mean?


    It means thoughts are things.They have shape,color and size as well as different levels of intensity.They project out off the aura of the mind of the thinker and have a certain duration of existence.Most importantly they produce effects in those that they contact.


    Ever have the feeling that someone was watching you and you turn and see someone staring intently at you.I think we all have experienced that.


    What is happening is that person is 'thinking on you'.Their thoughts are actually being sent forth from the mind of the person, taking shape, size and color according to their nature and striking your aura.From there those thoughts make their presence known to us.


    Well imagine the vibe of a McDonalds or some similar place.Or a bar or brothel.Such places have a subtle atmosphere of a very dark and nasty nature.Not just figuratively but the darker sides of our thinking actually produce darker colored thought forms correspondently.These have negative effects on those that come in contact with them.


    Just as places of high vibration, where worship of God is practiced, attract those of that mindset both from the gross material and higher astral levels,so do these places where low class activity is practiced attract beings from the gross material side as well as low stationed astral dwellers, who hover about them.The places were Kali was allowed to dwell.There is a corresponding astral dimension and its inhabitants that needs to be considered.


    And consider the foodstuff there just absorbing all that thought crap.Yucko!Those fries have more than just beef flavor added to them.


    This is one good reason to avoid eatting at McDonalds.That low astral energy permeates the place and contaminates your aura just by being there.Even thinking too much about being in such a place is contaminating.


    For truly God conscious souls there is no danger of course,but there also is no attraction.




    A couple small books on the subject are the Astral World and the human aura by Swami Pancadasi.I've seen the Human Aura printed on-line.Not sure about the Astral World.


    There are lots of others, Annie Basant I know wrote one called thought forms, but the Swami has a style that is unique.




    [This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 07-11-2001).]

  4. Beyond just the bad smells that these shops of horrors produce, there is the sublter considerations.The ones we all perceive to varying degrees but don't often have specific words for.We often just say "bad vibes."But what does that mean?


    It means thoughts are things.They have shape,color and size as well as different levels of intensity.They project out off the aura of the mind of the thinker and have a certain duration of existence.Most importantly they produce effects in those that they contact.


    Ever have the feeling that someone was watching you and you turn and see someone staring intently at you.I think we all have experienced that.


    What is happening is that person is 'thinking on you'.Their thoughts are actually being sent forth from the mind of the person, taking shape, size and color according to their nature and striking your aura.From there those thoughts make their presence known to us.


    Well imagine the vibe of a McDonalds or some similar place.Or a bar or brothel.Such places have a subtle atmosphere of a very dark and nasty nature.Not just figuratively but the darker sides of our thinking actually produce darker colored thought forms correspondently.These have negative effects on those that come in contact with them.


    Just as places of high vibration, where worship of God is practiced, attract those of that mindset both from the gross material and higher astral levels,so do these places where low class activity is practiced attract beings from the gross material side as well as low stationed astral dwellers, who hover about them.The places were Kali was allowed to dwell.There is a corresponding astral dimension and its inhabitants that needs to be considered.


    And consider the foodstuff there just absorbing all that thought crap.Yucko!Those fries have more than just beef flavor added to them.


    This is one good reason to avoid eatting at McDonalds.That low astral energy permeates the place and contaminates your aura just by being there.Even thinking too much about being in such a place is contaminating.


    For truly God conscious souls there is no danger of course,but there also is no attraction.




    A couple small books on the subject are the Astral World and the human aura by Swami Pancadasi.I've seen the Human Aura printed on-line.Not sure about the Astral World.


    There are lots of others, Annie Basant I know wrote one called thought forms, but the Swami has a style that is unique.




    [This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 07-11-2001).]

  5. Originally posted by Maitreya:


    Until then,the general rule holds that they should be kept away at the greatest distance possible.



    I answered that also.Okay how about out of sight and smell range.


    There are many reasons to oppose these type of businesses.From litter to noise to traffic flow.


    In cities we find industrial areas.We also find areas that are meant for the performing arts and residential.


    We find city planning commissions opposing Temples and Mosques being built that don't conform to the architechure[sp]of present structures.


    I don't know the neighborhood around Dallas temple.But anytime I can oppose McDonalds and the like I take it.


    shvu, do you eat meat?



  6. Originally posted by Maitreya:


    Until then,the general rule holds that they should be kept away at the greatest distance possible.



    I answered that also.Okay how about out of sight and smell range.


    There are many reasons to oppose these type of businesses.From litter to noise to traffic flow.


    In cities we find industrial areas.We also find areas that are meant for the performing arts and residential.


    We find city planning commissions opposing Temples and Mosques being built that don't conform to the architechure[sp]of present structures.


    I don't know the neighborhood around Dallas temple.But anytime I can oppose McDonalds and the like I take it.


    shvu, do you eat meat?



  7. One should never consider other than the following:Everything made of matter is an anartha and should be rejected.

    Transcendental knowledge of Lord Krishna can never be obtained through any mellow that is controlled by attachment to matter.



    One should never say that Krishna's holy name or transcendental form are mundane.

    One should never say that Krishna's divine qualities or sublime pastimes are mundane.



    One should never become bewildered by the anartha of material bodies and mistake Lord Krishna's form to also be a material body.

    One should never try to analyze the Lord's divine names' forms, and qualities with materialistic intelligence.



    One should never consider any of Krishna's transcendental names, forms, qualities or pastimes to be mundane.

    Similarily, one should never claim that any material names,forms or qualities could be Krishna's.



    to be cont.

  8. Janus prabhu,


    There is a lot of reality in what you said.Imagine our present factions ever conceding that another might by right and they wrong.Just longing for days of yore I guess.When it was honorable to accept defeat and grow by the experience and the victor sought not the defeat of an opponent as the goal, but rather the resulting unity.


    I must have been dreaming.


    Look next for my idea on how to implement world peace in our lifetime. Posted Image


    Jaya Prabhupada,

    YS MC



  9. Originally posted by shvu:



    Can you tell me what in your opinion should be the minimum distance between a temple and the nearest McDonalds and why?





    Thanks for giving me an easy one.McDonalds should be banned from the planet.They are an insult to the concept of compassion and Mother Bhumi should be relieved of her burden.


    Until then,the general rule holds that they should be kept away at the greatest distance possible.



  10. Originally posted by shvu:



    Can you tell me what in your opinion should be the minimum distance between a temple and the nearest McDonalds and why?





    Thanks for giving me an easy one.McDonalds should be banned from the planet.They are an insult to the concept of compassion and Mother Bhumi should be relieved of her burden.


    Until then,the general rule holds that they should be kept away at the greatest distance possible.



  11. ...are opening a cow slaughtering restaurant right next to Dallas ISKCON temple


    This is what the thread was started on, if you would care to go back and read.

    Krsnachandra obviously is refering to the fact that McDonalds is a business BASED on the slaughter of cow's.


    I rather like the fact that he is willing to stand up for them[iskcon] even though they have exiled him.


    Perhaps to shvu it's all one and he wouldn't see a difference between having a McDonalds next door or a Govinda's.


    I see a big difference.BIG, really BIG.





    [This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 07-09-2001).]

  12. ...are opening a cow slaughtering restaurant right next to Dallas ISKCON temple


    This is what the thread was started on, if you would care to go back and read.

    Krsnachandra obviously is refering to the fact that McDonalds is a business BASED on the slaughter of cow's.


    I rather like the fact that he is willing to stand up for them[iskcon] even though they have exiled him.


    Perhaps to shvu it's all one and he wouldn't see a difference between having a McDonalds next door or a Govinda's.


    I see a big difference.BIG, really BIG.





    [This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 07-09-2001).]

  13. Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

    Notepad is the word-processing app that comes with Windoze for writing simple text files (no fonts or bold, italic, etc). Then you save the file with a .txt extension. Very simple and handy, you can also copy & paste (Control-C, Control-V) from other Windoze apps into Notepad. After you graduate HTML bootcamp (remember that!), will enroll you in Advanced Infantry Training....... Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

    Sir, yes sir.What is .txt extension sir?



  14. Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

    Notepad is the word-processing app that comes with Windoze for writing simple text files (no fonts or bold, italic, etc). Then you save the file with a .txt extension. Very simple and handy, you can also copy & paste (Control-C, Control-V) from other Windoze apps into Notepad. After you graduate HTML bootcamp (remember that!), will enroll you in Advanced Infantry Training....... Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

    Sir, yes sir.What is .txt extension sir?



  15. Dear Honorable Mayor Ron Kirk,


    Sir, it has come to the attention of the Hindu community here in America that a proposal to locate a McDonalds fast food establishment next to a sacred Hindu temple in your world famous city of Dallas is being seriously considered by your planning commission.


    If I may say sir this is a serious mistake.Please consider that to those millions of us that are Hindus all life is sacred.We especially respect the cows,not out of blind sentiment or religious superstition, but out of a natural feeling of respectful gratitude.


    The cow generously provides an abundance of milk products for the maintainence of human society.Our infants are nourished by the cows milk.Most of us were raised on cows milk and therefore it is natural that we would consider her a type of mother.


    This is the viewpoint that we Hindus see the issue from.And as such a McDonalds next to our temple is really a slap in the face of us all.Not just those in Dallas.


    We understand this was not anyone's intention, so that is why we are now letting our voices be heard in this matter.


    Do all neighborhoods need to look alike?Surely something compatiable could be found for the space under consideration.


    Dallas is one of the major cities not only in America but also the world.Surely there is room for diversity in Dallas, Texas.


    Please let us look for an alternative establishment, one that will be in harmony with its neighbors.


    This type of long range planning insures stabilty for the future.This is what planning commissions are for.


    I appreciate the time you have given thus far in taking the deep rooted feelings of the Hindu community into your thoughtful consideration.



    Maitreya Christian


    A copy of this letter is also being forwarded to the office of the planning commissioner.



    Okay this is what I am sending.Copy if you wish but make it your own but adding points that I neglected.


    Okay Jagat we need some editing here. Posted Image

  16. Dear Honorable Mayor Ron Kirk,


    Sir, it has come to the attention of the Hindu community here in America that a proposal to locate a McDonalds fast food establishment next to a sacred Hindu temple in your world famous city of Dallas is being seriously considered by your planning commission.


    If I may say sir this is a serious mistake.Please consider that to those millions of us that are Hindus all life is sacred.We especially respect the cows,not out of blind sentiment or religious superstition, but out of a natural feeling of respectful gratitude.


    The cow generously provides an abundance of milk products for the maintainence of human society.Our infants are nourished by the cows milk.Most of us were raised on cows milk and therefore it is natural that we would consider her a type of mother.


    This is the viewpoint that we Hindus see the issue from.And as such a McDonalds next to our temple is really a slap in the face of us all.Not just those in Dallas.


    We understand this was not anyone's intention, so that is why we are now letting our voices be heard in this matter.


    Do all neighborhoods need to look alike?Surely something compatiable could be found for the space under consideration.


    Dallas is one of the major cities not only in America but also the world.Surely there is room for diversity in Dallas, Texas.


    Please let us look for an alternative establishment, one that will be in harmony with its neighbors.


    This type of long range planning insures stabilty for the future.This is what planning commissions are for.


    I appreciate the time you have given thus far in taking the deep rooted feelings of the Hindu community into your thoughtful consideration.



    Maitreya Christian


    A copy of this letter is also being forwarded to the office of the planning commissioner.



    Okay this is what I am sending.Copy if you wish but make it your own but adding points that I neglected.


    Okay Jagat we need some editing here. Posted Image

  17. Originally posted by Gauracandra:

    Essentially the controversy is over whether to use stem cells from embryos to help find cures for diseases.


    This question even gets more complicated. The embryos they want to use are ones they have had frozen by couples that may want them in the future.At some point they have all these extra embryos and need to discard them for various reasons.


    So they pose the question, "Well we are going to dispose of them anyway,so why not get some valuable use from them instead of just dumping them in the trash?"


    They create this ridiculous situation of frozen embryos in the first place, which leads to all these best use of a bad bargin type choices.


    How do we answer them?



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