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Sonic Yogi

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Everything posted by Sonic Yogi

  1. I haven't seen that anywhere. I think your imagination is just running wild. The personal associates of Radha and Krishna are not marginal energy. You are just imagining that they are. when the jiva gets imbued with hladini shakti he is not "marginal" anymore, but has been taken into the internal energy. There is nothing marginal in the whole of Goloka. It is all internal energy. No marginal energy there.
  2. Duh, there are unlimited marginal jivas in the spiritual sky. They are make up what is known as the brahmajyoti. But, the personal associates of Krishna are not "marginal" anything. Can the professor please show us where the associates of Radha and Krishna are "marginal" living entities?
  3. Who is the guru of Sri Acharya? Did his guru empower him to this mission?
  4. Anyone that thinks that the liberated souls who are the associates of Krishna in Goloka to be "marginal" shakti is surely smoking some good Maui-wowee!! None of us needs to be coming off like finished professors that have it all figured out because we took a lot of LSD.
  5. The Viraja river or causal ocean is also referred to as "the marginal plane". So, the "tatastha" jiva is the jiva that is manifested by Maha-Vishnu as he rests in the Viraja river or the "marginal" plane between the spiritual and material worlds. Not all jivas are "tatastha" jivas. There are also jivas that are integrated into the internal potency. (svarupa-shakti) Marginal jivas are the jivas that are bereft of hladini-shakti (love of Krishna). To think that the gopi jivas in Krsnaloka are marginal is just wrong. In fact all the gopis are expanded via the hladini-shakti and are not "jivas" anymore. I quoted shastra above to show that all the gopis are expansions of Radha. They are NOT tatastha-jivas manifested by Paramatma.
  6. duh,no kidding? But, if the word doesn't appear in the verse, then quoting a purport won't hold up when you are discussing with those who aren't disciples of Prabhupada. Purports are comments. I am after shastric quotes not comments.
  7. TLC ch.20 Did anyone get that? They are called "jiva-shakti" up and until they are liberated. The jivatama becomes "mahatma". Then we find they are called 'mahatma" by Lord Krishna, Lord Siva etc.
  8. There is a modern day saying "spiritual but not religious". The one thing that is worse than that is "religious but not spiritual". (Christians)
  9. I don't recall writing that Sanatan specifically asserted anything. Why could I have not been referring to the source where he says he heard about the idea? Nonetheless, repeating such ridiculous claims being espoused by some Hare Kristians is certainly begging for an argument.
  10. Most devotees don't consider it vegetarian, but then again most devotees aren't aware that most cheese in the USA is cultured with microbial rennet as opposed to animal rennet. the best bet is to try and check with the different brands of cheese to see if they use microbial or animal rennet. Generally, the bigger the cheese company the more likely they are to use microbial rennet as it is much cheaper for such mass production purposes. Smaller specialty cheese makers in the USA are about the only ones that might possibly use animal rennet these days.
  11. Anyone who would assert that some petty Christians who were a tiny little cult in India at that time influenced Madvacharya would do so only out of extreme ignorance of the history and culture of India. You would have to be living in a lot of ignorance of the history and culture of India to make such a pathetic claim. Such a ridiculous proposition exposes a very deep lack of understanding of Indian culture and religion typical of Christian bigots. Christians in India at that time were considered untouchables of the lowest order as meat-eaters - mlecchas and outcastes. To say that a great Vedic philosopher like Madhva was influences by some untouchables in India is laughable.
  12. In the Vedic shastra, karma in it's most fundamental concept means prescribed duties in the varnashrama system. The anadi-karma you keep referring to are the prescribed duties of the Varnashrama system. You keep trying to use "karma" in the sense of vikarma or ugrakarma etc., while you ignore the fact that karma also means "prescribed duties". Your narrow interpretation of the meaning of karma negates the many references in Vedic shastra to the fact the the jivas have fallen down into material existance. If they were always contaminated by material existence, then there would certainly be no meaning to "fallen" in terms of the condition of the jivas in the material energy. If "karma" is "anadi" in the absolute and eternal sense that you are trying to make it, then certainly the conditioned jivas could not rightly be called "fallen". Karma is a relative principle. You cannot assign absolute values to the relative principle of karma. By assigning absolute values to the karma of the jiva you in effect put all the blame on God for the fallen condition of the living entity and remove all culpability of the spirit soul. You remove the principle of free-will and the misuse thereof as well. So, I don't buy your absolute and eternal theory of the anadi-karma of the jiva. To do so would negate the principle of free will in the jiva and blame God for the suffering of all the conditioned living entities.
  13. A culture as rich and complex as the Vedic culture has not even a remote possibility of having any connection at all with the very simplistic and unsophisticated Christian and Jewish faiths. The Vedic shastras as so vast and sophisticated that there is NO chance that Christianity had any influence on the Vedic culture. In fact, the Old Testament is simply remnants of the Upanishads. Tidbits and fragments of religious idea from the Upanishads filtered over from South Asia to the Middle East. The middle east was just a tribal land of sheepherders and nomads while South Asia was a sophisticated Vedic civilization. In fact, even Jesus is a myth derived from Zoroastrian origins. There is nothing original about Christianity. It is a mongrel religion that is a mix of Vedic remnants and Zoroastrian influence.
  14. The Christians even claim that Krishna the cowherd boy was a spin-off of Jesus the shepherd. Christians think they are the center of the universe and all other religions are some sort of copy cat religion that was ripped-off from Christianity. They obviously are clueless about history.
  15. Beginningless means that something has no beginning. If your life had no beginning would you be here now? If America had no beginning would it be here now? What part of beginningless is it that we cannot understand? Karma has no beginning because in fact karma is an illusion. The spirit soul has no karma. The spirit soul is pure spirit. Karma is caused by Krishna, the cause of all causes. The jiva's karma has no beginning because the jiva is transcendental to karma. Beginning less means that it never really began, because in fact it is not reality. Because in reality if something begins it is eternal. ( )
  16. Then again. pastime doesn't necessarily have to indicate something to do with time itself. As we see in dictionary, it can also just indicate recreation, amusement or sporting.
  17. Rennet is a culture that converts curds into cheese. Lemon juice is just a curdling agent that does not culture the curd into cheeses. Microbial rennet is used more often in industrial cheese making in North America today because it is less expensive than animal rennet, whereas cheese from Europe is more likely to be made from animal rennet due to tradition. So, most commercial cheeses you buy in the store that are made in the USA are not made with animal rennet. It is most often made with microbial rennet. It is much cheaper for cheese makers to make microbial rennet than to use the more expensive animal rennet.
  18. Lets look at the Sanskrit dictionary and see what "lila" means. Traditionally, in Sanskrit language "lila" means "play" or "sport" or "amusement". Why Srila Prabhupada used it in terms of "pastime" is somewhat of a mystery because of all the emphasis on the fact that the lila of Krishna is beyond time and devoid of the time factor. I prefer the meanings of "play" or "sport" or "amusement" over the translation as "pastime" which can be confusing for those who think of Krishna lila as devoid of any time factor.
  19. In fact, even the title of this thread shows that Sarva-gattah (who seems to be linked with Hari Sauri das somehow) leaves out PRESENT time in the question as he has done before on this subject because Sarva in fact is under the misconception that there is PRESENT time ONLY in the spiritual world. As he has done before on this subject, Sarva has excluded PRESENT time as an element of the time factor that is missing in the spiritual world. He in fact thinks that in the spiritual world there is only PRESENT time, when in fact even PRESENT time does not exist in the spiritual world.
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