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Everything posted by gaonkar.swapnil

  1. Dear Ravi ji Going by UL method 2nd from UL is looked for will the marriage sustain or not in this case 2nd from UL is Makar its lord placed in shimha not good mars the lagna lord aspecting 2nd from UL is neecha angain rahu too is having its 5th dristi here there is no benific dristi to 2nd from UL Shukra is in 7th by rule karaka naso bhava can be also be possible but it has shani 10th dristi so i dont think shukra in 7th broke the marriage This may be possible reason for divorce or seperation Regards Swapnil
  2. Dear Ravi ji As per Jhora there venus is showing direct in the 7th house Regards Swapnil
  3. Dear Ravi ji You are right with respect to Ketu as ketu is headless he does not have desire or can say a moksha karaka Rahu has dristi like jupiter 5 7 9 and aslo extra 12 from it as they are always retro you can say it has 2nd (If going by diamond chart) Remember Rahu signifies previous and next birth so it has 12th dristi no other planent can see next house from it like rahu Regards Swapnil
  4. Dear Mora ji As rahu is in 7th he is capable of giving you marriage 7th lord budha is with shukra Your Rahu MD will start around 2012 Your narayan dasa of 10th house kanya (7th to u r UL) will start from 2012 whose lord is budha and he is exalted in D9 in 7th and is also lord of 7th in rashi Again if we chk narayan dasa of D9 from 2012 it will be of meena which is 7th in D9 So by this i conclude you may get married after 2012 Hope learned members too put there words P.S : I am still a learner please feel free to ask me you can talk to me thru msgr Regards Swapnil
  5. Dear Mora ji Will tell you in coming days Regards Swapnil
  6. Dear Ayur ji and Sandhu ji Thanks for the reply I would like to know where in jhora i fing udu dasa option Keep u updating Regards Swapnil
  7. Dear Ravi ji You can refer to the link for more understand of UL and other arudha padas http://shrifreedom.org/jyotishArudhaUL.shtml I made your chart you are under Rahu MD and Guru AD Rahu is aspecting 7th also guru aspecting 7th in navamsa guru in 7th and rahu in lagna Guru in UL rashi Lord of UL is with shukra I think all this factors are capable to give you marriage soon may be next 6 months If you are not in relationship earlier considering UL your partner will be bold intelligent and emotional placement in 3rd from lagna and in mithuna says you may get it thru communication like say thru internet etc (Refer rohinaa.com sambhanda article for this) Narayan dasa of D1 is lorded by shani which is with shukra also of D9 is vrichik is aspected by shukra Even transit i think are in your favour See i am still learner i think you should be married till now or in coming days it would happen I am looking forward for other experienced members to put in there views it would be helpful for a learner like me to understand Regards Swapnil
  8. Dear dhruva ji PLs post your email id so that ppls intrested in palmistry reading can mail you pics of hand Regards Swapnil
  9. Dear Ravi ji It is said that 7th house in rashi is abt natives thinking abt marriage may be you should consider taking arudha of 12th for marriage Regards Swapnil
  10. Dear Sachin ji As per u r data you dont have kaal sarpa yog regards Swapnil
  11. Dear Sandhu ji I have put in question in mystic too lets hope rishi ji replies I would appreciate if you too put some light on it too because this question came in my mind when i was looking an example chart Regards Swapnil
  12. Dear Members How to apply conditional dasa system if more than one is satisfying the rule For example If in chart condition for dwi sapti dasa is satisfying and also for satabdika dasa then which should be selected Regards Swapnil
  13. Dear Ashi ji Lord of malefic in malfic is good said to give VRY regards Swapnil
  14. Dear karthinkn ji 7th lord is 6th may cause celibacy for marriage as 6th is 12th from 7th ketu in 7th is not good sme say fruits of house are deprived in where ketu is place conjuction of 7th and 10th lord may be u find partner in work place as 6th also denotes job Your UL lord is exalted may give u partner from noble family also UL lord is yogakaraka and conjuct with u r 7th lord its good UL in 9th may bring luck from u r partner also it is with budha may give partner with good speech also with shukra beautiful partner indicated But here A6 conjuct with u r AL too which is not good Hope other give you more precise reading Regards Swapnil
  15. Dear Sandhu ji Pls post details of the example chart so that learners like me can make chart on there computer and understand It is written in book of jaimini sutras abt the rashi when they become navamsa lagna for eg mesha becomes navamsa lagna the person is troubled by rats how this this should be applied Also do post more examples Regards Swapnil
  16. Rahu as AK indicates that the native may trust the other person easily and at the end may feel cheated
  17. Dear Readers It is also said that planets which are vargottam gets strength as they link rashi chart to navamsa chart As rashi chart is physical chart and navmasa is the amsa of dharma the planet also links the native to god Regards Swapnil
  18. Dear Ravi ji As far as the chart is concerned there is no vargottam planet As the word goes that Varga = division uttam = best So it means that best division attained by the planet and remember it applies only for Navamsa since it is the most important after Rashi chart And if you want to know how to make divisional chart by hand you can go on link mentioned my Vipvats ji there it is mentioned or you can use jhora software Regards Swapnil
  19. Dear Vipvats ji The things i have extracted are from the same link you mentioned Regards Swapnil
  20. Dear Ravi ji Mentioned below are the effects when planet get vargottam Surya shows leadership. Chandra shows sensitivity. Mangal shows physical poweress. Budha shows speech, communication. Guru shows intellect. Shukra shows beauty and will power. Shani shows forbearance. Raahu shows the ability to cross all boundaries. Ketu shows insight and Maths. Lagna shows Blessings of Longevity. Mentioned below is the calculation for D9 For a chara Raashi the Navaamsha starts from own rashii and proceeds Zodiacal direction. This means the first Navaamsha is the Vargottama Navaamsha for a Chara Raashi. This is like creation and is said to represent Brahmaa. Any Graha getting Vargottama there, is said to be a blessing of Brahmaa. For Sthira Raashi the count of Navaamsha starts from the Ninth from it. Here the Vargottama is the fifth. This is the middle of the Navaamsha of a Raashi and is said to show sustanance and repreents Vishnu. A Graha getting Vargottama is said to have the blessings of Vishnu. For Dwishbhaava raashi the count starts fro the fifth from it and the last or the ninth Navaamsha is the Vargottama Raashi. This is the end and hence said to represent Shiva. A Graha getting Vargottama in Dwishbhaava Raashi is said to be blessed by Shiva. Because of the blessing of a Deity the characteristics of the Graha is marked in the Person. The person will be known for that particular trait. It is said to give fame. Regards Swapnil
  21. 5. Käraka parivartana Käraka parivartana happens when the kärakas of certain bhävas exchange their bhäva placements. Example: Jupiter is the käraka for fifth house, whilst Moon is käraka for fourth house. If Jupiter were to be placed in the fourth house, whilst Moon is placed in the fifth house, then a käraka parivartana is taking place between them. Käraka parivartana causes a change in the roles of people. Suddenly your friend acts like your father, and your father acts like a friend. Or in another instance, you may begin acting like a child whilst ones children take on your role as a parent.
  22. 4. Sükñma parivartana Sükñma parivartana is the exchange between the nakñatra lordships of planets. Here we use vimçottari lordships. Example: if Jupiter is in Chiträ nakñatra whilst Mars (lord of Chiträ) is in Punarvasu, then sükñma parivartana yoga occurs. Since the nakñatras are primarily presided over by the Moon, the realm of the nakñatras will indicate how the community or societies attitude towards the native is at any particular time. Sükñma parivartana shows a transformation in this attitude or approach, and the results should be read from the Chandra lagna. Usually when people run malefic daçäs the impact of society is also malefic, but if a parivartana occurs, the impact can be exactly the opposite. This becomes especially important in the charts of famous personalities, who spend a lot of time in the lime light. Rule 4: The mahä daçäs placement from Moon will show how society approaches the native. If a sükñma parivartana occurs, then the results are different from the approach.
  23. 3. Amça parivartana An amça parivartana occurs between planets in the navämça chart. Since the navämça deals with our relationships with people, especially that with our spouse, the amça parivartana can indicate a change in the quality of the people we meet. This is especially prominent in the daçäs of these planets. The placement of these planets in the räçi chart will indicate how these relationships cause changes in our lives. Rule 3: The timing of amça parivartana is done with the mahä daçä to see the body and the antara daçä to highlight relationships.
  24. 2. Räçi Parivartana When the lords of two signs exchange places, this is known as räçi parivartana. This parivartana causes a change between the two planets on various levels. · Guëa – this indicates the essence of the change. · Tattva – the type of activity. · Bhäva – the activities surrounding the change. The change in guëa can help understand whether the change is working out for the better of the world, or for the worse. Example: if a parivartana occurs between Jupiter (sattva guëa) and Saturn (tamas guëa), then the guëa is either falling from sattva to tamas, or rising from tamas to sattva. If the guëa is falling, then it is very inauspicious for the world. The tattva if shared by the two planets indicates a sharing of energy to complete the task. If the tattva are not friendly towards each other, then one of the two planets may be suffering on account of the change, or a serious mismatch in energy is occurring. The bhävas involved will indicate what is the activity surrounding the exchange, i.e. if it involves the seventh house, then a change in relationships could be occurring, whilst if involved with the lagna, a change in personality could occur. The state of the two planets in the parivartana as being in exaltation or debility should also be seen, as this can cause a radical change in one of the parties involved, i.e. if Jupiter is in Capricorn and Saturn is in pisces, it can indicate one person falling drastically whilst the other rises. This basically can leave one party with a bitter taste. Because the exchange is causing a change from one house to another, the focus of the change needs to be found. Rule 1: The planet associated with the lagna, its lord or the ärüòha lagna will indicate the focus of the change. Example: if Sun is in the lagna in Scorpio and Mars is in Leo, then the exchange is happening from Mars to the Sun. This could mean that the guëa is changing from Tamas (Mars) to Sattva (Sun), and that this could be performed through physical activity or some exertion of energy (Agni tattva), and it would happen in the persons work area (tenth house), with focus on changing the native (lagna). Both planets are well placed in their signs, showing that the change benefits both parties.
  25. 1. Introduction to Parivartana Yoga Parivartana means; to turn around, exchange, one revolution or to return. It is one of the names of the second incarnation of Çri Vishnu, namely Çri Kürma Avatar. It refers to the condition of at least two planets having an exchange of placements, i.e. a planet placed in a sign, whose lord is placed in the sign lorded by the first planet, hence causing an exchange of placements. Example: the Sun is placed in Aries, whilst the lord Mars, is placed in Leo; this causes a parivartana or exchange between Sun and Mars. This is known as parivartana yoga. It is necessary to clarify the effects of parivartana yoga. When the parivartana occurs, the planets involved are working together to create a change. The nature of the change depends on the type of parivartana. 1.1. Types of parivartana Parivartana yoga can occur in the following ways: (1) between signs, (2) between nakñatras, (3) between houses. Here the parivartana between houses refers to the exchange between the karakas of the houses, and not to the exchange between lordships of houses. These three forms of parivartana are called; · Räçi and amça parivartana, when the parivartana occurs in the signs of the räçi and navämça. · Jéva parivartana, when the exchange occurs between the nakñatras and their lords. · Käraka parivartana, when the exchange occurs between the karakas of the houses, i.e. Sun in the fifth house, whilst Jupiter is placed in the first house.
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