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Everything posted by valaya

  1. I see this more as a personal thread, where we can share intimate glimpses of each other, rather than making `objective` observations or speaking in `quote vs. quote`. The former is, of course, a lot more difficult than the latter, especially for some. However, it is also a lot more rewarding. While voyeurs may experience life in some shadowy way, the real vital essence, which can only be gained by personal participation, is missed. To watch others' pour their hearts and souls out, even daring to applaud for more, without taking any personal risk by likewise contributing themselves, is simply miserly at best. In the end, we get what we pay for, don't we? If we ever hope to relate on any real level with Radha-Krsna and between ourselves, methinks the ante will have to be upped considerably. Anyone else in? I'm ready to see you and raise you one, maybe two...RR
  2. There is a separate thread for glorification of Sri Krsna, if you are inclined to do so, as Leyh has done already. The suggestion you would do well to listen to is that you avoid broadcasting anti-war or especially anything that could possibly be taken as pro-terrorist sentiments on the internet, or anywhere else that can identify you personally. If you cannot accept the seriousness of the present situation and the intense feelings involved as extremely volatile, you have only yourself to blame for whatever ensues. Whether or not you are at physical risk, just provoking those who have been initiated devotees for several decades and performed devotional service over so many years, is really asking for trouble. If you think sucking up to Krsna by `glorifying` Him can make up for disturbing His devotees, you're in for a big surprise! You're being called an IDIOT because you continue to act like one, moreso than due to your opinions, ignorant as they may be. A word to the maybe not so wise...
  3. Haribol Dr.Mel! While finding your treatises strangely compelling, prabhu, I respectfully suggest that your obviously fertile imagination and precise mind would be much better utilized by contemplating your own personal relationship with Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in the spiritual world, Goloka Vrndavana. Also, I hope that you are somehow able to take time from your hectic work schedule to chant japa mala regularly. Sincerely, valaya RR
  4. Long as you're having a great time, JRdd prabhu, and Maitreya can "keep on dancing". After all, that is what's important, eh?
  5. Wonder if Paul and the `rainbow warrior` crowd still don't understand why potential partisan sympathizers must be considered a possible threat, and dealt with accordingly. You're being watched, folks... [This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-24-2001).]
  6. Tried to get a `license to kill`, but they told me we don't do that in Can'tada! BTW, along with everything else, you seem to be confusing murder with execution. Anyway, it's that other guy you really should be worried about...
  7. ...and here I thought I'd lighten things up! Maitreya, you're not under attack and we appreciate you just the way you are. Ladies please, let's not go overboard with the `dump on men` theme, eh? Considering the coming war, it might be best not to totally emasculate us just yet! A little teasing's o.k., but... [This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-24-2001).]
  8. whoops! [This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-24-2001).]
  9. I guess making up labels showing pet pictures, pasting them on bottles of barbeque sauce, then leaving the anonymous `gifts` on co-workers' desks might really be asking for it, eh? Have to admit I've been out of the workplace for awhile, but perhaps that would be a good day to wear your oldest clothes, say on a `casual Friday`?
  10. There is a simple way to deter seduction attempts, indeed eliminate them. Simply put, it's personal hygiene or more succinctly, a complete lack of it. Actually, it could be as easy as casual gaseous emissions at the loudest possible volume. In other words, let 'er rip! This works best when she has friends over... Come to think of it though, I did know a `playful` wife that used to save her's all day until her husband was fast asleep beside her. Then she'd giggle while silently letting go, quickly pull the covers over his head and sit on his face laughing maniacaly! She was a petite woman and he was a really big guy, so what's a girl to do? BTW, this was revealed to me in deepest confidence, so guess I really can't be trusted after all, prabhus...
  11. So paul, why not take your higher understanding to Pakistan (see other thread) and teach them how to protect themselves with the Holy Names? They would probably welcome your `environmental protection`, as well, that you mentioned in your profile. I'm sure the `non-devotional` devotees here will miss your obviously astute insights, but just think of the deep realizations you'll have to share on your return! That is, if you return...
  12. I think the question was whether he should travel overland, that is drive, with the war situation as it is.
  13. O.K. dasanudas prabhu, that's enough funny faces from you...can't you see we're trying to have a serious conversation here on delicate matters? Don't make me have to come down there and give you what for! [This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-24-2001).]
  14. Yeh, I know what you mean, prabhu. Talk about putting our devotion where our mouth is, eh? RR
  15. Of course I can only speak from the personal perspective of my own life experience, but I've found that when certain people risk investing their trust in me, I seem to actually become more trustworthy. Perhaps because I respect and admire them in some way, I want to live up to their expectations. I do believe that others' expectations of us directly affect our perception of ourselves, which is automatically reflected in our behavior. If I truly believe in God's love, all else must surely follow, including trust in others. The question arises again, are we investing with the prospect of some personal benefit, or in service to the whole out of a higher love for God? Is not causeless Divine Grace an investment in us all, indiscriminately? If we are to actually realize our oneness and truly identify with each other, somehow the gap that separates us must be bridged. When someone extends their hand in friendship, shall we then examine it with our handy little magnifying glass for infectious germs? RR
  16. Who can doubt that we in the materialistic west have not lost our attachment to real spiritual values and our eternal identities? More than a military response will certainly be required and in that battle each of us is called upon to fight. This war could potentially unite us all in a truer vision of reality and a mutual committment towards it's realization. Maybe these people will actually prove to be genuine martyrs in the end, if their personal sacrifice results in our awakening, individually and collectively. While fighting tooth and nail, the significance of heart must be duly noted and acted upon. Those who would see these coming times as an opportunity for increased preaching may be forced to practice what they preach! [This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-24-2001).]
  17. For love to grow, a leap of faith is always required. Without risk, it would become more of a business transaction. Do we give in order to receive, or does the giving itself become the receiving? Our only relationship is with God! Love and fear cannot co-exist simultaneously. RR [This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-24-2001).]
  18. JRdd: [quote}I just had a hopeful thought I would like to share. All of us are suffering due to the modes of material nature, which we are simply compelled to act under. What hit me in a flash was how lucky I really am to experience this world as it really is; as Srila Prabhupada has said repeatedly, Krsna takes away from those He loves the most. Not that Krsna shows favoritism, but it IS a special favor, very special mercy, when Krsna does not allow His devotees to be very comfortable here. It appears ironic that those who worship Lord Shiva can prosper, while those who worship Visnu, the Lord of all Opulences, one can have nothing. That is because we are striving to go BEYOND this world. So Krsna, fulfilling those desires, orchestrates our movements to most effectively faciliate our distaste for, and detachment from, this world so we can head along, unimpeded, the progressive march back to Godhead.
  19. "Those who horde all the weapons are obliged to take on the entire fight themselves!" (valaya) RR
  20. Apparently some big money was made by massive stock trading just prior to and after the WTC attack. Terrorists are not beyond picking up a few bucks by any means! When someone, particularly as part of an organized group, becomes completely obsessed with their belief system, whatever it may be; and acts without consideration of anything besides violently forcing others to share those same beliefs as an active part of that group, it must be taken as a determined threat to the rest of us, regardless of the belief system. Since these people live in their own reality, recognizing only their own rules, no restraints can be imposed insofar as opposing them is concerned. This is street fighting at it's very worst. Those with no stomach for it would be best to stay out of it, philosophically as well as physically. The only consideration must be survival at any cost. Morality, religion, economics, etc. are not relevant for now. There is an appropriate time and place for everything and this is the time for a worldwide war, to confront the immediate danger which threatens all of us, in every aspect of our lives. This war will require coming together on every level including, spiritual, emotional and physical, like never before. Terrorism plants it's deadly weapons within our countries and ourselves, attempting to blow us apart. Hearts must be fused together as one and our common resolve must be firm until victory has been assured for the long term future, if that is even possible. After our first military response, when we judge the results good and bad, there will possibly be some time for broader analysis and discussion by the public at large. Now, during the calm before the storm, we must steel ourselves and each other for the coming battles, preparing for the worst. Terror is the weapon and it works by instilling irrational fear, disunity, panic, etc. This is what we must resist together if we are to do do the nasty dirty job needed, for the extended time it most probably will take to do it right. Real courage is required on the part of us all. valaya RR [This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-23-2001).] [This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-23-2001).]
  21. Just bring back the draft. Let the NCOs go to work on him! Then ship him overseas so he can learn how lucky he is to be an American.
  22. The smell of smoke brings termites crawling out of the woodwork in a panic! Makes 'em easier to squash!
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